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Do you have an NFT?

NFT meaning nun-fungible token which is more or less like an art work being sold in the or held in Defi has been something that has come in with a lot of value and recently I was the owner of a blue pepe NFT which I won from a giveaway on Twitter for writing poems and being selected as the winner.

Marketing or the products which should the company focus more on?

There are several people that believe as a business owner, more focus should be placed on marketing, while there are others who think other wise, meaning more focus should be placed on the quality of the products. Personally i feel both aspect of the business are extremely important, cause no matter how good your products are, if you do not market them, no one would buy them. Then if you focus on only marketing, if you products are not quality products, you would end up loosing customers.

Business Psychology

There is business psychology. It is very important because through this one can improve his behavior in his business, thus, improving the productivity, efficiency, and culture of the workplace. Business psychology deals with the study of human behavior and it is a very good preparation for young minds to become an entrepreneur once learned about the advantage of business psychology; it combines business practices good to take advantage of and ponder about. Business is what one needs in this crucial time.

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Impact of a good customer relationship

It is very important in a business to have a good relationship with the customers. it is not a hard thing. It could be done once and that will be forever cherished by the customers. When the customers have a consistent experience in your business every time they interact with the owner and workers, it will leave them a very good impression. This way is regarded as mutual understanding between the customers and the business owner that may extend for a long period of time.

Does Job satisfaction help in productivity?

It's one thing to be employed in a company or a business organization, and it is another thing to be satisfied with the job. There are so many employees today who go to work every day and get paid but in reality they are not satisfied with their jobs. This could be due to the fact that they do not have any passion for the job, and they are simply doing it cause they need the pay. Do you think it would affect their level of productivity?

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Should business owners always be honest to their customers?

When it comes to running a business, honestly plays a very important role between the business owner and the customers. But most business owners believe there should be a limit to this. This is why you find most business owners tell you they can handle a particular job when they have never done it before, simply to not loose the customer. What's your take on this, should there be a limit to honestly in business?

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Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

There are some companies who tend to ask for their employees social handlers mostly during interviews or after they have been employed. The reason for this is to know who the employees really are. It is believed that you can tell a lot about an individual due to their post or activities online on social media. Are you okay with your employers going through your social media accounts?

There is going to be light after every tunnels.

Nothing easy come out of all expedition. To make a dream isb easiest done thanb implemetion of the dream. There are many challenges that are obstruction we are going to encounter in our pursuit. Apart from this, there are lots ofv distraction lurking inb the corners that only our dedication and concentration could make us overcome it. Many reputable businessmen of ctoday passezv thev same experiences and cwere able to survive asav result of their vision and mission. Through perseverance, all obstacles would be surmounted.

Why most companies go for older employees

These days companies usually go for young employees, cause they feel these set of people would be more creative and as well have the strength and stamina to do their jobs. While this might be true, there are still companies out there that still go for older employees. They feel an older or more mature employee would have a leveled head, and would handle things more maturely than someone who is just starting his career. Personally i believe the young ones need to be given a chance as well.

Would you start a new business if one fails?

There are persons who tend to move from one business to another. Once they do not get the desired results on their first business, they simply move to another one, with the believe that they failed because that business in particular was not the right one for them. But the truth of the matter is you might also end up not doing well in the new business. Instead of moving from one business to the the other, find out what you did wrong and learn from it, if you still choose to try out another business, then you would be trying the new business with more knowledge than you had before.

Before you set up your business?.

Many are willing vto quit their present job and start their business without delay in order to achieve their long time dream. If you vaskvv them their objective of wishing to establish their businesses, their response would be to make money. It is good to establish business but first check if you have passion for such business. Passion should be the motivating drive that would inspire you. After the passion, then go for internship of the business. Don't believe you have had experience in the business and can run it successfully. You need to get ideas and experiences from those that have been running it.

Overcoming barriers to entry

It so happened that some local businesspeople recently launched a venture with a view to competing directly with entrepreneurs who sell food in informal kiosks. These businesspersons however soon learned that it was impossible to dislodge the informal food vendors.

