Recent content by Springtime

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  1. S

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    I mainly do online surveys and post on Discussion Bucks and RIF. I understand a lot of people here are not interested in doing surveys, but I do find a good and legitimate survey site which is Rewards1. The minimum threshold is just $3. and there are a lot of surveys available.
  2. S

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    Both requires good marketing skills. Products are tangible, they can be felt and touched, which make its promotion easier. On the other hand, services are intangible, people can only experience it, I think marketing of services is a bit more difficult.
  3. S

    Can you text for long?

    I can text for long with my good friends, especially when we have something we need to discuss or sort out. But during festive time such as New Year, as there are so many people I need to send greetings, I just send a short message.
  4. S

    Getting Frustrated

    It is normal to feel frustrated if our problem is not addressed or solved. In such situation, I will tell myself to stay calm and try to think of a way to solve the problem. If I cannot do it myself, I seek help.
  5. S

    Birthday month collections

    I do celebrate birthday with my best friends. We usually have dinner together or go to an outlying island for some fun. We buy chocolate as birthday gift as we all love chocolates.
  6. S

    Online program

    Not now. Too busy with my freelance work. A few years back, I learned Spanish though a YouTube channel. I can speak a bit of Spanish.
  7. S

    What is life?

    We decide how to live our life. Some would like to have success in career and get rich. Some live to help others and contribute to the society.
  8. S

    How to deal with a verbally abusive partner

    I currently do not have a partner. If I do, I will not tolerate a person with such a character. I will end the relationship as soon as possible.
  9. S

    Ex business

    That depends on how and why the relationship ends. It it's due to difference in values, I will not say anything. Just let go and move on.
  10. S

    Strive even in the hardest battles

    Life is full of challenges. When we face difficulties, be a fighter. Stay strong and believe in yourself. You will be proud of yourself when you win the battle.
  11. S

    Matching or mismatched socks?

    I always wear matching socks. I find it uneasy if my socks are not matched. But in summertime, I seldom wear socks as I like to wear sandals.
  12. S

    Which inspirational book do you want others to read

    I've also read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It was a good book. One book I would recommend is "The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living". Authored by psychiatrist Howard Cutler, this book is based on his week-long interview with the Dalai Lama.
  13. S

    Final goodbyes

    I lost a few loved ones recently and over the past few years. I haven't said anything to them. Just held their hands because most of them were in coma.
  14. S

    Whose birthday do you believe deserves the most attention?

    I think people of all ages can celebrate their birthdays if they are interested to do so. For elder people, the family members should celebrate their birthdays because we should be grateful that they are alive.
  15. S

    What was the last thing that made you laugh?

    Honestly, I couldn't recall the last time I had a good laugh. Probably a few months ago when I played Monopoly with my nephews. It was fun playing with them.
  16. S

    What do you like To Eat With your Stuffed Bread?

    I just eat multi-grain or whole wheat toast. I paired it with Hong Kong milk tea which is black tea with evaporated milk or sometimes coffee.
  17. S

    First disappointment

    My first disappointment was when I graduated from university, I've applied for a job I really liked. But I was not selected. I didn't give up and I finally got a good job which I liked.
  18. S

    Cooking just enough

    I always cook the right amount for myself. Seldom have leftovers. I love to eat fresh food every day. When I eat out, I bring back home the leftovers at restaurant.
  19. S

    Conquer your dream whatever it is

    Yes, we all have dreams. My current dream is to grow my business consulting business for SMEs. I am working hard to achieve this dream, and I believe that I can make it.
  20. S

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    I keep myself posted on financial and investment matters by reading articles online, chatting with my bank relationship manager, listen to financial analysis podcasts, and follow financial channel on YouTube.
  21. S

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    I always look for good deals such as buy one get one free. I use credit card to pay for purchases to get cashback. I do not buy expensive clothes, shoes and bags.
  22. S

    Why are there so many Filipinos in the middle eastern countries?

    There are also a lot of Filipinos in Hong Kong. I think there are over 200,000 Filipinos who work as domestic workers here. It is a large community.
  23. S

    How To Deal With The Fear Of Growing Up?

