Recent content by King Belieal

  1. K

    Have friends who discuss about self-development

    One thing is really certain. You can't grow above the level of your friends. If it is only alcohol you discus with your clique of friends, you would grow as an alcoholic.
  2. K

    If you want something, pay the price

    I don't think that I would ever get anything free so that someone would not make me uncomfortable whenever I see him or her.
  3. K

    At what age should your child boldly introduce his girlfriend or boyfriend to you?

    I understand you perfectly. It scares me that one boy would be making my daughter to have sleepless nights. I would rather not see him or know him.
  4. K

    A child attending public or private school

    I won't send my child to a government school as far as I am alive. It is very terrible that teachers there don't love their jobs and don't even bother about anything.
  5. K

    Which gender would you prefer as your first child?

    That means you are a good striker. Congratulations man. How are you able to cope with the double need to take care of them in terms of care? I guess it is much work.
  6. K

    Do you think it is healthy to eat snacks?

    There is a difference between snacks and junks that we call snacks. If it is junks, it is not healthy as it has health effects in the medium and long term.
  7. K

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    Calories are not good for the body, especially if you are someone that doesn't have much physical activity to balance it out.
  8. K

    Marketing strategies that works for small businesses

    For small businesses, word of mouth marketing is the most effective strategy that works for them to market their products. That's because their market is more personalized.
  9. K

    Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

    I always say that having a work life balance is something that is not practically possible. One part of it must always suffer especially if you are a starting out entrepreneur.
  10. K

    Risks Involved in Cryptocurrency Investment

    Investing in bitcoin is still risky in a way. There is no way that one won't face risks with crypto. You just have to be sure it is a calculated risk by not investing more than you can afford to lose.
  11. K

    What role do miners play in the cryptocurrency ecosystem?

    The question that I always ask is what it would take for me to be a miner. Is it just to buy mining equipment?
  12. K

    Joint Bank Account With Spouse

    There are certain things that I can share with my spouse but not a bank account. I have a feeling it won't end well.
  13. K

    Do you feel pressure when you are indebted to someone and you haven't paid?

    I try to pay the debts when I owe. I don't let anything pressure me though. If I can't meet up with the payment, I politely approach the person I am owing and explain why I can't pay and fix a date that ks convenient for me to pay.
  14. K

    What are the things you spend your money on daily?

    I have already spent money on food twice today and the day is still very young. Just 2pm. I might still spend on food two more times today.
  15. K

    Do you live in your own house?

    When you accumulate the rent that you pay for five years in a rented apartment, it would have been enough to build a house.
  16. K

    Are you a member of a cooperative?

    I am not a member of a cooperative but it can be very helpful with their soft loans to their members. My business is not organised enough in my location to have a cooperative.
  17. K

    Have you ever ruined two people’s relationship?

    My dad cheated on my mom serially and all of us the kids knew about it but we never dared to tell our mom. Today, they are about to do 35 years of marriage this year. What doesn't concern you, stay off.
  18. K

    Challenges of turning a small business into a global one

    A small business that wants to go global should think of conquering the local market before you think of international expansion.
  19. K

    Should management of a company let the staff know of the challenges it is facing?

    There are certain things that if staff should know know would kill their morale. Something like a business being in huge debts should be managed at top management level.
  20. K

    Video Making Can Make You a Lot of Money, Here’s Why?

    Just try and work hard to increase the following on the YouTube channel. To earn on YouTube, you need engagements first.
  21. K

    Effect of online communication in a team?

    Online communication allows people that was working in the organisation to keep work conversations going even after office hours. That can enhance more connectivity and efficiency.
  22. K

    How is your business coping currently?

    My business has just paused all expansion plans and stuck to just basic operations to stay afloat in this inflation.
  23. K

    What are the challenges with managing a logistics business?

    The challenge that I see with managing a logistics business is how to make sure that parcels don't get damaged on transit. That's why proper placement must be done for every parcel.
  24. K

    Reasons why dream big in business

    Just dream and strive. Before you know it, you just might be able to reach the heights of your dreams which seemed unachievable. Every big business seen today is big because the owners dared to dream.
  25. K

    At what age should your child boldly introduce his girlfriend or boyfriend to you?

    But I thought the modern age says we should allow our kids to be free and we get to know their romantic partners so we guide them. Is it not so?
  26. K

    How to easily get jobs as an installer

    I think getting many jobs as an installer would require you to build a huge network and relationships with organisations like cable TV companies and telecoms companies. They can outsource jobs to you when their capacity is over full.
  27. K

    Did You Ever Use Freenom Domains?

