Making Money Through Reseller Hosting

If you want to start a Web Hosting Company but do not have a lot of money to invest in data centers, Reseller Hosting program is for you.

What is reseller hosting?

This program allows you to start your own Web Hosting Company without having to set up your own data centers. You basically buy Reseller Programs through Web Hosting companies, and sell hosting packages through your own website. You can sell through your own brand.

How much money do you need?

It depends on where you buy the reseller hosting package. You can get reseller hosting package for $20 per month on Namecheap or Hostgator. On Orange Host, you get a reseller hosting for $19 per month.

How much money you can make?

This depends on how many hosting accounts you get from your web host and how many accounts you can sell. For instance, namecheap gives you 25 cpanel accounts for reseller package worth $20. If you sell 25 accounts for $2 per month, you can make good profits.

Marketing and advertising for small business owners

Marketing and advertising your business is the only way to make your business known and as well make profit. When it comes to this aspect, most big business out there usually have teams who are solely in charge of this, a small business on the other hand might not have the Capital or resources to hire a team. The best way to keep up with the competition is to be creative and make use of what you have. Overview

Netcoins is a crypto exchange from Canada which was founded in 2014, besides being accessible via a web browser, Netcoins is also available on mobile apps such as Googleplay and Appstore.

Netcoins can support more than 35 types of crypto, fiat money is also available such as CAD and USD. Users can also deposit crypto, credit cards and bank transfers, and each user requires KYC verification before using the Netcoins crypto exchange.

Compared to other crypto exchanges, Netcoin is one of the exchanges that implement high trading fees of 0.5%.

There are not many features available on the Netcoins exchange, only sell, buy, stake, and are opened only for Canadian citizens and currently living in Canada, so when users go to another country they cannot use the Netcoins exchange.

The role of graphic designing in advertising.

When it comes to advertising and promoting of your business, graphic designing plays a major role. To attract your target audience. Many companies and brand make use of graphic designers to help design their logos, business flyers and their social media contents. Graphic designers help the business owners pass the intended message to their target audience. This is why graphic designers are important in the business sector today

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80-20 rule of food businesses

With regard to including additives such as sugar, fat, and salt certain multinational food processing businesses observe an 80-20 rule. The essence of this rule is to include the amount of additives that would ensure that 20 percent of the companies' customers consume 80 percent of the total food in the market.

Given that these additives are responsible for most of the non-communicable chronic diseases and health conditions plaguing the world, I hold that the food businesses are acting immorally by observing the 80-20 rule.

What do you think?

High Paying Niches for Making Money Online

If you want to make decent money online, or even a lot of money, you need to work in high-paying niches. So, what are the high-paying niches for making money online?

Content Creation: Article wiring, video making, and graphic designing are some of the skills related to content creation. As a content creator, you can not only make money by monetizing your content but also earn by selling your content.

Digital Marketing: It does not matter what you do, whether you sell your own services or products, or want to help businesses and individuals to sell their products and services, you need digital marketing skills. You need to master skills related to digital marketing such as SEO, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, etc.

Web and App Design and Development: If you can build and designs mobile apps and web apps, you can make money in many ways, such as web and app monetization, selling products and services through web and apps, or designing and building apps and webs for clients.

Cardinal Solana Discontinued

Cardinal Labs is an infrastructure provider that provides protocol services on the Solana blockchain such as NFT staking, NFT trading, royalties, leasing etc. According to the news I've read, Cardinal Labs has stopped their protocol service since last Wednesday, (28/6) gradually turning off several features such as token management, staking pool creation, social media management, NFT rentals and deposits. So if you are a protocol user it is expected to immediately withdraw funds (crypto) no later than August 26, 2023.

But since Cardinal Solana's announcement was discontinued, Solana's price has gone up, on June 28, Solana's price closed at 15.99 and as of July 1st, Solana's price has reached $18.30,

Stellar Price Prediction According to AI

This time I want to talk about Stellar (XLM), which I think is one of the potential cryptos since at least two weeks ago the price has crept up, since June 17, 2023 at a price of $ 0.078, and now it has reached a price of $ 0.107. ATH $0.94 was reached on Jan 4, 2018.

