Recent content by SHAHID987

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. SHAHID987

    Have you financed someone else business?

    I am in financial crises so I can't finance to any other. Honestly speaking I never finance any other needy individual in his business. I need that someone should support me in my business.
  2. SHAHID987

    How else do you all make money online?

    In my view, or for me the only sure option to earn online is paid to post sites. Rest of all won't pay within week time. I tried YouTube, Dailymotion, degistore, AliExpress affiliate. There are list of site to which just work and work with zero result. The sure way left for people like me at...
  3. SHAHID987

    Do you like to Wash your clothes in a Washing machine or manual washing?

    I remember we used to watch a movie with interest and it's name was killer fish. Here in my country we are facing killer electric bills. Due to just high electric bills we even forget that how we used to use washing machine.
  4. SHAHID987

    Have you ever eaten chalk?

    No, I never did this but sorry to say as In some poor locality children are one step ahead of it as they eat soil, and some woman likely to lick dust.
  5. SHAHID987

    Necessity of Religion

    Religion is all, without religion human are nothing. Just think, one religion starts in one corner of the world while other started from other corner. No Aeroplane no internet undiscovered land and the teaching is almost same. Heaven and Hell, saint and evil. Do right, support people, think...
  6. SHAHID987

    What do you when you prepare for speech?

    Speech Infront of people remain toughest kind of job. Even if someone say to give presentation then people feel confused before it. The better is to prepare for the topic in which you have command, then you will feel raise of confidence.
  7. SHAHID987

    Has LinkedIn helped you get a job?

    Trusted platform, people got much more benefit out of it. My profile is there and I have written so many articles there which people read and visit my profile. But yet nobody contact me for job.
  8. SHAHID987

    Have you ever experienced tutoring service?

    I spend much time of my life in teaching. I was school teacher, I was group Coaching tutor. Let me accept the fact as the only profession to which I earn and enjoy.
  9. SHAHID987

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    Rainy days remaining memorable days, provided we welcome that day according to its demand. I feel good to stand near window and watch it or directly enter and feel it on street or in nearby garden. When we used to be university students we were enjoying with it much more in between greenery.
  10. SHAHID987

    What’s that thing making you sad right now?

    Nowadays, the different trend started whenever I feel sad mostly because of lack of money. I feel it more because I used to be a rich person.
  11. SHAHID987

    Practice makes perfect

    Very nice saying, I remember when a was a child, I read in book as my favourite character was running on ball. So I started following him, first day I fall but I was keep practicing which made me perfect. After few months I was able to do this too.
  12. SHAHID987

    How do you stay off trouble

    Just by Good deeds & Prayers Rest of the things comes later, like taking good decision and focusing on problems and to discus the problematical maters with someone close to me, which keep me away from further trouble.
  13. SHAHID987

    Bad effects of worrying

    One complete book will be less on this topic, in short worry is main cause of destruction. Someone said. You don't get ulcers as what you are eating but you get ulcers by what is eating you.
  14. SHAHID987

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    If I post and post then soon I started feeling bored, rather when I write few post then play few games or watch some ads then it keep me charge.
  15. SHAHID987

    Is it true that business is draining?

    Nowadays, I feel that enjoyable part of the business has gone. Or moving slowly towards down. It drain and drain, commodities prices are touching all time high.
  16. SHAHID987

    How do you usually spend your Sunday?

    Try my best to convert my Sunday into Funday. As I go with my family to some famous parks or sea side, and have fun there. My boss once told me to which I still remember, as we can enjoy Sundays when we work whole week. By just doing nothing or few days work we can't enjoy with Sunday.
  17. SHAHID987

    Is saving money easy to you now

    It used to be easy for me but not now, I am facing a sort of financial Crises nowadays.
  18. SHAHID987

    Have you ever tried keema samosa?

    Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi people will better understand as what does mean by Qeema Samosa and Biryani. These could be new names of dishes for western people. Qeema Samosa are superb in taste. In small to big gathering it remain important part of serving.
  19. SHAHID987

    If you want something, pay the price

    In some sense, like I want favour and support of my cousin as to come with me to purchase some items from wholesale market. After then I will be ready for any work from his side.
  20. SHAHID987

    How often do you eat Non-Veg?