    I remember those domain names. One particular site that I used to download games for my java phone used dot tk. It is amazing how we have evolved in the internet space.
  28. K

    Have you ever did merge for your business?

    I don't think that I would merge my business with another and continue operations. That's because the foundations of the other business might be a different ideology from mine completely.
  29. K

    Do you sometimes get tired of your business?

    It is normal to get tired of running your business. At that point, you take a rest, and probably sleep so that you would be rejuvenated to keep on.
  30. K

    Overwork without Extra Pay

    When you understand that time is money, you would politely tell your superior that you arr not putting in extra hours without commensurate extra pay.
  31. K

    How do you feel if your colleagues neglect all the work for you because you are competent?

    I still remember back then when I was a paid employee, my colleagues would abandon all the work for me because they knew I always achieved results. But I was burnt out. I had to report them to the boss. What would you do if your colleagues in your workplace leave all the work for you alone...
  32. K

    At what age should your child boldly introduce his girlfriend or boyfriend to you?

    In some societies, there is freedom while in some societies, there is conservativeness. We know that kids start having romantic partners much earlier nowadays. But most would keep it away from their parents till when they are of age. I am in my mid 20s and I can't boldly introduce a lady to my...
  33. K

    New 🚩 Can we classify forums that do basically monthly posting contests as paid to post forums?

    There are some forums that organize monthly posting contests on their platforms. They pay the top posters and they hold these contests as regular as every month. Can we classify such forums as paid to post?
  34. K

    New 🚩 Which section of Paid to Post forums do you have the most posts and earn most from?

    I think everyone has an area that that they have the most knowledge about. And paid to post forums have different sections for different types of discussions. For most people, they have particular sections that they post all the time in and make the most earnings from? For me, it is the...
  35. K

    Telling a partner about the other's cheating habit

    I don't let things that don't concern me bother me. Ain't tell no one who is cheating on him or her. They should find out themselves.
  36. K

    Don't try to fix what's broken beyond repair

    There are certain things that only time would truly heal. No matter how you try to heal it, it might not heal. Time is a great tool in the healing process.
  37. K

    Have you ever installed or purchased an Anti-virus for your mobile?

    With my smartphone, I don't have any need for antivirus. I think the protection from Google is enough through the playstore.
  38. K

    Can you really see who viewed your profile on Facebook?

    You can only see the people that viewed your status. It is good for people like us that sneak in to see people's profiles to ascertain what they do for a living.
  39. K

    Do you really keep up dated to the current times of the year?

    I follow world happenings. I also follow trends in the financial sector. All these happenings have a way they affect us and being abreast of them helps us to know how to wiggle our way through them.
  40. K

    The role of patience and discipline in investments.

    Sometimes, when your investments seems like they are failing, you just have to give it a bit more time especially if it is a reputable investment. When you rush and pull out your money, it is your loss.
  41. K

    Do you do anything on your phone apart from making money?

    I think the people that should really be active on social media are people that have marketplace listings and social media pages for their businesses. What does a normal person have to stay and do on social media for two hours?
  42. K

    Are you really being afraid of failing?

    It is our mindsets that has made us believe that if we fail, we are not competent. But failure is actually a process that can help a person build that competence. I have failed many times and I am not scared of failure any longer.
  43. K

    Do you really use the power banks?

    Is it really possible for a person that has an online life and lives in Nigeria not to have maximal use for power banks? I don't think that is possible.
  44. K

    How do you know that a news report is purely propaganda?

    When you try to balance the facts to see how real they are and they don't align, that is obviously a propaganda.
  45. K

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    I can't put all funds into one investment. It doesn't make sense. That's how people just get broke because that one investment can fail.
  46. K

    Investing For Your Kids

    The best investment I think that I would leave for my kids would be real estate. It would even outlast them and get to their own kids if they manage it well.
  47. K

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    I bought an Italian suit for $130. It was very difficult for me to part with that amount for a piece of clothe. Had to force myself and do it. That suit has lasted three years, still looking fresh.
  48. K

    What is the item that tends to last the longest in your household?

    One food item that really lasts in my house is oil. We use the red palm oil to cook and I buy it in 20 litres. It lasts for more than 5 months before I buy again.
  49. K

    How much money do you spend every month?

