Recent content by Sanjeev

  1. Sanjeev

    As a parent what gender of the child do you like most.

    I don't have any preference, daughter or a son. And I am fortunate that I am gifted with twin kids a daughter and a son.
  2. Sanjeev

    Have you started investing this year?

    I have started from this month monthly SIP of $65 , last year it gave interest rate of 22%.
  3. Sanjeev

    Earning from Embroidery

    Now a days there are embroidery machines and things are not that much profitable that they were in the past.
  4. Sanjeev

    Too Much Inventory Can be Lethal for a Business

    In a company there are always a norm to keep inventory of RM, WIP and FG and above that if we keep inventory then it's a waste.
  5. Sanjeev

    Are you a quick learner?

    No, I am not a quick learner . I take more time than other to understand the things.
  6. Sanjeev

    Are You Quick at chopping veggies?

    No, I don't cut or chop Vegetables so I am not good at it. I have seen my mother-in-law is good at it
  7. Sanjeev

    Are you earning Brave Rewards?

    I never knew about the brave browser. I will check it and see if I may be able to earn from it.
  8. Sanjeev

    Which do you like better, the rain or the snow?

    I have always wished to live at a place where I may be able to witness snowfall but it's my bad luck that I never got a chance to do so.
  9. Sanjeev

    Which is better In your country private or public hospitals

    The treatment cost in the private hospital is expensive therefore the people who don't have enough money don't go to the private hospital.
  10. Sanjeev

    Do you work better on forums with your PC or mobile device?

    I work through my phone on the forums as I find it comfortable to do so. I never work through my desk/laptop.
  11. Sanjeev

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    Same with me. I don't like to stay at night at someone else's house. I don't feel comfortable there.
  12. Sanjeev

    Why do you visit a persons profile?

    I visit a person's profile to know more about that person. Most of the time whenever I have the curiosity to know from which country a person belongs to , I check his or her profile.
  13. Sanjeev

    How often you eat fried food?

    I like fried food occassionally. Regular consuming of fried food makes my stomach upset.
  14. Sanjeev

    Do you like Spicy food?

    Yes, I like fried and spicy food but I don't eat them much because I develop acidity in the stomach due to it
  15. Sanjeev

    Do you like Fried Nuts?

    Yes, I like fried nuts. But more than that I like friend cashew. They are so yummy to eat.
  16. Sanjeev

    How many income sources do you have?

    I have two sources of income. My main source of income is from offline regular job and rental income from one of my properties. Though I get little income from rent.
  17. Sanjeev

    How many posts do you make a day on RIF?

    I just post 15-20 posts here to earn 17-18 cents daily here and with that rate I will earn $4-5 here.
  18. Sanjeev

    How many posts would earn a user $1 on forum coin?

    I never was active on forum coin so cannot say if it was possible to earn $1 from it. Presently, I don't see any forum where one can earn a dollar in a day.
  19. Sanjeev

    Why Many Forum Are Stopping Pay to Post?

    Yes, the earnings of algorithm of Google adsense has changed therefore the forums are not getting enough revenue so most of the forums have reduced the pay rates.
  20. Sanjeev

    Do you still catch up with your school-time friends?

    I have lost the contacts of many of my school friends and could not be able to get them back because in those days we didn't have internet.
  21. Sanjeev

    Getting rich through gambling: dream or reality?

    Getting rich from gambling is always risky, you cannot expect that everytime you will win. It seems to be a dream for me.
  22. Sanjeev

    Are You Following Any Reality TV Shows?

    Seriously speaking I don't like watching reality shows, I feel they're scripted.
  23. Sanjeev

    Have you ever been betrayed by a friend

    I am fortunate that I have never been betrayed by any of my friends ever in my life.
  24. Sanjeev

    Why Many Forum Are Stopping Pay to Post?

    It's shame that BMF has reduced it's pay rates now. It has become difficult now to earn from BMF.
  25. Sanjeev

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    Yes, these days hosts don't like the visitors stay in their house for 2-3 days because people have small apartments so it becomes difficult for them to accomodate people.
  26. Sanjeev

    Do you use Paypal to trade or invest in crypto

    I don't trade crypto currency so don't know if PayPal is used for it.
  27. Sanjeev

    Water flooding

    We didn't have enough rain this season but every time when it rains heavily our place get water logged on the roads. It looks as if Delhi submerges in water in rains.
  28. Sanjeev

    Do you feel your present apartment is too small for you?

