Online Book Club - Make Money Writing Book Reviews - Intro.

When it comes to writing book reviews and getting paid for it, Online Book Club owned by Scott Hughes is the biggest platform that I offers this. I would be writing a series on how you can make the most out of this site and this is the first part. I would just touch the basics here, and get more in depth as I update everyday.

So basically, Online Book Club is the first site that paid me money for doing anything online and I am still having those goosebumps till today almost two years after.

It is pretty simple to become a book reviewer on the site. You just first of all need to register as part of the site on After that, you navigate to the review team page and register as a book reviewer. Make sure you confirm that you have never written a book when prompted or else you won't be allowed into the review team.

After you have joined the review team, you have to go and set your preferences before you are offered any book. Basically, you set the format that books are available for you so they know which books to send to you. Done with that? The Select Tab on the Review Team Page takes you to where you can pick books to read and review.

Note that as a newbie, you would only get free books for your first review. After the first review, and your review is accepted by the editors, you would be eligible to pick paid books.

It typically takes 21 days maximum from the day your review is published for the site to send your payment to the registered PayPal account. It comes much earlier most times though. It is a wonderful platform that I believe is completely worth it. I would be sharing experiences on writing an acceptable review that would get a user of Online Book Club paid in the next section of this series.

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Staking vs Earn: Which do you prefer?

We often encounter staking and earn features in both crypto wallets and crypto exchanges. but before going to the point of discussion I will describe the meaning of both.

Staking is the activity of becoming a validator on a blockchain that implements a PoS mechanism system, by locking/freezing a number of cryptos to get returns in the form of the same crypto. The returns/rewards that will be obtained will be different for each type of crypto, for Avalanche 7.5%, Ethererum 5.28%, Plkadot 14.85% etc.

Earn is a feature both in wallets and exchanges that allows users to get rewards from their crypto by activating the Earn feature. But users can withdraw their funds at any time, for example for trading purposes, whereas in staking users cannot withdraw their funds before the lockup period ends. So Earn is the same as saving at the bank, we get interest and can take our funds at any time. But the rewards obtained from Earn will be smaller compared to staking, such as for Bitcoin 0.3% (APY), Ethereum 0.92% (APY), Tether (USDT) 2.02% (APY) etc.


I am new here was refered by a friend of mine that was on another site I belong to that he is no longer with. I am 51 years old and I love to read and do my nails and I do many online sites. So if you are looking for online earning sites I will be glad to share.

    • Haha
Expectations vs reality

When it comes to advertising, what we see tends to always be different than reality in most cases. Most of these advertisers in the name of trying to market their products they add things that might not be present in reality. For example a battery company might market their products that it would last for days but in reality it might last for just 24 hours.

Why making money business is more important now.

In the past, it was believed that education brings wealth. That once you go to higher institutions and get qualified, your future is bright. You are deemed to start making money immediately you are employed. But reverse is the case today.
Graduated from higher institutions do not guaranteed your employment let alone of making money. Nowadays, it is advisable to seek money first before attempting to further one's education in tertiary institutions. The cost of education is too high and unaffordable for common man.

Look before you leap

Before you take any decision, you have got to think about the repercussions. It isv better to think before doing than do before thinking. Many aspire to have their own businesses for the mere reasons best known to them. They failed to carry out feasibility studies of their desired projects before decided to quit their present job only to be disappointed later on. What are some ofv the conditions to be considered before quitting jobs?.

The problem of procrastination

Procrastination is the act of postponing activities supposed to be done till further notice. Procrastination is a big disease that av serious person must not indulge in. It doesn't promote seriousness and make the victim lazy and unachievable. What supposed to be done today must not be delayed till further notice. Many had been dreaming of projects but failed to take necessary actions that would cause materializatuon of such projects. They keep building castles in the air witbout actually take concrete actions on their dream projects.

How can gender based occupation be redressed?

Some occupations are unisex in nature in the sense that both genders can engage in the same business. While this kind of business is common in official businesses, there are some that are considered as gender based which means only a particular gender is expected to be found in such category of occupation. For instance, any work that is tough and hard in natureb is expected to be engaged by man and not woman. Same thing works that are feminine in natureb are done by women.

Real estate or auto business, which one is better?.

Real estate is the business of engaging in landed property. It could be in the area of buying land or buildings. Auto business isv buying vehicles in order to resell them. Both are capital intensive businesses but Are more profitable than each other. Real estate on its own do appreciates and never depreciates in values as the case is in auto business. Real estate is more embraced by the generality of the public.

How much can you make in a day in forex trading?

