I think there are people who are not willing to take any kind of risk, I guess, but if you do not take it, there is no benefit, it is true that you do not see risk because it is "free" money but others can see it as such, on the other hand I just send a little of my money there and I make it grow without haste but without pauses, most of my money is not there, but if you are not able to invest even a percentage of your money you can never make money in other way than working, but we know perfectly well that it is possible.Then you can imagine how frustrating it gets when these guys keep saying it can't be done when I am doing it every day. My balance is 1,587 Shares and I have withdrawn $200 USD as profit in the last couple of months. What blows my mind is there is no risk if you use nothing but free money, so are they posting these unsupported myths just so they can make another penny from the forum and leave $100 Bills behind?