    If you are scared of growing up, think of the benefits of growing up. You can make decisions by yourself. If you find a good job, you can be financially independent.
  24. S

    How students should sustain in the campus

    That is a sad situation. Here, if the student cannot afford to pay the tuition fee, s(he) can apply for government grant or interest free loan. The student may also try to find some freelance work to earn some money, instead of involving in some illegal activities.
  25. S

    Trekking to work to save money

    The depends on the distance between your office and your residence. When I was working full time, it took me 45 min to get to the office by MTR. There is no way I can walk to the office.
  26. S

    The impact of working shift jobs to our health

    Indeed, working night shift for a long time will have a bad impact on our health as we need a good night's sleep to get refreshed.
  27. S

    Addictive to Watch

    I am not addicted to watching anything online. I enjoy watching interesting videos, cooking videos and music videos on YouTube but not to the extent of getting addicted.
  28. S

    Find Happiness

    You will never feel happy when you keep on complaining. If you encounter problems, tackle them instead of complaining. Contentment is the key to happiness.
  29. S


    Our winter is not very cold. We do not have snowfall. So, I just go out as usual to shop, meet with family members and friends.
  30. S

    For women

    I have no intention to have an artificial eyebrow. I think my natural eyebrow looks okay. In fact, I seldom wear makeup except on special occasions.
  31. S


    When I am upset, I will play musical instruments, listen to my favorite music, watch a movie, chat with friends or go out for a walk.
  32. S

    Are happy at your current job?

    I am working as a freelancer offering translation service and business consulting service for SMEs. I enjoy my work and as a freelancer, I can have work life balance.
  33. S

    What is the effect of self medication?

    For minor sickness such as a mild headache, or a sneezing nose, I do take OTC drugs such as Panadol or antihistamine. If the condition gets worse, I'll for sure go to see a doctor.
  34. S

    One thing you can't do for Love

    I will not do anything illegal for love. If my partner requested me to do something which is illegal or unethical, I will reject for sure and I will quit the relationship.
  35. S

    Would you like to get an Ex back

    I am enjoying my life now. Never thought of getting my ex back. If I want to have a relationship, I'd rather meet someone new.
  36. S

    What one incident you don't ever want to remember

    Cannot think of any incident which I would like to totally wipe out from my memory, not even the breakup day with my ex-boyfriend. Things just happened and I move on.
  37. S

    Going down on the first date: Does it mean the lady is cheap?

    To me, I won't consider the lady cheap for going down on the first date. But I myself will not do it. I want to take the time to understand the person.
  38. S

    What are your best ways to save water?

    You have basically pointed out all the effective ways to save water. I also try to take shorter showers and avoid letting taps run continuously while washing face, brushing teeth. But I need to drink a lot of water every day, especially in summer. That I cannot save.
  39. S

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    I enjoy making money online though to me, it's my side hustle. But it helps to pay some of my bills, and I enjoy interacting with fellow members on forums.
  40. S

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    I have started savings for retirement for a number of years. I put a portion of my earnings into a fixed deposit account every month. Due to the compound effect, I'm glad that the balance in the account has increased quite substantially.
  41. S

    interfering in parent's conflict

    I have not encountered such a problem. My dad and my mom loved each other a lot. I seldom heard them arguing or in conflict.
  42. S

    Moving on from emotional abuse

    Definitely zero tolerance for emotional abuse. What's the point of staying in such a relationship. Life is short. You should enjoy life and find someone who really cares about you.
  43. S

    Do you like to learn English slang?

    When I was working in Canada, my co-workers used to teach me some English slangs which I found very interesting. Now, I am back in Hong Kong, not much chance to speak those slangs.
  44. S

    Growing plants effectively

    I am not really good at planting, and I do not have much experience in it. Orchid is my favorite flower. You need to take very good care of it to make it grow and last. You have to watch out not to water it every day. Keep it in bright and indirect sunlight.
  45. S

    One high school subject you would love to teach others

    I would love to teach history. History is one of my favorite subjects when I was studying in high school. I am interested to know what happened in the past.
  46. S

    Missed things about your single life?

    I am not married. So I have no idea what I will miss after getting married. I guess I may miss hanging out with my best friends whenever we are free. If I am married, I have to take care of my family.
  47. S

    fav animal?

    I love a lot of animals. I love cat, rabbit, koala, panda and I also enjoy bird watching. But I am a bit scared of dogs because I was bitten by a dog when I was a kid. I've overcome the fear now and I also love dogs which are cute.
  48. S

    Is there traditional food in your city?

    There are many traditional Chinese foods. To name a few, we have roast goose, snake soup, BBQ pork, shrimp dumplings, mooncakes (mainly a cake with sweetened lotus seeds paste).
  49. S

    Do you believe in any superstition activity?

