Recent content by Pousinha

  1. Pousinha

    Being poor: fate or choice?

    Unfortunately, it can't happen in whatever country. If you are born in a poor family in the USA, yes, you can change your destiny, because the USA government doesn't create obstacles to whatever business initiative. USA government don't tax at the amount of 70% as it happens in my former country...
  2. Pousinha

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Unfortunately, we must wait to reach more than 3000 topics per category in the section company reviews. Mr B received 5000 dollars to perform this task, so he can't help but wait. And it will take a long time, I suppose, cause those unfamiliar categories for the majority of BMF users.
  3. Pousinha

    How popular is thrift shop business in your country?

    In my country, it exists both of these kinds of thrift shop: social purposes and for profit (better said, to maintain one's household, when other source of earning lacks or we don't earn enough to make ends meet). In my case, my thrift shop is part of my small business, as in my geographic area...
  4. Pousinha

    Short Term Investment vs Long Term Investment, Which is More Profitable?

    In my country it's the other way round: long-term investments use to be riskier than medium-term and short-term ones. Not the risk to lose money (out of the riskiest stocks), but to see shortages of the investment value in the case of a sudden inflation great increasing (as it happened last...
  5. Pousinha

    Being poor: fate or choice?

    Yes, sure: to become a footballer it's necessary inborn skills and unfortunately it's not everyone owning them. To become actors and actresses, skills are not the sole requirements, but favourable circumstances too (to be in the right spot at the right time). Better said, favourable...
  6. Pousinha

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I suppose there are specific categories carrying difficulties to post reviews if we don't live in an English speaking country. For ex., how to post reviews about English speaking restaurants and bars you don't know even their existence, as we don't live in the countries where they are located...
  7. Pousinha

    How popular is thrift shop business in your country?

    A lot of my used goods come in fact from my former country (also from Spain and Argentina too) and people here go crazy for items coming from abroad, especially from European countries. So sometimes is fairly easy to sell, even if I'm obliged to lower the prices because people here can't afford...
  8. Pousinha

    How much is a crate of egg in your country?

    It's very curious how certain kind of food, considered poor man's food until decades ago (like eggs and rice, for ex.) now turned shamefully expensive. In my country, considered the minimum salary of 1320 reais, the egg crate price I posted last week, is the price of golden eggs. My mother had...
  9. Pousinha

    How much is a crate of egg in your country?

    In my country, it's very much dependable: it depends on the kind of each shop, each supermarket (sometimes, you don't pay the same price if you purchase the eggs crate in the grocery or in the supermarket), the quality and the number of eggs in the crate. In any way, a medium price of a 12 eggs...
  10. Pousinha

    How popular is thrift shop business in your country?

    My current country (especially my city) looks like the thrift shop land. At every corner of the streets in my city, it often appears a new thrift shop. Maybe it's the easiest and quickest way to get rid of unemployment, as covid-19 caused the loss of job of too many people. I also ended up...
  11. Pousinha

    What could be the future of Binance?

    This would be a very good news:cool:! Users who get involved in fixed staking, cannot remove their funds from Binance (and my husband is one of them: he staked shiba inu worth of more than 200 reais). If something happens to Binance, I cannot even think about the mess. So governments trying to...
  12. Pousinha

    Popular Online Forums

    I have an Italian colleague that was so lucky to receive a proposal from Quora's staff: to get paid depending how valuable the questions she posted. And she was able to earn discreetly from Quora! I'm a member too, of both Quora and Reddit, using them to get informed. When I need answers I find...
  13. Pousinha

    Are you a member of this forum site: FORUM FOR U?

    I just gave a look, but I only see an empty forum: no pages and no topics at all. It says the bulletin board is currently closed (for manteinance). Hoping it's only a temporary manteinance, as I'd like to know something more about it.
  14. Pousinha

    Upgrade Account on PTC sites: is it profitable?

    I think PTCs are a complete waste of time (and a waste of electricity too). The earnings are merely peanuts, as you waste an entire hour, if not more, for a single cent. To not talk about the questionable ads you get exposed among many PTCs. Moreover, based on some colleagues experience that did...
  15. Pousinha

    Can users in India use Coinbase?

