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How Much Do Youtubers Make?


YouTube has revolutionized the way content creators earn a living, offering a platform for creative expression and financial success. The potential earnings of YouTubers depend on various factors, such as their subscriber base, views, engagement, and income streams beyond ad revenue. While it's an enticing career path, aspiring YouTubers must recognize the effort required to build an audience and consistently produce engaging content.

The Basics of YouTube Monetization

To start monetizing their content, YouTubers need to meet certain eligibility requirements. These include having at least 1,000 subscribers on their channel and accumulating a total watch time of 4,000 hours within the past 12 months. Once these benchmarks are met, YouTubers can apply for the YouTube Partner Program, which allows them to earn money from their videos through ads.

YouTube operates on an ad revenue sharing model, where content creators receive a portion of the revenue generated by the ads shown on their videos. The exact revenue share varies but typically falls between 45% and 55% in favor of the YouTuber.

Factors Affecting YouTube Earnings

Let's explore the key elements that influence YouTube earnings.

1. Subscriber Base: The size of a YouTuber's subscriber base plays a crucial role. A larger subscriber count means a wider reach for their videos, leading to more potential views and ad impressions.

2. Views and Watch Time: The number of views and total watch time on videos greatly impacts earnings. Higher view counts and longer watch times result in more ad opportunities and increased revenue potential.

3. Niche and Audience Engagement: The niche or topic of a YouTube channel influences the type of ads it attracts. Channels focusing on popular and lucrative niches often have higher earning potential. Moreover, audience engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, signals to YouTube that the content is valuable, leading to increased ad rates.

4. Advertiser Demand: The demand from advertisers within a specific niche affects ad rates. Niches with high advertiser demand tend to have more expensive ads, resulting in higher earnings for YouTubers.

Different Income Streams for YouTubers

Apart from ad revenue, YouTubers can explore various income streams to boost their earnings. Let's explore some common avenues:

1. Ad Revenue: As mentioned earlier, ad revenue forms the primary income stream for YouTubers. The more views and ad impressions a video generates, the higher the earnings from ads.

2. Sponsorships and Brand Deals: YouTubers with a substantial following and engaged audience often collaborate with brands for sponsorships and brand deals. These partnerships involve promoting products or services in exchange for monetary compensation.

3. Merchandise Sales: Many YouTubers develop their own merchandise, such as clothing, accessories, or digital products, which they promote to their audience. The revenue from merchandise sales can be a significant addition to their overall earnings.

4. YouTube Premium Revenue: YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service that offers an ad-free experience to users. YouTubers receive a share of the revenue generated from YouTube Premium subscribers who watch their content.

Examples of Successful YouTubers and Their Earnings

Let's take a look at a few real-life examples to understand the earning potential of YouTubers from different niches.

Case Study 1: Beauty and Fashion YouTuber

Emma, a beauty and fashion YouTuber with 500,000 subscribers, consistently receives around 100,000 views per video. With ad rates averaging $2 per 1,000 views, Emma's monthly ad revenue from YouTube alone amounts to $200. Additionally, she collaborates with beauty brands for sponsored content, earning an extra $500 per month. Emma's total monthly earnings from YouTube and sponsorships amount to $700.

Case Study 2: Gaming YouTuber

John, a gaming YouTuber with 1 million subscribers, creates videos that receive an average of 500,000 views each. Considering an ad rate of $3 per 1,000 views, John's monthly ad revenue reaches $1,500. He also receives sponsorships from gaming companies, bringing in an additional $2,000 per month. John's total monthly earnings amount to $3,500.

Case Study 3: Educational YouTube

Sarah, an educational YouTuber with 100,000 subscribers, produces videos that garner an average of 50,000 views. With an ad rate of $1 per 1,000 views, Sarah's monthly ad revenue adds up to $50. She monetizes her expertise by selling online courses related to her educational content, generating an extra $1,000 per month. Sarah's total monthly earnings amount to $1,050.

The Reality of YouTube Earnings

It's important to note that YouTube earnings vary significantly from one creator to another. While some YouTubers make substantial incomes, the majority earn modest amounts. Many factors, including niche popularity, competition, and the ability to consistently produce high-quality content, contribute to the income range. It takes considerable effort, consistency, and passion for YouTubers to build a successful channel and earn a substantial income.