    I keep it at a baseline to spend between $100 and $150 every month. And most times, my spendings every month always fall within that range.
  50. K

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    Why would I just give people money when they are not my family members that I have to render financial support to? I don't give anyone money unless my instincts tells me so. Offer value, I would buy.
  51. K

    Have you ever thought of quitting your job over low pay?

    I had a meeting with my boss to ask for a raise and he refused, everything else in the economy had risen, transportation doubled the price and he refused to offer me an improved pay. I left his job.
  52. K

    Does a music video generate more money for an artiste?

    Popular artists earn millions of dollars from YouTube from their music videos. You would see a particular video having up to 200 million views. That is money.
  53. K

    Which TV station do you play the most?

    Some of us have cable TVs and they have lots of channels. There surely is a channel that is most frequently played on your cable TV. Which TV channel is the one that has more airplay on your screen?
  54. K

    Which is easier to manage between a TV station and a Radio station?

    The media industry has both the radio and the television as key players in the service of broadcasting information. On the level of managing these two as a business, all things being equal, which is the easiest to manage?
  55. K

    What can I do to become highly successful in photography business?

    One business that has been existence for a very long time is photography business. It has become more competitive as the years roll by. What are the specific things that I can do as a photographer to be highly successful in the profession?
  56. K

    How would you feel and react if your teenage daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock?

    Imagine you have a daughter that you love and adore so much. And she is a teenager. One day, she comes home with a pregnancy. What would you do? How would you react and treat the girl?
  57. K

    Do you wish to have multiple babies at a time?

    One of the things that people desire is to have multiple babies like twins and triplets. But not me. The stress of taking care of one baby is already too much. Not to talk of multiple babies. Do you wish to have multiple babies? How would you take care of them?
  58. K

    Do you ever regret on your wrongly decisions?

    I have always regretted letting the only girl that I ever loved go. I have been struggling to find love after that and I can't find that kind.
  59. K

    Price hike in foodstuffs

    The cost of food is so alarming that money that could feed one for a week can hardly feed someone for two days.
  60. K

    Have you ever experienced "the see finished syndrome' in your relationship

    It is only genuine respect that would make one to get very close to someone and it doesn't lead to contempt. Most always lead to contempt which makes you lose value in the eyes of the person.
  61. K

    Does retrieving the packaging materials of a product stop it from being imitated or faked?

    The best thing to do is to ensure that the production formula of the product be kept a secret as much as possible. That would stop imitation.
  62. K

    A woman being a bread winner

    It still depends on how the couple wants to run their home.
  63. K

    Be the reason someone smiles today

    We don't seem to know the value of a hug or a smile to another person. It can be the only strength that person needed to have a great day.
  64. K

    What's your most go to earning forum

    When I am really busy like that, I would only choose to be active on one forum. That one is Discussion Bucks because I am a staff member on that forum.
  65. K

    Have you ever worked a whole day on RIF?

    If you try to work here a whole day,. you might end up getting your brain fried. It takes so much mental capacity to make so many posts here.
  66. K

    Do you have Power backup UPS at your home?

    I think that UPS has gone extinct right now. With the proliferation of laptops with powerful batteries, UPS systems is not popular any longer.
  67. K

    Did you attend computer classes?

    I just understood computer by instincts and self study. I have never had anyone formally show me anything on computer. I think that it just came naturally.
  68. K

    Do you do anything on your phone apart from making money?

    My phone is part of the productive parts of my life. I always use it for all parts of my earning ventures. From my business with productivity apps to online money making.
  69. K

    Do you think you can repair gadgets?

    Repairing of gadgets is not something that anyone can just wake up and start doing. You have to go through years of training to be able to get it right.
  70. K

    What do you prefer between sending the Mail the video calling?

    If you are in a distant relationship, you would definitely prefer to do video call than mails. I prefer video calls because I get to see and verify everything live.
  71. K

    Is Tiktok banned in your country?

    The United States wants to ban TikTok. There has been enough propaganda targeted against TikTok. Seems they want to do the Huawei treatment to TikTok.
  72. K

    Are You Good With Cashflow Management

    I have mastered how to manage my cashflow. I plan my expenses so much that money comes into my life to still meet already earned money.
  73. K

    Do you live in your own house?

    When you live in your own house, you don't need to worry about paying rent and that funds for rent can be channeled into something else. I should be moving into my own house by the middle of next year.
  74. K

    Do you own a Rice cooker?