    I will have to shift to a larger appartment because I feel in the present apartment we are not able to accomodate cosily.
  29. Sanjeev

    One course that was difficult for you in college?

    Whereas I have always liked mathematics in my school and college. I still love to study maths.
  30. Sanjeev

    What makes you happy?

    Going on a tour with family makes me happy and that's the reason I mostly plan my tours with family.
  31. Sanjeev

    Do you believe cryptocurrency will always exist?

    I cannot say if they will exist in future or not. It depends on the people and the government of the countries how do they take it.
  32. Sanjeev

    Always believe in your abilities

    Yes, we should believe on our capabilities and should try to enhance them with the time to gain sucess.
  33. Sanjeev

    Do you believe in ghost?

    No, I don't believe on ghosts because I believe on what I see. Stories of ghosts are always interesting for me.
  34. Sanjeev

    Have you completed computer course?

    I never took any computer course ever. Whatever I leaned I learned while in job. I am good in Excel and PowerPoint.
  35. Sanjeev

    One course that was difficult for you in college?

    For me social studies was one of the toughest subject. I was not good in history and geography.
  36. Sanjeev

    Who financed your college education?

    My father paid fees till I studied. He did not take any loan for that. He spent his savings for my education.
  37. Sanjeev

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    No, I don't invest all my money anywhere. There is 50% ratio which I invest and keep in my saving account for emergency.
  38. Sanjeev

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    I inherited house from my parents where I am presently living. We have lots of ancestral land which my father gives on lease and get money for himself.
  39. Sanjeev

    Do you use budgeting app?

    I don't use any such app. I don't know even if there are such apps too.
  40. Sanjeev

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    Sunday is my favourite day as I get time to enjoy with the family and her rest on Sunday.
  41. Sanjeev

    Piggy bank is not just for kids

    It's always a good idea to save money if you keep the coins in a piggy bank or a box, as it's better to keep them somewhere than to let them go.
  42. Sanjeev

    Do you believe in destiny?

    I don't believe much on destiny on our hard work. I don't know why people only believe on destiny and don't work.
  43. Sanjeev

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    We don't store rain water but I have read we should do it to deal with the water shortage.
  44. Sanjeev

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    We have been using LPG since many years we never used wood as a fuel but have used kerosene oil a for cooking.
  45. Sanjeev


    I never drank rain water. I love in a city and I guess the rain water is polluted as it is acidic in nature so not good to drink it.
  46. Sanjeev

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    Same culture is here too. We love with our parents for whole life. It's very rare here that the parents live separately.
  47. Sanjeev

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    I prefer the car which has a good mileage. Presently I have Kia Sonnette which is fine, before this I had Baleno of Maruti Suzuki which I guess is better than Kia
  48. Sanjeev

    Lack Of Communication Between Couples.

    Yes, communication is always important to keep the relationship running. Many of the relationships broke because of the lack of it.
  49. Sanjeev

    Between banks or lending institutions, which one do you prefer?

    I will prefer banks for the loans because they aks loan as per the government norms but the lending institutions have their wish to fix the interest rates of their own.
  50. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer between a mobile food vendor and a restaurant.

    I would prefer mobile food vendors because by ordering food from them we save our time.
  51. Sanjeev

    What do you prefer between the post paid electricity bill payment or the token type kind of payment for the electricity?

    In our country we have the system of post paying the electricity bill. I wonder how does the token system work.
  52. Sanjeev

    Do you prefer to take a loan or buy goods in credit?

    I also have never thought of purchasing things through credit card. I have never owned a credit card because I hate buying things on credit. When I have a cash I purchase things otherwise not.
  53. Sanjeev

    Do You Buy Canned Food?

    No, I don't buy canned food. I never found a need to buy it.
  54. Sanjeev

    How much money do you make doing affiliate marketing?

    I also have check how things work for me in affiliate marketing. I have plans to start it in future.
  55. Sanjeev

    What are you doing after work?

    I will assist my kids in their studies after I will return home from work.
  56. Sanjeev

    Are you doing anything special today?

    No, there is no such plan for me to do anything special today. The day is boring as I have to do my routine works only.
  57. Sanjeev

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    One needs to be extremely talented to sell his or her talent then only one can start with zero investment otherwise I don't think it is possible to do.
  58. Sanjeev

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    No, I don't look at the brands but the price. If the price is in my budget I buy it otherwise not.
  59. Sanjeev

    Do you look at brands before buying an Electrical appliance?

