Recent content by Sanjeev

  1. Sanjeev

    4 Ways to Build Passive Income Through Investment

    I agree with the fact that why I have not bought a property but have started investing in stocks. I am not sure if I will be able to earn from cryptocurrency so have not started investing in them.
  2. Sanjeev

    What other passive income forums are you active?

    I am also hearing about soapbox for the first time. Can you throw some light on this site?
  3. Sanjeev

    Selling Jewellery A Great Business

    Yes it is a food business as they make money through the making charges of the ornaments as gold rate is same everywhere.
  4. Sanjeev

    How will you use you rif money

    I don't have any specific plan to do anything with my RIF earnings. My earnings will get transferred to my bank account and will be used like I use money from my account.
  5. Sanjeev

    How to help reduce work pressure for your employees

    I am from India and I was talking about Japan where they have such a culture, you can think of moving to Japan.
  6. Sanjeev

    4 Ways to Build Passive Income Through Investment

    If you can afford to buy a property and give it on rent then I think it is the best way to earn passive income. Stock market is bit risky and if you can afford to take risks then only you should invest in it. It's one of the best ways to earn good about of money in short period. I have started...
  7. Sanjeev

    How to know the right products to offer your target audiences

    You should study the customer needs and expectations. If you do not do that your product will never be preferred by customers.
  8. Sanjeev

    Have You Sold Clothes Before?

    No, I have not tried it but it's a good business and many people here do it. They buy clothes wholesale and sell them in retail and gain good profit.
  9. Sanjeev

    Are you an affiliate? share your experience

    No, I am not in to affiliate marketing but very soon I will join, I am gathering knowledge about it these days
  10. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    That's is fine. Sometimes I also do exceptionally well and earn $2 a day but that's very rare. Most of the time my earnings are less than a dollar.
  11. Sanjeev

    Living on interest

    My father is retired from a government job and he gets more than enough pension to feed himself. Moreover, he doesn't have to spend money on his health issues, it is taken care of by the government. Yes, some people have lots of savings and they are dependent on the interest they get on their...
  12. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    @Johnson2468 I appreciate your efforts, you must be working very hard on these sites to reach it. I hardly earn $1 or less on PTP sites. It all depends on time and selection of the sites
  13. Sanjeev

    Do you eat outside on weekends?

    Occasionally I go out for dinner on weekends. There is no hard and fast rule that I will go out to the restaurant. It depends on time and mood.
  14. Sanjeev

    What is the easiest way to make money online?

    I usually select sites which are not strict and where you can chat with people, I mean it should not be like you have to think a lot before posting.
  15. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    Hmm., .thats's possible but certainly a difficult task. I would say if one is having good writing skills then he/she must go for writing articles, in my opinion, that is the best way to earn from the sites.
  16. Sanjeev

    What is the age when one should be asked to start earning?

    I believe once a child gets involved in earning money he/she won't study hard which will be the cause he/she will repent for it and will curse his/her parents for it.
  17. Sanjeev

    Combined income of your family

    I have seen people who spend beyond their budget through credit cards and repent when they have to pay back.
  18. Sanjeev

    What is your opinion about mylot site?

    I am a user of mylot for the last 12 years and almost earn $5 from it every month. Yes, the site is slow if you expect earnings as you do on RIF. You should focus more on interacting with others. Just responding to the posts won't earn you much there.
  19. Sanjeev

    Combined income of your family

    I never owned a credit card. I believe when you have them you will start spending more money.
  20. Sanjeev

    How to help reduce work pressure for your employees

    It depends on the work culture. I have heard in many companies, owner provides space to take nap for few minutes so as to reduce stress of the employees.
  21. Sanjeev

    What is the age when one should be asked to start earning?

    I am against it. I don't want my kids to start earning at a younger stage. I want them to focus on their studies and earn when they complete their studies.
  22. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    Just took a break and posting here
  23. Sanjeev

    Combined income of your family

    @Starmix you have lots of earning members in the family which helps take financial decisions.
  24. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of Picoworkers?

    I hate micro job works because most of them ask to register on a site/app. And many of the jobs are which I cannot understand.
  25. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    Tea break at work now.
  26. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of Picoworkers?