The 4 best examples of user-generated content (UGC)


In the era of social media and digital connectivity, consumers have gained more power than ever before. They are no longer passive consumers but active contributors to brand conversations. User-generated content has emerged as a valuable resource for brands to tap into the creativity, loyalty, and authenticity of their customers. Let's delve into the benefits of UGC and explore some inspiring examples.

Benefits of User-Generated Content

User-generated content offers numerous advantages for brands:

1. Authenticity: UGC provides an authentic representation of the brand experience, as it comes directly from real users. This authenticity builds trust and credibility among potential customers.

2. Engagement: By involving users in content creation, brands can foster a sense of community and active participation. This engagement leads to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.

3. Cost-effective: UGC reduces the need for creating content from scratch, saving both time and resources. Brands can leverage the creativity and enthusiasm of their customers to generate compelling content.

4. Reach and virality: When users create and share content, it extends the brand's reach to their personal networks. UGC has the potential to go viral, reaching a much larger audience than traditional brand-created content.

Example 1: Starbucks' #WhiteCupContest

Starbucks, the global coffee giant, leveraged UGC to engage its customers through the #WhiteCupContest. The company invited customers to doodle on their plain white cups and share their creations on social media. This initiative turned Starbucks' customers into co-creators, resulting in a wave of artistic cup designs flooding social media platforms. The contest not only generated a buzz but also showcased Starbucks' commitment to creativity and customer engagement.

Example 2: GoPro's Customer Videos

GoPro, a leading manufacturer of action cameras, tapped into the adventurous spirit of its customers by encouraging them to share their thrilling videos. GoPro's users captured breathtaking moments while skiing, surfing, or engaging in other adrenaline-pumping activities. By showcasing these user-generated videos on their website and social media channels, GoPro not only highlighted the capabilities of their cameras but also inspired and entertained their audience.

Example 3: Airbnb's #LiveThere Campaign

Airbnb, the popular online marketplace for vacation rentals, launched the #LiveThere campaign to emphasize the unique and local experiences their platform offers. They encouraged users to share photos and stories of their Airbnb stays, highlighting the authentic connections they made with the local communities. Through UGC, Airbnb successfully portrayed itself as more than just a booking platform, but rather a facilitator of memorable travel experiences.

Example 4: Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" Campaign

Coca-Cola, the iconic beverage brand, embarked on a user-generated content campaign called "Share a Coke." The company replaced its traditional logo with popular names and encouraged consumers to find their names or the names of their loved ones on Coke bottles and cans. This campaign sparked a wave of UGC on social media, with people sharing photos of themselves with personalized Coca-Cola products. By personalizing their products, Coca-Cola created a sense of connection and emotional attachment with their audience.


User-generated content has revolutionized the way brands engage with their audience. By embracing UGC, companies can tap into the creativity and loyalty of their customers, foster authenticity, and extend their reach. The examples discussed in this article, including Starbucks' #WhiteCupContest, GoPro's customer videos, Airbnb's #LiveThere campaign, and Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign, demonstrate the immense power of user-generated content in creating meaningful connections and driving brand success.

Reaching your target audience

When it comes to advertising, reaching your target audience plays a major role in your advertising. These days there so many advertisers who are finding it hard to reach out to their targeted audience. Some of these reasons could be that they have not been able to draw the attention of their target audience, or recently there have been cases of people now using ad blockers hence they do not see the adverts. How do you think a business owner can overcome this ?

Best Money Making Apps for iPhone

From my observations, many iPhone users just spend their day without producing anything, they prefer to play games or just fill in crosswords. If the apps on your iPhone are not generating revenue for you, then you definitely need to read this article.

You can make money-making applications as additional income from your free time rather than wasting it, often this side income is often very helpful for family finances such as paying monthly bills such as electricity, water, wifi subscriptions, entertainment etc.

In this tutorial, I will present the 7 best money making apps for iPhone. All you have to do is download and register and start making money with some of these apps.

Each application will provide a different payment system, so you need to prepare a payment method, such as a bank account, PayPal, gift card, etc.