    I am not a superstitious person. But sometimes, I do some traditional Chinese activities especially during Chinese New Year. They are supposed to bring good luck. So, no harm doing that.
  50. S

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    I like weekends. Saturday and Sunday are my rest days. Other than doing household chores, I meet with my family members and friends on weekends.
  51. S

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    Nothing materialist. But I have inherited the kindness and empathy from my parents. They always helped those in need and told us to do so.
  52. S

    Eating beans with Garri as Breakfast

    That must be delicious. We do not have Porrigde Beans here. For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal with milk, hard boiled egg, and whole wheat toast.
  53. S

    What have you achieve today?

    Today is Monday. A good start for me because an old and loyal client introduced me to his friend who needs translation service. So, I get another new client today.
  54. S

    Red flags in life?

    To me, red flags in life is symptoms of sickness, physical or mental; and people who always come to you to borrow money. They never work hard but complain they have financial problems.
  55. S

    Birthday surprises

    Yes, when I was working in Canada, my supervisor and co-workers organized a surprise party for me on my birthday. I was working and suddenly, my supervisor came to my desk with a birthday cake, I was thrilled.
  56. S

    How did you fare this month

    Good to know that you are doing okay. Keep it up! I also have to remind myself all the time I have to work hard. There's no easy money.
  57. S

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    My close friends are female. We've known each other since we were at high school. We went to the university together. We share happy moments and support each other in bad times.
  58. S

    How do you cope with the inflation on your personal finances?

    Inflation is not that serious in my city. The inflation rate is about 2-2.5%. But still, the price of some products has increased. To tackle this, I always look for good deals such as buy one get one free and work harder to make more money.
  59. S

    Worst day ever?

    My bad days are the days when my loved ones passed away. They were my parents, my elder sister and recently my elder brother. They all loved me very much.
  60. S

    How often do you read stories ?

    I enjoy reading. I particularly enjoy reading mystery stories. Agatha Christie is my favorite author of mystery stories. Other than that, I sometimes read books about philosophy and psychology.
  61. S

    How this site got its name?

    When I heard about this forum, I also thought that it is about referring people to a site or something. But I like the short name RIF. It is easy to remember.
  62. S

    Time management strategies

    I am a freelancer, making a living by doing translation and business consulting. Time management is extremely to me. I have to schedule the jobs on hand, watch the deadlines.
  63. S

    Do members who have a full time job post on this forum during office hours?

    I think some members do. I am a freelancer. But when I am working on my translation or doing a business plan for a client, I just focus on what I am doing. I will not take surveys or post on forums until my job is done.
  64. S

    Do you believe in destiny?

    Yes, I do believe in destiny. Everyone has a life path. That said, I think we still have some control over how things go, at least partially.
  65. S

    Are you doing anything special today?

    Today is Sunday. It's also the birthday of one of my best friends. We have organized a birthday party for her in a restaurant. We have a great time.
  66. S

    Forgetting an important event

    When I was studying in college, other than attending lecturers, we had to participate in tutorial sessions. Every student takes turn to give a presentation in the session. On the day of my presentation, I didn't wake up on time and missed that. I apologized to the tutor, and he has kindly...
  67. S

    A day you can't forget In your life

    The day I cannot forget in my life so far is my graduation day at college. My family members attended the graduation ceremony and had a celebration dinner with me.
  68. S

    What's your experience with marriage

    I am single and never married. So no experience to share in this respect. I have been in a relationship a few years back. It was not a pleasant experience.
  69. S

    If Only I could turn back the time

    If I could go back in time, I think I would take a job offer which requires a lot of travelling. At that time, I hesitated to do so because I wanted to continue with my study for a master's degree.
  70. S

    Can you still memorize fast this time?

    I also have this problem. Probably because I am getting old. If there is anything important, I'll write it down for sure just in case I forget.
  71. S

    How did you fare this month

    I am doing pretty well in July. I have achieved my earnings goal and got two new clients for my business consulting service. I will continue to work hard.
  72. S

    What is your character flaw if any?

    No one is perfect. I think sometimes I trust people too easily. Although I have not been betrayed but I feel disappointed if someone I trust did something I disapprove ethically.
  73. S

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    I think it is normal that we feel like a loser at times. I sometimes feel like a loser when I did not get achieve my monthly earning goal.
  74. S

    Do You Buy Canned Food?

    I always have canned foods at home because they can be stored for a long time. This is a backup in case I don't feel like cooking or when there's a typhoon or a lockdown that I cannot go out. Do you buy canned food?
  75. S

    Do You Use Anti-bacteria Hand Wash or Regular Hand Wash?