    No, I am not on coworkers. I have heard they pay well. I didn't join it because in the past I joined such sites but never could be able to find anything interesting job for me.
  27. Sanjeev

    Combined income of your family

    That's fine. Most of the families here have two earning members. The trend is changing women have started working as inflation is increasing so people can not live well with the salary of a single person in a family nowadays.
  28. Sanjeev

    How to help reduce work pressure for your employees

    Continuously giving them a healthy and good working environment. Also, don't overburden them by giving them too much workload as this is the major reason why people leave jobs.
  29. Sanjeev

    Combined income of your family

    I am the only one who earns in my family, my wife is a housewife and my kids are still studying.
  30. Sanjeev

    Is it a must to insure your business against fire?

    Fire is the most common factor which destroys the property of people therefore property should always be insured to cover up losses.
  31. Sanjeev

    What is the age when one should be asked to start earning?

    @IB D yes that is very important because they have a whole life to earn money but values should be learned at a fixed age.
  32. Sanjeev

    MBA Worth it?

    MBA is a degree, they teach you the basics but how to implement them depends on a person. Yes it may help you to get good salary but it depends.
  33. Sanjeev

    Benefits of an employer maintaining positive attitude in the workplace

    It helps as the employee remain motivated due to the positive attitude of an employer.
  34. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    That is an achievable target. I wish you may be able to achieve the same.
  35. Sanjeev

    Which Other Forums Do You Post On?

    I have heard a lot about forum coin so thinking of joining it soon. I want to diversify my earnings.
  36. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    I have always thought of setting the target @saoussen5765 but most of the time, my offline job hours are not fixed so get very less time some days.
  37. Sanjeev

    How do you do to customers that refuses to pay their debts

    Where to report such customers? Here in India judiciary system is slow so will take years to decide what to do.
  38. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    I have not checked it. BMF is a good site, one can earn well on it if one spends time on it
  39. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    I will also try to join the site in a few days and will let you know about it.
  40. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    That will be good if they join the sites you recommend to them.
  41. Sanjeev

    Your last Drink

    It is too early to have dinner.
  42. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    That will be fine for him, that will help him to earn some additional money.
  43. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    And it is stressed when the target is not achieved. I have noticed it in the past and now I try not to take stress too much on my mind.
  44. Sanjeev

    Your last Drink

    What time is it at your place?
  45. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    That's also with me too. I set target of $2-3 but not able to achieve it because sometimes I get stuck in offline work so much that I don't get time to spend on the sites
  46. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    It doesn't matter now because we don't earn from the referrals here.
  47. Sanjeev

    My Second payment from RIF.

    Congrats on getting paid. I don't see you here these days. Are you busy these days?
  48. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    You should see a doctor or should take the help of Ayurveda
  49. Sanjeev

    What Was the Very First Website You Used to Earn Online

    I was talking about the beer money forum, maybe it was in the starting they used to take time to approve comments but not now.
  50. Sanjeev

    Your last Drink

    Again having a cup of tea in a break at work.
  51. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    It adds value if someone gives us a trick to earn and helps us to achieve the targets we have set
  52. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    Yes we cannot blame them but it hurts when they join at the recommendation of others.
  53. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hmm...seems your body is adapted to it now.
  54. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    @reti oh, it will affect your health. Have you seen a doctor.
  55. Sanjeev

    How to leave a job on good terms

    You should never say bad words about the company or the people working in the company. Also, you should not stop working during the notice period as many people do.
  56. Sanjeev

    What is the easiest way to make money online?

    The sites which offer low earnings always require lots of efforts.šŸ˜¬
  57. Sanjeev

    Do you like to have New year resolutions?

    I never could achieve them so I have left taking resolutions as of now.
  58. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    I don't know why people do that. I know a few members whom I told about RIF, they didn't join through my referral link but with someone else's.
  59. Sanjeev

    Your last Drink

    It's morning here and I have just woke up.
  60. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    Do you know anyone on that site, which can confirm that it's a legit site?
  61. Sanjeev

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    I cannot trust a site unless someone posts payment proof. I always doubt a forum site when it pays more than the other sites.
  62. Sanjeev

    Question Referral(s)

    RIF had a referral system a few months ago which is discontinued now.
  63. Sanjeev

    Would you deduct worker's salary for being late?