    I had a rice cooker when I was in college. It seems that device is not really sold like that in my country.
  75. K

    Any forum gives money for reply to our thread?

    I think only Trendri does pay for responses to your thread. I know there are times that just one cent might just extend my withdrawal request to the following day but that credit earned from the comments of other users drive me over the edge.
  76. K

    Legit 👍 Forum Filler

    You must have a good writer to be allowed into the platform. That you would demonstrate by passing a writing examination to be accepted.
  77. K

    Legit 👍 Make Money Writing For Wattpad

    From the description that @nomad has given, I think that writing with Wattpad requires top level writing skills.
  78. K

    What is the item that tends to last the longest in your household?

    Do you mind if ask how much in dollars a 50kg bag of rice is sold in your country. Would love to compare it with the price in my country.
  79. K

    Do you have some financial constraints and how do you deal with them?

    I have financial constraints in the availability of funds to xpand my business. I deal with it through saving a part of my profit till it would reach the Ideal amount enough for my project.
  80. K

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    The apartment I am currently living in is rented at $200 per annum. And it is a single room with a personal convenience and kitchen. A one bedroom flat is about $400 in my country.
  81. K

    Do you like working Online on the late hours all alone?

    I have been doing that when I don't have time to work in the day time. I stay alone and waking up to work at night gives that serenity.
  82. K

    Online Education or Offline

    Online education is basically for the people that the people that are constrained either by time or distance. Conventional education is still the best for full time students.
  83. K

    Do you have fixed time for your meals?

    I don't have fixed time for meals. I believe one should eat when one is hungry than starve, waiting for a fixed time to eat.
  84. K

    What type of phorbia do you have?

    I have a phobia for snakes. They scare the hell out of me. The thought of a snake being around sends shock waves to me.
  85. K

    Have you noticed some false advertising lately?

    Some companies would just exaggerate the capability of their products just to entice people to buy. What they don't know is that it affects the long term performance of that product.
  86. K

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    You just have to take the loss and move on. It is one of the liabilities that we suffer as business people.
  87. K

    Should after sale service be for all customers?

    As far as a custom has parted with money for a product, they are entitled to after sales services. It isn't for specific customers.
  88. K

    Need for reception area for a business

    An organized and structured business should have a reception area. It shields visitors from seeing without permission the operations of the business.
  89. K

    Ask referrals from customers to grow your business

    When customers drop reviews about your products, it is them putting in a word to get you referrals. Always try to get them to drop reviews on reputable platforms for your products. It would go a long way.
  90. K

    Why Meme Coins are so Popular?

    I don't know what market cap is in terms of the value of crypto. But meme coins have no real value. That, I can assure anyone.
  91. K

    Do you use Kucoin

    I don't think there is any need to use any other exchange apart from Binance since it gives me everything I want in an exchange.
  92. K

    Have you heard of Exodus Wallet?

    Exodus wallet has been good. I don't specifically use it but I know people that use it without any complaints.
  93. K

    Have you invested on Pop Cat?

    I don't think that I would invest in these meme coin. I had given up on meme coins since Doge failed flat and disappointed heavily.
  94. K

    Best Online Passive Income Methods

    The best online passive income is music. That's what top artists use to make good money online. But you must have a large following to achieve that.
  95. K

    Do You Actually Save More By Purchasing in Bulk

    If you are a waster, you should know yourself and stay away from bulk purchases. But I am not a waster, so I get to save more.
  96. K

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    When my salary is delayed, it always becomes very difficult it meet up with financial obligations because everything is always planned with the salary in mind.
  97. K

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    I have managed to clear all my outstanding loans. I hate the fact that I could be indebted to anyone. It is always a mental burden for me. That's why I clear them all.
  98. K

    What happens to the body of prison inmates that die while still serving a term?

    I have been wondering what happens to prison inmates that get to die while serving a sentence. Do they get buried by the government or their bodies are released to their families for proper burial?
  99. K

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    I have grown to become a very practical person. I don't know how to impress unduly. If you treat me bad, I treat you bad. There is a user here that used to ignore me so badly when I reached out. That user is now reaching out to me, and I am ignoring the user too. Am I wrong with that...
  100. K

    Have you ever used ATM machines to make cash deposits?

    In the whole of my city, we don't have ATM machines accepting deposits. I doubt that we are even going to see one of such anytime soon.
  101. K

    Does government control the media in your country?