If you are ready to make extra money, you need to continue this tutorial article, so you can find apps that suit you, and install apps so you can make money quickly,

1. Swagbucks
Swagbucks is a mobile application that offers to play games, watch videos, polls, product samples, micro tasks etc. Minimum payout $ 3, or 300 points, Payment method PayPal, Giftcard.

2. Decluttr
Decluttr is an application for buying and selling used goods, such as mobile phones, DVDs, CDs, video games etc. There is an affiliate program where you will get a commission of around 10% from customers who buy goods.

3. Sweatcoins
Sweatcoin is an app that pays for your every step, or for your fitness, after signing up you will earn 0.95 Sweatcoin for every 1000 steps, and you will also earn 5 sweatcoins for new members you refer. So the Sweatcoin app will count your steps in a day and pay you with Sweatcoin. If you have collected at least 20,000 Sweatcoin then you convert with fiat money and withdraw with PayPal.

4. Survey Junkies was released in 2019, you only need to complete the survey they offer correctly and honestly. Once you have collected at least $5 you can withdraw via PayPal or to buy a Giftcard. SurveyJunkie Apps are also available on Googleplay.

5. Happy Surveys this application will pay you to provide opinions on topics or news that are currently hot or viral, answer each question correctly, quickly and honestly. The minimum withdrawal for Paypal is $ 10, while the minimum withdrawal with Bitcoin is 10,000 satoshi.

6. ClipClaps
ClipClaps offers users to make money by uploading videos, watching videos, playing games, and a referral program. Every mission or activity you complete will earn you ClapCoins which can be converted to real money. Minimum withdrawal $ 15, via PayPal and payment will be processed in about 14 days.

7. Foap, this application will be perfect if you have a hobby of photography and are going to sell your photos, the method is quite easy and simple, you only need to take photos of various photo objects and you only need to upload them to the Foap application, then the photos your photos will be monetized and you will earn a commission. Minimum withdrawal $ 5, via PayPal.

How to start a blog and make money in 10 simple steps.

So, you want to start your own blog and make money online. Where do you begin? What type of content should you be putting out there? When does the money start flowing in?
If you want to your writing from hobby into a career, you need to build your blog, draw in audience and secure your first income stream.
in this article, we will see a beginner's guide to making money blogging: 5 steps on getting started followed by 5 monetization tips for a total of 10 simple steps. whether you are seeking a new side hustle or aiming to earn a full-time income as a blogger, these ideas will get the wheels turning so you can son achieve your goals.

How to start your blog
Every successful blog is filled with high-quality content. However, in order to make money blogging it's essential to provide value to your audience - this will help you build a loyal following and get the daily page views you need. Your blogging journey is just beginning do use this step by step guide to get yourself situated and begin your new blog to build a robust audience and start earning money.

1. Find a profitable Niche.
The first step to creating a successful blog is figuring out what you want to blog about. There are countless topics out there but a crucial step is narrowing down what your blog is going to be about and finding a niche.
A blog niche is a general idea what topic you would focus your content on such as travel, fashion, cooking or technology. Creating a blog with no need I'm blogging about any topic that's interests you can confuse and alienate your audience.
your goal is to build a loyal fan base that relates to or is interested in your blog niche. Therefore focus your blog on one general topic.

2. Choose a name and get online.
the next step in creating a successful blog is to choose your blog's name and get your blog online. Your blog name represents you, your business, your core blog topics or some combination of the three. If possible, incorporate your niche into your blog tittle to help people immediately understand what your blog is all about. Think about why personality you want your blog to have then get your blog online and to do this, you will need to choose a blogging platform also known as a Content Management System (CMS) and a web hosting platform.

3 Design & Optimise your blog.
Having a good and consistent design for your blog builds trust; it communicates to your audience that you care about your blood enough to put in a genuine effort to make it appear engaged in a professional.

4. Get on a schedule.
One of the critical parts of creating a successful blog is regularly putting out new posts. The more content you put out, the more traffic you will receive. Additional, search engines consider how often a website produces new content and how frequently it is updated and there is no such thing as over blogging, but how much blog content you should create? When starting out, we should aim for 1-2 blog posts per week.