    It can only happen when they manually enter the arrival timings of the employees otherwise in most companies here we have an automatic machine where we scan our finger/face and our time is punched in the system.
  64. Sanjeev

    Your last Drink

    I just have a cup of tea a few minutes ago.
  65. Sanjeev

    Do you like to have New year resolutions?

    No, I don't wait for a new year to take resolutions. I do it any time of the year.
  66. Sanjeev

    What can make an employee to resign?

    Sometimes when you see your friends resigning you feel like you should also resign so the person starts searching job faster than before and when getting a new job, he/she resigns.
  67. Sanjeev

    How do you do to customers that refuses to pay their debts

    Always stick to your payment terms that is what one can do to avoid such a situation. I understand how painful it is for a businessman when a loyal customer doesn't pay the debts.
  68. Sanjeev

    Personal Questions in Job Interviews

    We don't have any law here which says that an employee can't be asked such personal questions in a job interview but that's fine they should avoid asking such questions which are not relevant and are not helpful to know about a candidate.
  69. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    Not willing to go to work today
  70. Sanjeev

    Solving Crosswords

    I don't like solving them, it stresses my brain.
  71. Sanjeev

    Do you want to have kids one day? How many?

    I have two kids and I always wanted to have two kids
  72. Sanjeev

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    Most of the users are on almost all the sites so they come to know easily which site is paying well and from which site it is easy to earn.
  73. Sanjeev

    Why Do Many People Have No Savings?

    Unseen expenses and less salary are the major reasons why people aren't able to save money at the rate they should.
  74. Sanjeev

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    I think referral income affects people inviting others to join the site. I have seen new people not joining the site at the rate it used to be in the past.
  75. Sanjeev

    Factors to consider before taking part time job

    Time and money are the two factors on which taking a part-time job depends. Some people take up part-time jobs and stress themselves and they repent afterwarde.
  76. Sanjeev

    What are the elements of effective communication

    Yes, communication plays an important role in every sphere of life. What I feel is the message should be clear it should not be misinterpreted.
  77. Sanjeev

    How to Build an Affiliate marketing Business

    What is the price of creating a site? I have heard a lot about affiliate marketing that people earn well through it. One must try it wants to earn well.
  78. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    I feel hard to reach the target of $2 these days as I have lots of things to do in real life at present.
  79. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    Let me check here. I guess you gave me the link of PB. Maybe I am mistaken.
  80. Sanjeev

    Things to consider before using rental business as a passive income

    Firstly you should ensure that the property you are buying will get you enough rent. Therefore one must check the location of the property.
  81. Sanjeev

    The advantages of creating a passive income stream through rental properties

    Yes, it's the best way to earn passive income. But the only problem with it is that the rates of the property are too high to buy these days. But still, it's a better option to buy it on a loan.
  82. Sanjeev

    What do you think about time theft in the workplace

    They try to hide in the middle of employees. They take longer breaks than others. They look nervous too.
  83. Sanjeev

    What are the common mistakes in affiliate marketing?

    I am not into affiliate marketing but I think the most common mistakes people do it: they dont have an adequate knowledge, also they dont have patience as we know it takes time to earn but they leave without thinking of it.
  84. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    We still have a lunch break here
  85. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    At work, on break
  86. Sanjeev

    How many job are you doing?

    Though I have a single offline job I believe one should have another source of income so that may be helpful when there is any diverse situation.
  87. Sanjeev

    What can make an employee to resign?

    There are many reasons for an employee to resign and the major ones are: 1. Work pressure. 2. Less salary 3. Not good working environment. 4. Better opportunity. 5. Location preferences. 6. Family issues 7. Further studies.
  88. Sanjeev

    What is the easiest way to make money online?

