Recent content by Kera

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. Kera

    How to survive in this present conditions

    What people need to survive in these days and times is planning and lifestyle adjustment to align with present reality.
  2. Kera

    Do you have meatless meals?

    Fish is far healthier than meat. If possible, incorporate more eggs and fish to your meal. But that can be expensive to practice.
  3. Kera

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    Marriage is becoming scarce only for the ladies. Men are marrying multiple wives same day in my country.
  4. Kera

    Living long on earth

    Anyone that wants to achieve longevity should ensure that they live a very healthy life to earn it.
  5. Kera

    Minimal use of technology can lead to business problems

    Any business that neglects technology nowadays would just stay to remain a local business with no potential for expansion.
  6. Kera

    What advantages do robotic robots have for businesses?

    Robots can achieve a very high level of output when when they are deployed for business operations. Far higher than humans.
  7. Kera

    Why you need to cross check the items supplied to your business before stocking.

    It is very important to cross check received stock for business. You can't be explaining to customers that the supplier brought bad stock.
  8. Kera

    Focus on your vision in business

    The harsh reality is that most people that are in business don't even have a vision apart from just surviving from the business.
  9. Kera

    Have you started investing this year?

    I bought some stocks this year. I hoped to add to it but the economic hardship prevented that. Next year would be much better.
  10. Kera

    Education loan

    Student loans is not popular in my country at all since it just started and most people in my country don't even like credit.
  11. Kera

    The effect of procrastination?

    It is a sub character of extremely lazy people to procrastinate. And lazy people can only rely on luck to progress.
  12. Kera

    Online dating consultant

    I don't know how some people have really been able to monetize this that it pays them. They offer relationship counseling services online and they have patrons.
  13. Kera

    Is repairing electronics profitable?

    When you are good at it, the business of repairing electronics is a very profitable business to do.
  14. Kera

    How do you rate the work of repairing generators?

    If the job is not lucrative anywhere else, it surely is very lucrative in Nigeria that we use generator as primary source of power for households.
  15. Kera

    Is Youtube actually a passive income?

    For artists that have many songs, YouTube is surely a passive income stream. Even dead artists are still earning from YouTube channels.
  16. Kera

    Are You Good At Building Referrals?

    I would not say I am a top level referrer but I try a little bit in referring. I talk to people and sell a site, idea or platform for them.
  17. Kera

    How to Make Passive Income Through Mobile App

    The fact that you have to keep on updating the app is passive? Unless you won't have to be updating the app again.
  18. Kera

    Building passive income by publishing articles

    Publishing of articles can be a good source of passive income when you publish it at the right places.
  19. Kera

    Building Passive Income on eCommerce Sites

    I don't know how passive it is to sell on e commerce sites. I know that you might need to continuously promote your products to have good sales.
  20. Kera

    Do pictures speak louder than words?

    I don't think there is anyone that can compare visual representation and verbal representation in terms of which one gives more clarity.
  21. Kera

    Buy now, sell later strategy in business

    That's what some business markets are all about. Buy the peak season and sell at a profit in the off season.
  22. Kera

    Can you buy in larger quantities for the sake of discounts or offers?

    I don't just buy things I don't need. But if it is something I need, I would even source for money from people to take advantage of the discounts and offers to stock up.
  23. Kera

    Saving in Gold Vs. Saving in Fiat Currency

    Gold would increase in value more than fiat currency would give you interest within the same time frame.
  24. Kera

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    I don't even think that I can stay up to 2 hours without my phone, even when I am extremely busy with work.
  25. Kera

    How much are you close with your sibling(s)?

    I am not too close with my siblings. We talk regularly, meet up and execute family projects but no one really gets into each other's private lives.
  26. Kera

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    Some good music can take your mind away from depressive tendencies. Get some motivational songs and listen to.
  27. Kera

    Are You Good At Baking

    I am not a master baker but I know that I can do some cakes that I can consume with my friends.
  28. Kera

    How can you rate your hard working level

    I am a real hardworker. On a scale of 10, I would say that I am about 8 in hardwork rating.
  29. Kera

    Do you embrace going for the medical check up after atleast six months?

    I have never kept to medical checkup in six months but it is simply the best way to ensure one stays healthy.
  30. Kera

    What was your strategies for accomplishing the saving goals?

    What really works for me to keep me in line with my saving goals is automated transfers. I don't need to think about those transfers.
  31. Kera

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    Showing love to another person is not something that is expensive to do. There are simple ways to show someone love ansld save them from depression.
  32. Kera

    Selling school supplies exclusively

    School supplies is a good business of it is located in a place where there are schools in that catchment.
  33. Kera

    The effects of saying come what may to the business

    It is not just about saying it but meaning it in your heart as a decision. At that level, nothing can stop your business success.
  34. Kera

    Relationship between expenses and passive income?

    The expenses that you incur with passive income is just for maintenance and upgrade. That is not avoidable of you want your passive stream to keep paying you.
  35. Kera

    Have you ever asked for salary advance? For what purpose?

    I have asked and gotten salary advance a couple of times. The last time I asked, I needed it to repair my toilet installations quickly.
  36. Kera

    What is your passive source of income in 2024?

