Recent content by fcbetting

  1. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I admit I drink beer almost every night for last month. It helps me survive heatwaves and warm summer days.
  2. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I am fine. Soon it will end this month and more than half of my vacation.
  3. fcbetting

    Do you still watch TV?

    Last few days my tv works all day with Olympic games on it. We have entire free channel just for it and they change sports with our national athlete.
  4. fcbetting

    Do you like movies based on Politicians?

    I like politican trillers and action movies. Most often are related to White House and US politics with international affect and actions. I can watch it every day. But am not fan of documentary movies with such theme.
  5. fcbetting

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Maybe it was something test. There was already few around world like in Dubai, Japan and China. Maybe he thinks on robotaxi. Those are much more often. San Francisco have it most on streets.
  6. fcbetting

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    How much cost LPG bottle in your country? Here is price around 50 euros but charging LPG is 30 euros. Most often people have this yellow bottle.
  7. fcbetting

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    My brother use wood for cooking but in same time for heating. I use electricy. I have LPG bottle but I don't use it. Somehow I like more electricity.
  8. fcbetting

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    I don't store and don't have where to store it. Water supply system is good so nobody don't have to store rain water.
  9. fcbetting

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    I bought 8 years old Golf 7 on diesel. New car was never in plans since it is to expensive. Did you take loan for Suzuki? Diesel or gasoline? @Starmix
  10. fcbetting

    Your Favorite Football Club?

    Real Madrid and Dinamo Zagreb for life. Real Madrid as best club in world and his captain Luka Modrić, Croatian national team captain to. Dinamo Zagreb as best club in Croatia.
  11. fcbetting

    Toxic Customers

    Do you know you can not serve some customers if you have that in rules? Just ad it in shop rules and you can refuse work with bad customers and toxic people by your choice.
  12. fcbetting

    Did you attend computer classes?

    What was a program? Did you learn about how to use different MS Office programs like Word, Excel, Powerpoint? Did you learn about computer parts and external accessories?
  13. fcbetting

    Have you ever been to a military parade?

    Are you afraid when airplanes fly over your head? They are not to low but military airplanes are faster so noisery than commercial airplanes.
  14. fcbetting

    Do you like to party?

    I am not a party guy (often I was called party breaker) but now I like go to concert or some event but I don't have with who. Brother is to busy again and best friend is long away.
  15. fcbetting

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    I have good amount of cash in apartment. It is not small but something I have as reserve and something left from buying a car.
  16. fcbetting

    Did you attend computer classes?

    Do you have computer science class in high school or elementary school? If you have it, then you don't need computer class. Program is almost same for all levels.
  17. fcbetting

    Earn money by playing games: Possible or not?

    I earned over 1000 satoshi in two weeks I think with simple game on smartphone. I detect some tricks and now I don't even spend much time in game but earn some BTC satoshi.
  18. fcbetting

    Black cat as pet?

    My brother have a black cat as new pet. He called her Satan. In dark she sits in front of open doors and stare at him. He can see only glowing eyes in dark. Very scary scene!
  19. fcbetting

    Computer shut down and did not restart

    Check power cord port and cable it self. Maybe cable is bad and need to be replaced. It is not expensive and every shop have it. Maybe some repair service have extra and give you free.
  20. fcbetting

    How has the internet impacted you personally?

    It open me million opportunies and information. Now when I search apartment somewhere I look for how good is covered with internet and how good is electric network.
  21. fcbetting

    Cash or cheque?

    Always have some cash just in case IT system goes down. In UK Tesco could not accept cards and people could not pay groceries. Use cards and chewues but always have some cash in home.
  22. fcbetting

    Get crypto in your faucetpay account immediately

    Onlyfaucet blocked me yesterday after 25 claims. Now I don't have anymore BTC on list. I am not sure why they blocked just for it when other claims work.
  23. fcbetting

    Are you enjoying paying Bills

    Do you know in some countrys fuel for cars or heating in homes are free? Example Turkmenistan, small country in Asia, have free gas for home heating system and cooking.
  24. fcbetting

    What is the most expensive item you own?

    I have apartment worth 20 000 euros where I live. My car worth 12 000 euros but ice storm damaged it and now is maybe 7000 euros worth.
  25. fcbetting

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    I wish can but we don't have any area in school for such purpose. Also my breaks are not even half hour long. I share personal cabinet with 4 people and all time somebody go in and out.
  26. fcbetting

    Do you sleep early?

    Lately is so hot I can't fall asleep until 3-4 AM. I am not sure maybe some nerves are in question to but definitely part is to hot. Today I didn't take a afternoon nap so I can try go sleep little early. I hope around 2AM.
  27. fcbetting

    What was your breakfast today?

    Do prefer salt vs sweet breakfast? I prefer salt. I can't eat sweet cereals in early morning. Most healthy breakfast for professionals are sweet but it don't fit to me. I can eat sweet later as cookie but first must go something salty.
  28. fcbetting

    What was your first job

    My first job with contract was in college days when I worked in fast food. We make and sell different frenchfries and hot dogs. There was some drinks to.
  29. fcbetting

    When last had you had the malaria?

    I never had and I hope will not since what I see in movies it is not easy sicknes. Flu looks much easier than malaria. My throat is my weak point and that is often in pain.
  30. fcbetting

    Is it even possible to truly regulate crypto?

    How can goverment control making coins on Telegram and 100 hunderds of wallet? For telegram you just need phone number which can be bought without KYC and device for wallet.
  31. fcbetting

    Time is moving so fast!