5. Track your metrics.
Tracking your metrics is avutal part of growing and guiding your blog. You can be able to see which blog posts drives the most traffic and what type of content your audience is most interested in.

6. Promote your blog.
Nowadays, a big part of learning to make a living blogging is learning the art of digital marketing. Promoting your blog is the steps to building a substantial audience (which you need in order to have a profitable blog). Use social media channels and forums to promote your blog such as;

7. Run ads
Making money online as a blogger can be tricky but on site advertising - the most traditional way to end a blogging income will likely be the easiest opportunity. Make sure your website can accommodate add space - consider putting ads on your side bar or in a pop-up.

8. Affiliate marketing.
affiliate marketing is one of the most common income streams for professional blogger. This any opportunity tasks you with promoting a third party's product usually used in a link or promo code that's unique to your blog in exchange for commissions earn on each affiliate products sold.

9. Sell digital or physical products or services.
once you have a robust following, consider creating a e-commerce platform within your blog. Sell products related to your blog or what your readers need. For example if you are writing a fashion blog, consider creating your own line of loungewear that your audience can purchase. Think about a problem your audience may have and try to solve it by selling your own physical products.

10. Partner with brands.
in addition to joining affiliate programs and selling your own products or services, successful blogger frequently pitch directly to brands. but before you start aiming for brand partnerships, having a media kit prepared for people and businesses you want to work with is a must.

Allowing employees to own shares in a business

A local TV channel recently reported that a major listed bank has decided to allow its employees to own shares in the company.
I have carried out investigations and realized that such course of action is popular, especially among blue-chip firms.

In your view, what benefits does a business gain by inviting employees to purchase its stock?
Apart from having the opportunity to share in the profits of a company, what other advantages do employees enjoy by owning a company's shares?

Loyalty cards at retail outlets

Virtually all the major retail outlets in my country have policies of issuing customers withy loyalty cards. Every time a customer makes a purchases, she earns some points, depending on the amount she has spent. Customers can redeem these points by obtaining 'free' products.

The matter of a loyalty card has led me to be especially fond of a particular retail outlet in my locality.

What has been your experience with loyalty cards?

Is owning a gym a good business?

With the quest of many trying to gain physical fitness and good shape of the body, there by making lot of people to register for gyming sections at an available gyming center.
Though it is hard to find out a place to establish a gym center as the cost of a section with a gyming center is not something that anybody would wake up one day and start.

How to Start Investing in the Stock Market

In order to start investing in the stock market, you need to create a brokerage account and then fund your account. You can then start investing in the primary market (IPO) or secondary market (stocks). The minimum amount to start investing depends on specific laws set by the security board in your country (for instance, brokerage fees, minimum stocks you need to buy, etc.) and the price of the stocks you want to buy. If this sounds too complicated, you might try trading and investment platforms.

There are a lot of platforms that allow you to start investing in the stock market. Some of the most popular platforms are Robinhood, Webull, eToro, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, E-Trade, etc. First of all, you need to sign up with these platforms and then fund your account. Once, your account is funded, you can start investing.

Note: Some of these investment platforms are not available worldwide, and some of these platforms also have account maintenance fees. Do your own research before investing.

    • Love
Happy Chicken Wings Day

It's Chicken Wings today hoping you flew to the chicken wings station and eat all you can wings. :love: I bought 1 kilo of chicken wings at the Chicken cue a la carte. This will be what we will eat at home this lunch of course with sticky rice imported from Vietnam. Come dine with me virtually. Have a nice chicken wings with you all.

It's a bonding day with my family

Every Saturday, we are having a short picnic at the seaside. Our home is located near beaches and we just walk some meters to reach the beach we like. We brought here the chicken wings I bought as a celebration for the chicken wings this day. There are only 4 of us but we enjoyed a lot. The sea is so calm and the waves so behave. We see people riding on a banana boat hehehe. 11187793_943726462345716_192194068119779431_o.jpgIt is so exciting.