    I was doing Bigo Live and made quite some good amounts of money. But I got bored because it drained by smartphone resources so much.
  37. Kera

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Whether you are doing online or offline business, it has to be popular in the community you operate in first of all.
  38. Kera

    Selling of copper wires?

    With this kind of business well set up, you don't really need much of adverts to get clients. They would find you.
  39. Kera

    Earning Free Crypto

    Airdrops have really helped people to get started with crypto without having to spend money directly to buy the crypto.
  40. Kera

    Reasons for doing part time Jobs

    Part time jobs is basically to earn some money to add to what you currently earn. Students also do part time jobs because they don't have the time for regular full time jobs.
  41. Kera

    Prepare more home-cooked meals

    Fast foods must add their profits to the cost they use to cook. You always eliminate having to pay for that profits when you cook your own food at home.
  42. Kera

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    When you have money, there are certain things that you pursue with calmness. Lack of money makes you nervous.
  43. Kera

    Earn passive income from Only Fans.

    I have a close colleague that has an Only Fans. She was sacked from work when the workplace discovered she has a Only Fans.
  44. Kera

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    I don't think I would be able to live in a house without that big mirror. It is one of the things that I first get in a house.
  45. Kera

    High school kids, to work as a gasoline boy, good or bad?

    A kid working in such a place is almost like child labour. It is very wrong no matter the circumstances.
  46. Kera

    Trekking to work to save money

    For this to be beneficial to a person, they obviously have to work in a place that is trekkable from their homes.
  47. Kera

    Do you think life is better with the usage of the Internet?

    The internet has made life very easy for a wide range of people. Cloud computing, smart devices are all aspects of the Internet that has made life very easy.
  48. Kera

    Do you feel Irritated because of season change?

    I have already adjusted to the seasonal changes right from childhood. They don't irritate me any longer.
  49. Kera

    What qualities do you value the most in your friends and the people you surround yourself with?

    I really want friends that are creative and smart. I wish to also have people that I can genuinely trust around me.
  50. Kera

    Passive vs Active Income

    I seriously believe that one needs both passive and active income to be able to survive financially in the present and the future.
  51. Kera

    How do you naturally relieved your pains?

    Neem leaves have been very potent in managing pains. I also use honey on such painful spots and they get relieved.
  52. Kera

    Pains of love

    I have been pained when a guy left me because I was too good for him. Can you imagine that?
  53. Kera

    interfering in parent's conflict

    It is very complex. When your point out the wrong of a parent and they don't agree they were wrong, it can make you have a frosty relationship with that parent.
  54. Kera

    Have You Sold Clothes Before?

    I have not ran clothes business but I have friends that are into selling of clothes and they are doing very well with it, but not without its own challenges.
  55. Kera

    Selling Budget Meals

    When you can source for foodstuff from the farm directly in bulky, you can afford to sell budget meals. And the business would be doing well.
  56. Kera

    Firing an employee with bad manners lawful or not

    A business person is operating to make profits and some bad manners of staff can hinder the realization of that purpose. And such staff need to be fired.
  57. Kera

    Is it fair not to hire an over qualified applicant?

    The rate of unemployment have even made people that are over qualified to agree to come down from their lofty heights and work at conditions that don't match their qualifications.
  58. Kera

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    The major things that bother people, if they have some good money, those things won't bother them again.
  59. Kera

    Benefits of establishing business in the rural areas

    I won't want to run a business in a rural area unless there is a large number of people in that location which is not usually the case.
  60. Kera

    Do you prefer the plastic or the wooden chairs?

    I don't think it is very comfortable to lean your back on a wooden chair. I prefer plastic chairs.
  61. Kera

    What do you think about other religion?

    I am not even conscious of religion to start with. I don't have any challenges with any religion or religious practices.
  62. Kera

    Is it possible to go into partnership business with a friend you do not trust?

    People still do it for business purposes. But they would make sure that they protect themselves with the terms they agree.
  63. Kera

    Reasons for increased debts in a business

    It could be lack of proper financial planning and decisions by the business leaders that makes the business to be in constant debts.
  64. Kera

    Best offline business for students in 2024

    I would generally say that students can start the business of selling wears in school. It would always do well.
  65. Kera

    Can a worker work two or three jobs?

    It depends on the work schedules of each job and the physical capacity of the individual to withstand all the three jobs.
  66. Kera

    Reasons to start your business today

    Not starting that your business idea might stop you from reaping the benefits of first time entrants into the market.
  67. Kera

    How to sustain a positive relationship in business?

    Positve relationships in a business makes that business not to ever be stranded in every aspect of the business.
  68. Kera

    Always have a backup plan for your business

    Back up plans help your business to have some leverage in case some failures happen in the main plan.
  69. Kera

    Is it right for a man to cheat?

    When people understand that they cause emotional turmoil to their partner when they cheat, they would understand that cheating is not good for any gender.
  70. Kera

    How many social sites are you actually using?