    Yes, I try to buy branded items for electric appliances because the local brands are not good as they consume more electricity.
  60. Sanjeev

    Posting without thinking

    For me, I always find commenting on others post is easy compared to creating my own thread.
  61. Sanjeev

    Do you follow baseball?

    No, I don't follow baseball because it's not a popular sport here. I know it's a popular sport in other parts of world.
  62. Sanjeev

    Do you like Kite flying?

    No, I never learned flying kite as my parents never wanted me to stay on the terrace in sun for it.
  63. Sanjeev

    Have you been to a court proceedings before?

    No, I have never gone to the court for any reason but things seem to be like I will have to go to the court for property disputes in future.
  64. Sanjeev

    Have you been given any form of bribe and what was the reason for that?

    No, I have never been bribed but I have bribed to the government employees to get my work done on time.
  65. Sanjeev

    If given a chance would you like to shift to any other country and why?

    I would like to move to a country which is peaceful and have less competition. Here in India, because of the overpopulation things are much complicated and competitive
  66. Sanjeev

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    I cannot send my kids to the boarding school because I fear how would they be able to live alone with us. But as a parent we should not because at one stage they have to make it a habit to live alone we cannot live with them for whole life.
  67. Sanjeev

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    Maybe posting on the forums is the easiest way to earn. That's why I am relying on the forums for some extra money.
  68. Sanjeev

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    Don't care for the money, just hand on. Whatever small amount we are making on the forums is a bonus.
  69. Sanjeev

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    Yes, I feel so when I compare my achievements in life with my friends, I feel I am far behind them.
  70. Sanjeev

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    My parents used to live in the same building but not now they are living in a separate apartment now.
  71. Sanjeev

    Christmas bonuses

    We don't get Christmas bonus but get diwali bonus once a year. We get 20% of our basis salary of a year.
  72. Sanjeev

    Technically My First payment from Index forum (Cam Era)

    Congrats .. @Hate2Wait for getting paid. I still not have requested payout. I will do it soon.
  73. Sanjeev

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    That's fine. I have never checked microtask, I think I need to check and see the scope of earnings for me there.
  74. Sanjeev

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    It was in the past you may be able to make $100 or more from the forums but I don't think it is possible now a days. But still $30-40 per month can be possible from different forum sites.
  75. Sanjeev

    Posting without thinking

    I know. I read your posts daily here and on the other sites. I have tried to start threads but because of lack of ideas I don't start them.
  76. Sanjeev

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    Yes, they should invest their money and time in the training of employees because it only helps their employees to work better through the learnings.
  77. Sanjeev

    Do you still have your best friend?

    They were not friends then because they were your friends because of your wealth. The people are changing, emotions are drying in them these days.
  78. Sanjeev

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    I enjoy it alot when I am travelling ina car. There are many updates we get to know through radio
  79. Sanjeev

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    I had always enjoyed company of my grand parents , they used to love me alot.
  80. Sanjeev

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    Yes, those were the time when we used to wait for video cassette for a new movie and used to get ready to get it even on high rent.
  81. Sanjeev

    Did you attend computer classes?

    No, I never took computer classes. Whatever I leaned I learned at office while making reports for the boss.
  82. Sanjeev

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Online scammers have increased with the advancement of technology now. We should be careful from them
  83. Sanjeev

    Do you remember the Car racing game?

    I started playing video games through F1 racing and never used to able to clear L5 or 6 and then I left playing video games.
  84. Sanjeev

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    No, not in the recent time. We used to take video cassette on rent around 35 years ago as we had video player in those time.
  85. Sanjeev

    Do you like movies based on gangsters?

    No, I don't like such movies as they have lots of violence in it and I don't like movies where there is violence.
  86. Sanjeev

    Do you like movies that are based on history?

    History has always been my favourite subject and that's the reason I like movies based on history.
  87. Sanjeev

    Do you like movies based on Politicians?