    No doubt PTC sites are easier to earn but they are slow and boring. I won't prefer them but would like to work more on PTP sites.
  89. Sanjeev

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    That's what one should do. When we know we won't be able to contribute on a site we should not try it.
  90. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    Just have a dinner.
  91. Sanjeev

    Is selling of photos online lucrative

    Yes it's not easy to earn this way, it's not easy to get the customer to buy photos.
  92. Sanjeev

    Earn from

    Yes it was the announcement that they have merged it with BMF for some time till they update that site
  93. Sanjeev

    How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

    No it won't run because we have lots of people doing this business. There is lots of competition here in it.
  94. Sanjeev

    Increase in posting rates at Postbucks

    Truly speaking even after taking the gold membership I am not able to reach $1 in a day. It's been around 10 days back I took the membership.šŸ¤¢
  95. Sanjeev

    How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

    Hmm...I have to start my business soon as it may get settled before I get retired because I won't have any other source of income after retirement.
  96. Sanjeev

    Investing In Stocks On Your Own or Through A Broker?

    Yes I am into stock trading. I buy and sell shares through a broker. He is like an advisor for me. He advice when and which share I should buy and when should I sell a share
  97. Sanjeev

    How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

    Yes, I also have heard from people that they earn well from affiliate marketing. I am also willing to start it and gather some knowledge about it. I will surely start it soon once I will confident that I know 60% about affiliate marketing.
  98. Sanjeev

    How much did you earn the quickest and what platform is that

    I was pretty sure that they are going to stop paying soon because they were paying as compared to other sites and may not be able to generate profit.
  99. Sanjeev

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    You may be able to do it. I see you are active on many sites and work hard almost on all the sites
  100. Sanjeev

    Postbuck's penalty for inactivity- Fair or Unfair.

    I will not try it because I cannot handle too many forums together I will have to leave some and l am leaving PB.
  101. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    Being fast is not the only way, you should have something in mind to write. There are times when my mind is blank and I am not able to write anything on a post.
  102. Sanjeev

    How to grow your savings

    You need to make a budget and make sure you spend as per your budget only. Also, try not to waste water, or electricity to minimize your bills. Try to spend less on fuel.
  103. Sanjeev

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    It's better to leave early and ensure a margin of at least 15 minutes so that you may not get late at the office.
  104. Sanjeev

    What do you think about an earning site with daily withdrawal

    I would like to find such a site but no site will do this because it will make lots of work for them as they will have to process the payments daily.
  105. Sanjeev

    Have You Ever Left An Earning Website because of admins Behavior?

    An admin should not be rude if he/she wants to have lots of users on the site. There should be rules so that people may not make the site a mess but those penalties should not be very hard.
  106. Sanjeev

    Impossible to find a job without help?

    Yes being a fresher it is difficult to find a job here. Once you get experience there are more possibilities that you may get a good job.
  107. Sanjeev

    Working from home makes life easier?

    I don't think so. If I were doing work from home, I would have no routine like I ha e when I have reach office at specified time.
  108. Sanjeev

    Working hours and the Job

    I have a regular offline job and compulsorily we have to work for 9-10 hours a day.
  109. Sanjeev

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    When will the result come?
  110. Sanjeev

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    I wish I win.
  111. Sanjeev

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    Are you still able to earn $1 for the day? I am not able to do so. I have been trying hard these days to do so.
  112. Sanjeev

    Increase in posting rates at Postbucks

    That's fine. I told you I had a bad experience on that site, few of my posts were removed and money was deducted.
  113. Sanjeev

    Earn from

    I wish so. I was comfortable with it because I could be able to find posts of my interest there unlike on BMF where the topics are not interesting. People mostly post about the sites and ask if it is legit or not.
  114. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    How do you transfer it to real money? I do it through zebpay. Have you heard about this app?
  115. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    @Ginger I told you about indiastudychannel you can check it. I don't know any other Indian site which pays
  116. Sanjeev

    Increase in posting rates at Postbucks

    I hope @Starmix or @Ginger will find a new site that has a better pay rate so that we may be able to earn at least $5 per day. I don't think we will be able to learn much from PB. Just my opinion.
  117. Sanjeev

    How much did you earn the quickest and what platform is that

    @Ginger yes they have stopped paying now. I was happy when I was earning from noise and thought I have landed on a good site. But then after a few months, they reduced their pay rates and then I left the site and never saw if it is paying or not.
  118. Sanjeev

    How to get the referrals?

    I have seen you have lots of referrals on almost all the sites. You have that skill of convincing people and make them your referrals, that's what one should have.
  119. Sanjeev

    Postbuck's penalty for inactivity- Fair or Unfair.