    The best thing us living among third world countries is to use Coinbase merely as exchange (to exchange a crypto to another crypto: in this case, I never paid a single penny). The secret is to exchange to a low fees crypto like BCH or litecoin and then send it to our local exchange to convert to...
  16. Pousinha

    Altcoin My Neighbor Alice

    Yes, my idea is exactly a long term (very long, if possible) investment. If I could, I would have exchanged more than 1,5 ALICE, but, well, in any way I'm satisfied with my purchase. I did what I could into my possibilities and that's all. Out of my local exchange, I noticed it's listed on...
  17. Pousinha

    What could be the future of Binance?

    I know there will be changes. To be sincere, no one can really expect to earn whatever currency, including cryptocurrencies, while the governments stay still and quiet: we must expect the governments want to tax whatever kind of income, to receive tax reports and, especially among south European...
  18. Pousinha

    Altcoin My Neighbor Alice

    I just purchased 1,5 ALICE (better said, I exchanged some of the withdrawn earnings coming from a PTW of mine in my local exchange that lists it). I took the opportunity of a price dropping and I'm eager to store it for a long period. In any way, be careful: I only invested what I can afford to...
  19. Pousinha

    Why do you work online?

    Because in the country where I live I can't rely on offline jobs. To get a job is not that difficult as in my former country, but it's very easy to lose it. As a teacher, I have students that come for a while, but they quickly end up pennyless and can't pay for lessons any more. Or they quickly...
  20. Pousinha

    Any experience with wallet?

    Oh, no, I'm so sorry :cry: ! How a missed upgrade carries the loss of one's funds? Have you tried to open your cryptos addresses in a different wallet using the same seed of It should work and maybe you recover your funds.
  21. Pousinha

    Making money from writing product reviews.

    I tried at least twice to participate to such sites, but they never gave me such opportunities (Toluna was one of these and I'm sure the issue was my third world country location). Yes, the same in my case. But if I don't mistake, I had tried also when I lived in Italy, with no success (ok...
  22. Pousinha

    Any experience with wallet? wallet is an in app wallet (a non-custodial) where we own the private keys. I began to use it because it was adviced by staff (as our payments by noise are expressed in BCH, listed in this wallet. Now I'm using it to store bitcoin too, as various Latin Spanish speaking...
  23. Pousinha

    Can users in India use Coinbase?

    Yes, it's true! In Latin America, we too have suffered a lot cause these limitations and years ago I lost earning opportunities for a while because I couldn't withdraw from Coinbase to my bank account and the task only paid cryptocurrencies. And it was better those cryptocurrencies being paid to...
  24. Pousinha

    What could be the future of Binance?

    Yes, sure! Unfortunately, the American SEC and the regulatory authorities take in no account at all the money of poor people stored in CEXs like Binance. My husband, in its turn, stored more than 200 reais of shiba inu and I sincerely hope he won't lose his cryptos. I told him to choose a...
  25. Pousinha

    Making money from writing product reviews.

    I can they are sites dedicated to top tier countries. Thinking about Amazon, I remember my husband said something about a paid task he tried to access (I'm not so sure if to write product reviews was an included task or not, maybe it was Amazon Mechanical Turk that may include them)...
  26. Pousinha

    What could be the future of Binance?

    The most pitiful thing, I think, if Binance falls into bankruptcy, would be the loss of money by poor people, Binance users, counting on cryptos stored there to make ends meet or even to be able to purchase their daily food. By my hand, I emptied my Binance account in June 2022, favouring in app...
  27. Pousinha

    Making money from writing product reviews.

    I sincerely hope it won't. Paid to post forum are very helpful for users and in many, many way: it's not merely the earnings (even if it's true their earnings help many users to make ends meet), but new friendships grow up, we learn more about finances and how to save, we come to know other...
  28. Pousinha

    What could be the future of Binance?

    Since last year, if not before, the big exchange Binance is monitored by the American SEC. It looks like the USA government is involved in a sort of battle against cryptocurrencies, especially the stable coins (there is the idea to elaborate a law that will declare illegal USDT, USDC, etc. An...
  29. Pousinha

    Altcoin My Neighbor Alice

    Yes, reviews say it's promising (as various other ethereum tokens). Ethereum is the second cryptocurrency in the world, the queen of them. So I expect its token to not become dust. In any way, as you are new in the crypto world, my advice is to study well its financial environment and how does...
  30. Pousinha

    Altcoin My Neighbor Alice

    The altcoin My Neighbor Alice (better said, it's a token, exactly an ethereum one) comes from ethereum environment. and it's part of the self-titled game a beautiful and nice farm game). In few words, this is a game token. I heard about My Neighbor Alice last year, because my local exchange...
  31. Pousinha

    Making money from writing product reviews.

