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Aptos (APT) Overview

Aptos (APT) is a token that runs on the Aptos layer 1 blockchain, which is designed with high scalability and security in mind and is based on a Proof-of-Stake mechanism that combines parallel transaction processing with a new smart contract language called Move and can process more than 100,000 transactions. per second.

Aptos (APT) has been listed on major crypto exchanges like Binance, Kraken, OKX, Tokocrypto, Bybit, Bitfinex, Bithumb etc and is ranked 34th on Coinmarketcap. Currently Aptos (APT) price is $7.60, Total supply is more than one billion.

Aptos Prediction (APT)
According to the Trendline price method Aptos (APT) will reach $13,450 in one year's time.

From the CryptoPrediction site, which uses artificial intelligence (AI_) to predict the price of Aptos (APT) in 2023 is $ 9.40 and for 2024 is $ 12.90.

What do you think, is Aptos (APT) worth investing in?

What's the most profitable and safest investment in your country?

In my current country, when the Central Bank (BC Banco Central) raises the interest rate, federal treasury becomes very profitable. In addition, Agribusiness LC becomes very interesting too (remembering this latter investment is completely tax free). These are kept among the safest investments in my country. Federal treasury is secured even in the case of a failure or bankruptcy of the bank because the sender is the federal government. And if we choose a federal bank or a very solid, big and global bank, Agribusiness LC is very safe too. In fact, these two are my favorite investments. What about your countries?

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Countries attack places for financial benefit, usually passive income in future
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The withdrawal request is credited immediately to the Payeer account, payment proof available
Detailed Gemly review

How can I resist the summer heat?

My dearest friends. Today is June 24th and summer here in Italy has just started for three days. But, you have to forgive me, for me this period, especially in recent years, has become a real hell! The temperature is too high, think that in my room, there is an average of 30 degrees Celsius. For me it is already something unbearable! 🥵🥵Therefore for now I can use a simple fan, but when the heat intensifies, it is still insufficient for me.

How effective is social media marketing?.

Now that the world is the trends of advanced technology, there had been a revolution in the way marketing is being done. Marketing has gone viral ever since it vhad been introduced into social media. Social media is no longer used for chatting purposes alone but also for marketing. It had been observer that average people in the earth have their social media handles and they spend more time on their social media handles than any other platforms. And that is why advertisers take advantage to start introducing their ads.

How nature affects the sales of products.

Nature directly or indirectly has impact on the sales of some products. Some products are seasonal in nature which means their peak sales are within their seasons. Examples ofv such products are raincoat, umbrellas, rainboots, cardigans, and wool fabrics are highly demanded during rainy season. You cannot expect to have more sales of those products during dry season. Also, during raining season some companies experienced low sales on their products. Companies producing drinks fall in this category.

What would be the effect of banning social media in our society?.

Few years ago, Twitter was banned from operating in Nigeria by the former government. We vthe citizens thought itv was a joke until we found it difficult to accessed unless through VPN. Lots of revenues were lost by those that were using the platform for their marketing. The past government attempt was successful because itv was used as a bargaining factor during negotiation before Twitter was allowed to re-opened. It was Twitter yesterday, who knows who might be the next victim?

What are factors to consider in advertising?.

There are certain factors to vbe consider when preparing advertisement for itv to convert. First is culture. Any advertisement must not go against the tenets of culture of targeted locations. You cannot advertise a product which is consider as illegal to the culture and religion in a society.
Similarly, your adverts must not been seen as one which playvvv more emphasis on the superiority of one race, religion, gender or social over another.

What are the requirement factors to have before joining av multinational companies?

A multinational companies are companies like Mobil oil, Chevron, Coca Cola that their headquarters are in overseas but have affiliates or branches in our countries. In such companies, you find workers of different races, culture, social, genders, religions and nationals. Such workers of diverse status working in the same environment without rancor. You as a new worker that is about to begin working in that company, what are the things you must have in order to adapt in that diverse environment?.

Maximum productivity is not based on wages.