Stellar Price Prediction (XLM)
Based on the Trendline, it is predicted that the price of Stellar will reach $0.120 by July 15, 2023, while the prediction based on the machine learning algorithm (AI) is predicted that the price of Stellar will be at $0.1085 by July 31, 2023.

Targeting new customers through the old ones.

One sign that shows your business is growing is not only when it has regular customers, it is also when there are also new customers coming in as well. One common strategy to get new customers to your business is through the old ones. Customer satisfaction plays a very important role in this. Once you are able to satisfy your customers they would refer others to the business as well.

Your business reputation

The reputation of your business matters a lot, it plays a role on how customers view your business and if they would be willing to trade with you. With the help of the internet it has become very easy for news and information to spread, meaning one wrong move from your business, the world would know about it in minutes. To preserve and secure the reputation of your business it is very important you work with transparency and honesty.

Meeting customer's needs

Meeting the needs of customers can be very challenging for business owners of both big and small business. Every customer has their specific preference and difference hence it might be abit challenging to care for all their needs. One way to solve this problem is to always render quality service, you cannot please everyone but you can always try to do your best and all times.

Maintaining quality relationship with your customers

One major problem most business owners and young entrepreneurs usually face is how to maintain a good and quality relationship with their customers. I believe one way to maintain a good relationship with your customers besides offering quality services is by sharing information. These days technology has made it a lot easier for people to share information. Keep your customers updated on the latest products and changes.

How to create wealth through poultry farming.

Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative businesses in Africa, especially when it is properly set up and managed. This aspect of livestock farming presents one of the finest opportunities for many involved to make good money within the shortest period of time possible due to the quick growth and maturity of the birds ( Chicken ). there are over hundreds of million consumers who patronised poultry products on a daily basis which makes the market to always be there. There are basically two breeds of poultry birds which are the broilers and layers.
Boilers are majorly used as meat why layers are used for the production of eggs.

Reasons to consider poultry farming.
- Chicken reproduce fast and in large numbers:
an average healthy layer lays an egg almost everyday or at least four times in a. some breeds can lay as much as 325 in a year and take up to 21 days to hatch.
- Chicken grow very fast: within 8 weeks, broilers are ready for market which means a farmer starts making his money and reinvesting in less than 10 weeks after successfully setting up his farm and whatever return he makes could be doubled in a year if we are to make use of this calculation.
- Chicken sell at a very good price : although this varies a lot depending on the location where you find yourself building up a poultry business but however, the recent success is in the promotion of locally raised chicken in place of imported frozen chicken is a pointer that there is a brighter future for broiler and turkey farmers.
- Egg market is large too: apart apart from eating of chicken, the egg market is another money of its own. many farmers will go into egg production do so in order to enjoy the benefits of having regular income as egg production from the birds never stops and you are bound to enjoy a consistent and regular.

As you can see the profit in poultry business is mouthwatering and turn overtime is fantastic as well but the big question is how to start.
From the experience that I had with two colleagues who own medium size poultry farms, starting up a poultry business requires a lot of funding as there will be a building as in farm which you would rent and the feeds for the birds over budgeted and treatment of birds in case of any illness or disease that comes and then you have the money to be used in purchasing the birds ( chicken ).
Mind you birds are always vulnerable during the first four to eight weeks at the farm, during those times it is called the brooding period where you are always there with the birds to feed them and care for them regulating their room temperature for they are not strong enough to regulate their body temperature. It is during this period that many farmers encounter losses for deaths of these birds occur during this brooding periods if not properly managed or taken care of.
although broilers are easy to manage during the brooding periods than the layers.

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Is AI a Threat to Employees and Freelancers?

Often the subject of debate and discussion about AI (Artificial Intelligence) whether it will threaten human work, be it office workers or freelancers, or will even help their work, AI or ChatGPT is very different from search engines like Google and Yahoo, which only present sites on object we are looking for, while AI can provide a direct answer, for example you ask "How to deal with a selfish girl friend?" then AI will give a complete answer. Although AI also has the possibility of giving wrong answers. So in your opinion, is the presence of AI a threat or even a help to workers and freelancers?