    I don't like politics therefore I feel movies based on politics are boring.
  88. Sanjeev

    Changes in making money online

    I don't think earnings may increase with the forum sites. One has to try with adsense if want to earn better. I am planning to start a YouTube channel soon.
  89. Sanjeev

    Making money

    That's true. We should not rely on the sites but should start with adsense because that is on of the best way to earn.
  90. Sanjeev

    Legit šŸ‘ SEOClerks: Make Money as a Freelancer

    I have not used it ever. Because I am searching for some earning sites, I will check it out.
  91. Sanjeev

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Earning online is difficult because you don't know a person in real and if he or she scams you can't go to his or her place to ask it.
  92. Sanjeev

    Do you like to watch all movies of your favorite actor?

    Yes, I do. I remember in childhood I have watched each and every movie of Amitabh Bachchan. He was my favourite actor in those days.
  93. Sanjeev

    Posting without thinking

    Thanks for waking up the members here as I don't see new threads here these days. You know, I never used to start threads even when were paid for it.
  94. Sanjeev

    Have you watched any comedy movies recently?

    No, I have not watched any comedy movie in the recent time. I don't know if any comedy movie released recently.
  95. Sanjeev

    Do you watch movies based on controversial subjects?

    Yes I like watching controversial movies because they have something unique sort of storym
  96. Sanjeev

    Do You like movies based on sports?

    Yes, I like movies related to sports like Dangal, bhag milkha bhag and many others based on sports.
  97. Sanjeev

    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    We don't have a rainy season in our country in winters. We have a rainy season in June to August only.
  98. Sanjeev

    When you strongly disagree with your boss, what do you do?

    That's what I also do, it's not easy to say No to boss even he is rude or not.
  99. Sanjeev

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    It's hard to sleep without a pillow for me. The doctor suggest to sleep without it when you have problems with your neck.
  100. Sanjeev

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    But we are not fortunate because we live in plains , we cannot enjoy being on the mountains or sea beaches
  101. Sanjeev

    Is Christmas Tree making a good business?

    It's a seasonal work and may be a good business when Christmas is near otherwise I don't think it is a good business.
  102. Sanjeev

    Tree lover?

    Plants have important role in our life so we should avoid cutting them.
  103. Sanjeev

    Have you ever Worked on a Part time job?

    I have a regular job and with that I don't get time to do any part time job. I have heard people do two part time jobs at a time to increase their earnings.
  104. Sanjeev

    What part-time job can a student do to earn money

    Many of the students join a coaching centers to reach kids in lower grades.
  105. Sanjeev

    Earn money by playing games: Possible or not?

    I have heard people earn by playing video games but I have never tried it. Maybe such apps are not available here.
  106. Sanjeev

    Is it possible to earn $1000 online?

    I also think it's not possible for a person who is semiskilled. You need to be highly skilled for it.
  107. Sanjeev

    Do you own a smart watch?

    I never bought a smart watch for me. I left wearing watched after completing college.
  108. Sanjeev

    Is smart watch allowed in the schools at your place?

    Are they allowed in the examination hall too. Here, it is not allowed. Maybe they don't cheat through it so not allowed.
  109. Sanjeev

    Are you a smart type of person?

    I don't consider myself smart but I am an average person. I easily get fooled by people emotionally.
  110. Sanjeev

    practical ways to deal with addiction

    It's all about your self control. If you are able to control your mind then you can get rid of anything.
  111. Sanjeev

    What is the last earning site that scammed you

    There are plenty of sites which may scam a person so it's better to do some research before registering on any new site.
  112. Sanjeev

    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    I have just started investing in mutual funds. I have been investing in Mid cap and hybrid funds.
  113. Sanjeev

    What's your favorite car?

    Mercedes is a good car but very expensive for a middle man. I like tata Harrier, Hyundai Creta and other cars.
  114. Sanjeev

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    I won't join any such site which is having low pay rates. I am already being working with such forums where I earn very less if compared to time spend on them.
  115. Sanjeev

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    I cannot sleep without a pillow as I need to keep it under my head while sleeping.
  116. Sanjeev

    Is it possible to earn more than $10 daily with PTP?

    I have been planning to post educational material on YouTube. Let's see how things go.
  117. Sanjeev

    Is it Possible to earn $5 daily from Bmf?

    No, I am not forcing my self there. I just try to make 10 posts daily or may be lesser than that.
  118. Sanjeev

    Is it Possible to earn $5 daily from Bmf?

