Facts: Western Business Culture

For first meetings, there are both appropriate and inappropriate questions in Western business culture. Most Westerners dislike being asked particularly intimate questions about their relationships, finances, politics, or religion. Many Westerners converse informally instead. This indicates that they avoid discussing sensitive topics. They might discuss sports, hobbies, or the weather. Therefore, we must be considerate of the queries that should be raised with western clients.

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Anyone on Disability?

I do consider disability a passive income source. Why? Because I don't have to work for it. I just wait for my direct deposit monthly. Having been suicidal, this is the best way for me to enjoy what life has to offer. I have also many other mental and physical health issues that make me eligible for disability in Canada. It's a worry less not to have to work for my money. But I do have other worries as well so yeah. I do have stress and anxiety and etc. I personally put too much pressure on myself, hence why I can't work. The working environment is too stressful for me personally at least anyways.

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Building Passive Income on eCommerce Sites

Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. are some of the popular eCommerce sites. These sites have huge traffic and registered buyers. Therefore, you can also use these sites to build an income. Interestingly, you do not have to do a lot of work to build an income on eCommerce sites, therefore, it si completely passive income. Once you list your products for sale, you will have to run ads on these eCommerce sites or social media platforms to generate sales, and you will start making money on auto pilot.

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Paid to play?

Have you ever played any games that pay you to play? For example, you could play solitaire and win big with it. Some casino games online are also what people use to make money online. I've seen some people play scrabble and Tetris and etc to be paid. It'd be fun to be paid to do what I love most : gaming online. But I don't have the energy or time to do that on a daily basis personally.

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What Are Some Investment Opportunities In Tier 3 Countries?

When it comes to investing money, many people should know that investment opportunities are abundant in many countries. However, most of the investment opportunities are only limited to tier 1 countries, as those countries seem to be more developed. However, when it comes to investing in a tier 3 country, what could be some of the great investment opportunities? I think that some tier 3 countries are agricultural countries like that of mine. So, what about you?

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What Are Some investment Options For Poor People?

There are many people who think that investments often involve investing a huge amount of money and only rich people could invest in many different kinds of business opportunities. While this may be the case, this does not mean that this principle applies under all circumstances. There should be some investment options for many poor people as well that could allow them to increase their income to some extent. So, what are they?

Is Anybody Selling on Etsy?

Etsy is a popular marketplace that allows you not only to sell from your own inventory but also through print-on-demand and dropshipping methods. You can also sell digital products and digital downloads. Etsy is best for those who can create customized products, handmade products, as opposed to mass-made products. Have you sold on Etsy, what's your experience like? I use Etsy and I have been using it for a couple of years.

Do you like Watsons?

The first time I've entered a Watson store was in Hongkong and I was very amused as it has almost the things I want to buy. That was in the 90's and there was no Watsons in our country yet. Today Watsons store can be found in almost all corners of the cities in my country. The store size is just enough for the shopper to roam around selecting various stuffs without walking too
much. They sell good quality health and beauty products at affordable prices. Some watsons stores also sell food goodies. Is there a Watson store in your place?! Do you like this kind of business?

Buying and Selling Businesses

Buying and selling businesses can also be a big business for those who have money and the eye to see the potential in the business they are buying. Most of the angel investors are actually the people who buy business (invest in the business for a certain percentage of equity), and sell the business (their equity) once the company becomes big.

FBA Vs. Amazon Merch: Which is a Better Seller Program

You can sell on Amazon through different methods and some of the popular methods are FBA and Amazon Merch. Have you tried these methods, what's your experience like? Well, I have no experience with FBA as the program is not available in my location but I use Amazon Merch and I sometimes make sales, hence make money. Amazon Merch is a free program where as FBA has some fees attached to it.

How did you build business funds?

Generally speaking, you can build business funds in 4 different ways:
Use your savings
Burrow from friends and family
Get a loan
Sell your assets
There is also a fifth method where you get funding from an investor, however, in order for this to happen, you should already have invested in your business and your business is already functional.
When you started a business, how did you build your business fund?

Fiverr Vs. Upwork

Do you use Fiverr and Upwork at the same time? Have you used Fiverr as well as Upwork? Based on your personal experience, which platform do you think is relatively easier to make money? I have used both platforms and I have made money on both, but I have made more money on Upwork compared to Fiverr. On Fiverr, you have to wait for someone to buy your gig, whereas on Upwork, you pitch your service to a client. Therefore, Upwork is relatively easy.

Forum Posting Vs. Article Writing

If you have writing skills, you can make money posting on forums as well as writing articles on various article sites. Based on your experience, where do you earn more money, on paid-to-post forums or article writing sites. I publish articles on one site and I make $60 per month on average. I post on a couple of forums and I make twice that amount. However, my earnings from articles is completely passive where as I have to post every day to make money from forums.

