How Much Inventory Should You Stack?

Well, you might say a business need to stockpile a lot of inventory. However, if you have never managed an inventory-based business you will never know what it takes to stockpile a lot of inventory. You need a lot of money to stock file large quantities of items you are selling, and you need to spend a lot of money on warehouse rent as well as security.

Is FinTech P2P Lending Worth Using as an Investment Instrument?

P2P lending is a fiat money lending and borrowing service platform between creditors/lenders and debtors/borrowers. In the world of P2P Lending, people who provide funds as business capital are called investors. Until now, in my country there are more than 170 FinTech P2P lending providers that are licensed and registered with the government (Financial Services Authority).

To become an investor or lender, the method is quite easy, we only need to choose service products such as agriculture, online loans or venture capital, then we join FinTech P2P according to the product we choose, and deposit the smallest funds of around $ 10, but each platform has a different deposit. The loan period depends on the existing agreement on the platform. Lenders will benefit from around 15 to 21% interest per year. If we, as lenders, have deposited money, it cannot be withdrawn until the loan agreement is completed.

Even though borrowers have been selected and analyzed by the P2P lending platform, they also provide risk grade information about borrowers, but because I am not experienced with this platform, I want your opinion before investing.

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How Do Crypto Projects Generate Revenue

Anyone who has done business successfully understands that effective revenue generation is the lifeblood of a long lasting business.

While a lot can be said about the utility of cryptocurrency, there are some projects that have little clarity about how they generate revenue.
Most of the block chains rely on transactions fees, so what other ways are there for them to make money?

Do Privacy Coins have a Future?

These coins offer a more deeper layer of privacy to their users, and as usual, have been a target by government and regulatory agencies. I can remember that some coins like Monero , Dash had to delisted by some exchanges in the past.

A lot of cryptocurrency enthusiasts are positive about them and prefer them to other coins. Is it possible that they would gain sufficient acceptability to succeed in the future?

Paying little but offering free food

A certain Fast Moving Consumer Goods firm in my city is reputed for paying extremely low salaries to its employees. Despite having this image of inhumanness, the company however demonstrates paradoxical kindness to its members of staff. Specifically, this firm gives a half liter packet of milk and a loaf of bread to all employees who work night shifts.

This scenario has left me wondering about the company's intentions in giving out the free food items.
Is there any psychological explanation for this anomalous corporate behavior?

Is Investing in Diamonds Profitable?

Diamonds are not only liked by women but also by men as rings and jewelry for women, besides that diamonds can also be used as an investment because their value always goes up every year. The price of a diamond will be determined by its carat, size, weight, clarity, appearance, color and certificate.
There is advice from diamond experts, if you are going to invest in diamonds then choose whole/genuine diamonds, choose classic models that are in great demand by people, and pay attention to cut, clarity, color and carat. If you are going to buy a diamond at a trusted shop, choose at least a 0.5 carat diamond.

Digital versus manual weighing equipment

Many businesses have to determine the weight of the commodities they sale. For instance, butchers and those who sell cereals must weigh products to ensure that customers get what they have paid for.
This activity could be performed using ether digital versus manual weighing equipment.

From a business perspective, what are the merits and demerits of using these 2 types of weighing apparatuses?

Crypto Loans

There are a lot of platforms where you can get crypto loans, you can get crypto loans by using your crypto deposits as your colorectal (bitcoin, stable coins and a few other crypto assets). Have you ever taken crypto loans? How much did you take, and what did you use as collateral? How much did you use for collateral? What did you use your loan for?

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What's the Fastest Blockchain?

Users of any block chain consider the speed, security and cost to be of utmost importance. Speed of processing and recording transactions is very important, since no one wants to wait days before a transaction can be confirmed.

This is a particularly pressing issue with Bitcoin which has lessened with the Bitcoin lightening network.

Solana is said to be the fastest Blockchain so far with cheap fees. What do you know about this?

Earning by reviewing software on

Sometime back, I successfully registered on a company named This firm has a website that specializes in enabling users to submit reviews of software. The arrangement is that, if a particular company accepts the review feedback that a user has provided, he user earns $10.

I have looked for reviews about online and come across commentators who claim that this company has a strategy of finding excuses for not paying reviewers. Consequently, I have not yet reviewed any software on this site.

Can you share if you know that is legit?

Generating passive income through REITs

By definition, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) denote investment programs through which interested people make monetary contributions that enable them to acquire rights in interests or trusts. These interests/trusts in turn qualify investing parties to earn income or profit from real estate.

I think REITs are viable especially to individuals who are unable to individually amass the large amount of money that are usually required to construct real estate properties.
What do you think?