    If there is the need to become an affiliate to write product reviews, unfortunately I can't, at least for now. In my country, affiliation is a forbidden activity if we own the smallest business VAT. I should register as self-employed worker and this bureaucracy costs mor than the double compared...
  32. Pousinha

    Being poor: fate or choice?

    We cannot choose the level of our health (and less, our parents', grandparents', siblings', relatives'). If our health (and our family members') never gets into a reasonable range and we live in a country that doesn't know the term wealfare, all family's chances to live as poor people are high...
  33. Pousinha

    What do you do with the money you earn from PTP forums?

    I do the same, as my earnings from these forums (in addition to other paying sites and apps that pay through Paypal) constitute part of my monthly income. I need to purchase food and drinks for my household and due to my teaching job and my thrift (door-to-door) shop only make small earnings (I...
  34. Pousinha

    Gold investments

    The truth is I have never invested a single penny in crypto market using my own pocket. My crypto savings, all of them, come from several online earnings whose sites use to pay only cryptos. But I didn't leave all these earnings among crypto wallets. I converted the biggest earnings to FIAT and...
  35. Pousinha

    Being poor: fate or choice?

    I agree, even if I strongly prefer the word predestination to fate. If you try your best to improve your situation, but: -plan n.1 fails... -plan n.2 fails... -plan n. 3 fails... Well, when plan n.3 fails, I'd begin to think that choice has nothing to do, it's not your fault at all, but outdoor...
  36. Pousinha

    Why do You Request Payment at low amounts?

    Because the danger of getting scammed is often behind the corner, especially in the case of pay to Android apps. And they often scam from one day to another. Better is to get few money and now, than to lose a discreet accumulated amount. Yes, that's a sore point and unfortunately, it exists...
  37. Pousinha

    Being poor: fate or choice?

    More than fate, I would talk about predestination. Poverty came to the world since the Original Sin. The knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis, A.T.) of our first ancestors brought sin in the world and famine, shortage and sinful human nature were (and still are) the direct consequences. In its...
  38. Pousinha

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    Maybe he asked for the payment in the beginning of May. Payments by BeerMoney are not immediate, as they are done manually. Sometimes, it happened I received a payment in the 26th or 27th of the month. I have just looked at my Payeer account and the payment isn't yet there. But I hope there...
  39. Pousinha

    Gold investments

    Crypto market is very risky, but I sincerely hope it won't happen such a mishap (the destruction of the entire crypto market). It would be a true disaster for many sites that pay cryptocurrencies like Steemit. It would be a true disaster for all of us that mostly earn cryptocurrencies to perform...
  40. Pousinha

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    Well, I asked for a payment 2 days ago and usually it lasts some days to receive. I'll see next week if my payment comes to Payeer. Mr B pays until the 25th of each month. I see there are tons of company reviews and users are adapting well, but in any way I doubt the entire work to be done into...
  41. Pousinha

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    I'm doing my best to not stop my activity on BeerMoney. I'm trying to adapt to the new address of the forum and until now I could post 3 reviews. I think it will be difficult to post with a certain frequency, but the important thing for me is to not lose my account. I'll go slowly, I know...
  42. Pousinha

    Gold investments

    My mother loved investment in gold jewelries and passed me this trend. It's a helpful investment if we keep our jewelries during decades, as in the moment we need to exchange our pieces with money, we get the payment according to the current inflation and not to the purchasing price of decades...
  43. Pousinha

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    Unfortunately, there is the need to fill that section until the reaching of the required number of companies. And here, we have another huge matter: if we don't do any activity in BeerMoney during 30 days, we'll lose our account (and the BMF points accumulated). That forum doesn't want inactive...
  44. Pousinha

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    But do you know whether is compulsory to post only about English speaking companies? If we could post reviews about local companies located in our countres (countries where English is not the main language or it isn't well known), we wouldn't face so many difficulties. Unfortunately, most of the...
  45. Pousinha

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    I was missing less than 100 BMF points to reach the last minimum payout. And I only could reach the 2 dollars because I finally was able to remember a couple of companies running in my country (one of them is international) whose sites include English language. Because I have this great doubt...
  46. Pousinha

    Why surveys are not available for Tier 3 countries?

