Recent content by Niyi Briggs

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  1. Niyi Briggs

    At what age should a parent stop taking care of a child?

    A child that is an early shooter would likely get independent around 20 years of age.
  2. Niyi Briggs

    Which one do you prefer, shopping online or purchasing in a local store?

    I mostly purchase from local stores now. I rarely have to make purchases online except for specialised products.
  3. Niyi Briggs

    Corruption in business

    The business world is very corrupt and it is very difficult to see businesses that don't have shady deals underneath.
  4. Niyi Briggs

    Do you think Facebook advertisement is a good place for business marketing?

    As far as digital marketing is involved, Facebook is the most perfect place to market a business.
  5. Niyi Briggs

    Sell a service

    People don't actually need so much capital to start a service based business if they can look inwards.
  6. Niyi Briggs

    Connection Between Advertising and Sales

    Advertising is very important to drive sales to a business but it must be through the right channels that would reach the target audience.
  7. Niyi Briggs

    How to Attract Investors for Your Business

    To attract investors to your business, there must be a solid foundational plan for your business.
  8. Niyi Briggs

    When would be the best time to startup a business

    There is no best time to start up a business. As long as a demand and a gap continues to exist, a business can run.
  9. Niyi Briggs

    Do you approach a fixer in business?

    It is those that have a whole lot of money that enter business and want to pay fixers to do everything for them.
  10. Niyi Briggs

    What are your thoughts on bringing a lunchbox to work?

    Hunger is not a respecter of persons and if you can bring a lunch box to work, you save yourself from the hunger.
  11. Niyi Briggs

    Are you a fan of NBA?

    I love the NBA but I'm not really a fan. I prefer the NFA to NBA. However, I ama a fan of the former not the later
  12. Niyi Briggs

    How Many Jobs Have You Handled At Once?

    I can multi-task very well it's just a matter of planning my day. I can be cooking and washing Plates and cleaning the room at the same time while checking my tasks online
  13. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like to go for shopping?

    Shopping is more fun when you have money. I enjoy shopping when I have spare cash to spend
  14. Niyi Briggs

    Do you have a Garden?

    I have a garden at the entrance of the compound just by the left corner under a big tree. I plant pepper, okra and water leaf. I ensure the place is always neat and well cared for as it is at the entrance of the house
  15. Niyi Briggs

    Selling fashion jewelry good or bad

    Jewelry is one thing that many women would always want to stack up every day.
  16. Niyi Briggs

    Unwanted customers

    When such a customer comes to patronize, one can't drag them outside. You just have to tell them about the pains of your patronage,
  17. Niyi Briggs

    Make money renting out your assets

    Nowadays, anything that one has can be rented out so as get some small money.
  18. Niyi Briggs

    Is it wrong to compliment workers without really meaning it?

    If that compliment would help to boost their morale and make them better, I would always give that to my staff.
  19. Niyi Briggs

    Do you consider staking as a business?

    Staking is not a business from my fair knowledge. It is an investment in the real sense.
  20. Niyi Briggs

    What floor cleaner do you use?

    I use a disinfectant called Hypo to clean my toilet floors and walls including the toilet seat.
  21. Niyi Briggs

    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Various Industries and Its Potential Benefits

    In the educational sector, teachers can use AI to help set and mark questions for a examination.
  22. Niyi Briggs

    There is more to making money online

    If we utilise every value that we have on paid to post forums, forums would be much more than just making money with posts.
  23. Niyi Briggs

    How do you stay off trouble

    I always try to stay on my own and mind my own business. That to some extent helps me stay away from trouble.
  24. Niyi Briggs

    Would you accept refugees in your country?

    If I were to call the shots, I would not allow refugees in my country. The ones that we allowed are the ones that are doing terrorism in the country.
  25. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like Guava fruit?

    I really love guava fruits. I love to eat the big ones that are properly ripened.
  26. Niyi Briggs

    Is Maggi Noodles Popular in your country?

    I don't think I have ever seen a brand of noodles called Maggie in my country. It might not even exist here.
  27. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like Porridge?

    I really like porridge. It could be porridge made with yem or made with plantain.
  28. Niyi Briggs

    When last do you take a road trip

    It has really been long since I had to ply the roads on a long journey. That's because of insecurity on our roads.
  29. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like to play Football in the rain?

    My parents never allowed me to play football in the rain but I used to sneak and play.
  30. Niyi Briggs

    Would you like to implement hot desking at your company or not?

    Hot desking really helps an organization to conserve space. I think if I have a formal organization I would implement hot desking.