Bitfun faucet

Bitfun faucet offers multiple ways for its members to earn free cryptocurrency like watching videos, completing surveys, playing games online, performing social media tasks etc

with this faucet you can earn Satoshis every 15 minutes via a unique lottery system

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Terms associated with faucets

There are terms associated with faucet they are

Claim amount – this is Satoshis you get per claim

Timer – The time to wait between claims

Minimum withdraw – minimum amount to withdraw your balance

Withdrawal method – payments method like directly, or via a micropayment wallet

Referral fee : fee you get for referring new users to the faucet.

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Thank you for sharing. It's very important to know the terms related to faucets.

What qualifies a business to be patented?

A business method or process can be patented if it meets the requirements set forth by the US Patent and Trademark Office, including being new, non-obvious, and useful. The process must be fully and clearly described in the patent application, and it must not be a purely abstract idea. To be patent eligible, the process must involve a technical solution to a specific problem, rather than simply being a method for conducting business. It is important to note that many business methods and processes are not eligible for patent protection.

This is nice. Can you please explain how a business can be patented in Nigeria?