Find me in this picture with my students

This picture was taken during the face-to-face classes. For almost 4 years now, I am struggling to teach online. I am a social type of person, extrovert, friendly, and full of fun. I need people all the time to talk to, smile, and do funny things like jokes. I have many fans in the campus , and many are sending me roses and chocolates. But in online classes students are all invisible onscreen, so tasteless; however, it gives me an advantage because I can work online without the knowledge of my bosses. 😁😁😁.43788485_2121227924595558_2991499714425257984_n.jpg

    • Love
At the mall now

I am at the mall now to buy something for myself and I also buy something for my sister who does the cashiering of my milk tea business. I told her to have her day off this afternoon so she could watch her favorite movie with her friends. I give her money for the movie . She is so happy and she supposed to refuse because there are customers, but I told her that she needs to shape her social life. Money can wait.

Bitcoin Price Predictions for the Next 6 Months

One of the crypto lovers on Twitter that I follow is called Honey or @honey_xbt, who is a professional crypto trader and architect. She has shared her Bitcoin price predictions for the next 6 months, from July, August, September, October, November and December 2023, as follows:

1. July
According to Honey in July there will be a moderate spike, so the price of Bitcoin can reach US$ 32,000 – US$ 34,000

2. August
She anticipates a period of consolidation and uncertainty, and a possible sideways trend, so her Bitcoin worth is around $30K.

3. Sept
According to her, the downtrend in September which is associated with regulation, price correction and investor sentiment, the Bitcoin price is expected to be around US$ 25,000.

4. October
There is a rise in prices due to market sentiment, so she predicts the price of Bitcoin at around US $ 28,000.

5, Nov
In November there will be turmoil which is a correction of the bitcoin price and it is estimated that Bitcoin will be $ 25,000

6. December
In December, there will be a pre-halveing price shock and it is possible that the price will drop drastically to around US$ 20,000.

Is it profitable to invest in silver jewels in your country?

In both my former and current country (and in the other places I lived until now between European countries and Mercosur Latin America), silver jewels aren't very much considered as investment the same of golden jewels. Among these countries, the price of silver is low, compared to the price of gold and when it comes to sell our ancient jewels, golden ones always win the deal. In any way, if we meet a very interested customer, he/she may purchase our silver jewels for a good price. If we maintain our silver jewels for decades and these jewels are solid, maybe there are good selling possibility among the same business shops that buy our gold. How is among different countries?

Twitter Algorithm: How to Take Advantage of It


Twitter, with its vast user base and dynamic algorithm, offers tremendous potential for businesses to reach their target audience. Understanding how the Twitter algorithm works and leveraging it to your advantage can significantly boost your marketing efforts. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to utilize the Twitter algorithm for maximum impact.

Understanding the Twitter Algorithm

1. What is the Twitter Algorithm?

The Twitter algorithm is a set of rules and calculations used by the platform to determine the order and visibility of tweets in users' timelines. Instead of showing tweets in chronological order, Twitter employs an algorithm to personalize content based on a user's interests, engagement patterns, and relevance.

2. How Does the Twitter Algorithm Work?

The Twitter algorithm considers various factors to determine which tweets to show users. These factors include tweet engagement (likes, retweets, and replies), recency, relevance, and the user's previous interactions. By analyzing these factors, Twitter aims to display the most engaging and relevant content to each user, enhancing their experience on the platform.

Optimizing Your Twitter Profile

To make the most of the Twitter algorithm, it's essential to optimize your profile for better visibility and engagement.

1. Profile Completion and Consistency

Ensure that your Twitter profile is complete and up-to-date. Fill in all the necessary details, including your bio, location, and website link. Consistency in your profile information helps build trust with your audience.

2. Utilizing Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords in your bio, tweets, and hashtags. This will help your profile and tweets appear in relevant searches, increasing your visibility.

3. Engaging Bio and Profile Picture

Craft a compelling and concise bio that clearly describes your brand or purpose. Additionally, choose a high-quality profile picture that is easily recognizable and representative of your brand.

Creating Engaging Content

Engaging content is the key to capturing your audience's attention and encouraging them to interact with your tweets.

1. Crafting Compelling Tweets

Write concise and attention-grabbing tweets that resonate with your target audience. Use humor, emotion, or valuable insights to make your tweets stand out. Consider including a call-to-action to encourage retweets, likes, and replies.