What was particularly strange about this scenario is that, compared to the informal food sellers, the new entrants were preparing food in a more hygienic environment

Why do you think the new businesspersons failed to outcompete the informal food sellers?

Clarity in advertising

About a year ago, a certain new ecommerce company ran an advertising campaign on both print and TV media with the intention of enabling audiences to learn about its services. Despite that these adverts were fairly ubiquitous, the firm failed to achieve its objective of arousing audience curiosity and drawing in customers . It thereby shut soon thereafter.

In my estimation, this advertising campaign flopped because the company presented audiences with difficult to understand messages. This incidence underlines the significance of clarity in advertising.

What must we do when all expectations are not met?

Everyone of us has his own individual dream projects he has been willing to materialized. Yet our efforts towards the materializatuon of these projects have been futile. As a result of this, we had lost hope and dejected. Many had even feared to proceed with the programs for fear of failure again. We should not lose hope. We should continuing intensifying more inb our efforts. We should not be discouraged by the pessimistic friends and relatives. We should.allow passion to continuing to drive us.

What should be the objective ofc establishing a business?.

It amused me when some people are wiling to establish their own businessess as a vresult of bad maltreatment they are experiencing in their places of work. Some because of the kind of lifestyle they dreamed of, while some because ofv the interest to be independent.
None ever talked about providing solutions to problems. And this isv where potential money is. Ofv your business is not able to provide solution to existing problems inb the society there is no way such business could be profitable.

Why commercial cycling isv thriving in Nigeria.

If you look around everywhere in Nigeria, you would quite be surprised with thev enormous numbers of commercial motorcycle riders popularly called '' okada'' on our roads. Everywhere you find them. They have become the major means of transportation within a state. Several attempts had been bmade by successive governments to ban them but were not successful. They are thriving because our roads networks are not motorable in nature. And finally most areas and locations are not well served with transportation means. The only alternative they have is commercial motorcycles.

Quality of display versus customer items

From experience, I have noted that some companies ensure that the items they place on display shelves are of the highest possible quality. Conversely, the analogous items offered to customers for sell are of a relatively poorer quality. This practice is unethical, immoral, and in bad taste. It could even be illegal.

This scenario has got me thinking: what action can a customer who falls prey to this corporate deception take?

Kindly share on the state of affairs in your country.

Must government venture into business or not?.

It is general wish of citizens that government should create more businesses so that the problem of unemployment would be solved. What they don't realize is cthat that is not what can solved unemployment in the country. The few ones that are created by government are bedeviled with corruptions. Political influence is cthev order of vthe day. Do you think government should get involved in businezz?.

Money can be made from animal feeds production.

Now that the hybrid animal feeds are very costly are very costly and unaffordable in the market, those that are in animal b rearing business are looming for alternative feeds that are cheaply and nutritive. That is why the idea of going into animal feed production come into existence. Many animal rearers cannot afford to buy the exotic feed for their animals because of vthe Jr high costs. They would prefer buying the local ones instead.

What is Polygon (MATIC)?

Polygon (matic) is a decentralized protocol and serves as a link between several networks that are compatible with the Ethereum blockchain. Polygon (MATIC) was created in India in 2017. Polygon uses Layer 2 sidechains, so transactions will be faster and cheaper. compared to using the Ethereum main blockchain.

MATIC is an ERC-20 token as a governance token and MATIC is also used to pay for transactions in the Polygon protocol. In addition, MATIC token holders are also used as investment and staking. on a polygon network.

Currently MATIC is 12th on Coinmarketcap, with a price of $0.657, a high of $1.159 reached two years ago. Max supply 10 billion.

Based on the pricecrypto prediction that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), to predict the price of MATIC, I can conclude that the price of MATIC for 2023 is $0.75, for 2024 is $1.10 and for 2025 is $1.50.

Why are Some Domain Names More Expensive than Usual?

It's becoming increasingly difficult to get good domain names that are cheap enough to be bought by newbies in the field.

While some extensions like .com are more favoured and some like .gov can only be used by certain institutions making them more expensive, I think the influx of people into domain flipping is another factor that has contributed to making domain names more expensive.

