Recent content by Clandestine

  1. C

    Are you really making money online?

    This is my first attempt at making money online and I am still experimenting to see if it really pays.
  2. C

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    It is only when they have financial issues and they inform me that I give them money.
  3. C


    I spend most of my day time at work and that is why text mesaages work better for me than calls.
  4. C

    How many friends do you have?

    I have just two close friends and we belong to a very close circle. Don't need too many friends.
  5. C

    For how many years do you use your laptop or computer?

    I have used by HP laptop for the past five years and it is still looking strong. 1726460480 I think the duration of 2 years is reasonable for a staff to make impact that they deserve salary increase.
  6. C

    Is PayPal Supported In Your Country?

    Paypal is not supported in my country. The market is huge but I understand their concerns with using the service to receive funds in my country.
  7. C

    Do you use Google authenticator to protect your site?

    I have never used Google authentication. I prefer simple passwords. Google authentication is a bit complex because you need an extra device to get the code.
  8. C

    Have you watched any comedy movies recently?

    I have recently stumbled into a comic movie by Kevin Hart and I had a good laugh watching it.
  9. C

    Do you like to copy the style of your favorite heroes?

    One of the reasons I watch movies is to see the latest patterns of dressing that I can adopt.
  10. C

    Do you like movies with a not famous star cast?

    As long as the movie has a good plot and is interpreted well, I would watch and love the movie.
  11. C

    How many income sources do you have?

    I have just a single income source for now. It is not even sufficient to meet my needs.
  12. C

    How to become good at managing money?

    Managing money requires that you imbibe the attribute of prudence. That would help you not spend money you are not supposed not to spend.
  13. C

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    I prefer to be paid every week. That would help me with constant cash in my hand.
  14. C

    What are the best managing tips for your business to prosper?

    The best management tip to grow your business is to be efficient with human, material and financial resources.
  15. C

    Are you good at managing funds?

    I know that I am obviously getting better in managing funds. It is a life skill that everyone should do well at.
  16. C

    Where can I sell my original articles?

    If you write original articles, the best bet to make money from them is to use a blog and monetize them.
  17. C

    Utilizing WhatsApp stories for product promotion.

    My company just hired a performer because he always uploaded his performance videos on his WhatsApp status.
  18. C

    Is divide and rule as.a personnel management approach in business really bad?

    Divide and rule may work at the initial stage but it is certain that it would always capitulate at the end.
  19. C

    A boss is not a king so never be afraid

    Any person that is my boss at any point in time would always earn my respect but I won't fear him or her.
  20. C

    Uncertain purpose in business

    When the purpose of a business is not clearly defined, it is clear that the business would not have a defined direction to take.
  21. C

    How to start an importation business?

    An importation business is a very sensitive kind of business that requires so much documentation for it to work.
  22. C

    Do you believe that online loan is good for business?

    The structure of online loans is not suitable even for a business that is all about buying and selling.
  23. C

    How save it is to link your bank account online?

    I would never link my main bank account online. The only account that I feel free linking online is the account from all these online banks.
  24. C

    Don't forget to register your business

    Registering your business is essential if you have plans to become a big time player in the industry.
  25. C

    I've tried everything but nothing seems to work

    I get the feeling of frustration when you keep doing things and they are not working out for you. But you have to go back to the drawing board and see where it went wrong.
  26. C

    Benefits of Building Online Communities For Your Business

    Online communities would drive interaction for your business and always put it in the spotlight.
  27. C

    Chewing gum

    I don't have a problem with someone chewing gum as long as they do it responsibly and don't make noises with them.
  28. C

    Psychic reading

    Psychic readings are nothing but just mere illusions. I have never seen them come to pass.
  29. C

    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    I love to cook with gas. I have never been a fan of cooking with firewood. It is too stressful.
  30. C

    How many cups of tea or coffee daily?

    I don't do more than two cups of coffee daily and that is only in the morning or some very cold nights.
  31. C

    Do you like Butter

    I don't seem to like butter. Not now when I have been making efforts to control my weight.
  32. C

    Feeling trapped in a relationship

    I am actually feeling trapped in a relationship too and I don't seem to know what to do about the situation. A child is involved and that is what is making me trapped.
  33. C

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    When you face a very large number of bills, it is quite easy to be overwhelmed with them.
  34. C


    I don't find this place to be boring as I speak. I get that this thread was created about a year ago. Things have actually improved.
  35. C

    Do not complicate simple things

    No matter what it is, approach it in a very gentle manner. Do your best and leave what you can't do.
  36. C

    Whats your native language

    My native language is the yoruba language which is the native language of the people from the western part of Nigeria.
  37. C

    You need to be foolish while young to grow old wise, how true is this?

    I don't think that is true. There are still few young people that are extremely wise.
  38. C

    Adopt gardening

    I had a garden some years ago and it really helped me with making food ingredients handy.
  39. C

    What is the importance for a smile?