    I also have started posting on BMF but I don't know how much time it will take me to reach 50k points there.
  119. Sanjeev

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    No, I don't like playing games on mobile so I have never tried to search such games.
  120. Sanjeev

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    Same with me, I will donate money but not the property. One of my neighbor donated his property in charity because he had no kids
  121. Sanjeev

    Which is your favorite color and why?

    I like blue, black and white because wearing clothes of these colors give me some extra confidence.
  122. Sanjeev

    Giving bonus for workers to motivate them.

    We don't have such incentive schemes here in our manufacturing unit but I wish we have it motivate workers.
  123. Sanjeev

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    I cannot hand over my ancestral property to someone else. It looks good to say that I will donate it but it is difficult to do it.
  124. Sanjeev

    If you could have dinner with any 3 people from history, who would you choose and why?

    It would be Edison as I would like to hear his story from his own mouth, Napolean Bonaparte and Rabindra Nath Tagore.
  125. Sanjeev

    Dinner time

    It depends on my shift timings. When I am in morning shift I take dinner at 9 pm and when in evening shift , I take dinner at 11:30 pm.
  126. Sanjeev

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    No, I will not give my property in charity. My father gave it to me so I will hand it over to my kids.
  127. Sanjeev

    Cooking just enough

    My wife cooks for us and here approximation is so good that we never have left overs here and also we don't like eating leftovers.
  128. Sanjeev

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    Yes, I will go for the apple products if I have money, now a days I can't afford them because they're expensive
  129. Sanjeev

    When last had you had the malaria?

    It happens because of the mosquitoes and the prevention is not to let mosquitoes come in and bite you.
  130. Sanjeev

    Are you Comfortable accepting PayPal payments?

    I don't mind to pay fees because I know it's the safest way to receive money some one doesn't want to get paid through crypto.
  131. Sanjeev

    Is it possible to earn money through the browser?

    I have never tried it and won't like to try them as you said that these slow down the performance of your PC
  132. Sanjeev

    Is it possible to earn $1000 online?

    Yes one needs some specific skills to earn that much money. It's not easy to earn online like it was in the past.
  133. Sanjeev

    Is it possible to earn more than $10 daily with PTP?

    And what are those other ways we need to find out. I have been searching them. I have made a YouTube channel and going to start it soon.
  134. Sanjeev

    Is it Possible to earn $5 daily from Bmf?

    Many of my threads deleted in last few days on BMF but I am fortunate that I was not banned there. I have made a goal to earn 100 or more daily.
  135. Sanjeev

    What is the last earning site that scammed you

    I never used PTC sites ever in my life. I never liked the idea of clicking on the ads to earn. It's very boring.
  136. Sanjeev

    How did you manage to repay back your last loan?

    I am fortunate that I never required to take a loan. I have bought everything in cash. I don't like to pay extra money by taking a loan.
  137. Sanjeev

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    It was many years ago when I visited zoo as my kids insisted on to see a lion. We are not allowed to take any eatable of camera inside the zoo.
  138. Sanjeev

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    I don't remember when did I not enjoy my favourite drink. I always enjoy my cup of tea.
  139. Sanjeev

    What is the last earning site that scammed you

    Recently, I have not been scammed by the site. Now a days I have been very cautious and don't join any site without checking the payment proofs. I read many of the people were not paid by Speak chat forum
  140. Sanjeev

    When last had you had the malaria?

    I never had malaria. You need to be careful from the mosquitoes as they spread many such diseases.
  141. Sanjeev

    What is last earning site you joined?

    Yes, it is a good site which pays if you win a contest. I am still in search of good sites.
  142. Sanjeev

    Earning on the

    No, I was not because I never opened the site after the registration.
  143. Sanjeev

    Have you ever been hospitalised?

    Apart from the surgery I had in Dec 2023 I never was hospitalized and also never want to, in future.
  144. Sanjeev

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    Yes, I do because there are shop keepers who keep the price of the things higher than others so we need to be cautious and should always compare the price with others.
  145. Sanjeev

    Cash or cheque?

    When there are lots of paying apps available these days I don't withdraw money from the bank.
  146. Sanjeev

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I am introvert and have always try to change myself but never be able to do so.
  147. Sanjeev

    Earning on the

    I never heard reviews about this site. @Hate2Wait told me to join it. I joined it but could not do anything there and now my account is suspended.
  148. Sanjeev

    Do you have your own home?