    Most stores here sell mostly antibacterial hand wash. I also use antibacterial hand wash for peace of mind. Our hands have an oily layer which germs stick to. When we clean our hands with hand wash and water, the hand wash binds with both the oily layer and water. This helps to rinse off the...
  76. S

    What Is The Oldest Piece Of Clothing In Your Wardrobe?

    The oldest piece of clothing in my wardrobe is my high school uniform. We have a big alumni reunion once every ten years. The reunion has a number of activities, including a dinner party, visit to the school and charity events. The principal and teachers were invited to participate. I wore my...
  77. S

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    I do not want to drive in Hong Kong because it is so crowded here and difficult to find a parking lot. It's convenient to take public transportation here. If I really want to buy a car, I think I will buy an electric car.
  78. S

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    Is the flooding serious? Is it because of the typhoon or just a heavy rain? If you feel like dancing in the flood, just go ahead. Do not care what others think.
  79. S

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    My parents have passed away many years ago. I currently live with my brother. I have been in a relationship a few years ago, but not now. But I have a few very close friends.
  80. S

    Who are you financing this time?

    Currently, I just support myself financially and I am not financing anyone in the family. I just need to make sure that I earn enough money to support myself.
  81. S

    Writing more effectively

    I think reading more and practicing will help. Review your work and find out the mistakes you've made. If you do it regularly, I'm sure you can write more effectively.
  82. S

    Zero tolerance

    I will simply stay away from such kind of persons. They are not reliable at all. My time is precious. No need to waste time dealing with them.
  83. S

    Time is gold

    Indeed, time is gold, actually, even more precious than gold. Therefore, we have to spend time wisely. Other than work, we should spend time doing things we enjoy and participate in meaningful activities.
  84. S

    Life mystery you want uncovered

    Same here. I would also like to know how the world comes into existence. And, are there any living things in the universe other than human beings and animals on earth.
  85. S

    Which past life event used to get you teary

    My Dad passed away when I was 11. I remember our family went to the hospital to say final goodbye to him. After so many years, I still remember his last breath.
  86. S

    Cronuts or Croffles?

    I prefer Croffle because I love croissant and waffle. I think it must be delicious. But I think it's not available for sale in my city.
  87. S

    Have you ever been to a military parade?

    I have been to a military parade, but not in my city. Many years ago, I visited Beijing, China. It's near the National Day. So, there was a military parade. I happened to be there.
  88. S

    What’s your proudest story?

    Frankly, I cannot think of any proudest story. All I can say is I have never hurt anyone; I am a kind and caring person. Always try my best at work and help those in need.
  89. S

    Leg cramps

    I also have leg cramps once in a while. It is painful. Maybe I should watch my diet, drink more water and do more exercises.
  90. S

    how to make a joke?

    Telling a joke to make people laugh is not easy. Some people do have the talent to do that. I am not that good at making jokes. But I do have a sense of humor.
  91. S

    Rough and Tough

    Life has ups and downs. Sometimes life can get rough and tough. Nowadays, it's not easy to earn money. We have to work really hard to survive.
  92. S


    I do not really understand what herbal root is. I do take Chinese herbal supplements recommended by Chinese medical practitioners. I also take one multivitamin daily.
  93. S

    Sharing bills at home

    That depends on the agreement of the couple. If both parties work to earn money, I see no problem sharing bills. If the woman stays at home taking care of the family, the man should support the family financially.
  94. S

    Health Checkup

    I do regular health checkup once every two years. Just to make sure everything is okay. I usually go to the clinic to do the checkup. Going to hospital is expensive.
  95. S

    How can one deal with a stalker on social media

    I have not encountered any stalkers in my social media accounts. If I do, I think I'll simply ignore him/her. If s(he) really gets annoying, I will block him/her.
  96. S

    The most organized person?

    One of my friends is a very organized person. She put everything in place at her home. Other than that, she is also good at organizing events.
  97. S

    Broken promises

    I seldom make promises. If I do, I'll honor them. I cannot recall I have broken any promises. But I guess if I broke a promise, I would feel very guilty.
  98. S

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    That depends on whether I still have some single siblings who live with them. If they are alone by themselves, I will live with them after I get married so that I can take care of them.
  99. S

    How much do you charge per hour?

    I offer translation services. I do not charge on an hourly basis. I charge per word. Currently, I am charging $0.30 per word. If it's a big project, I may negotiate the price with client.
  100. S

    Should employees be allowed with their phones during work hours?

    I think no companies here do not allow employees to use their phones. They need to talk to the clients or have emergency calls personally.
  101. S

    Do you like Kite flying?