    Yes, there are forums to make money! And various other PTWs (like Steemit, for ex.). Surveys are not so good for tier 3 countries (moreover, even less for tier 4 ones). At the sight of the promoting surveys companies, we don't earn enough to carry on a spendthrift life (the greatest desire of a...
  47. Pousinha

    Hardware Wallet vs Software Wallet

    In my country, hardware wallets are shamefully expensive. Maybe, the reason is due to importations (If I don't mistake, they come from USA or Europe, so there are custom duties). Hardware wallets are worth the purchase only if we reach our cryptocurrencies value of thousands (considering our...
  48. Pousinha

    How do you earn in YSense?

    YSense (when still adopted its previous name) was a complete waste of time for me. During 2 years I was a member and never, never, never a single survey for my geographic area. This is a GPT practically dedicated to top tier countries. Third world ones (at least Latin American ones) are not...
  49. Pousinha

    Do you like earning from Ptc websites?

    Many years ago, I came to know PTCs and at first, as a newbie, I tried to earn, hoping they could be an option. Time later, I realized it was just a waste of time, as PTCs only pay crumbs (we must visit tons of sites to earn a cent of a cent each one, spending hours and hours while the...
  50. Pousinha

    Which paid to post forums has the most engaging topics to comment on?

    I think it's Referral Index forum (this one), as I see lots of interesting topics, showing enough variety. So it gets easier for users to find a well known topic for him/her to be able to post quality messages without racking one's brains.
  51. Pousinha

    Way to Make $10 a day?

    The only way to earn 10 dollars per day among paid to post forums would be to at first find 10 PTW forums where to earn approximately 1 daily dollar per forum. Knowing we should spend the whole day posting messages, as we'd need to post hundreds (paying attention to the quality of our posts to...
  52. Pousinha

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Yes, I signed up to BMF in May 2021 and I'm still working there. I received several payments and now I'm near to the next payment. I only lack the same amount of free time I had until the middle of the last year to be the same active. Currently, I'm not that active as I used to be before. And I...
  53. Pousinha

    Can you consider gambling as an investment ?

    Definitively not. Gambling isn't investment at all. We must remember the dear old saying the dealer wins. We must remember gambling and investments face two completely different natures and completely different purposes. Gambling merely focus on simply luck (that is fairly inexistent) and its...
  54. Pousinha

    Things to avoid doing when imvesting

    In addition to not invest in products/services you don't know what they are and how they work, you need to distinguish between conservative investments, medium risk investments and high and very high risk investments. Conservative investments (low and very low risk) use to be the best for a...
  55. Pousinha

    can we spend one day fully on RIF site to earn?

    I think one dollar per day is a very good amount (especially if we live in countries where the value of the American dollar is high). I understand we can't earn more than this amount or the forum won't be sustainable. Paying more than one or two dollars per day to each user isn't feasible, I...
  56. Pousinha

    How lucrative is typing captcha business online?

    Not worth the time spent. Some years ago, I worked for a typing captcha site and look, I only could earn 1 dollar during 4 months:eek:. And I had spent hours per day. Really, it's not a sort of passive income at all. It requires such an effort in change of crumbs that I won't never again engage...
  57. Pousinha

    Are You An Article Writer on Forum coin?

    I'd like too, as I have too much article writing experiences, but unfortunately I lack free time. Lately, I'm barely able to post comments more or less twice per week. But I seriously consider this possibility for the future, if I'll be so lucky to get enough time to dedicate.
  58. Pousinha

    Kaspersky and Grammarly are my best partners in my business writing online-what about you?

    Kaspersky is free only for mobiles, but when I'm not on a Linux bases O.S., I use ESET online scanner, the licensed free version for PC home and I'm very satisfied with this security option. It complements very well Windows Defender, this latter good too for Windows 10 and Windows 11. For...
  59. Pousinha

    How do you earn from Pinterest?

    I also have heard the same: not the least idea how to earn using Pinterest. I find Pinterest a very nice social, preferring it very much above than Facebook or Instagram (as it shows many arts, based on photography and images), but that's all. Maybe there is a way to find new customers by...