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How do you react to customers when you are sad?

The basic knowledge of a business is to make sure that we treat our customers well and that’s why you have to be friendly and not hostile as a business person.

Also, there are times when we may be sad because we may not always be in a good mood. Does the mood affect the way you react to your customers?

I can’t say yes or no but it depends on how the customer stresses me.
How about you?

The benefit of 'either or' account.

Bank accounts could be single, joint and either or. A single account means only the one in whose name the account is can operate it. Joint account is when the signature of both are needed to operate the account but the either or is when the joint account can be operated signly by both. This either or account gives the freedom to both to independently operate the acount.
What type of account do you have?

Do you sometimes try doing some electric works in your house by yourself?

There are some times when a few things or electric things get spoilt in the house and you may be forced to do it by yourself. Actually, some people don’t like to do anything for themselves. They basically call the electrician for everything.

Are you one of those who gets forced to do electricity works by themselves at home or you pay someone to do it for you?

What is the proper age for a man to get married?

Some people say that there should be no proper age. They only believe that a man should get married when he has enough money to get married.

Due to this reason, so many people will wait until they have everything and unfortunately, that time may never come.

As for me, I feel 30 is the proper age to get married as a man. You can as well get married before that age but make sure it isn’t too late too.

Are you the type who invests big or small in something?

Actually, I’m someone who always want to make huge profit. That’s not because I’m greedy but because investment takes time since I do longtime investment and it would not make any sense to still invest a little amount of money into whatever.

That’s why I always make sure that I invest a reasonable amount of money into the business at once. Is anyone with me on this?