How To Make Money From WeSing Apps

How to Make Money on WeSing Apps
For music lovers or you just like to sing, whether alone or in the bathroom, and make singing one of the fun activities and also very beneficial for the health of the body such as reducing stress, improving the respiratory system, improving brain performance and more confidence ourselves, not only that we have a hobby of singing we can also make money through Wesing mobile apps. You can also choose your favorite songs and collect points which we can later convert into real money. The WeSing app has a good reputation and gets 4.4 stars, and has been downloaded more than 10 million.

What is the WeSing App?
WeSing is a song and karaoke application that you can install through the Play Store or App Store. This mobile karaoke app was founded by Tencent Music Entertainment HongKong Limited.

What are the Benefits of the WeSing App?
Besides you can use the WeSing application as entertainment, in the form of singing, you can also sing together with family or close friends, so your voice will sound better, besides that you can also broadcast live while singing, if your voice is good then you will get rewards from viewers . You can also record videos and share them on social media such as Whatsapp, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter etc.

Even though it seems just for fun or entertainment, this platform can also add friends, you can also invite your friends to become your referrals, and everyone who installs WeSing apps, with your ref link, you will get a reward of $ 0.7.

Furthermore, to get a reward from singing, you must record a song that you sing and save it in My song. You have to be active for at least seven days straight, before you get your singing reward.

The minimum withdrawal is $1, and the maximum withdrawal is $12,
via bank account or e-wallet,

What is Social Listening and Why Should Your Brand Use It?

1. Understanding Social Listening: Definition and Benefits

Social listening involves tracking and analyzing conversations across various social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. By monitoring these conversations, brands can gather real-time data about customer preferences, sentiments, and expectations. This information can then be used to refine marketing strategies, create personalized experiences, and develop products and services that align with customer demands.

The benefits of social listening are multifaceted. Firstly, it allows brands to understand their target audience better, identifying their pain points, needs, and desires. By gaining these insights, brands can tailor their messaging and offerings to resonate with their customers, leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Secondly, social listening enables brands to keep a pulse on industry trends and monitor their competitors' activities. By analyzing conversations related to the industry, brands can identify emerging trends, new market opportunities, and potential threats. This knowledge empowers brands to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions to outperform their competitors.

2. Setting Up Social Listening: Tools and Techniques

To effectively implement social listening, brands need to utilize suitable tools and techniques. Numerous social media monitoring tools are available, offering features such as keyword tracking, sentiment analysis, and data visualization. Some popular tools include Hootsuite, Brandwatch, Mention, and Sprout Social. These tools allow brands to monitor brand mentions, track relevant hashtags, and gain comprehensive insights into their online presence.

In addition to using monitoring tools, brands can leverage advanced techniques such as natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to extract meaningful insights from social media conversations. These techniques enable brands to analyze vast amounts of data efficiently and identify patterns, sentiments, and emerging topics.

3. Identifying and Analyzing Conversations: Monitoring Brand Mentions

One fundamental aspect of social listening is monitoring brand mentions. By tracking mentions of your brand name, products, or services, you can understand how customers perceive your brand and identify potential areas for improvement. It also allows you to address customer queries, concerns, or complaints promptly, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.

4. Customer Sentiment Analysis: Understanding Emotions and Perceptions

Another crucial element of social listening is customer sentiment analysis. By analyzing the sentiment behind conversations related to your brand, you can gauge customer emotions and perceptions. Positive sentiment indicates customer satisfaction and brand advocacy, while negative sentiment highlights areas that require attention or improvement. Customer sentiment analysis enables brands to proactively address issues, engage in meaningful conversations, and foster positive brand experiences.

5. Competitor Analysis: Gaining a Competitive Edge

Social listening provides brands with the opportunity to conduct competitor analysis effectively. By monitoring conversations related to your competitors, you can gain insights into their strategies, campaigns, and customer feedback. This knowledge allows you to identify gaps in the market, refine your offerings, and position your brand as a leader in your industry. By understanding your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, you can leverage these insights to differentiate yourself and attract more customers.