    I am not active on post bucks and I think all my earnings may have been reduced and have become zero. But that's fine because I am not going to be on that site ever.
  120. Sanjeev

    As a young person, would you do farming business?

    Every person has a different mentality, most people think that if you work on a laptop and own an AC cabin then you earn well. But that's not always true.
  121. Sanjeev

    Do you carry your family's business?

    @Niyi Briggs my thoughts are different, it takes time to settle your business and once you inherit business you don't need time to settle but you should try to expand it.
  122. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    Oh, I didn't read your post. Let me check it. I was also hurt by a user there which I pmed you. I am not interacting with that person anymore now.
  123. Sanjeev

    Can we become affiliate marketers if we don't have many followers on social media?

    @Chibson so do you mean I should start my blogs? On which site should I start?
  124. Sanjeev

    As a young person, would you do farming business?

    I don't know why these youngsters consider agriculture a low business. Whereas I feel one can earn good money through farming. I know many farmers who make good money than the people who work in a private companies.
  125. Sanjeev

    Can we become affiliate marketers if we don't have many followers on social media?

    @Chibson I dont a blog and also I have a few followers on social media, can you suggest how to start affiliate marketing? It
  126. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    Moreover these days I want to concentrate only on three sites RIF, BMF and mylot. I have made a target of $2 per day. Let's see if I can achieve it or not.
  127. Sanjeev

    Factors to consider before outsourcing business tasks

    First, we must check the cost should not exceed to affect our profit margins. Then we should check if the vendor is capable of maintaining quality and desired output. Also, we should check the location of the vendor, it should not be far from your business and should have a mole transport...
  128. Sanjeev

    Finding The Right Location for your Business Is A MUST

    That is the reason we must do some research before opening any business considering all the factors which may cause profit or loss to the business.
  129. Sanjeev

    Uninvited guest

    Even though they are uninvited but still we have to entertain them as we cannot ask them to go out.
  130. Sanjeev

    Finding The Right Location for your Business Is A MUST

    I agree with it. The location of a business is very important. We need to check if our business will be profitable and if we will be able to get enough customers at the place we have decided to start our business.
  131. Sanjeev

    Vendors that are not always in their shops..

    It's frustrating and I avoid going to such vendors again. I hate waiting for anything, for me my time is more precious than money.
  132. Sanjeev

    What is the easiest way to make money online?

    Nothing is easy in this especially when it is to earning money. I have seen people who are full-time online earners work more than people who work offline. I feel that earning from the PTP sites and survey sites is the easiest way to earn. As dont require any specialised skills for it. One...
  133. Sanjeev

    Earn from

    Now that sister company is merged with the main site. People benefitted from the site when it was a separate site and used to pay more than now it is paying.
  134. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    I understand it @Ginger that's why we need to search for a forum site that pays better than RIF. I feel I should spend more time on RIF and BMF, I can earn better from these two sites only.
  135. Sanjeev

    Earn from casino forum

    @Bisolami you can always create a new account there if you liked the site. No one is going to stop you.
  136. Sanjeev

    Do you carry your family's business?

    @Niyi Briggs yes it becomes the root cause of disputes among the siblings but they need to divide it and should try to continue it as a partner, I have seen lots of people doing it here.
  137. Sanjeev

    Earn from

    I have been hearing for a long that they are going to separate from the main site, let's when it happens and how much rates they fix.
  138. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    I don't know why I found it difficult to understand. I could not find anything which may be able to help me understand more about the site.
  139. Sanjeev

    Earn from casino forum

    I understand. The beer money forum had good rates in the past. I am unfortunate that rates were halved when I joined the site.
  140. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    No, I am talking about other indian site indiastudychannel, I joined letsdiskuss also but I could not understand anything on this site so didn't continue.
  141. Sanjeev

    Earn from casino forum

    What does this forum about? Do you need to discuss gambling/betting or what?
  142. Sanjeev

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    Hope they increase the limit soon. You can select other sites to complete your target for that $1 deficit.
  143. Sanjeev

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    That's why we cannot rely on these sites, they don't pay you permanently. You cannot consider fixed income from them forever.
  144. Sanjeev

    How much did you earn the quickest and what platform is that

    I was making $2-3 per day on it was easy to learn from that site.
  145. Sanjeev

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    I am curious to know by when you expect we will reach the desired number of posts for the second lucky draw.
  146. Sanjeev

    Can we become affiliate marketers if we don't have many followers on social media?