    I am very active on Instagram and TikTok. I don't do much on Facebook. I am zero on X.
  71. Kera

    Dont look like a fool if you are out of control

    Being out of control, especially when it comes to do with finances, is something that I really can't avoid.
  72. Kera

    Do you still drink milk?

    Milk contains high quality protein and calcium that are very good for the health. I still drink milk everyday.
  73. Kera

    How to manage "crab mentality" in a company?

    It is just part of the human nature to want to pull another person down. You have to be tough to overcome such people and it is very rampant on workplaces.
  74. Kera

    How to reduce poor pay for workers as a boss

    It is just about the boss being considerate and knowing that the staff have to survive optimally with what they are being paid.
  75. Kera

    Bad manners in business

    One of the bad manners that business people exhibit is to shout and talk down on customers. That chases customers away so much.
  76. Kera

    How can one juggle both online and offline jobs successfully

    One just has to be sure that they have sufficient time to handle both work models and schedule their times to accommodate them.
  77. Kera

    Which paid to post from pays the highest

    I studied the tiers in Discussion Bucks and discovered that the forum pays the most at higher tiers.
  78. Kera

    Do you think we can find a suitable match online?

    With the way the online world can be deceptive, I don't believe in the online space to find a suitable match.
  79. Kera

    Is there a suitable time to make money online?

    There is no suitable time to make money online. It is based on the respective schedules of individuals.
  80. Kera

    seasonal foods?

    Corn is a seasonal food that comes around March and April every year and I enjoy eating it for dinner a lot when it is in season.
  81. Kera

    You are poor because you lack self-discipline

    This lack of self discipline has really made people to take actions that would ruin their financial lives
  82. Kera

    Your biggest lessons so far as an entrepreneur

    I might not be ab entrepreneur but I work for a business organization and the biggest lesson that I have learned about business is that when a business is sincere with its customers and staff, they would be trusted more and have more sales.
  83. Kera

    Business questions to answer

    That's true. A proper feasibility and a sincere evaluation would be able to answer all these questions and give you a proper guidance on what to do.
  84. Kera

    How can you start a business with no support

    You would have to work and save some money that is sufficient for you to succeed in your business. It requires discipline.
  85. Kera

    Important skills needed as a tour guide

    The skill that is needed to be successful as a tour guide is to have knowledge of the world around where your domain is and also have good inter personal skills.
  86. Kera

    Is threads worth it?

    All the trends on micro blogging are from X. I have never heard or seen a trend from threads.
  87. Kera

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    I have not really taken loans in my life and I am not comfortable with it. I can't say I have been successful with it.
  88. Kera

    Why is forum posting to make money not popular?

    It is not really that popular. It would be very difficult to see a forum that has 1000 active members that post daily or every two days.
  89. Kera

    Moving in with a partner before marriage

    While I don't fault people that cohabit, I really can't move in with a partner because some guys would use that to treat you with contempt.
  90. Kera

    How much will it cost to set up a hair dressing salon?

    A normal street hair dressing saloon can be started with @$200 in the region that I live.
  91. Kera

    Do you dye your hair or beard?

    I have dyed my hair at different points in my life. And it sure always look good on me. Would be dying gold for a show by December.
  92. Kera

    How do you work on your phone for a long time?

    Sustained exposure to a screen can make your head and eyes to start aching. You just have to take breaks.
  93. Kera

    Do you use Paypal to trade or invest in crypto

    I don't think one can trade crypto using PayPal unless one wants to trade to dollar.
  94. Kera

    New đźš© Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    Paid to post has already been grounded for this forum. Sad that the admin can't keep a forum running for a year straight.
  95. Kera

    Which paid to post from pays the highest

    I earn about 8 cents if I post on Discussion Bucks everyday. I earn 10 cents from index forum. So index forum pays me more.
  96. Kera

    Beermoneyforum have incorporated AI bot in the forum

    There is nothing wrong with having a bot on the forum as far as it advances the course of the forum.
  97. Kera

    Do you work on Beermoneyforum ?

    I am not yet part of the beer money forum family. I hope to be a member of the forum soon.
  98. Kera

    Cant access Beermoneyforum

    You are saying this because most likely, you are a person that spams forums. I have heard too many good testimonies about beer money forum to believe you.
  99. Kera

    Lessons learnt from your past relationship

    What I have learned from my past relationships is that I should never be blinded by love in our decision making or we would lose out
  100. Kera

    Can you Eat One Dish in All meals?

    It would be so boring to keep eating one particular kind of food. And I can even lose appetite for food completely. 1727748678 It would be so boring to keep eating one particular kind of food. And I can even lose appetite for food completely.
  101. Kera

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    There are people that are genuine and loyal. One just has to look in the right places and they would find.
  102. Kera

    Do you carry umbrella with yourself in rainy weather?

    We are in the rainy season in my country and my umbrella is my most valuable property now.
  103. Kera

    Do You like Green veggies?

    I live in the tropics where green vegetable really thrives. And I eat very much of it.
  104. Kera

    What do you look to have?

    I want to have an iPhone and I am yet to get it. At least, an iPhone 12 would do.
  105. Kera

    Are you good At English Speaking?

    I can speak English very well. I have been using the language from very young as a child till now.