    I eat chicken after one day gap, as we need to take balance diet. Eating vegetables are no doubt much more healthy, but meat do have it's importance too.
  21. SHAHID987

    Have ever used the electric motor bike?

    Although it is introduced in my city, but still I am using regular normal bike which consume petrol, it is good try but let it to go towards success. Here people those who have monopoly won't let any new thing to grow.
  22. SHAHID987

    What is last earning site you joined?

    Let me talk a little about forum filler, they take somewhat tough test and then allow one to write for them, but I was surprised to checked it's rating in scam advisor. Kindly first check it thoroughly then start serious working.
  23. SHAHID987

    What do you actually do on the birthday's eve?

    I act as I forget my Birthday, so people around me celebrate it in dramatic way. They don't talk about my birthday but give surprise cake and arrange surprise party.
  24. SHAHID987

    Have you ever dozed off when traveling on the train?

    I have very good memories of traveling in train, I was Regional sales Manager south, so I used to travel different cities by train, and the experience remain very pleasure able and exciting.
  25. SHAHID987


    Like swimming is an exercise as well as cycling is also consider as an exercise، but in my view it's better to perform regular proper exercises, rather doing it in indirect way.
  26. SHAHID987

    Have you heard about Discussion hub?

    No, I never heard about it. First check it on scam advisor, it may or may not be a legit site. I personally have very bitter experience of many paid to post sites one of which was earn smart online.
  27. SHAHID987

    Have you ever planned to buy an iphone?

    I remember when I was earning through bykea it's like Uber moto. Then I was using my second hand smartphone, then usually the passengers were taking my iphone in hand and saying that you are rich enough that you are using iphone.
  28. SHAHID987

    Save money by using the bicycle

    It's not only to save money but it is best for health too. It is a sort of exercise, prime minister of Canada and other countries has been seen on bicycle sometime.
  29. SHAHID987

    Going on a hot balloon ride

    If I would reach on such level to take ride on it then I would be very happy. But it is something out of my range and I can count it luxurious ride. I just ride on horse and enjoy much more.
  30. SHAHID987

    Not everyone will like you

    This is fact that never everyone will like us. Mostly I tried my best to remain innocent and support everyone but after all heart aching attempt. Some people comes out and started complaining as you are giving more importance others and least importance to me and my family.
  31. SHAHID987

    Reasons not to skip breakfast

    Somewhere I read, eat breakfast like a king means take breakfast as good as you can. There is strong reasons behind this as the breakfast keeps us energetic for especially first half.
  32. SHAHID987

    Attending music festival or concert

    I used to attend music festivals but due to hectic life style I am far away from all these. We are just working and working sometime pinpoint result oriented work sometime work with no result. Sometimes I feel this smartphone snatched our outdoor entertainment.
  33. SHAHID987

    Do you go surfing

    Some of my relatives do it but I hardly swim and love to swim as it remain pleasure able for me furthermore it is called as a complete exercise.
  34. SHAHID987

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    We usually planned certain activities when we are supposed to be paid, a slight delay in payment make things irritating and we don't feel good. So either never make plan before cash in hand or get control on yourselves.
  35. SHAHID987

    Does the raining heavily cause a lot of floods in your ares?

    In my areas it causes, but I am suspicious about something as before Corona virus they made a film which was exactly telling the story of future virus. And now their movies are as some setteltite move from one place to other and world face worst weather. If some experiment is undergoing then the...
  36. SHAHID987

    Do you feel headaches when you miss out taking tea or coffee?

    I read somewhere as tea contain some chemical to which when we quit for sometime then we started feeling uncomfortable, sometimes headache and started yawning. But for me it is controlled thing as one to two days I feel this after then everything comes normal.
  37. SHAHID987

    What is something that always puts a smile on your face and makes you feel like you're having a good time?

    The golden memories of childhood, when I was stress free. Particularly the level of stress nowadays seldom we see it's type of stress's shadow. We were moving with friends in jungle, in search of some birds. We were playing childhood games to which children of present age won't even know.
  38. SHAHID987

    Is AI good in business exploration?