    I am not an affiliate marketer but I understand that if we place links to a product under a blog written related to that product, may be able to get something. I am still reading things about it as I plan to start it in the future.
  147. Sanjeev

    Waiting for my first payout

    @Jordan and @Devin may be able to help you out in this regard. I read somewhere on Jordan's posts that he was not at home so there was a delay in payments and now he's clearing them. Hope you get your payment soon.
  148. Sanjeev

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    I think if you work on RIF and BMF you can earn at least $2-3 daily. For $10 you need to search a few more sites but you need to manage your time on them accordingly.
  149. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    @Starmix yes I can increase my online earnings but I don't get time to write articles, you know how time-consuming it is. I better like to participate in the forums than write articles.
  150. Sanjeev

    Do you carry your family's business?

    @Bisolami you can also think of extending your family business. Why do you think of starting your own business
  151. Sanjeev

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    @Chibson No he is an employee like me. Only difference is that he is production Incharge and is at a senior post than me.
  152. Sanjeev

    Do you carry your family's business?

    I didn't have a family business, my father was a government job employee, if he had a business I would have continued the same business.
  153. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    I am thinking to start writing on that site. They pay $0.5- $1 on an article written well.
  154. Sanjeev

    Earn From Digistore24

    There are lots of fake sites on the internet, I am also waiting for someone to confirm if he/she got paid by them.
  155. Sanjeev

    Online or offline job?

    I prefer my offline job because I don't have special skills through which I may be able to earn an equal amount of money that I earn from my offline job. Once I will start doing that I will leave my offline job.
  156. Sanjeev

    Get paid to sites

    I don't work on GPT sites. I tried them in the past but never could find suitable tasks for me.
  157. Sanjeev

    Do you post on non paying forums

    No one would like to post on none paying forums when they know they are paid for posting on other forum sites. I know a few such sites but never registered on them. That's the reason I don't post on Facebook and tweeter too.
  158. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    500 INR=$6.09, that's not much but one can earn a good amount of money as they award well if your article is written well. I was an active member there in the past and wrote many short articles for them. I still like that site, they have weekly contests too. I left that site because I was not...
  159. Sanjeev

    Question When do RIF Cash Reset?

    That's fine. But you guys delayed in changing those hearts to snowflakes. šŸ˜ƒ
  160. Sanjeev

    Earn from

    I registered on but now it is merged with the main site and we are waiting for it to get separated we may be able to earn well from this site.
  161. Sanjeev

    Which earning website do you enjoy using most

    Nowadays RIF has become my favorite site because I find the forum here active unlike on the other site moreover the earnings here are good which I don't find on the other sites
  162. Sanjeev

    Get paid for answering questions on Quora

    Yes I also hears the same that they pay for high quality content but do you know how much they pay for a post?
  163. Sanjeev

    Question When do RIF Cash Reset?

    And why did the snowflakes appear instead if hearts? šŸ˜ƒ
  164. Sanjeev

    Question When do RIF Cash Reset?

    But I got it. Do you mean if I earned $0.02 at 9:30 pm today then this $0.02 will knock off at tomorrow 9:30 pm?
  165. Sanjeev

    Bug I lost RIF Cash after convert RIF RAW

    I have done it as soon as I read the post of @Jordan here. It seems they have fixed the things now.
  166. Sanjeev

    Do you like Green Veggies?

    Yes, I like green vegetables like okra, bottle guard, ridge guard, green beans, spinach, lettuce, and green pepper.
  167. Sanjeev

    Question When do RIF Cash Reset?

    @jordon Are the earnings reset to zero on the next day? I get confused because I never see my meaning of day zero on the homepage.
  168. Sanjeev

    Which is the most active paid to post forum?

    I also feel RIF is the most active forum, apart from it BMF and mylot are also active but not more than RIF.
  169. Sanjeev

    When is best time to hold a meeting in a company?