    A smile is very important for your mental wellbeing and your overall calmness of nerves.
  40. C

    The importance of a long-term approach when building a passive income portfolio.

    The best investment always take time to yield. And they are the ones that gives peace of mind.
  41. C

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    Staying with your parents if you are still single. It can save you so much money that would have been used to pay rents.
  42. C

    Selling the same product with different brand name.

    I have seen a few sellers do that and I feel it is a kind of deceit. It is okay if it is different markets.
  43. C

    Do not overcomplicate the concept of your business

    Businesses that are top businesses always tend to solve very simple problems for humanity. No long talk.
  44. C

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    Any business idea that doesn't get the full backing of commitment would not leave the idea stage.
  45. C

    Can customer loyalty really be created?

    Customer loyalty can really created. It depends on how a business builds relationships with the customers they have.
  46. C

    Do You Have to be Loyal to Your Employer?

    I am not loyal to anyone. The moment I see a better prospect, I am very ready to jump ship.
  47. C

    Do You Keep Detailed Record?

    I am a trained accountant. And keeping records is what defines our career entirely. I am very detailed with records.
  48. C

    China is likely to reverse cryptocurrency ban soon.

    The China that I know would never reverse the ban on crypto. It can happen very much later but not sooner.
  49. C

    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    Anything that is not illegal that can be commercialized and made money from can be sold regardless.
  50. C

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    The most expensive cloth that I own is a shirt that I ordered from Italy. It costs me $46 landing cost.
  51. C

    How much did you earn here?

    I am just new here but from the pace I am going, I think one can easily earn up to a dollar every week if they are consistent.
  52. C

    Were there times you felt tired of life?

    There were times that the challenges that I had made me completely tired of life. I had a girl pregnant at 18 without a job.
  53. C

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    You have to look at the political stability of the country that you want to invest your money in.
  54. C

    3 factors to consider before investing in cement industry

    You would have to look at the city you want to invest. Which industries are available there to make people want to settle there and build houses for your cement business to prosper.
  55. C

    Can You Become Rich Through Micro Investment

    Micro investment of held for a long time in a solid investment can become very big as years roll by.
  56. C

    How to choose the right partner for business

    You have to look out for a partner that understands the vision and mission of your business to come and partner you in your business.
  57. C

    The business of buying broken down cars to resell.

    The broken down cars are cheap and one would never lose with it. You can sell the parts or the whole car.
  58. C

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    You would have to run a business till it is firmly rooted and can run itself before you think of depending fully on it.
  59. C

    Impossible to find a job without help?

    There are no jobs available that someone won't have to point you to it. Even online jobs.
  60. C

    Quitting job , decided to earn online

    Quiting your job to earn online full time is not something that is strange but be sure about your online earning scheme and diversify to a business top.
  61. C

    Is seliing/ Registration of Sim Cards profitable?

    They have made buying of son cards quite difficult in my country making people like tat deal with them to keep making abnormal profits.
  62. C

    What are the advantages of self-employment?

    When you are self employed, you can put in more efforts to increase your income by growing your business. Such efforts in an employment setting would only grow another person's dream.
  63. C

    Do you Gym or Exercise at Home Daily?

    I don't gym everyday. But I do so every weekend and I is always at the gym where I have a membership.
  64. C

    Danger: Heading a Ball

    How can one head a ball for twenty times at a stretch. You don't need any research to know it has adverse effects.
  65. C

    How do you intend to build your first house

    One thing that I know is that I have to find a way and get a land. When that is settled, I would surely build a house even if it is bit by bit.
  66. C

    Do you participate on the sports and games on the society?

    We have a football league that is played every end of year in my community. I take part in some years.
  67. C

    Describe the strangest person you ever meet

    The weirdest person that I have met is someone that doesn't eat rice at all no matter how you cook it.
  68. C

    Are you afraid of walking in the dark?

    I am not always afraid of walking in the dark. My street can be lonely and I have to come back from work around 9pm alone.
  69. C

    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    When fish is properly grilled, with pepper, it is always a delight to the taste buds.
  70. C

    Are you Punctual?

    I try to make sure that I am always seated five minutes before the start of any meeting that I want to attend.
  71. C

    Vegetable You Don't Like?

    Bitter leaf has to go down as one vegetable that I don't want to ever take close to my mouth.
  72. C

    Are you very good with children?

    I love children a lot and having them around me gived me so much comfort. Their sheer innocence is what I value most.
  73. C

    Who still watches zee world

    I know of a few ladies in my lodge that can't go a day without watching zee world. The channel is available on mobile platforms now. So it is handy for them.
  74. C

    Do you like romantic movies?

    I grew up with ladies and that happens to be the number one genre of movies that I have been used to.
  75. C

    Switching your life with another

    The only people that I would love to switch my life with are the billionaires like Elon Musk. Apart from that, I am grateful for my life.
  76. C

    Love or career?