Before any companies can achieved maximumv output from its workforce, certain factors must be considered. Let it be known that salary only form integral part of it and not only determinant factor for increasing maximum output. Though it is the wish of vwirkersv that if they well paid, they would be eager to deliver their servicesv effectively and efficiently. But if the working environment is not conducive enough, there is no way maximum output could be observed. Therefore, thev management should ensure there is friendly working environment.

Why workers are always complaining of their salaries.

It is generally assumed that when workers are well paid, maximum output would be derived from them. But that is not possible. No matter how they are paid, the prevailing economic conditions would not alow the incentives to be felt, consequently they would still be demanding for more increment. Their overhead costs are not static, it varies and increases every month's and companies cannot for the sake of offsetting this cost be determined to increase their salaries every month or quarterly. This is why workers cannot be satisfactory nob matter how much they are paid.

What is the motive of working?

The economic situation in a country is the factor that determine the state of employment in that country. Most workers are working just for the sake of keeping their body and souls together. Their take home salaries are not sufficient to cater for their needs. They are not happy with their jobs and at vthe same time, they don't want to be unemployed. They are just managing because half bread is better than none.

What do you think is responsible for the current bull run?

At the moment Bitcoin and other crypto altcoins are being bullish in the market and this started about 3 days ago after it hit the bear market taking the value of Bitcoin to $25,100 but now it has skyrocketed to the price value of $31,100 within the space of three days after the case of sec against binance was in favor of binance and the operation started again.

Creative labelling?

A friend was yesterday describing how a particular hospitality business has chosen to brand its assets so as to discourage people (including employees) from stealing the same. This business has noted that most thieves have no qualms stealing and using illegally acquired items. Accordingly, the business has adopted a strategy of writing the following words on various items that could be stolen: 'stolen from X', where X is the brand name of the business.

What are your thoughts about this strategy?
Does it qualify as creative labeling?

Should we do an Exit Strategy in Business?

Exit Strategy is a method or strategy that must be carried out by business people if their business no longer provides returns according to plan and even loses money, so they have to liquidate their company so that it does not become bankrupt.Even though to make an exit strategy decision, a businessman must first have made a maximum improvement effort, but if there is no change in business and an increase in income. then the businessman is forced to do an exit strategy to prevent more losses, or become bankrupt, what do you think.

Do you have an NFT?

NFT meaning nun-fungible token which is more or less like an art work being sold in the or held in Defi has been something that has come in with a lot of value and recently I was the owner of a blue pepe NFT which I won from a giveaway on Twitter for writing poems and being selected as the winner.

Marketing or the products which should the company focus more on?

There are several people that believe as a business owner, more focus should be placed on marketing, while there are others who think other wise, meaning more focus should be placed on the quality of the products. Personally i feel both aspect of the business are extremely important, cause no matter how good your products are, if you do not market them, no one would buy them. Then if you focus on only marketing, if you products are not quality products, you would end up loosing customers.

Business Psychology

There is business psychology. It is very important because through this one can improve his behavior in his business, thus, improving the productivity, efficiency, and culture of the workplace. Business psychology deals with the study of human behavior and it is a very good preparation for young minds to become an entrepreneur once learned about the advantage of business psychology; it combines business practices good to take advantage of and ponder about. Business is what one needs in this crucial time.

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Impact of a good customer relationship

It is very important in a business to have a good relationship with the customers. it is not a hard thing. It could be done once and that will be forever cherished by the customers. When the customers have a consistent experience in your business every time they interact with the owner and workers, it will leave them a very good impression. This way is regarded as mutual understanding between the customers and the business owner that may extend for a long period of time.

Does Job satisfaction help in productivity?

It's one thing to be employed in a company or a business organization, and it is another thing to be satisfied with the job. There are so many employees today who go to work every day and get paid but in reality they are not satisfied with their jobs. This could be due to the fact that they do not have any passion for the job, and they are simply doing it cause they need the pay. Do you think it would affect their level of productivity?

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Should business owners always be honest to their customers?

When it comes to running a business, honestly plays a very important role between the business owner and the customers. But most business owners believe there should be a limit to this. This is why you find most business owners tell you they can handle a particular job when they have never done it before, simply to not loose the customer. What's your take on this, should there be a limit to honestly in business?