    I liked kite flying a lot when I was young. But I was not very good at it. My kite usually could not fly very high.
  102. S

    Are you aware of Jaggery?

    I have never heard of Jaggery. If it is a produce of sugarcane, it should be tasty. I love to drink freshly squeezed sugarcane juice.
  103. S

    Do you follow baseball?

    Baseball is not that popular in my city. People here love football and tennis. I also enjoy watching football matches and I play tennis once in a while.
  104. S

    Your Favorite Football Club?

    I used to like Barcelona when Messi and Neymar were in the team. Now, I do not have any particular favorite team. I just love to watch a good match.
  105. S


    That depends on the product I buy. For groceries, I do compare prices. For skin care products, I stick to a few brands because I have very sensitive skin. I only trust the products of a few brands.
  106. S

    Make Use of your available resources first

    Yes, we should just buy what we need. Before we make the purchase, check if it is really necessary. Don't be tempted by the good offer.
  107. S

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    Most people in my city live in a small apartment. There is no space to store rain water. And we do not know how to collect and use the rain water.
  108. S

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    I am not married. Couples here usually move out and live in their own apartment when they get married. If they can afford, they hire a maid to take care of their parents. Some do live with their parents and have them look after the kids.
  109. S

    Don't Have bananas late in the day

    I usually have banana in the morning or early afternoon as my digestive system is not very good. I love banana. It offers many health benefits.
  110. S

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    We mainly use gas for cooking. But at times, I may use an electric induction cooker to cook some foods. It is very convenient to use.
  111. S

    If given a chance would you like to shift to any other country and why?

    I have worked and lived in Canada. If given the opportunity, I would like to go to Switzerland and lived there for some time. I've visited Switzerland once. It's a very beautiful country.
  112. S


    One time, I was on a business trip to China. It was a busy day. At the end of the day, I was so exhausted that I slept all the way while taking the bus back to my city.
  113. S


    The weather here is unstable. Raining and thunderstorm in the morning, sunny and very hot in the afternoon. This is typical weather in summer here.
  114. S

    Your neighbourhood inspiration

    Yes, we may get inspirations from people around us in our daily lives. When I do volunteer work, I am very impressed by the kindness of some people. They whole heartedly help those in need.
  115. S

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    Difficult to tell now. Harris may get some votes from young people, racial minorities and women. In any case, I hope the Americans make the right choice.
  116. S

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    I cannot sleep without a pillow. I cannot just lie flat on the bed. I have two pillows, one for sleeping, another one for hugging.
  117. S

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    Yes, I am doing what you mentioned. I have gatherings with friends once in a while. I have joined some online communities and make some online friends. I visit elderly homes once a quarter. Bring them some small gifts or sing some old songs for them to enjoy.
  118. S

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Indeed, the past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased. Do not live in regrets or pain. Live in the moment and you will have peace of mind.
  119. S

    Is your online money daily enough for you?

    I am just earning peanuts online. I just complete surveys and post on two forums. Definitely not enough to make a living. My main source of income is doing translation offline.
  120. S

    Why house helps are becoming scarce.

    In my city, it's difficult to find a local house helper. Most families hire house helper from the Philippines or Indonesia. Their salary is lower than the local ones.
  121. S


    Yes, I have experienced sunburn many years ago when I went swimming and spent some time on the beach. My skin was all red and was painful.
  122. S

    Chicken Cuts

    I love chicken. I enjoy eating every part of the chicken, including chicken wings, chicken breasts, drumsticks, and even chicken feet. Chicken feet is also a popular dim sum here.
  123. S

    Saving money buying refurbished items

    I seldom buy refurbished items. While it is true that they are cheaper than the new ones, I worry about durability and the repair costs. I'd rather buy a new product with warranty.
  124. S

    How do you spend your weekend

    I usually do some household chores during the weekend. Other than that, I have Chinese dim sum lunch with family members and sometimes meet with friends.
  125. S

    Russian-Ukraine war; Who is right and who is wrong

    Russia is the invader. They initiated the war and killed many civilians. Ukraine is just defending. In any case, I hope the war will end soon.
  126. S

    Which is better walking or jogging

    I prefer walking. It's relaxing and it's also a kind of exercise. I take a 30-45 min walk along the riverside near my place every morning.
  127. S

    Your favorite weather?