    Yes, I have my own home which I inherited from my parents. I am happy to have it because the house rents here are too high and are not affordable to middle class people.
  149. Sanjeev

    Is it Possible to earn $5 daily from Bmf?

    I don't think it is possible to earn that much amount daily on BMF. People say that it is possible by posting comments and starting threads but remember the threads take time to get approved and is deleted if they don't meet their standard and points are deducted from your account. Also, the...
  150. Sanjeev

    Is it possible to earn more than $10 daily with PTP?

    No, it's not possible to do that even if you're working on many forums sites. 2-3 years ago it was possible to earn $2 a day but not now for me.
  151. Sanjeev

    What is the most expensive thing that you achieved through saving little by little money?

    I bought everything from my savings like a bed, sofa, refrigerator, laptop, bike, TV, ACs, Microwave and many other things.
  152. Sanjeev

    What is the most expensive item you own?

    The most expensive thing I owned is my house which I inherited from my parents and then a car which is KIA Sonnette.
  153. Sanjeev

    Should employees be allowed with their phones during work hours?

    In our company mobile phones are not allowed for the workers because our management knows it will affect the efficiency of the operators.
  154. Sanjeev

    Have you ever been in the ICU

    I am fortunate that I was never been in ICU and would never like to be. My son was taken to ICU when he had a major injury of his leg few years ago
  155. Sanjeev

    Can you carry out an affiliate marketing without having a website?

    I don't think it is sufficient if you do affiliate marketing through social media because of you write some content about a product or service people will like to use that product or service for sure.
  156. Sanjeev

    Do you carry a water bottle with you all the time?

    I also don't bring water bottle to office because we have arrangement of drinking water there.
  157. Sanjeev


    It is hard now to earn even a dolor online. My earnings have limited to 25 cents daily or less sometimes.
  158. Sanjeev

    New šŸš© Can you Earn $2 daily in your free time with Beermoneyforum?

    I don't think it is possible to earn $2 a day on BMF. Since they have reduced points per post, may be it was possible in the past.
  159. Sanjeev

    How to earn over $100 per month working on paid to post forums.

    The problem with BMF is they have kept 50k points if you withdraw from paypal which will take years for me to reach there after they have reduced points per post
  160. Sanjeev

    New šŸš© Do you earn on the other paid to post sites?

    How much on an average you earn from PTP sites monthly? I am not able to earn worth the time I spend on the forums.
  161. Sanjeev

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    Loan is like a trap and the companies want to trap people so that they may get extra money through the interest people pay on loans.
  162. Sanjeev

    Helping RIF to grow

    If he doesn't monetize it , he won't be able to pay the users for a long and one day he will have to close it.
  163. Sanjeev

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    No, I won't leave it without supervision. There must be someone who must watch them to see if they are working properly and efficiently.
  164. Sanjeev

    Would you allow your employees to bring in their guest during working hours?

    Most of the companies here don't allow to bring in the guests. They have guests rooms where they can come and talk to you and go back.
  165. Sanjeev

    How do you feel when your neighbors donā€™t buy from you?

    Yes, maybe discounts and quality of your products may fetch them to your shop to buy things from you.
  166. Sanjeev

    What is last earning site you joined?

    The last site I joined is discussion hub. It is a good site but the problem is a user earns there only if wins in a contest.
  167. Sanjeev

    Do you find it difficult to apologize

    When people get mature they understand that apologizing for your mistake is good and you should not feel hesitant in doing so.
  168. Sanjeev

    Do you find it difficult to learn subjects that are connected to your native tongue?

    What is your native language? I thought your native language is English only. We also have this problem here, native language is not in much use except we communicate in it but for any official work English is preferred.
  169. Sanjeev

    What do you browse most on your phone

    Yes , browsing forums on phone is very easy and comfortable as you can post even when you are lying on bed.
  170. Sanjeev

    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    Doing rest whole sometimes makes me bore. I try to watch a movie with my family, that is one thing which I almost do it on Sundays.
  171. Sanjeev

    Do you prefer Stairs or elevators?

    And if you have to go to 10th floor, will you still prefer to go through the stairs?
  172. Sanjeev

    What is your favourite smartphone?

    IPhones are better than the Android phone but they are expensive and that is the reason why people hesitate to buy it.
  173. Sanjeev

    Have you ever been on an aeroplane before?