6. Content Strategy and Campaign Optimization: Tailoring Messages for Success

Social listening plays a vital role in shaping an effective content strategy and optimizing marketing campaigns. By analyzing the topics and themes that resonate with your target audience, you can create relevant and engaging content that drives higher engagement and conversions. Social listening also allows you to identify influencers and thought leaders who align with your brand values, enabling collaborations that amplify your message to a wider audience.

7. Enhancing Customer Support and Engagement: Responding in Real Time

Social media platforms provide a real-time avenue for brands to connect with their customers. By actively listening and responding to customer queries, feedback, and mentions, brands can provide exceptional customer support and build meaningful relationships. Prompt and personalized responses demonstrate a brand's commitment to customer satisfaction, fostering trust and loyalty.

8. Crisis Management: Identifying and Addressing Potential Issues

Social listening is invaluable when it comes to crisis management. By monitoring conversations around your brand, you can identify potential issues or negative sentiments early on. This allows you to address them proactively, minimize reputational damage, and maintain a positive brand image. Social listening enables brands to swiftly respond to crises, provide accurate information, and mitigate the impact on their reputation.

9. Measuring and Evaluating Results: Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To gauge the effectiveness of social listening efforts, brands should establish relevant metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). These may include metrics such as brand sentiment, engagement rate, reach, and share of voice. By consistently measuring and evaluating these metrics, brands can track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate the impact of social listening on their business objectives.

10. Best Practices: Tips for Effective Social Listening

To make the most of social listening, consider the following best practices:

1. Define clear goals and objectives for your social listening strategy.
2. Choose the right social media monitoring tools that align with your requirements.
3. Monitor conversations beyond direct mentions of your brand, including industry trends and competitor activities.
4. Analyze sentiment and emotions behind conversations to understand customer perceptions.
5. Respond promptly and thoughtfully to customer queries, feedback, and complaints.
6. Continuously refine and optimize your content strategy based on insights gained from social listening.
7. Keep an eye on emerging trends and adapt your strategies accordingly.
8. Encourage cross-functional collaboration between marketing, customer support, and other relevant departments to leverage social listening insights effectively.

11. Future Trends: Evolving Strategies in Social Listening

As technology advances and consumer behaviors evolve, social listening strategies will continue to evolve as well. Some future trends in social listening include:

1. Integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for more accurate sentiment analysis and data processing.
2. Increased focus on niche communities and micro-influencers for targeted engagement.
3. Expansion of social listening beyond public platforms to include closed groups and private conversations.
4. Integration of social listening with other data sources, such as customer surveys and CRM systems, for a holistic understanding of customers.
5. Real-time response automation through chatbots and AI-powered customer support systems.

Making Money as a Social Media Influencer

Becoming a social media influencer and earning money from it requires dedication, strategy, and consistent effort. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Choose your niche: Select a specific area of interest or expertise that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. This will help you attract a targeted audience who share your interests.

2. Define your target audience: Identify the demographic and characteristics of the audience you want to reach. Understanding their needs and preferences will allow you to create content that resonates with them.

3. Select the right platforms: Research and determine which social media platforms align with your niche and target audience. Popular platforms include Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook.

4. Create high-quality content: Develop content that is engaging, valuable, and visually appealing. Use high-resolution images, videos, and well-written captions or scripts. Consistency is key, so establish a content schedule and stick to it.

5. Build a strong personal brand: Establish a unique identity and voice across your social media channels. Use consistent branding elements such as colors, fonts, and tone of voice to create a cohesive brand image. Be authentic and showcase your personality to connect with your audience.

6. Engage with your audience: Interact with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Building genuine relationships and creating a sense of community will help grow your following and increase engagement.

7. Collaborate with others: Collaborate with other influencers, brands, or individuals in your niche. This can include guest appearances, shoutouts, or joint content creation. Collaborations can expand your reach and attract new followers.

8. Utilize hashtags and SEO: Research relevant hashtags and incorporate them into your posts to increase discoverability. Additionally, optimize your content for search engines by using relevant keywords and descriptions.