    In some countries, government still control the private media with regulations that would gag them. They even try to control social media by arresting influencers.
  102. K

    How do you know that a news report is purely propaganda?

    That's why people ought to take it upon themselves to verify every news source and not swallow everything hook, line and sinker.
  103. K

    What do you think about other religion?

    I am a liberal person when it comes to issues if religion. If I happen to fall in love with someone from another religion, I would get married to the person, allow her practice her religion and alternate the kids between the two religions till they can choose which religion is suitable for them.
  104. K

    Have you ever forgotten the closing of the main door before you go to sleep in the night time ?

    I have had to forgotten locking the doors some few times and that happens on occasions where I am too tired and just sleep off unexpectedly.
  105. K

    Why do you like online shopping?

    Most people in my country have trust issues and would prefer to do their shopping offline than go ahead to buy online. We don't trust each other enough for online shopping to take root.
  106. K

    Are You a Believer?

    I am a believer that practices Christianity at the highest level. Not overtly spiritual but I am active in my faith. I question some teachings that doesn't sound right though.
  107. K

    Have you ever dozed off when traveling on the train?

    I have always dozed off when travelling on anything depending on the circumstances that I find myself per time. If I am too tired, it is easy for me to doze off on transit.
  108. K

    How do you manage not to get burnt out as an entrepreneur?

    I have been burnt out myself. Was running so many vital tasks to stabilize the business after we relocated to a new site. And that burnout has equally made me lose a lot of money because things I was supposed to do, I never got to do them.
  109. K

    What are common ways to build passive income?

    I have earned passive income from books and beats that I have made and hosted online for royalties. There are so many ways to earn passive income. The one that would be best for you depends on your interests.
  110. K

    Do you believe that cultural differences have an impact on businesses?

    Culture defines the things that a particular location patronizes and how they patronize them. It has a major impact on patronage levels, no matter how we look at it.
  111. K

    Why every person should read terms and conditions before patronage.

    Don't you think that it is intentional to trap people in? The ones by Google is even the worse in terms of character size. But a rational user should try to read them all.
  112. K

    How long did it take you to start the business after you realized the business idea?

    I would not fault any person that takes time to start a business. It is important to make sure that you get everything right to start on a sound footing. I took six months after I got the idea to start.
  113. K

    Between public bank and private bank, which one do you prefer?

    I don't think there is any such thing as public banks in my country, especially in the commercial banking ecosystem. Public banks are majorly specialized banks like the Bank of Industry and Agricultural banks.
  114. K

    What crypto do you use as a payment

    If I really want to look at fees, Tron happens to be my first choice to receive payments. It's fees are cheap and the estimated time to complete a transaction shorter.
  115. K

    Have you heard of Exodus Wallet?

    Exodus wallet has been getting mostly positive reviews from people that have used it. I think that it is a good crypto wallet. Might check it out for a try anytime soon.
  116. K

    Top Coins With Low Transaction Fees

    Tron is one of the best coins when it comes to lowered fees. I have used it multiple times for payments and I bet that the fees is almost negligible.
  117. K

    BCH; the most stable cryptocurrency

    Bitcoin cash has been doing fairly well. I have gained from holding some BCH I had earned from BMF. I gained almost 40% in just two weeks last year.
  118. K

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    Suddenly, everyone is talking about Notcoin. I guess it was live on exchanges as at last week. The truth is just that ICOs are not my thing.
  119. K

    Do you use exchanges that don't have escrow for P2P transactions?

    That automatically means that Decentralized Exchanges are a no for me. With those kinds of platforms, everything is done at your own risk. For the sanity of me, I love the assurance of centralized exchanges with escrow.
  120. K

    How do you choose cryptocurrency exchanges or trading platforms?

    It was an easy choice for me. The people that I looked up to for crypto knowledge were all using Binance and I had to fall in line.
  121. K

    How do you know that a news report is purely propaganda?

    In this era of sensational news reportage, there are so many news outlets that just spin propaganda and report it as genuine news. The aim is always to misinform people. How do you know a news report that is based on propaganda?
  122. K

    What are the risks associated with using a Decentralized Exchange?

    Everywhere I turn to read about crypto exchanges, people are warning against having to use Decentralized exchanges, ans they are saying it is risky to use. What are the disadvantages of having to use a decentralized exchange?
  123. K

    Which is the best app to access Rar and Zip files on Android?

