Has the price of things affected your business?

Over here the price of fuel and the increase of dollar over our local currency has affected a lot of business today. The cost of production and buying of materials and even transportation has skyrocket. Almost all business owners has increased their price. We as graphic designers we have also started increasing prices. Most of our clients feel all we do is just to see and add pictures and words to form a design so we have no right to increase price, but they fail to realize that for every project we do, we have to make lots of research online, which would cause data, and not to mention downloading of materials. Then majority of the software we use are not for free. There are monthly and yearly subscription for some. Then there is the issue of fuel. The price of things has affected the flow of work and most clients still want our services given to them with a very cheap price.

How can a business owner know if a customer is satisfied or not when they don't comment?

Customers feedback helps a business person to know if a customer is satisfied or not. But all customers are different. There are some customers who won't comment or talk about their experience with your products or services.

How then does a business person assess if these set of customers are okay with the product or not? How is customer satisfaction be ascertained in customers who are introverts like that?

How to make money as an alteration specialist

This is a job about mending and putting clothes in order for people. People will always need clothing hemmed, buttons mended, accessories added and other stuff to put a cloth in a better shape.

You could be the person to do it. If you have the skills and ove sewing . All you need is to have a sewing machine with you and you start offering these simple alteration coothes services in your neighbourhood for money.

What do you think?

Coffee Shop

Do you aspire to operate a coffee shop business in your area or in the mall? If you think that there are already many coffee shops in the mall, why not try to manage a coffee shop business in your own place, especially near the beach, Even near a public market, check the surroundings if there is a coffee shop. If not, it is your great chance. You just need a space to rent, and materials like coffee, sugar, tables, chairs, cups, mugs, and glasses, all could be disposable. You just need a permit to operate. Just make the place cozy for people to feel comfy. What do you think? is this a good business?

Start a business with $400 ( P20,000)

You can start a business with 20K pesos capital. Many are sad because they are thinking that only millionaires can operate a business. But, it is not true because you can start with as little as $400 or P 20k Ph money, you can start a business right away as long as you have the permit to operate business. Know also the risk you will face and the risk tolerance you would have just in case you will experience it. These are the following best businesses you can start with 20k: 1. Online selling 2. Load retailer 3. vending machine and 4. Food ventures 5. Fitness trainer and 6. Tailoring services. Choose now the one you can manage to operate. Good luck.

Th 4 basics of a start-up business

There are 4 basics of a start-up business and they are the following: product, market, money, and people. If you want to venture into a business you need the consider the four bacis. It is very important to know the products you will sell. Also, check your money, is it sufficient for capital? Never apply for a loan just to start a business. Next is to check your market. Who do you think are your target market? It is very important because you want customers to buy your products. And foremost check the people in the community if they are capable of buying your products or else adjust your products and the pricing.

Getting jobs as a personal trainer

You can offer your training skills as a personal trainer This is a job you can make good money with the right connection

There are health conscious people that needs trainers to help them out with their healthy and keeping fit life journey. You can offer the following services to get paid

in-home consultations: You can request to be their income consultant specialist

Personalized nutrition specialist; As a personal trainer you can offer the service of personalised nutrition consulting

Exercise regimens expert: You can make money with organising personal routine for clients.

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Starting a resume writing business

Alot of people are always in need of a resume writer. Some people don't have the time to draft one or they don't just know how to get it right. if you have the skill you can step in and make money writing resume for clients

The good thing is that a resume writing business is economical because it has few overhead costs. The business need few educational requirements as well .

All you need to go is to have some resume samples on hand or have your portfolio to showcase your work to new clients to get them working with you What do you think?

How to test out your business abilities

If you are thinking of starting a business for the first time it is good you put to rest your business abilities and see how far you can go. You can test out by doing the following

Start with a good small business idea which will require little to no training to help you feel prepared to deliver.

Go for a business that is cheap to start, to start with ease

Go for a business idea that needs few supplies and little inventory management to know how far you can go

You should try small business ideas online at least you can carried out from your computer for a while.

What do you think?

Interacting with crypto exchanges now becoming airdrops.

When you look at the vast majority of airdrops that are being made in then world of crypto currency, you will note that most are from members interacting with certain wallet exchanges which gets them more points to be shared amongst users in the Airdrop when there is a native token tht would be given by the platform.
This has made a lot of people go into interacting with any crypto app they find.

3 fast ways of growing business assets

it is always good to increase your business assets than your liabilities. Assets are valuable to the business, while liabilities are bad to a business. You can grow your business assets fast by doing the following:

You can start with tapping into any extra savings or income. Look for ways to make extra money to acquire assets

Pay up your debt fast to help your net worth rise fast and you can afford new assets.

Employ means to accelerate your sales to gain more profit to aid you acquire assets

What do you think?