    I believe that there is always a way to balance love and career to have the best of both worlds.
  77. C

    Planning meals in advance

    Planning meals in advance is a very good practice. It would afford you urgency about finding what to eat.
  78. C

    Have you ever tried online dating?

    I have had a relationship online. It lacked the intimacy that a physical on site relationship has and I had to call it quits.
  79. C

    What's the weather over there?

    The weather over here is generally cold because we are in the rainy season. The atmosphere seems to be foggy.
  80. C

    Do you like to eat sweets or some sort of dessert after your meal?

    I don't take sweets after meals. I don't understand the rationale behind people doing that either.
  81. C

    Remember: Only those who genuinely love you accept you the way you are

    People always want to change you to be what they want you to be and that is selfishness on their part.
  82. C

    Are You Are Seasoned,Quality and All Weather Entreprenuer?

    I am not really a full time entrepreneur. I do small business as a side hustle.
  83. C

    Where can we use gift cards?

    The stores that support gift cards in Africa don't support popular gift cards that we easily find online like Amazon and the rest.
  84. C

    How to avoid losing money in your business

    Every business person has to carefully calculate their costs to be able to fix prices to sell and stay profitable.
  85. C

    Treat a customer as a king

    I always recommend any business that treats a customer properly. A business that doesnt care about their customers and treats them shabilly would just lose me.
  86. C

    Which preparations are required prior to a job interview?

    I think more than anything, you have to build your confidence levels before you leave for a job interview.
  87. C

    Does Job satisfaction help in productivity?

    A staff that is satisfied would always give their best and they would perform at a very high and efficient level.
  88. C

    Business Trips Abroad

    Business organizations that send their staff abroad for business trips always give them orientation about the customs of the country.
  89. C

    What can you say about the Apple iPhone 16?

    I think that as usual, it would really be worth the hype but I know that that it is out of my reach.
  90. C

    Twitter Vs Threads?

    I have a twitter account but I don't have a threads account. I would say that Threads had died as a social network.
  91. C

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    There is nothing that would make me stay up beyond 10pm. I have to wake up by 5:30 to prepare for work.
  92. C

    Cold water in the morning

    With the rainy season being at its peak in my country, drinking cold water in the morning is suicidal for me. I do warm water early in the morning.
  93. C

    Keeping money in house

    I only keep very small money in the house. The amount is always very small and negligible.
  94. C

    Is money the not important thing?

    I won't say that money is the most important thing in life but it is very vital for a good life.
  95. C

    Love or career?

    Most people have relegated love to the background in favour of a career nowadays. I think it is the right approach because love is what a good career can easily fetch.
  96. C

    Failure and invention are inseparable twins

    Event great artists has to learn from fake arts till they realized their potential. Failure builds solid inventions.
  97. C

    Have you ever had a disappointed blind date?

    I don't do blind dates. I have to do a video call with someone to be sure of what I am expecting to see before I step out to meet such persons.
  98. C

    What do you like thinking about mostly?

    I am always thinking about my life and how to make my future better for myself and my unborn kids.
  99. C

    How do you feel when you dont see your online friend on a site for a long time?

    I have gone to the extent of trailing an online friend to his common friends to find out their whereabouts.
  100. C

    Do you own a Fruit Juicer?

    I have an electrical juicer that I use to make fruits juice. It is almost indispensable to me.
  101. C

    Do you believe that we have too little privacy when we communicate online?

    There is too much footprints that smart people can use to track you from your online communication and activities.
  102. C

    Have you financed someone else business?

    I am not yet at the financial level to give someone start up capital to run a business but it is a level that I aim to get to.
  103. C

    Save money by using the bicycle

    A bicycle is one of the things that I really want to buy this year. The cost of fuel has risen so high in my country and that has made the cost of transportation to also rise.
  104. C

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    Money comes to my bank account at least twice in a week and I withdraw as much times too to meet daily needs.
  105. C Reviews

    I have spent so many months trying to find a survey that I would be eligible for but couldn't find even one.
  106. C

    How did you know about PTP

    My friend just told me about three paid to post forums that I can be active posting to make money.
  107. C

    Where can we use gift cards?

    I think that gift cards as payment doesn't make sense to us that live in Africa.
  108. C

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    If the delay in payment is caused by a reasonable factor and there is a proposed new payment date in view, nothing makes true platform not legit.
  109. C

    What is the first PTP websites?

    I registered on Trendri paid to post site but I have wasn't able to keep up with it's long post requirements.
  110. C

    How much do you earn daily on all paid forum?

    This is my first paid to post forum. I have heard about Discussion Bucks and I am considering signing up to it too to see how I can aggregate my earnings.
  111. C

    Do you use Perfect Money?

    I have a perfect money account that I used to get payments from some paid to click sites in the past.
  112. C

    Sweatcoin processed my pay

    I think this is the first time that I have read or heard that someone has been paid by Sweat Coin. Have up on it before I even got somewhere close.