    Autum is my favorite season. It's cool and dry. Not too hot and not too cold. I dislike summer because it's very hot and humid. And it's typhoon season. Winter is a bit too cold though there is no snow here.
  128. S

    What make your day a good one

    I see a day as a good one when I open my email account, there's a lot of translation work for me to do. I also enjoy the day when I have gathering with my close friends.
  129. S


    Yes, I love snow. When I was living in Canada, we had snow often in winter. I remember the first time I experienced snowing; I was so excited that I went to the backyard to build a snowman. But snowstorm is terrible.
  130. S

    What's your favorite car?

    I have a few favorite cars. They are Audi, Mercedez Benz and BMW. Recently, my brother bought a BMW electric car. He drove me around. It is very quiet and powerful. The interior is very spacious and comfortable.
  131. S

    Are you a pet lover?

    I am a cat lover. I used to be very scared of dogs because when I was a kid, I was bitten by a dog. Now, I've overcome this fear. I also love dogs which are cute. But I still love cats more.
  132. S

    One seasonal fruit you missed when out of season

    For me, it's watermelon. But they are available here in summer only. I also love cherries. They are very tasty, but I just buy them occasionally because they are expensive.
  133. S

    Which brand of perfume do you like?

    I do not wear any perfume as I have perfume sensitivity. Actually, all my skin care products must be fragrance free. Otherwise, I will have skin rash.
  134. S

    How do you like your catfish?

    I don't think I have eaten cat fish. I enjoy eating fish, in particular salmon, mackerel, tuna and some local fish. I like to have steamed fish. But for salmon, I prefer to have it grilled.
  135. S

    What are you worried over?

    I do not have any particular worry at the moment. But life is full of uncertainty. You never know what will happen tomorrow. I do not worry about that. I just live in the moment.
  136. S


    I enjoy most of my birthdays because I usually have lunch with my friends and dinner with my family members. The worst birthday I had was I got the bad news that a relative has passed on my birthday.
  137. S

    Are you a smart type of person?

    Yes and no. I am smart in doing something such as making presentations in public, organizing things. But I am dumb in figures. I got very poor marks in Mathematics and Physics.
  138. S

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    I always love singing. I loved singing when I was a kid. And now, I still love singing. I sing in community concerts once in a while.
  139. S

    French fries sauce

    I think French fries paired with ketchup is the best. Another alternative is mayo. But I prefer ketchup more. Actually, I love tomatoes. I love to drink tomato juice and have cherry tomatoes in salads.
  140. S

    Where you are neglected

    If I am in a situation where I am neglected, I will walk out. There's no point staying there torturing yourself. Love yourself and do something you enjoy.
  141. S

    Normalize apologising

    I always apologize when I have made a mistake or hurt someone. Other than apologizing, I would also think of ways to correct the mistake and make it right.
  142. S

    Which is your favorite color and why?

    For clothes, I like wearing black clothes. Tops or pants. It's easy to match with any colors. Other than clothes, I love flowers in red, yellow, pink and purple.
  143. S

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    If I can afford, I will buy an iPhone and iPad. They are great products. I like the user interface and the camera function of iPhone.
  144. S

    To do List

    I am a freelancer and I always receive orders via email. I prepare a to-do list every day to make sure that I have not missed out any assignments.
  145. S

    Brands and labels

    I am not that interested in buying branded clothing. But for skin care products, I check the brands. I only buy products of trusted and reputable brands.
  146. S

    What is your favourite local dish?

    I have several favorite local dishes. Steamed fish, steamed chicken with ginger and green onions, scrambled eggs with shrimps, and Chinese sweet soups such as red bean soup, almond soup and walnut soup.
  147. S

    True happiness

    True happiness to me is having peace of mind. Being healthy, financially independent, and have supporting family members and good friends are happiness to me.
  148. S

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    I have a sweet tooth and I love to eat sweet food. Cakes, ice cream, Chinese sweet soups are my favorites. I am trying to eat less sweet food to prevent getting diabetes.
  149. S

    Tree lover?

    Trees are good for our environment. The government should grow trees in suitable locations. That said, there are some "sick" trees which should be cut down. If they fall, they may hurt people. In my city, there are incidents that people died from being hit by a falling tree.
  150. S


    I collect stamps. I have several stamp albums. I have stamps of the 19th century issued in China. I am still collecting stamps now. I buy special edition stamps issued by HK Post Office.
  151. S

    Present and future

    Life is full of uncertainty. We never know what will happen tomorrow. I live in the moment and enjoy each day I live. You need to plan for the future but there's no need to worry about the future too much.
  152. S

    Irresponsible co worker

    To handle irresponsible worker, the company should issue serious warning and let him/her know the consequences. If there is no improvement, his/her employment should be terminated.
  153. S

    practical ways to deal with addiction

    I am not addicted to anything. I think to get rid of addiction, self-control and determination are important. Think of the consequences if you continue with the addiction.
  154. S

    Tips to hair growth!