Operate business legally

It is never advisabe to go against the law. If you aspire to operate a business, make sure that you fully comply with the requirements of the law to be safe and protected. Know if you have a business permit, health certificate, the right place for your business, your real targets, the products, the manpower, and the capital. You are required to present all those when you get a permit. Never do a black marketing business or a monkey business. If you get caught gone will be your dreams.

Do you include your family in your investment?

If you are an investor, do you include your family in your investment? what I mean is, do you task them to help you like reaching out to their friends to market what you are investing? Do you also give them some incentives from your profit? In my investment, I partly include some members of my family. They help me introduce to their rich friends and I also give them some amount from my profit that makes them happy. The feeling is fulfilled once our family is part of our business. Wat about you?

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Connect your business to your community

Who are your buyers if you are running a store business? There is no other but the people in your community. They are your direct revenues who could move your business to its top level. If you are friendly, kind, approachable, and a good listener to your community, they surely respect you. They will also protect you from harm from despicable people. That is also called community service that may turn satisfactory for the people in the community, your constant buyers. And of course, they will love you more if give them a chance to listen to their woes, vis a vis with their daily needs. And allowing them to purchase goods through installment is where you can prove your care in return.

Reason why passive income is important?

Passive income is important for several reasons:

1.Financial Security:
Passive income provides a steady and reliable stream of money, reducing financial stress and providing a safety net in times of economic uncertainty or unexpected expenses.

2.Financial Freedom:
It offers the opportunity to achieve financial independence, where your passive income covers your living expenses and allows you to live life on your terms.

Passive income diversifies your income sources, reducing your dependence on a single job or business, which can be vulnerable to economic fluctuations.

4.Work-Life Balance:
Passive income can free up your time and allow you to pursue other interests, spend more time with loved ones, and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

5.Wealth Building:
It can serve as a vehicle for wealth accumulation, enabling you to invest and grow your assets over time, creating long-term wealth.

6.Retirement Planning:
Passive income can be a crucial component of retirement planning, ensuring a comfortable and secure retirement without the need to rely solely on savings or government benefits.

Passive income streams can complement active income from a business, allowing entrepreneurs to build more stable and sustainable ventures.

8.Financial Goals:
Passive income can help you achieve financial goals, whether it's buying a home, paying for education, or taking vacations.

9.Reduced Stress:
Having passive income can reduce financial stress, as it provides a sense of financial stability and the ability to weather financial storms.

10.Legacy and Generational Wealth: Passive income can be passed on to heirs, providing for future generations and helping create a lasting legacy.

It's important to note that building passive income typically requires effort, time, and sometimes initial investment. Different sources of passive income can include investments, rental income, dividends, royalties, and online businesses, among others. The specific methods for generating passive income will vary based on individual goals and circumstances. Building and diversifying passive income streams can be a valuable financial strategy for long-term financial success.

Worker cash

Hi, I recently became more active on Timebucks, and I've been watching videos from a platform called worker cash. Have you ever heard about it? You get to pay a few cents for just watching a video for 10 seconds. I've been reading reviews, and I'm not so impressed by this app. Have you ever heard of it, and what are your opinions?

Why upgrades are important in business?

A businessowner needs to always apply an upgrade to it's business. This is about applying positive changes to the different areas of the business. The truth is that any business rhst is up-to-date and leading the market, will pull more customers.

So upgrades can benefit a business in a different ways, and they include the following ways:

Improvement in processes and features of the business

You would experience improved efficiencies which will lead to time and costs saving

You would make your customers happy

There will be an elevation in the practices of the business ,

What do you think?

How to win back lost service clients

It is not only customers for products that can be lost even those offering services can lose clients. You need to work with different tips to keeps your clients still coming back to use your service. So if you have previously lose some of your service clients how can you lure them back

Start with openly claiming responsibility for mistakes you have made

Provide incentives like discounts, savings deals and other offers to lure them back

You can contact them personally and reduce the costs of the service for them

Ask them for a feedback on your service and work with their recommendations.

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Reasons for increased debts in a business

A business with high level of debt is leading for failure. Any high level of owings in a business will impact negatively on a business. So a business owner needs to checkmate the factors that brings increased debt in the business to halt it

Some reasons for increased debt in a business includes the following:

High cost of running the business as there's is no implementation of a budget.

Lack of Improved cashflow. Money coming into the business is very low

The business lacks grants and support. which might bring about borrowing and debt

No equity financing and thee might be high level of less sales.

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Right investment.

Is their a right investment plan?
I am asking this because when we invest our money on any investment plan we think that the investment plan is safe and a right place to invest and we are sure that we will get profit, but after that some of us get really good profit from our investment and some people will lose their investment money and get mad saying "why do we choose this investment plan", but at firs we all think the investment was good. so is investment a gambling thing or what? because when we see the end of every investment we all don't get profitable.