    Which apps are best for one to use and access compressed files sent in zip and rar format. I am using an Android device. And which app is also used to compress files into Zip and Rar formats on android?
  124. K

    How do you manage not to get burnt out as an entrepreneur?

    I just stepped out of my house now and it is 12:am. The lady that does fries in my compound is still selling, and she opens her shop around 8 am in the morning. I believe she would get burnt out eventually. How can a business person manage running a business to be profitable and getting burnt...
  125. K

    What was the best phone you ever had? Why?

    The best mobile phone I ever had was BlackBerry Z10. The performance of that phone was simply amazing. If I see it now, I would still buy it. The phone just had battery issues.
  126. K

    A woman being a bread winner

    It would only be a problem when the man is not contributing financially or even growing. Some women just are rich by luck or providence. Does that mean they should not provide for their families?
  127. K

    Visiting the seven wonders of the world

    I won't turn down a chance to see these global landmarks. I am naturally a person that loves adventure. And being adventurous keeps me going.
  128. K

    What do you browse most on your phone

    For me, it is majorly forums that I get to browse on my phone. It is not just paid forums but non paying forums too that I can get to learn something.
  129. K

    Can you do anything for money?

    Anything that looks criminal is something that I won't think of ever doing just to make money. I make money only through legit means. I love my freedom, so I can enjoy the money.
  130. K

    Legit 👍

    The review I saw that you did on BMF was already done by someone else. They don't really want multiple users reviewing one company or service.
  131. K

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    Some people go about checking the phones of their partners for texts and calls. They want to monitor and know who their partner is calling and texting. Do you think it is right for a person to check his or her partner's phone for calls and text messages?
  132. K

    At what age should a parent stop taking care of a child?

    My parents still call me once in a while to come pick foodstuffs from home. But I don't depend on them for my everyday survival. It doesn't make sense.
  133. K

    At what age should you give your child a smartphone?

    18 years of age is quite too old for a child to start owning a smartphone. The pace at which the world moves demands that they own a smartphone much earlier.
  134. K

    Must a husband sit next to each other when traveling on public transportation?

    They just wanted single people like us to feel jealous. Married people should sometime let yh singles breathe.
  135. K

    Personal ways that you handle customer complaints

    One thing that I know I would always do when customers lay a complaint is that I would always listen. And then offer an explanation or rectify the issues if possible.
  136. K

    How would you respond in an interview, when asked for the password of your email ID?

    I would just tell the person plainly that private keys and passwords are personal and not to be shared with anyone. Why would someone even think of asking you for that? How is it related to the job or the interview?
  137. K

    How was your last interview for a job?

    The last interview that I attended, I was told that they would get back to me and since then, they never got back to me. I am even grateful they didn't. Would have been an employee by now with a limited life.
  138. K

    What Business Systems and Principles Must You Master That will Gaurantee it not to Fall Nomatter What?

    There is no such things like a strategy that would make your business sure fail proof. You only get to do what you can do and hope other factors fall in line for you.
  139. K

    what are the Potential Risks in Starting A Business?

    One big risk that is associated with starting a business is that you might not get patronage. It is a risk. What if people don't patronize your products or services? You have automatically failed.
  140. K

    What new meme coin is making headlines these days?

    So much hype and buzz about Pepe coin. I really don't know what it offers but I know so many people are buying it recently. Hope it doesn't disappoint like Doge.
  141. K

    Is it even possible to truly regulate crypto?

    Crypto regulation can only happen when exchange comply with the guidelines of the government on that. Apart from that, crypto can't be regulated at all.
  142. K

    How do you trade or withdraw crypto in your country?

    Does Luno exchange still work in Nigeria? That's because the government has banned all crypto exchanges from trading naira. How long ago have you used Luno to trade crypto to fiat?
  143. K

    what is the secret of earning money online? Share your experience

    The secrets to making money online is the same thing with the offline space. Just offer value to and you would be greatly rewarded.
  144. K

    Legit 👍 Riveiw: Scam or Legit?

    I have gotten so many payouts from Trendri and I am gunning to get yet another one in just 2 days.
  145. K

    Legit 👍

    It is easier to write company reviews than try to earn on BMF by starting discussion threads. I also observe that if you write too long stuff to start a thread on BMF, it would be deleted.
  146. K

    Do You Think That Your Job Helps You To Make Passive Income?