    Sometimes, hair loss can be genetic. Some people have hair loss problem at a very young age. In any case, try to use shampoo which claims to prevent hair loss. If that doesn't help, consult a doctor.
  155. S

    What skills do you use to save money

    I do not really have any skills to save money. I just buy what I need. Look for good deals such as buy one get one free. I do dine out once in a while because I love to meet with my friends.
  156. S

    Dinner time

    I have a schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I usually have breakfast at around 8 am. Lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 7 pm unless I have something urgent to do. Then the dinner will be delayed a bit.
  157. S

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    I love Japanese foods, especially sushi and sashimi. I drink Japanese wine Sake when I have them. I also like grilled eel rice and tempura shrimps, eggplants. They are delicious. Does the place where you live have Japanese restaurants?
  158. S

    Time is moving so fast!

    Yes, time flies. We get old before we know it. Life is full of uncertainties. So, I agree that we should live in the moment.
  159. S

    Stressed Out

    When I feel stressed out, I will go out for a walk, play musical instrument or listen to my favorite music. If I get no respect, I will feel bad for a short while and then I will move on.
  160. S

    Time and Freedom

    No, I do not always have the freedom and time to do what I want. When you are working to make money, your priority is to get the job done. You cannot just go out, have a drink or watch a movie if you still have some outstanding work.
  161. S

    Moan or complain

    I do not see the reason why people cannot complain. If they encountered poor service at a restaurant or shop, they have the right to complain.
  162. S

    What’s your best high school memory or story?

    I was a member of the school choir. One year, we were invited by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra to perform in a reputable mall during Christmas time, singing Christmas carols. That was an unforgettable experience.
  163. S

    Will you let your friends know what you know?

    I will share with my friends if I find a good restaurant offering delicious foods. I will also let them know if I find a good deal at a shop.
  164. S

    Corporal punishment

    Yes, when I was a kid, there was a teacher who liked to use physical punishment for students making noises or doing something wrong. He had a long stick and he liked to beat the head of the students. Nowadays, such kind of punishment is not allowed.
  165. S

    What was your breakfast today?

    I usually have oatmeal with milk, hardboiled egg and whole wheat toast for breakfast. Occasionally, I may have Chinese breakfast, that is congee (rice porridge) and fried noodles.
  166. S


    When I was working full time, I attended a lot of workshops which were job related. They could be about the skills of public speaking; how to lead a team etc. I've learned a lot from these workshops.
  167. S

    Gear approval

    If they are my friends and they think that what I wear is not suitable for an occasion, I may listen to their advice and change my clothes.
  168. S


    I love to hear the stories from experienced people. Can learn a lot from them. I also enjoy sharing experience with others. We can learn from each other.
  169. S

    Who live happily?

    I think contentment is the key to happiness. That does not mean that you have no desires. But someone who is always dissatisfied with what s(he) has will not live happily.
  170. S

    Can you date someone online

    I have never thought of dating someone I know online. I only date someone whom I met face to face and have interaction with him.
  171. S

    How you feel relaxed?

    I feel relaxed when I listen to my favorite music, play musical instruments. Reading, watching a good movie or go out for a walk also helps me to relax.
  172. S

    Mental illness

    For someone with mental illness, it's better for him/her to go to see a doctor. Drugs paired with counselling helps. There are other alternatives such as music therapy may also help.
  173. S

    What is that one thing that can steal your peace

    When my family member or close friend get sick and hospitalized, I feel worried. I do not have peace of mind until s(he) is recovered.
  174. S

    Challenge you are facing

    The challenge I am facing is to grow my business consulting service for SMEs which I started about a year ago. I have been working as a freelancer offering translation service for many years. Last year, I started offering business consulting service. So far, I have got some clients. I am working...
  175. S

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    They are mostly Japanese and Korean brands. I do not have the English name of these brands. People here love Japanese foods in general. I love Japanese foods too.
  176. S

    Do you like to collect old coins?

    Thank you. I have never visited India. Really love to visit this country someday. There will be so much to see. I read the news that India has got many new investments; companies set up factories there.
  177. S

    What is the last earning site that scammed you

    I have not been scammed by any earning sites. But I had a bad experience with Swagbucks. When I wanted to cash out, they said they need to send me a code via SMS. But I never received that code. Then they asked me for a lot of personal information which I hesitate to give. I finally gave up.
  178. S

    Cash or cheque?