    This summer goes very fast. It is already 24th July. I have around 20 days more vacation and it is over. Combination of heatwave and work cause it goes fast.
  32. fcbetting

    Stressed Out

    Sometimes I am in those situations but more and more often I just don't care what will other say. Often that is problem since it is reason why I avoid people but it is better then go in nonsensles talk where other side can't accet different oppinion.
  33. fcbetting

    What was your breakfast today?

    My breakfast was in lunch time since I slept until 10.30AM. When I wake up I prepared hot dogs and eat it with coffee and coca cola.
  34. fcbetting

    Big fancy wedding trends are dying out

    Some people change habits but some. In my area my sister go in wedding with 400 people. Those are big weddings even for older tradition. Many people ask why they make so big weddings.
  35. fcbetting

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    I buy tiny noodle and make my combination. Before I ate soup from bag or already made noodles. Now I make my own soup with all ingredients.
  36. fcbetting

    Country things

    Ok thanks. We don't have specific name for it and high schools are free. Only college had tutition but most many could entry without paying it if they had enough good grades.
  37. fcbetting

    Country things

    What is tuition fee? Is it like scholarship, rent or food during education on college in another town? I never understand this term. It looks something like tutors in my country but we pay it only if we didn't understand it on class and for bad student who don't learn at time and forget...
  38. fcbetting

    Movie recommend

    My recomendation for action movie with elements of comedy. THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE Good actors, not bad idea and of course good people won in this war action.
  39. fcbetting

    Technically My First payment from Index forum (Cam Era)

    Where did you get payment? PayPal or crypto? It would be nice post screenshot with date and time. It can help forum and Cam to attract more users.
  40. fcbetting

    Profitable ways

    I invested some money in crypto staking. Current interest is 23%. Coin don't change price often but I am not calculate on price jump. It is more like fix deposit but higher rates, much higher.
  41. fcbetting

    What type of games you play to feel relaxed?

    I play tennis but more relaxing is sit and watch football or some series. Lately I am playing games on smartphones and I lose time how much I play it.
  42. fcbetting

    Do you really enjoy the cold seasons?

    Since heatwaves become longer and more dangerous, I like more cold season. Cold seasons are not as before. Before we had at least month of snow and now we just see snow in traces few time in a year.
  43. fcbetting

    Cold water in the morning

    I drink coffee in morning. Maybe I should add a glass of water with it but I don't like cold water with warm coffee. It is bad combination for teeth.
  44. fcbetting

    Spin the bottle

    In that game often rule is you have to keep answers which you hear but many people talk around so choose with you will play bottle of truth.
  45. fcbetting

    Do you carry a water bottle with you all the time?

    At work I have glass of water with me. I also have pipeline in classroom so I can fill it all time.
  46. fcbetting

    Do you sleep early?

    I went early sleep in first days of this month when I worked many physical jobs. I was very tired and skiped several football games. Now I again I go sleep around 2AM.
  47. fcbetting

    Payment Received

    Free membership can withradw in crypto?
  48. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I am resting most of the day and at 17h I am going in bar with friend drink coffee.
  49. fcbetting

    When Last Did You Claim Faucets?

    Open 3 shortlinks in same time in different tabs. Recomendation is use laptop or PC. Unforunately best faucet change rules and everybody lost their bonus including me. They still pay good but not as before.
  50. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    First day with 31C after ten days of heat wave with 38C on maximum. I overslept it since it was possible have normal sleep.
  51. fcbetting

    Get crypto in your faucetpay account immediately

    I joined and claimed first BTC satoshi. Does it count 30 claims per coin or all together before required shortlink? Can you say who is shortlink provider?
  52. fcbetting

    Cyber bullying in the business sector

    Hardest part is prove cyberbulling. If attacker don't use bad words in messages often people consider it as joke even sending hundreds smiles and memes is not funny. Especially in middle of night.
  53. fcbetting

    Do you enjoy swimming on the ocean?

    I saw a discount for travel in Portugal in next week. To bad I have obligations even I am on vacation and I can't go. Other problem is I don't have with who. Brother can't, best friend work, other friend is injured.
  54. fcbetting

    Legit đź‘Ť Review

    Disallow adblocker and watch ads on site. Site is currently in some problems with Adsense account so it need our support. If you see pop up ads, keep them open for few seconds.
  55. fcbetting

    WALK, JOG or RUN?

    I don't like early morning excercises. I am not morning type for workout. Maybe I could go walk for kilometers but nothing else. I start work other jobs.
  56. fcbetting

    Is your job what you thought you would have?

    Not is not. I didn't want to go in school and I never had dream working in school. But I work over 8 years now. Even it is not dream job it is correlate with IT sector and conditions are good so I stayed.
  57. fcbetting

    Cyber bullying in the business sector

    Don't share personal data like phone number with people who you jus met at work. At start use only official services for work which are under control. When you learn something about them then share phone number and connect on social media. Most bulling is done using social media.
  58. fcbetting

    Do you sell garden produce?

    I have balcony so nothing from garden on my side. My sister have it but it is enough for their personal needs. If I had some space I would have some garden to. Small just for few tomatoes and come pepper.
  59. fcbetting

    Do you prefer A soap or Bath gel/ Shower gel for the bath?

    I like gel for bath for it become to expensive. Those cheaper are thin liquids and I spend them to fast. So I use soap. It is cheaper and it last longer. Gel is now for more better chances.