    You would need financial discipline and financial intelligence to be able to generate passive income while still on a job because salaries are never enough to meet needs.
  147. K

    Fixed Deposit Bank Accounts as a Passive Income Source

    Doesn't make sense at least in my country. That's because the rates of interest you are paid on fixed deposits isn't really worth it.
  148. K

    Have you ever studied the finances on your schooling days?

    All through high school, no one actually taught me Financial management. That's why I made so many financial blunders soon after high school.
  149. K

    Do you have a separate bank account for online earnings?

    I don't see any need to have a seperate bank account for online earnings. I just use my normal bank accounts to receive my crypto from online earnings when I trade them.
  150. K

    Have you been slammed with a lawsuit?

    I have never seen a summons letter from any court before. I think I have been careful not to let my business conflicts get to that level.
  151. K

    Are you enjoying paying Bills

    I am not enjoying bills especially when I have to stress myself out just to get it paid. If it is pre planned and expected, it is a bit enjoyable to pay them.
  152. K

    What is the greatest fear for entrepreneurship?

    The thing that I fear most about my business is not being able to find customers to buy my products. With the nature of my business, it is a very serious and genuine concern.
  153. K

    Starting A Canteen in A School or College Is a Profitable business

    Food would always work in a campus. The population alone is enough for the food business to work there.
  154. K

    How are you currently marketing your business?

    I have a social media page for my brand. I have to say that 20% of my business sales is from that Facebook page.
  155. K

    Don't let negative people kill your dreams

    Negative people always appear as if they are truly caring about your business. And they might be genuinely caring but their negativity can kill what would have made you rich.
  156. K

    Don't care about what others think

    When you have set your mind that you want to run a business, you should know that the only opinions that matter is that of professional business consultants and mentors. Every other person can keep quiet with their opinions.
  157. K

    Have you ever been successful in performing any transactions regarding the cryptocurrency.?

    I make crypto transactions almost on a daily basis. And I have never had any challenges with crypto transactions. It has always been a smooth ride for me
  158. K

    What is your favorite meat animal?

    For me, it is poultry meat. It is natural for me since I have a poultry farm. And it is healthy too.
  159. K

    Do you fast?

    I am not a fan of fasting. I rarely fast. I don't think that I have fasted for up to 5 times in my life.
  160. K

    Do you use Bitcoin for payment?

    I hear that it is only people on the lightning network that use bitcoin for payment nowadays.
  161. K

    How does Binance compare with other crypto wallets?

    Binance is one of the best crypto exchanges out there. And it is one of the two crypto exchanges I use after trying out so many. It is simply the best crypto exchanges exchange out of there.
  162. K

    Twitter now has a new competition in Meta's 'Thread'.

    And after all the hype, that's how Threads just died. Seems Mark hasn't been able to create anything from scratch since Facebook and Instagram.
  163. K

    What Are the Benefits of Work Ethics?

    Work ethics of an organisation are the standards that these businesses organisations hold their staff to and expect them to replicate.
  164. K

    Identifying potential gaps or opportunities in the market

    Look at common pain points that has people worried, create a solution for them and you would have made a business out of a problem.
  165. K

    Why is kolanut highly demanded in the International Market?

    Kolanuts are used even in wine production. And it also has therapeutic properties. That's why you would make much money exporting it if you have it in abundance in your country.
  166. K

    Ths importance of compromise in business.

    That's why business is not for rigid people. A business person should be open minded and not have set expectations because compromise always happens in business.
  167. K

    An entrepreneur must be calm

    One of the strongest point.of entrepreneurs that are calm is that they are able to handle destabilizing conditions with more ease.
  168. K

    Which business is currently too saturated in your country?

    I don't know but it seems like the fashion designing and tailoring business is getting saturated in my area. You would see 3 tailoring shops on the same blog but they are still thriving though.
  169. K

    Should an entrepreneur write a business plan by himself/herself?

    If an entrepreneur can write the business plan by himself or herself, it is best as he or she would be able to follow it.
  170. K

    Have you ever registered a business company?

    I have started the process of registering my business. The only step that is keeping the process is that I am supposed to have a corporate account which I am working on opening.
  171. K

    Are you patient enough to teach kids?

    I don't have the patience to teach kids that are less than 10 years old. It could be distressing for me having to deal with tantrums.
  172. K

    Making money as a website manager

    I have worked as a moderator on a forum before. My basic pay was just 10 dollars a month plus I was paid normally for contents I created.
  173. K

    Down payment or in instalments?