    I have not used cheques for many years. I mainly pay my bills online via e-banking. If I buy something, I pay for the purchase with my credit card. I pay cash only in the wet market or if I buy something from a very small store.
  179. S

    Do you have enough green areas in the city?

    Hong Kong is a compact city with tall buildings everywhere. In my opinion, we do not have enough green areas. We just have a few parks. If we go to outlying islands, there are more green areas.
  180. S

    Do you believe in soulmates?

    Yes, I believe in soulmates, but I currently do not have one. Soulmates are not easy to find. But I think that is all about destiny.
  181. S

    How do you like to communicate with your online friends

    I mainly communicate with my online friends via WhatsApp or Telegram. Sometimes, we also have video calls when we want to talk and see each other.
  182. S

    Country things

    Tuition fee is the fee charged by the school or university for their teaching. For high schools, it is usually paid on a monthly basis. For university, it is paid on an annual basis.
  183. S

    Do you like Fritters with tea?

    Eating fritters with tea is not common in my city. We enjoy having Chinese dim sum with tea. Dim sums are small-plate Chinese foods, usually meat or vegetables in dough or a wrapper that is steamed, deep-fried or pan-fried.
  184. S

    Country things

    That's very generous of your government. We only get 9 years of free education. Then we have to pay for tuition fee. For those who cannot afford to pay the fee, they can apply for subsidy from the school. If you go to university, you may apply for government's interest free loan.
  185. S

    Your favorite social networking website?

    I am on Facebook and Twitter. I checkout the posts of some of the KOLs. I love to read their comments. I also use WhatsApp and Telegram to communicate with my friends.
  186. S

    How much time do you take to make a post on this forum?

    That depends on the post. In think on average, it takes me about 2-3 minutes to respond to a post. I can make short and long posts.
  187. S

    Big fancy wedding trends are dying out

    Big fancy weddings are back. Young people in my city love to have fancy wedding. They may even have more than one dinner party in different countries.
  188. S

    Searching for online employment

    You can try doing surveys and post on forums. I have been doing surveys for many years. Some of the sites pay pretty well. I also enjoy posting on forums.
  189. S

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I consider myself an ambivert. I can feel comfortable in social or solitary settings. I enjoy social gatherings, socializing with people. But at times, I also enjoy being by myself, reading or listening to music.
  190. S

    Movie recommend

    One of my favorite movies is The Pianist. It is a 2002 biographical film produced and directed by Roman Polanski. It is based on the autobiographical book The Pianist, a memoir by a Polish Jewish pianist and a Holocaust survivor.
  191. S

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    Most people in my city prefer Japanese and Korean brands of instant noodles. I prefer Japanese brands. But Maggie noodles is also well known here.
  192. S

    Do you like to collect old coins?

    I love to travel, and I used to collect the currency notes of different countries. Now, I am still keeping currency notes of different countries in a box. But I do not collect coins.
  193. S

    Do you feel Irritated because of season change?

    I do feel irritated when the weather is too hot because I sweat a lot. And I do not like the high humidity. I prefer cool and dry weather.
  194. S

    Are You Quick at chopping veggies?

    No, I am not quick at chopping veggies. I am always careful when doing that. I'm afraid I may cut my fingers. A good knife helps.
  195. S

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    I am a freelancer, but mainly work offline. I usually start my translation work after lunch at around 1:30pm. I take a 30-min nap in the afternoon. I work until 7:00 pm and have dinner. After dinner, I work online (mainly do surveys and post on forums) until 9-10pm.
  196. S

    Understanding the world

    There are various ways to help us understand the world better. Experience, travelling, reading, watching international news. All these can help us to understand the world better.
  197. S

    To be Content

    Content is a state of mind. Some people with poor health can also be contented. They may be contented with having supportive family members and friends.
  198. S

    Flat or Villa?

    Most people in my city can just afford to live in a flat. Living in a villa is a luxury. Only the rich can afford that.
  199. S

    Are you good at cooking?

    I am not particularly good at cooking. I just cook simple dishes such as steamed fish, steamed chicken, pork chop with onions, scrambled eggs with shrimps. I am trying to learn more about cooking by watching videos on YouTube.
  200. S

    Normalise Helping others

    Yes, we should try to help others, not just family members whenever possible. I visit elderly homes once in every two months. I donate to charities every now and then.