    We need to use AI and now it's not possible to ignore it. Like after invention of Airplane if one insist to travel by sea ship then definitely he'll lose his time.
  39. SHAHID987

    What would you react when a person offends you?

    I will tell him the truth, and the truth to others, when I feel as if I am right, and then react normal because anger will increase my blood pressure.
  40. SHAHID987

    What is it supposed to be done to for you to succeed on the business.

    Let me share my experience as success in business nowadays become much more difficult, we are encountering the two major hinderence here one is very high rent and other is peak level electric bills.
  41. SHAHID987

    Online Earning Goals: Are They Worth Keeping?

    Earning goals are very much required. We need to set achieve able goals, like I will earn $1 or $5 a day. But when we set some impossible goals like I will earn $500 a day then either we lose money or face other sort of defeat.
  42. SHAHID987

    How do you save your money?

    I used to save reasonable money every month but due to inflation, now I am not able to save that much amount. But still I am saving some by only sacrificing some of my needs.
  43. SHAHID987

    What are common ways to build passive income?

    Purchase an apartment and give it on rent. Develop unique website and apply for Google adsense approval, after approval start earning passively. Moreover upload pics on Getty images and then let it there and just earn money passively without doing anything for it.
  44. SHAHID987

    How would you rate your overall satisfaction with online shopping?

    90% . I am much more satisfied with online shopping. Let me appreciate the dress, which I purchased online is admired I every occasion. Wherever I went with it people said something positive about it.
  45. SHAHID987

    How do you raise your self esteem

    Normally every individual have some strengths and weaknesses. In order to get more and more confidence, one need to look at their strengths, keep polishing and increasing it.
  46. SHAHID987

    What was the best part of your day today?

    Here in forums, something is very attractive as some people start our day while at the same time some were enjoying with evening. Here we just started our day, and till time the best thing was Morning Prayers.
  47. SHAHID987

    What's the greatest risk you ever took?

    We used to live for sometime in capital of our country, there I purchased a second hand car. First I went on hill station, Margala alone. I climbed easily there. On second time I took my family there. I overview that the car is loaded as compare to last visit, so at the middle of the climbing...
  48. SHAHID987

    What encourages you to be consistent with the online work?

    It's my requirement, if I won't do then what I will do. The only hope of earning left here. Job outside is surrounded by high level of difficulties.
  49. SHAHID987

    Which business is currently too saturated in your country?

    Chicken business is too much saturated here, as every third shop is of chicken shop. Initially people earned good money with it when the shops were average but nowadays it is very difficult to earn from it.
  50. SHAHID987

    Don't compare yourself to others

    If someone want to remain miserable and depressed he must compare himself with people those who are well looked, and we'll settled on the other hand if he want to remain happy and thankful then he always look at the people those who are at lower side then him.
  51. SHAHID987

    Heat situation in your country

    We had very good weather from last 6 months, we packed our winter dresses just before one week. Now suddenly we are experiencing very hot weather with heat waves. And fans loosed it's meaning. We are under full speed fan but feeling little perspiration.
  52. SHAHID987

    Have you tried out the investing in the gold?

    Intentionally I didn't do this but unintentionally we purchased some gold before 26 years, now it's price is 40 times high of it's purchasing price.
  53. SHAHID987

    Life is not easy

    Life is not bed of roses, what usually we see in childhood becomes entirely different when we turned into grownup. We need to work hard on right direction, every calculation is very deep and we can't understand mostly. Calculations like we waste our one month without any work the result comes in...
  54. SHAHID987

    Wealth doesn’t bring you real happiness, love does

    Very close relative of mine has just got breakthrough in life as they become somewhat millionaire. But biggest mistake they made as they left their love ones and now their life is miserable.
  55. SHAHID987

    Perfect decision in business

    After looking the cheater customers I took perfect decision in my business as, straight forward refusal of credit to them. Because I was knowing it well as they won't return they credit amount and just play a drama as they forget to return it.
  56. SHAHID987

    Should a man be the primary bread winner of a family?

    Everything should go in balance, everyone do have their own responsibility. If women start earning and man remain sleeping, then who will take care of children. They need extra attention. Women are doing job here too, but she has other responsibilities also, so man must try to lead the role.
  57. SHAHID987

    Are you good in making flower arrangements?

