
Out of all that you have mentioned here I only work on RIF and stopped working on BMF because my account was banned without me knowing the reason why it got banned but I will create a new account.
I think it is important and necessary your contact the admin to know the reason your account was restricted instead of creating a new account. Creating a new account will actually not be the solution.

Which brand of television set do you like?

Our Sanyo TV is more than 20 years old and still functions but we rarely use it now because we use the smart tv.most often.
Smart TV is not like our old TV, our old tv can use for a long time, like you said more than 20 years. But this Smart TV things is not design for that, of course we should understand that smart TV have many function or features if we use it very often it can effect to the smart tv itself.

Final autoclaim faucet

Are you looking for a faucet that you can claim multi coin from then you should try this faucet. You did to register on the site to enable you get access. Then you start making your claim every minute. You have different ways to make your withdrawal you can do it through Coinbase, directly to other wallets and even faucet pay

Soft Air bay faucet

Are you looking for a good auto claim faucet that will help you get multi coins then you should try this faucet. you should register on the faucet so that you can start claiming every 5 minutes from the faucet. You only need faucet psyvto withdraw your coins into. Have you been able to use this faucet? Share experience here to others

Coin pot faucet

Are you looking at a faucet that you can get btc free from then you have to try this out. you can make your claim every 5 minutes. But you have to first register on the site to earn. It is an easy way to get free btc. Then you can withdraw your coins into faucet pay or directly into your crypto wallet.

