Recent content by Passiveearner

  1. P

    Payment Updates

    Hello @Cam ! How are you? Is there a specific day when payments are processed on indexforum? And what is the minimum payout threshold as of now?
  2. P

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    The quality of the used clothes could be a detrimental factor when it comes to pricing such kind of clothes. Used clothes are still much cheaper comparatively.
  3. P

    Again and again in debts

    The main reason why so many people suffer from bad debt is due to the fact that they borrow loans and they get stuck in this cycle.
  4. P

    What is your best money-saving travel hack?

    People could try to find the best deals online, as many websites tend to offer many different types of discount offers. However, most if the "discount offers" are actually quite deceptive.
  5. P

    How do you make sure you avoid the poverty?

    Majority if the people in this world suffer from poverty. In many cases, they do not get many opportunities to get rid of poverty and improve their lifestyle. People should work hard and find new ways to deal with poverty. Investing in the market could be a worthwhile thing to do.
  6. P

    How many income sources do you have?

    Inflation has been growing a lot. Under such conditions, it is very important to make sure that you develop more and more sources of income. It could be easier said than done. However, people should still try their best.
  7. P

    Biggest mistake in financing

    Not doing the homework properly is one of the main reasons why many people regret financing a business. People should know the importance of financial analysis and business opportunities when it comes comes to investing in the right manner.
  8. P

    Not paying enough for retirement

    There are many mistakes made by people in their lives. Many people never work hard enough to get promoted. This is why they usually pay the price in their older ages when they get retired
  9. P

    Education loan

    Well, if the government focuses in this issue, then they could solve many problems related to education system. In many countries, interest-free loans are available for students.
  10. P

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    The dollar Stretcher is a website that pays people to write articles. This is what I have read online. You may need to contact the website administration. They pay people for sharing tips. However, most if the tips are related to people living in the USA.
  11. P

    Do you like fixed income or variable income?

    There are advantages and disadvantages of both fixed income and variable income. When it comes to variable income, the earning potential could be unlimited in many cases.
  12. P

    Fixed Asset vs Liquid Asset

    I think that it could be a really hard thing to sell a fixed asset. Fixed assets include houses and other assets such as companies and business. It takes time to sell them.
  13. P

    What are some dos and don'TS when creating a strong banking password?

    Creating a mixture of letter, numbers, and other specific kinds of symbols can greatly help protect your bank account in many different ways. Hackers are everywhere.
  14. P

    What's the best money saving purchases?

    The "buy one, get one free" offer seems to be one of the best offers. You literally get a product for free when you buy a specific product.
  15. P

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    I think the daily payment method enables people to withdraw money whenever they want. There are so many websites that have a daily payout limit. This makes it easier for people and they do not need to wait.
  16. P

    How is the country's finances affecting the personal finances?

    I think that a country's economy could play a very important role. This is due to the fact that when a country has enough money, inflation gets cooled down. This nay affect personal finances in many ways. The purchasing power of people increases.
  17. P

    Should you avoid Coinbase?

    Coinbase is a very popular exchange. It is also a very popular wallet as well, which us used by many people around the globe. However, Coinbase is not free from flaws. You cannot trade in cryptocurrencies if you live in certain countries. So, what are some reasons to avoid Coinbase?
  18. P

    New đźš© Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    I am not a really big fan of insurance. However,I am still participating on the Insured Forum website and still contributing to the site. My posts are mostly related to negative aspects of insurance no one discusses about.
  19. P

    Relationship between personal finance and community services?

    Personal finance refers to financial expenses, positions, and income of a person. When it comes to serving a community, personal finance nay olay a big role. A person who earns a good sum of money may be able to contribute a lot to his community and help the community financially. So, what are...
  20. P

    Do you prepare financial statements?

    Financial statements tend to be a very important aspect of any kind of business. Financial statements are a table of records and they contain analysis of expenditures and profits of a Company. This includes analysis of depreciation of assets as well in many cases. So, do you prepare them?
  21. P

    Do you invest in foreign currencies?

    There are many people who always want to invest money in the Forex market. However,I am actually talking about investing money as a currency holder. There are many people who u vest money in foreign currencies as such investments could prove to be beneficial. So, do you incest money in foreign...
  22. P

    What is the most interesting thing about finance?

    Finance could be a Pretty interesting field. There are many things I like about finance. The fact that accounting is something that I like. I like to manage my accounts, earnings, profits, expenses, etc. So this is what I like about finance. What about you?
  23. P

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    In many cases, people would seel loans from their family members and relatives. They may also seek loans from friends.
  24. P

    Have you ever thought of quitting your job over low pay?

    Most of the people cannot think about quitting their jobs under current circumstances. Economy is performing poorly. So, it does not make sense to quit job. However, things could be different in case if you are not being paid well and not being treated well at the same time
  25. P

    How do you spend the monthly emergency funds when no emergency happened on that month?

    Well, many people would simply not spend money that month. Saving as much money as possible is good thing. So, in such cases people may have enough money in case if they face emergency in the future.
  26. P

    How do you normally spend the money for earned from your side hustles?

    Right now I am not spending money at all. I am rather trying to save as much money as I can. This is obviously quite hard thing to do considering the fact that inflation is quite high.
  27. P

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    I think many people may not want to share tips with others when it comes to saving enough money. However, there are still many online websites where you can still find many uncommon tips that can help you to save money. The Dollar Stretcher website provides tips and tricks that are not that...
  28. P

    Have you ever withdrawn everything from the bank and to what reason?