Do You Use Pinterest to Market Your Site or Business?

These days I am not very active on Pinterest, however, I was very active on Pinterest in the past. I not only created a personal Pinterest account but also business accounts for my websites and online business. I actively pinned content. Not all Pins generated sales and traffic but some of my Pins performed really well. Do you use Pinterest to Market Your website or business.

Which Stock Sector do you prefer?

The main purpose of grouping industrial/company sectors is to make it easier for investors to identify the performance of companies/issuers according to their type of business group. Investors will also find it easier to compare the performance of issuers with other working groups, and also make analysis.In general, stock exchanges have grouped stock sectors such as: Agriculture, Mining, Basic & Chemical Industry, Machinery Industry, Consumer Goods, Property & Real Estate, Building Construction, Transportation, Finance, Trade and Investment. Personally, I prefer shares from companies that produce consumer goods, how about you?

How do you keep going even when you don't feel like it?

Running a business is never easy, there are days where it seems like it's a bed of roses, and then there are days where the business if faced with one difficulty or the other. As a business owner or an entrepreneur how do you keep going? For me i believe this is where passion comes into action. If you have a passion for something, no matter the difficulties you face, you would definitely want to keep trying, especially when you know what you stand to gain if it goes well.

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Why Do People Invest In Cloud Mining Projects?

Cloud mining projects are the kind of projects that claim that they could generate passive income for people. They are the kind of projects that claim that they have servers and huge mining rigs that generally help people to mine coins. However, the fact of the matter remains that they are scams in reality. Most of such kind of projects are pyramid schemes. But still why do people invest in such kind of project, even when they know the reality of such kind of projects in the first place?

Are Traditional Businesses Still Lucrative

A lot of people are now attracted to modern business ideas and ways of making money especially with the increased use of technology.

It seems that more traditional jobs like agriculture, handcrafts like carpentry, masonry are now neglected. Even the traditional business of owning stores is being taken over by more advanced technology.

Will it be profitable to engage in such traditional businesses?

How to Start an Online Business for Less than $50

If you want to make a lot of money online, the only way to do so is by starting your own business. Despite having an interest in business, a lot of people never get started because they think it costs a lot of money. Well, you can start an online business for as little as $50, and with this investment, you can start making money.

In this short tutorial, we are using wordpress to create our online store and Printify to create products. We will be using woocommerce for our store and Printfy as a print provider and order fulfillment company.

How to Build Your Online Store
  • Get a domain. You can get a dot com for around $7.
  • Get a hosting. You can find hosting companies that will charge just $12 for one year hosting.
  • Once your hosting is set up, head over to your web hosting control panel manager and install wordpress on your servicers. Also install woocommerce plugin on your site.
  • Customize your woocomerce store.
  • Now heard over top Printify, and upload your design. You can create design for free on Canva. If you do not know how to create a design, you can go to creative fabrica and buy a design for as little as $1. YOu can also use AI tool like Stable Diffusion to create designs for your product
  • Now connect your woocommerce with Printify. By doing so you will be able to show the products, you designed on Printify, on your store. You will be basically using your design on household products like doormat, cup, mugs, curtains, etc. or various types of clothing items.
  • When people buy products in your store, you will receive the money. You will then have to order the same product from Prointify and use the buyer's shipping address. You pay printing only after you collect payment from your buyer. Therefore, there is absolutely no upfront cost associated with this business model
How to Start Selling

As a new business, it is really difficult to sell your products. However, if you are willing to spend some money on marketing, selling will be somewhat easier.
  • You still have some spare money. You will have to use the money to run ads. Now head over to facebook and create an ad for your product. Create $3 per day campaign for a week. You will be able to reach at least 30K people. Instead of graphic based ads, you can also create video ad. If you do not know how to create video ads, you can find a lot of AI tools that will help you create a short video for your product.
  • If you have targeted your ads to the proper audience, you will generate sales. You will have to make a couple of sales to recover your ad budget. However, if the ad is working for you, you can put more money into your ad campaigns and start generating sales.

You will have to take care of a couple of things, though. Your designs need to be eye-catching and unique. To get ideas on what kinds of designs are selling, you can visit Etsy and see the best-selling products. You will also have to choose the product to sell. try to see what kinds of products are best sellers and use your design to create those products.

How Do You Avoid A Scam Cryptocurrency Project?

We know that cryptocurrencies are some of the most important and one of the most popular investment assets. They are used by many people so that they could make money and this is why tend to invest money in many such kind of cryptocurrency projects. Cryptocurrencies are used to cater the needs of people and they are produced for a purpose. However, despite all this, there are many cryptocurrency scam projects as well such as OneCoin. So, how do you identify such scam projects?