There have been some people who are into forex trading for a long time now and they make in total $50-$100 profits on trades in a day though they are having huge amount of dollar in their account to be able to accumulate such an amount in a day but it is not impossible to have such.
Would want to know how much you can be able make in a day on forex trading if you're into forex.

How to Build a Business on Etsy

Etsy is one of the top 50 websites by traffic volume (it ranks 47th on most visited websites). It gets over 225 million monthly visits and has a bounce rate of 44 percent, which means only 44 percent of the people who visit Etsy leave the site immediately, the remaining engages in the content (possibly buying products). Therefore, Etsy is a good platform to start your online business.

Etsy is not a free platform, you will have to pay for listing your products and also pay sales commission after the product is sold. However, on Etsy you can do print-on-demand, dropshipping as well as sell digital and physical products.

Etsy customers are basically the people who want to buy customized products. Therefore, if you can create customized products, including print-on-demand products, you have a high chance of selling. Etsy is also popular among people looking to buy gifts. If you can create products for special occasions, such as Father's Day, Halloween, etc, you have a high chance of selling.

If you can run PPC ads on Etsy, generating sales is very easy as you will be able to reach a lot of people. Alternatively, if you have a large following on social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc. you can easily generate sales.

AmazeWallet Overview

AmazeWallet is a smart crypto wallet mobile apps on Web3, which makes it easy for its users and provides many features in one application. AmazeWallet can access more than 60 blockchain networks of Bitcoin, Ethereum (ERC-20), Binance Chain, Cardano, Polygon, Solana, and so on. So users can store more than 1400 types of coins and tokens. AmazeWallet runs on the Amaze Chain blockchain network and also has a native token as a utility token called Amaze Token (AMT).

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What are the Factors Influencing Crypto Prices?

Although basically all prices of commodities or tradable goods such as gold, stocks, forex, crypto etc. are influenced by supply and demand. For example, many people sell Bitcoin on the market so that the high supply exceeds the supply, the Bitcoin price will fall. Crypto is also a volatile instrument and tends to be unpredictable. However many other factors affect the price of crypto, what do you think they are

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Learn to Earn Crypto

There are many ways to get free crypto, one of which is that we can use platforms to learn and earn crypto, which are widely available on crypto wallets and exchanges. This platform not only gives you free crypto but also knowledge about crypto and blockchain.

How it Works: Learn to Earn Crypto
Before using the learn to earn platform users are required to have an account on the platform, then users are asked to read and study crypto articles or watch videos, the next step is that users need to test their skills on articles that have been studied or videos that have been watched by answering each question or answering a quiz. correctly, and users will get around $2 worth of crypto rewards.

The main purpose of the learn to earn crypto platform is to educate its users, besides that if a crypto has many holders it will fundamentally increase the value of the crypto and create a better market value.

Here are some Learn to Earn Crypto service platforms and make sure you already have an account before you try one of the platforms below:

1. Coinbase
Coinbase divides learning materials into modules and divides quizzes into three or four sections. The first module is about information and answering selected questions. The reward that users receive will be different for each module and type of crypto, but generally it is around $1.

2. Binance
Binance users need to sign up for Binance Academy to gain access to learning materials of varying difficulty levels.

3. CoinMarketCap
Users can choose lessons that suit them either by reading articles or watching videos.

4. Cake DeFi
Cake DeFi offers subjects such as Ethereum, Bitcoin and DeFiChain. Rewards around $3 or rewards in the form of promotions.

5. BitDegree
BitDegree has educational programs, one of which is LearnDrops, the method is quite easy, users only need to watch videos and are ready to answer questions or quiz questions that must be answered correctly.

6. Phemex
Crypto Exchange Phemex, which is based in Singapore, also provides Learn & Earn USDT. Users can learn through videos about features on crypto exchanges. Then users only need to answer quizzes correctly and correctly.

7. EarnCrypto
EarnCrypto offers users multiple ways to learn crypto and blockchain by watching videos and completing tasks and surveys and users will then receive Bitcoin or altcoins.

Any future for business development in Nigeria?.

Despite the continuous promise ofv the newly inaugurated government that his government is going to promote enabling environment that will boost in more business development, yet I don't see how this is possible or achievable with the current situations in the country. Ever since the removal of fuel subsidy, the cost of running business operation has double. Workers are lamenting because f transportation cost. It is difficult to get cheap labor in the market again. Thev cost of raw materials has skyrocketed. Recently, the federal government announced its in tension of removing its subsidy on electricity which would inadvertently increase the electricity charges. How can the government achieve itsv aim of boosting business then?