2. Using Visuals to Enhance Engagement

Incorporate eye-catching images, videos, or GIFs in your tweets. Visual content tends to attract more attention and increase engagement. Ensure that your visuals are relevant and of high quality.

3. Encouraging Retweets and Likes

Ask for retweets or likes when appropriate. Studies have shown that explicitly asking for retweets can significantly increase engagement. Use phrases like "Retweet if you agree" or "Like this tweet if you find it helpful."

Building a Strong Follower Base

Having a strong and engaged follower base is crucial for successful marketing on Twitter.

1. Identifying Your Target Audience

Understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and preferences. Tailor your content to resonate with them, increasing the chances of engagement and building a loyal following.

2. Interacting with Influencers and Industry Leaders

Engage with influencers and industry leaders in your niche. Retweet and reply to their tweets, share their content, and tag them when relevant. This interaction can help you gain exposure to their audience and establish valuable connections.

3. Participating in Relevant Conversations

Join relevant conversations and contribute valuable insights. This helps you establish yourself as an authority in your industry and increases your visibility to potential followers.

Understanding Hashtags and Trending Topics

Hashtags and trending topics play a significant role in increasing your reach and visibility on Twitter.

1. Researching and Using Relevant Hashtags

Research popular and relevant hashtags in your industry. Incorporate them strategically in your tweets to increase their discoverability. However, avoid using too many hashtags in a single tweet, as it may come across as spammy.

2. Participating in Trending Discussions

Keep an eye on trending topics and hashtags. Participate in discussions related to these trends by sharing your thoughts and insights. This can help you attract new followers and engage with a broader audience.

3. Staying Updated with Current Events

Stay informed about current events and news within your industry. When relevant, tweet about these events and provide your unique perspective. This demonstrates your expertise and keeps your content timely and engaging.

Analyzing Metrics and Adjusting Strategies

Regularly analyzing your Twitter metrics is essential to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

1. Monitoring Engagement and Reach

Keep track of the engagement metrics for your tweets, such as likes, retweets, and replies. Measure the reach and impressions of your tweets to understand how far they are spreading.

2. Analyzing Audience Insights

Utilize Twitter analytics to gain insights into your audience demographics, interests, and behavior. This data can help you refine your content strategy and target your audience more effectively.

3. Iterating and Improving Your Approach

Based on the insights gathered, adapt your content strategy accordingly. Experiment with different types of tweets, posting times, and engagement techniques. Continuously learn from your data and refine your approach for optimal results.

What are the Advantages of Short Term Investment?

Currently, short-term investments are also the choice of many people to increase their income, short-term investments mean that they only have a period of 1 month to 12 months or less than one year. Beginner investors will prefer to choose short-term investments because they are considered safer and less risky, there are many short-term investment product products available out there such as deposits, Government Debt Certificates, money market mutual funds, bonds etc. But before investing it would be nice for us to know the benefits of short-term investments.

How to make money on Instagram ( for Africans)

Monetize your Instagram account and social media accounts with Relario PAY with a simple link. Slow your followers to easily send tips and micro-payment simply by clicking the link and send an SMS as a tip or a micro-donation. An easy way for you to make money on Instagram in Nigeria, Uganda, or anywhere in Africa.

Turn Followers into Paying Customers;
Guide your audience with a means to say thank you and support your creative content on Instagram and all other social media platforms. This happens when they click on your customized ad within your website all and send in an SMS and younger paid for it.
You earn a profit for every SMS that your followers get to send you which can quickly increase to thousands of dollars per month.

How It Works.
Relario pay works with your Instagram or social media accounts when you;
1. Fill out the sign up form.
Fill out the form and let them know about your @instagram account and they will get in touch and provide you with a custom link that gets you to earn instantly on the Instagram or any social media network.
2. Insert the custom URL in your Instagram bio.
You can use LinkTree,, or simply. Insert the link in the bio on your Instagram account.
3. Get your followers to support you.
Your followed can send a " send support" or a send a " thank you " tip or micro-donation simply by clicking on the link and sending an SMS. That's it! It costs then only a few cents to send an SMS and your earnings can grow into thousands of dollars.