Between a Mason and a Plumber- Which is more lucrative?

Masonry and plumbing are two skills, jobs and businesses that have to do with building and constructions. The both are very vital skills in the set up of a house.

For someone torn in between making a choice between the two factors, which one would you advice anyone to choose being that profitablity is the only factor to consider? Who makes more money between a Mason and a plumber?

Buying and Selling Website

Buying and selling websites is a profitable business. I have been doing this business since 2017 and I have sold a lot of websites. The lowest amount I have ever received for a website was $150 and the highest amount I have ever made was $2000. I mostly sell websites through Flippa but I have also sold websites through webmaster forums. Have you ever sold a website?

How to Make Money While Traveling

Traveling is one of the hobbies that many people like, be it traveling locally (domesticly) or abroad. So far, people only know traveling as a refresher for the mind and body, especially for those whose daily work is always monotonous in front of the computer, of course, they will need a different atmosphere, such as traveling.

We all know the cost of traveling is not cheap, we also have to think about the cost of expensive travel tickets, hotels, meals, tickets to tourist destinations, etc., so that we will achieve a sizable amount of money. Because of that, traveling doesn't need to be done every month, maybe only once or twice a year and even then we have to plan and save and budget from the beginning of the year

But it turns out that traveling can also be used as a means of making money, so that it will reduce the cost of traveling or even make a profit. Let's discuss together, how can we make money from traveling as follows:

1. Create a Blog/Website
If you like traveling, you should have a blog/website, so you can write/tell your experiences while traveling on your blog. You can write in your language style or language or colloquial language. Use an attractive font and blog design, upload photos of your shots while traveling, so visitors will feel at home visiting your blog, if your blog has high traffic you can make it a money printing machine by installing Google Adsense, opening an advertising service or receiving endorsements from agents journey. Apart from writing on your blog, you can also submit articles about your experiences while traveling on article sites, especially those that discuss traveling issues, and you will also get paid.

2. Create a vlog and upload it to YouTube
Creating vlogs or documentaries is a way to make money while traveling, especially when entering big cities like Paris, London, Toronto, Montreal, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, etc. If you meet homeless people, have a short chat and give them tips (money), shopping on the side of the road, or shopping at traditional markets, will make a different impression, but don't forget you have to record all your activities. You can also challenge a game of chess on the street (bet $5 for the winner) like in Union Square, New York. Don't forget to record the tourist attractions you visit or other interesting tourist spots. If your Youtube traffic is high, many travel agents will be interested in using your services for promotion.

3. Selling Traveling photos
If you have a sophisticated photo camera, tripod and photo editing skills then you can take pictures of interesting tourist spots, wherever you visit. Then you can sell your photos to online sales agents such as Shutterstock, SmugMug Pro, Alamy, iStock Photo, Etsy etc. The cooler your photo, the faster it will sell. But you have to be patient because there are many competing photographers from around the world.

4. Personal Shoppers
Personal shopper or Safekeeping service is receiving orders for goods, especially when you go out of town, or to another city, which has the characteristics of food and souvenirs that are not available in your hometown, traveling is using a private car, in the destination city you can look for items goods that are typical of a particular region. Next, you only need to upload a photo on the WhatsApp group along with the price of the item plus the commission you will receive, for example 15% and provide a description if needed. If there is an order, you buy the ordered item, after you return to your city you can deliver the ordered item and receive money.

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How to protect purchasing power when investing

You can diversify your portfolio across different asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This will helps mitigate risks and capture growth opportunities. Then, invest in inflation-resistant assets such as gold or inflation-protected bonds. These can act as a hedge against rising prices. Also, regularly review and adjust your investments to align with changing economic conditions. By staying informed and making informed decisions, you can safeguard your purchasing power and achieve long-term financial stability.

Do You Have a Partnership Business

I don't have a partnership business, however, a few years ago, I had a partnership business. It was a restaurant where two other guys had also invested and we had a 33.33 percent share. The business started doing downhill when a partner took his share and then left. Later, another partner also left and I was alone to run the business. Do you have a partnership business?

Ways financial advisors can help in investment planning

Financial advisors help individuals define their financial goals and risk tolerance, aligning investments accordingly. Advisors offer personalized investment strategies tailored to clients' needs and time horizons. They monitor market trends, analyze investment opportunities, and make informed recommendations, saving clients valuable time and effort. Advisors also help diversify portfolios to minimize risk and maximize returns. Advisors also help diversify portfolios to minimize risk and maximize returns.

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Is Your Business a Registered Business?

Currently, I am running a couple of businesses and none of my businesses are registered. These are small online businesses that I operate through my laptop and hire virtual assistants to help me. However, in the past, I have offline businesses that were registered through local government agencies. I was even auditing my businesses and paying taxes. Since my businesses make very little profit, I have never considered registering them.