    I think that there are many clients who tend to withdraw all if their money at once for many reasons. In many cases, they do that because the staff may not be treating them well.
  29. P

    Are you really happy with your salaries?

    $2,000 salary may be good depending on where you live. By the Grace and Mercy of Allah Almighty, I am also pretty happy with what I earn. Managing expenses and trying to manage salaries at the same time could be pretty hard thing. I always pray that I always manage to deal with expenses by the...
  30. P

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    It is always a good idea to withdraw money from banks when you need money. I save money in dollars. Despite the fact that many countries are trying to suppress the value of dollar, the value of dollar is still increasing. I do not save money in bank accounts. I prefer inline payment processors.
  31. P

    Do you buy everything for your household?

    Many people have to drop many items. However, many people end up spending money extravagantly. This depends on the budget of each person.
  32. P

    How do you control your personal financial planning and expenditure?

    I many cases, expenses could not be controlled. Miscellaneous expenses are a real thing. You may end up spending a lots of money in the end when you need to spend money on unexpected things. This is a real deal.
  33. P

    Can you invest in crypto with all your money?

    I am quite sure if people had even slight idea about how great bitcoin would perform after the year 2010, then many people would have had invested their life savings.
  34. P

    How do I develop good saving habits?

    There are many ways you can develop good saving habits. However, the key here us to develop enough willpower for that. Many people do not even have enough willpower and they ne up spending more money.
  35. P

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    I think that there are many reasons for that. Many people nay think that they have the vest business strategy. They may think that all they need to do is take loans and they may even succeed in convincing the lender as well. However, in the end they fail eventually.
  36. P

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    You may never know how those old clothes were used. If people had enough purchasing power, then I guess that people would have had always preferred new clothes. Old clothes could be recycled.
  37. P

    What happens when you default in repayment of your loans?

    It seems like many people have the habit of taking loans. This is why many loaning apps have been able to take advantage of many innocent people. The government in here has failed to take any action against them these apps get access to sensitive information of user and misuse the data.
  38. P

    Education loan

    The governmental institutions in here are not completely free. Even though they are not totally free, they tend to be extremely low in cost. The government has its own policies to make students pay more. There were reports of government planning to increase fees
  39. P

    What are your top five tips to save money?

    This depends on what you call "emergency funds". Many people do not even believe in this concept and they tend to have a different savings plan.
  40. P

    Is finance a really broad field?

    Finance is related to business. There are many people who dedicate their lives to this field because this field seems to be pretty interesting and it us also pretty lucrative as well. However, how broad is the field if finance? What do you think?
  41. P

    What happens when you default in repayment of your loans?

    I really hate usury and there are many reasons for that. Many people not only get their mortgages confiscated, but they may also end up paying interest. Sometimes I don't even understand why people even borrow loans in the first place.
  42. P

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    Most of the people never get succesful after borrowing loans. They utilise flawed business and financial strategies that never allow them to be successful. Obtaining loans and investing in a business is very risky.
  43. P

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    This is a very huge problem in my country. The cost of living has increased tremendously. However, salaries of people are not increasing. The best way to deal with this problem is to cut down cost of living. Moving to a poor neighbourhood is something many people in here are doing right now.
  44. P

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    It can be a pretty hard thing to pay the loan back,especially when hou tend to have multiple loans. Loan management strategies may help a lot. You can always rollover loans.
  45. P

    What happens when the people you lend money don't pay back?

    In many cases, people may take some kind of legal action. However, this also depends on the amount of money you borrowed. Laws may differ in this regards.
  46. P

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    Turning off electrical appliances is also one of the best ways to save money. Nowadays many people turn off refrigerator to save money. This also includes turning off other electrical appliances as well.
  47. P

    Education loan

    The college fees in my country is already very low. However, I a talking about governmental colleges and universities. Private colleges and universities are quite expensive.
  48. P

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    I have never defaulted when it comes to paying loans. This is due to the fact that I have never borrowed loans from banks or any other institution. I owe some money to my family members.
  49. P

    How did you build your financial knowledge?

    I tend to obtain knowledge about finance and commerce by using Internet. I do not have a degree in finance, but there is a lot information available over the internet.
  50. P

    Where do you get short term loans?

    I never obtain loans from financial organizations. They charge interest and I really hate it. Interest money damages economy in the long run. This is why I obtain short-term loans from my family members.
  51. P

    Renting Vs buying a house

    I do not think that it would be a really great idea to get a loan and buy a house. Unfortunately, this is what many people do. If you have spare cash, then you can buy a house and rent it out.
  52. P

    What is the best strategy for sticking on your saving goals.?

    Not spending a lot of money could be one of the basic factors that may determine how much money you will be saving. However, the amount of money you earn could also play a huge role as well
  53. P

    What is your strategy for the repayment of loans?

    Not borrowing an incredibly huge sum of money could make it easier to pay the loan back. Many people get addicted to taking loans and this eventually increases bad debt.
  54. P

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    Well, it seems like not all the people would prefer buying old clothes. This is quite understandable due to the affordability factor. This obviously depends on the purchasing power of the person
  55. P

    What is your criteria for determining the person that you can lend money on?

    I am not a really big fan of lending money. In fact, I absolutely dislike earning interest. This is why I have always preferred investing in businesses rather than lending out money. However, in rare cases, I would offer interest-free loans to my family members in case if they really need money.