    Yes, I do I remember when I used to have many kinds of flowers at my home then I was picking these in Morning and arranging these flowers in very attractive manner.
  58. SHAHID987

    Have you Ever Been To Japan?

    I have never been there, but I love to go. Today I shared a post on Facebook about Japan, in which two seats were highlighted with paddle on bus stop. When people wait for bus they just move the paddle and the street lights will start glowing and they'll get benefit of some light exercise.
  59. SHAHID987

    How do you detect a scam site?

    Here, while we are working online usually we face scam sites. I use following strategies to find them out. 1) I check the site on scam advisor. 2) Then on second phase I check on trust piolet. 3) I looked at it's payout thershold, if it is more then $50 and the site is not famous then I keep...
  60. SHAHID987

    Do you own a Credit card?

    Yes, I do have but seldom I use it, because I know what does it mean to use it regularly. It means that I will purchase a lot of items whether use it or not.
  61. SHAHID987

    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    Here, we use gas for cooking food. But just one years back when my country was passing through severe gas crises, people had no option but to cook food on wood.
  62. SHAHID987

    Is selling clothes profitable?

    Yes, it is profitable, I did this business but let me accept the fact as I failed in it. Every business required focus and dedication when we start one business and talk about other and start moving towards third one then we won't get success in any.
  63. SHAHID987

    Co educational school is bad for children

    Things go normal here, some Schools are only for boys while some are specific for girls. But some are co education, there teachers remain active, the overall system is also well designed as we didn't received any negative issues there.
  64. SHAHID987

    Ladies, how often do you buy new clothes?

    I buy new clothes two times in a year. That was also a time when I used to buy new clothes in every marriage ceremonies of my friends and family members, but the time has gone. Now it's very expensive to buy new clothes.
  65. SHAHID987

    Do you make friends easily?

    In my early age I read the book of Dale Carnegie " how to win friends and influence people". I was regularly reading it and will advise you too to read this. I make friend just within minutes. He said to talk about the others person's interest. And admire them accordingly. To please them to talk...
  66. SHAHID987

    Do you use any forums where you don't get paid?

    Yes, two forums cheated me, I reached my payout but when I request payout they ban my account. They are basically a sort of cream cheaters to whom you can't quote, because at the moment both have good reputation. People those who suffered will understand it better.
  67. SHAHID987

    Knowing friends that are not loyal

    In my view the confirmation test of loyal friend appear in our poverty, like we do in chemistry lab while performing titration experiment. The loyal friend remain attach with us in our poverty but selfish one will leave us.
  68. SHAHID987

    Do you follow brands when you buy anything?

    Normally I follow the quality, when I purchase something because mostly I observed the branded products remain expensive and sometimes their quality shows low standard. I usually purchase items from sale.
  69. SHAHID987

    How do you manage your angers in case of anything?

    It remain very difficult to manage my anger, but I usually try to sit and drink a glass of water then move outside. Nowadays people due to their own stresses made life very difficult for others. The point is when I just bear some rubbish talk then other will set a boundary on that place and...
  70. SHAHID987

    What do you prefer taking as your breakfast?

    Somebody said, take breakfast as a king, I always take heavy breakfast to give energy to myself and to perform function as good as required. My breakfast usually comprises of eggs, tea, butter and bread.
  71. SHAHID987

    Do you really appreciate the way you live?

    The fact is, I am not satisfied and I must just give blame to myself but no one else. As I left the multinational companies like Johnson & Johnson and gsk. Now I remain in search of some website, where I can work and earn good money but I feel that nowadays we are surrounded by scammers and...
  72. SHAHID987

    Benefits of eating fruits

    Basically, eating fruits are some sort of saving, in the sense as when we regularly eat fruit we remain away from doctors and medicine, because we take all important minerals and vitamins.
  73. SHAHID987

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    No, I didn't attend any, but I won't suggest anyone to attend it as I just have one example of my first cousin. Who was there for years in loneliness far away from his parents and now he is a mental ill person.
  74. SHAHID987

    Why do businesses go bankrupts?

    When businessman don't realized the reality and keep continue his blunders in business then sooner or later he bankrupt. The intelligent people observed the coming problems and close their business before reaching to that level.