Joys of gardening

There is never a day I do not take strolls in my garden. There is always something that surprises me - seeds that germinate, cuttings that get new shoots, a new plant that gets buds, fruits that show signs of maturing accompanied ofcourse by the chirping of birds.

What little things make you happy?

Cure your depression

Depression spares no one. This occurs if the person suffers different kinds of problems. It could be about the problem of love, losing a job, or losing a loved one. If feeling depressed, it is advisable to speak with your doctor to give you the right treatment. Seek support from your family or close friends. Do not keep a problem, you have to share it with a trusted person to ease the cause.
Do not keep a problem, there is a solution to it just trust yourself. Go out see a friend or friends, and cry out to them your problems. Do not wait for bad thinking that may harm you. You own yourself and take good care of it to the fullest. Make a twist by converting your depressed feeling into a happy feeling.

What are the craziest Wi-Fi names you've ever heard?

In my relatives apartment building, one neighbor's Wi-Fi is dubbed "GetOffMyLawnYouKids", likely deterring any youngsters from piggybacking. Another caught my eye: "It HurtsWhenIP". Clever plays on words seem popular, like "The LAN Before Time" and "RouterRickSanchez". However, the one that takes the cake has to be the straightforward yet unsettling "FBI_SurveillanceVan3". :D

What is the most unusual password you have ever seen?

While working in IT support, I encountered a user with the password "SkwUn3\yM0nk3y$". It was a seemingly random assortment of characters that made little sense. However, upon closer inspection, I realized it was a clever mnemonic device: "Squeaky Monkey". By creatively substituting numbers and symbols, the user had crafted a unique and memorable password that defied conventional wisdom while meeting security requirements.

Your positive mindset directs you to a successful business

Your positive mindset directs you to a successful business, this is one of the mindset of a CEO is to have a direction in business. Without it, you have a hard time to adjust yourself to a situation as a new businessman. Planning is vital and what you plan must be attainable, measurable, and reachable. The next thing is to organize your plans, and match them with the best strategy and tactic the sure ways to attain your goal. Further, direct yourself to the right target and double-check the services you could offer to your community, your direct customers, and nearby. It is in this way to achieve your dreams successfully.

There are things we desire for ourselves and for our family.

There are things we desire for ourselves and our family.

I am so sure, there are things you desire for yourself and your family and you will be restless if you cannot achieve them. In achieving what you desire, you have to start step by step. You cannot make things happen in an instant unless you are wealthy and the desire you have could be attained through money, but those ordinary, they are happy to start from rags to riches. Increasing your finances is the first step to follow, the next will be the history of how you were able to chicken out the obstacles while shaping your life for the better. You may have invested seething that wows your finances. The secret of how you made it will be kept for yourself for that is yours and part of your plan. In conclusion, there is nothing hard if only try and there is nothing impossible to achieve richness if work hard and smart.

Enjoy the little things

Let us enjoy the little things. There are little things that make us happy and our hearts can express them. The way we feel might be too short bit that could impact our lives in a single moment. Even a sweet smile from a stranger admiring something from us makes a shift to our mood. Our mind wants to replay those little things that make us happy. We reject to replay those things that are excruciating and senseless. This day, I received a gift from a friend. It was a simple gift, one giant-size toothpaste and one dozen toothbrushes. I was feeling over the moon. I cherished all the little and big things that came my way.

How would you respond in an interview, when asked for the password of your email ID?

I would politely but firmly decline to provide my email password. I understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality and protecting sensitive information. However, I'm happy to discuss my email practices, such as how I organize my inbox or handle confidential communications. My priority is maintaining trust and acting with integrity in all professional matters.

Can you share your online earning experience?

My online earning experience has been a mixed bag. I started freelancing a few years ago, offering writing and virtual assistant services. While the flexibility was freeing, inconsistent work and low rates made earning a livable income challenging. Eventually, I transitioned to an online tutoring role which provided more stability. However, the long hours drained me. Ultimately, I've found a balance by maintaining a few remote side gigs alongside a traditional job. It's a constant juggling act, but one that allows me to pursue multiple income streams on my terms.

What you are dreaming of surely comes true, just make it happen

What you are dreaming of surely comes true, just make it happen. We all know that success happens from what you have dreamed of. You will be inspired to work out your dream and plan it well so that you can achieve your dream realistically no matter how hard it would be and no matter how much it costs. If it is what you long to happen in your life, without prejudice, you will succeed.