    How much hours was the journey of? If the journey is more than 3 hours I feel boring sitting in a plane?
  174. Sanjeev

    Importance of starting a business in area where you have enough connection

    Yes, it is hard to say no. But if you fix rates for everyone and don't get partial , I think people will understand but still it is not easy to do that.
  175. Sanjeev

    Large packs or small packs?

    It depends on my need and requirements. I don't purchase things in large packs just to save money
  176. Sanjeev

    Food and medicine

    It is better to eat healthy food and should eat on time to avoid illness and ultimately the medicines.
  177. Sanjeev

    Overcoming Obstacles to Online Earning

    It's always difficult to earn online. One needs to be patient and consistent when working on the sites.
  178. Sanjeev

    Why workers are important in decision making.

    If you're taking decisions about the company then it is better to involve workers because they know the things better than the management because they work on the shopfloor so obviously know how the decision is going to affect them.
  179. Sanjeev

    Are You Good at Decision making?

    There are certain decisions which cannot be taken easily. I am good at decision making but not for certain decisions.
  180. Sanjeev

    Do you prefer earning money from YouTube or PTP?

    I am not getting time otherwise I will start a YouTube channel as I know one can earn from it more than the PTP sites.
  181. Sanjeev

    Earn money from Discussion Hub referral contest

    You can take part in the posting contest. The format of the contest has changed from the month of July. You can check it out.
  182. Sanjeev

    Referral contest a good thing.

    Yes, it's a great way to bring new people to the site, but most of the time it is the reason for spamming, as people ask others to join the site for just winning the contest, and if there is a rule of posting before counting as a referral, that referral spams the site.
  183. Sanjeev

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    That's true. It's better to survive on what you have than to buy things on loan and paying it afterwards.
  184. Sanjeev

    Is there divorce in your country?

    What my be the reason for not having a divorce law in your country? Having no law won't prevent breaking of marriages.
  185. Sanjeev

    Have you ever asked for donation to raise your website operational cost?

    I don't own a website so I have never asked people to donate. Even if I have a website I would never asked people to donate.
  186. Sanjeev

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    Yes, that's the problem. You have cut your budget and have to pay the monthly instalments.
  187. Sanjeev

    Is there divorce in your country?

    It should be there as what to do when the relationship between husband and wife ruins and they are not able to live together under one roof and want to have a new partner in their life.
  188. Sanjeev

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    No, I don't have. I don't prefer to take loan for any reason but now I think I will have to take education loan for the higher studies of my kids.
  189. Sanjeev

    Do you like to earn online sitting on a sofa or bed?

    I also prefer to lye on the bed and posting on the forums. I feel comfortable while doing it.
  190. Sanjeev

    Is there divorce in your country?

    We have a divorce law here in our country. One think I must clear that it's not always husband is wrong sometimes it's wife because of whom husband has to file for divorce.
  191. Sanjeev

    How do you naturally glow your skin

    I will try this. Have you tried it? Can we mix aloevera in honey and apply on the face? I have heard rose is good for the skin.
  192. Sanjeev

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    I don't want to try any new sites. I will always check if the site is legit or not. I don't want my hard work goes in waste.
  193. Sanjeev

    How do you settle quarrel with your spouse?

    This happens with every man, no woman even if she is wrong apologises.
  194. Sanjeev

    One witty and sweet Nigerian I met on a forum site šŸ˜

    That's great!! It happens, sometimes we fall for the nature of a person. I like people who are witty and don't cry for the things everytime.
  195. Sanjeev

    Do you like Sweet more or Savoury?

    Being diabetic, I don't eat sweets. I like eating sweets. I have been living without sugar for many years. I have been very selective about my food.
  196. Sanjeev

    Do you support your parents and family financially? Is it a strain on your finances?

    My father was a government employee so gets good pension, I don't have to support them financially.
  197. Sanjeev

    Mineral Water or Water Purifier

    We preferred to have a water purifier than to buy mineral water as it is cheap.
  198. Sanjeev

    Do you carry a water bottle with you all the time?

    Yes, I carry water bottle whenever I go outside. It's better not to spend money on water when you can afford to carry it.
  199. Sanjeev

    Spin the bottle

    I have played it with my kids. I am sort of shy person so have never tried with the friends or anyone else.
  200. Sanjeev

    How do you settle quarrel with your spouse?

    I am married and the best way for me is to remain quiet for few minutes and then talk to each other. I have always find this very helpful.