    It could be free of interests if you don't take the products home. You can keep the products and pay in installments till you finish paying, you can take the products.
  174. K

    What are some of the online market stores in your country ?

    We have jumia in my country and we also have konga. But the one I love to use the most is jiji.
  175. K

    What Age Were You when you learnt how to drive a Car

    I was just 21 years old when I learned to drive a car. It was my mom's car that I used in learning how to drive.
  176. K

    What kinds of orders should you turn down in your business?

    That kind of order, I would definitely turn down. It would put you under lots of pressure and you might not still make it.
  177. K

    What is the prospect of exporting dry curry leaves?

    If you want to export curry leaves, you would need to add some value to it before you would see a good market outside the domestic borders.
  178. K

    What is the role of social media in the buisness ?

    Social media provides a viable ground for you to build a brand and advertise your business for free.
  179. K

    How lack of staff recognition can hurt a business

    It could make staff feel like they are not valued. And that is the beginning of having a demotivated staff to work for you in your business.
  180. K

    Don't create a business if you do not know

    Some entrepreneurs actually learn while practicing the business but it is very expensive to go that path to learn about the business. Learning before you start is the best.
  181. K

    Though you are tired in business, remember you have dreams to chase

    It is not bad to take a rest from your business so that you won't get burnt out. But understand that you need to get up soon and continue with building the business.
  182. K

    Why the business sales are always down?

    When the business is not making enough sales, the best thing to do is to reexamine your sales strategy and possibly revamp it to be more efficient.
  183. K

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling green vegetables?

    Vegetables are highly demanded and if a business deals on selling it exclusively, I think they would make good money.
  184. K

    How to Make Passive Income as a Writer

    As a writer that wants to earn passive income, your best bet is to write books and publish them in Amazon to earn passive income.
  185. K

    What do you consider passive source of income?

    Passive income is not income earned without doing any kind of work at all. You would work for passive income but it might just be once in a long while but the income keeps coming in.
  186. K

    Collecting dues

    Is it not better you avoid giving out credit sales entirely than have to be struggling with getting paybacks. It could be frustrating.
  187. K

    Earning passive income though renting of household items

    You can actually stock up an abundance of those items mainly for your rental business, after all you would make money from it for a long time, if it is well maintained.
  188. K

    Create passive income from rental of costumes.

    When you are able to identify something that people need often but not too frequently, and you offer rental of that thing, they would always prefer to rent because it is more affordable than having to buy.
  189. K

    Have you financed someone else business?

    If the business plan is solid, you could invest and own a 50% share of the business. But he needs to convince you that the business would yield. No one goes about throwing away money.
  190. K

    Have you ever been asked to bribe?

    I have had to pay bribes several times in my life. I bribed to get my files stamped for clearance in my university.
  191. K

    How Many Jobs Have You Handled At Once?

    There was a time in my life that I was teaching in a school too like the OP, still taught an examination preparatory class, still worked as a part time mall staff, and still owned a photocopy business. It was madly crazy. Burnout was massive but I had to hustle.
  192. K

    If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?

    You share the exact same fetish with me. I have always wondered what it felt like leading the United States for a day. That's my fantasy life and experience.
  193. K

    Can someone make a living by being just a real estate agent?

    I think that real estate agency like every other career demands that one builds a portfolio and keep expanding it in the niche, to become an authority and earn well.
  194. K

    Benefits for engaging on part-time jobs

    It is good to take part time jobs but we have to strike a balance so that we don't end up overworking ourselves.
  195. K

    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    The first profits that I made from my business, I used it to buy more equipment for the business because we were already deficient in equipment for the business.
  196. K

    Have you ever lost to your competition before?

    You can't win all the contracts there is. I have lost contracts and I have won some too. It is the way life was designed to be.
  197. K

    Should you establish a business close to where you live?

    If your business is close to where you live, it would be massive plus to you as you would be able to easily manage the business.
  198. K

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream for your business

    The business world doesn't discriminate against age. There is no one that is too young or too old to become an entrepreneurial success if they take the right actions.
  199. K

    Never give up on what you're doing you believe essential to your business

    If there is any process that improves the efficiency and revenue of your business, you would have to just keep on doing it regardless of what people say.
  200. K

    Can you run multiple businesses at once?

    I am still quite young with lots of energy. And I feel I can run multiple businesses up to three at the same time.