    I feel in the morning 10-11 am is the best time for the meeting as after lunch people feel sleepy.
  170. Sanjeev

    Increase in posting rates at Postbucks

    @nomad being a moderator there you know better about PB. Another reason for me not being active on PB because I cannot handle many forum sites together so don't work on PB.
  171. Sanjeev

    How many job are you doing?

    I have a regular offline job and I have to spend at least 10-11 hours at work. So I don't have the time to take up a second job. Yes, some people work 6-8 hour jobs and can take up another job.
  172. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    They pay in Indian currency and the minimum payout is 500 INR. They have many sections where you get paid. Q&A, article writing and they paid for revenue sharing at the end of the month. The forum section gets you points.
  173. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    No, they have mentioned that they don't accept members from other countries. They transfer money directly to the bank account.
  174. Sanjeev

    Bug I lost RIF Cash after convert RIF RAW

    This is what I am also curious to know. It should be $1.05 or $2.05. It seems to be a bug. I have not converted my raw cash in to rid cash due to fear inlay not losing it.šŸ˜„
  175. Sanjeev

    Postbuck banned..

    No site bans an innocent person. They violate guidelines that's why they are banned. I have never been banned from any site because I never violate rules.
  176. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of this Indian forum: letsdiskuss

    Have you tried "Indiastudychannel"? @nomad it's a good site. I was active on that site few months ago. But I don't think it's for people from other countries.
  177. Sanjeev

    What can keep you away from working on RIF

    When I have some household chores or when I am busy in my offline job or when I am with my family enjoying my time. These are a few things which keep me away from RIF
  178. Sanjeev

    Earning from crypto affiliate

    I have no idea about affiliate marketing but I have always heard that good way to earn money. It's good that we get an opportunity to earn commission for selling crypto currency.
  179. Sanjeev

    Increase in posting rates at Postbucks

    @nomad still I don't like the site because the forum is less vibrant, unlike other sites , maybe there are less active users on the site.
  180. Sanjeev

    Selling refreshments during Holy Week

    Yes that's a good business. You can keep a portable trolley for moving refreshments to places, don't fix it.
  181. Sanjeev

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    That's good. I should also check forumcoin. Send me the link I will check if I can join it. I want to make a target of $2 daily from the sites.
  182. Sanjeev

    What do you think of divorce?

    I know it's hard to get separated when we have kids. It's hard for them to lose any one of their parents.
  183. Sanjeev

    Can You Earn from Your Drawing?

    It's very enjoyable when you make your hobby a profession. No doubt in exhibitions paintings are sold well. I wanted to be a teacher but my parents wanted me to be an engineer so I landed in the corporate world and that's the decision for which I repent.
  184. Sanjeev

    Websites for tutoring for money

    I don't believe in them because they must be having their requirement. I always join sites recommended by my online friends. There are plenty of such sites which may pay you but you need some special skills for them.
  185. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    For me, it hardly matters because I am not dependent on online earnings, it happened in the past, the site on which I used to work suddenly stopped paying so I had to search another site.
  186. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    How much do you earn every day from these forum sites? Moreover if any of the sites you use ,stop it's a function you at least have other sites to work on and earn. I
  187. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    I know I believe in the saying "excess of everything is bad". When you are on-site for a longer time then you tend to get bored with that site. I noticed it with me, happening very frequently.
  188. Sanjeev

    Make Money: Sell Your Photos

    Once you try it, please update us too about your experience there and the earnings. Is there anyone who has tried it and can update how much they pay per picture?
  189. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    Maybe I missed that discussion there. I wish you may be able to reach your target. I don't fix the targets on the sites because I don't want to stress myself.
  190. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    That's fair enough. I wish if I could also earn from the survey sites but it's hard luck for us because at our location maybe survey sites dont work and most of the time get us disqualified in the middle.
  191. Sanjeev

    Make Money: Sell Your Photos

    Do you know how much they pay for a picture you upload? Have you tried it? @cherry123
  192. Sanjeev

    Earn from Listening to People

    How much you were able to earn from this app in a month? This might have been a good one as you can ask someone else too to listen for you.šŸ˜ƒ
  193. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    That's true. You need to work very hard to earn $100 in a month. You need to try out something better than PTP sites if you need to earn it. PTP sites require more time and give us less money.
  194. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    Hmm..i see. You dont come on mylot these days. Your friends may be waiting for you to interact with them.