9. Grow your following: Consistently work on increasing your follower count by implementing growth strategies. This can include cross-promotion, influencer marketing, contests, giveaways, or paid advertising.

10. Monetize your influence: Once you have a substantial following, you can explore various monetization options. These can include sponsored posts, brand partnerships, affiliate marketing, creating and selling your own products, offering consulting services, or generating revenue through ad placements.

11. Track your performance: Utilize analytics tools provided by social media platforms to monitor your growth, engagement, and reach. Analyzing data will help you understand what content performs well and make informed decisions for future strategies.

Will Operation Choke Point Kill the Crypto Industry?

Operation Choke Point is just a term used to refer to the USA government being against cryptocurrencies. Choke Point operations have commenced since Dec 6, 2022 closing Silvergate bank and Signature bank. The US government has also called for all companies to stay away from cryptocurrencies.

In March 2023 the SEC fined crypto exchange Kraken US$30 million, for providing unregistered staking services.

The SEC forced the BUSD issued by Paxos to be discontinued as it was deemed an unregistered security.

In early June 2022, it also demanded Coinbase and Binance US to delist 61 cryptos deemed as securities. Do you think that Operation Choke Point by the US government can slowly kill cryptocurrencies?

How to earn money with NFTs as a beginner, A guide.

As the world of digital assets and cryptocurrency continue to evolve, the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has become a hot topic. Nfts are digital assets that represent ownership of unique items such as art, music or videos. These assets have gained popularity and have become a source of income for many people. If you are a beginner looking to make money with nfts, then I will show you everything you need to know about nfts including how they work, how to create and sell them and tips on how to make a profit.

Understanding NFTs
NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain similar to crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The main difference is that NFTs non-fungible, meaning that they cannot be exchanged for other tokens on a one-to-one basis. Each NFT is unique and represents ownership of a specific asset making them valuable to collectors.
One of the most exciting aspects of NFTs is their potential to revolutionize various industries including gaming, sports and music. For example, NFTs can be used in video games to create unique in-game items that players can purchase and own. In sports industry, NFTs can be used to represent ownership of a specific moment in a game or even of a team. Musicians can also utilise NFTs to sell ownership of a specific song or album, creating a new way for fans to support their favorite artists.

Creating NFTs
To create an NFT, you will need to choose the asset that you want to sell and mint it on a block chain. Minting an NFT means creating a unique digital asset on the block chain that is verified and recorded.
Several marketplaces allow you to mint and sell NFTs, such as,, and . These platforms offer different features and fees, so it's important to research before choosing one.
Once you have chosen a platform, you will need to connect a digital wallet that supports the block chain on which you want to mint NFT. Commonly used digital wallets include Metamask, Coinbase wallet and Trust wallet. After connecting your wallet, you can then upload the asset that you want to turn into an NFT, such as an image or video. Some marketplaces also allow for the creation of interactive NFTs, such as those that respond to user inputs.

Selling NFTs
Once you have minted your NFT, it's time to sell it. You can list your NFT on a market place and set a price for it. The price of an NFT can vary depending on factors such as the rarity, demand and the artist's reputation. It's important to price your NFT competitively and promote it to potential buyers. Social media platforms like Twitter and Discord can be effective for promoting your NFT to a wider audience.
Another way to sell your NFT is through an auction where potential buyers can bid on your NFT and the highest bidder wins. This cab create a sense if excitement and competition among buyers, potentially driving up the price of your NFT. Some marketplaces for both a fixed price sales and auction, so you can choose the method that works best for you.

Making profit with NFTs.
Making a profit with NFTs requires some strategies and patience. One way to make a profit is to by low and sell high. You can purchase nfts that are undervalued and hold onto them until their value increases.
Another way to make a profit is to create valuable NFTs that are high in demand. This requires research and understanding of the market trends and what the collectors are looking for.
Do not go into NFTs with the hope of making it a trade like Bitcoin or other crypto coin as there might be losses incurred and this is just to guide you on what nfts are all about and not for investing.

