Recent content by Stardom22

  1. S

    How long it took you to earn your first dollar online?

    For me l can remember that it took me some weeks to earn the first dollar online.
  2. S

    From which website you got your last payment?

    For me l was last paid by the forumcoin. It only $5 for that reason.
  3. S

    Is teaching job rewarding in your country.

    Sincerely speaking that career is not that rewarding. In fact teachers are the most worst paid civil servants in this country
  4. S

    Have you tried data entry job?

    It's like my location is not in the targeted category for that matter that is why l really don't have access to that
  5. S

    Do you Believe Ghost Busters Work is Profitable?

    This is the first time l am hearing about that kind of job and l really don't have more knowledge about that yet.
  6. S

    Do you believe that failure is always a result of inadequate planning?

    I don't believe in that. Failure is something that comes in even when we had adequate planing for sure.
  7. S

    Do you act gentle when you are in front of strangers?

    Acting gently on the presence of guests is something that is recommended. That gives someone some credits for sure.
  8. S

    How do you see the act of being generous to people that you even don't know?

    For me l can say that is the real meaning of doing good. Love should be expressed to all the people
  9. S

    I don't believe in luck, I believe in me

    As of me l think that lucky is real whether we like it or not.
  10. S

    Do you believe in excuses?

    For me l really don't like excuses. I hate them so much. I hate people with alot of them too.
  11. S

    Now it's Difficult To Earn Online

    Indeed yes. lts very difficult to earn online nowadays. Most earning websites stopped or reduced paying rewards.
  12. S

    Can I earn $5 with $100 investment daily?

    I think that is only possible when working in the higher yield investment platforms for that matter.
  13. S

    New 🚩 Can you Earn $2 daily in your free time with Beermoneyforum?

    Depending on your activity on that particular earning site, one can earn that much for sure
  14. S

    How to Earn Free Millix on 🌟

    I have seen that the site is too much boring because the earning model is not clearly known there.
  15. S

    New 🚩 Tangled : earn money using a social network

    It's very difficult for one to earn money on that site because the normal activities for being active on that site consume the Coins.
  16. S

    How much do you take cold water?

    For me l can say that l am not good at taking cold water rather than normal room temperature water.
  17. S

    Are you fashionable?

    Frankly speaking l am not one and l am not planning to be one for sure.
  18. S

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    The retirement issue is very tricky for me and l really find it hard to implementing it for sure.
  19. S

    Best ways to deal failure in business

    The businessmen should work on minising all the loss occurrence on the business for sure.
  20. S

    Best ways to deal with clients who refuse to pay

    I think that the best way to operate a business is intergration of the strictly pay in cash basis.
  21. S

    Do you talk and sing to yourself?

    For me l rarely do the talking and singing for myself and more especially when l being pleased off.
  22. S

    What's the weather now there?

    Frankly speaking it's very hot and dry here in my country. The sunny is shining so terribly here
  23. S

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    I usually entertain myself by watching some comedy videos on the reels on the meta websites.
  24. S

    Favourite sleep position

    For me l always sleep on my right side because l feel so comfortable on that position
  25. S

    Have you ever been scammed or financially exploited by a partner/ spouse?

    That is why it's very important to choose partners so wisely for that matter l must say.
  26. S

    Must I give my contact to every guy?

    For the sake of business purposes l think there is a need for the customers to access your during business hours.
  27. S

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    I think when the business is in its initial stages depending on it would collapse the business.
  28. S

    What are the similarities that two people must share to have a successful marriage?

    In my opinion both of them should be destined to bring up a good family with all their heart's
  29. S

    Is it a must to have patience in online earning?

    In the online earning sector one must be very patient for them to leverage on it
  30. S

    How Many Hours Do You Work Online Daily?

    Nowadays l am not that engaged on the offline activities and l have some extra time here online
  31. S

    How should a business handle its losses?

    It could be a very wise idea if the business manager would find out some alternative ways to cover up losses in business.
  32. S

    Why should we change our socks daily?

    For me l can say that it's one of the social values that people should observe for sure
  33. S

    Should you avoid Coinbase?

    I think that Coinbase is a very reputable exchanges and one can consider that if it's working at your location
  34. S

    Should you use artificial intelligence to hire employees?

    I think there should be no need for the Al to hiring of my working employees for sure
  35. S

    Why employees should be allowed to make workplace decisions.

    So that they can feel that they are part and parcel of the business company for sure.
  36. S

    Should employees be allowed with their phones during work hours?

    I think the answer is a very big no to me. They should concentrate on the job related matters not personal issues during work time.
  37. S

    Should employees be allowed to smoke?

    Of course yes. They should be allowed to smoke at the designated isolated smoking zones only.
  38. S

    The significance of cultural authenticity in clothing investments.

    I can say that the cultural events stimulates the need for investing in the clothing sector of the business for sure
  39. S

    What is the significance of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the cryptocurrency space?

    For me l really recognise the NFTs so much and l do appreciate the business for buying and selling some of them
  40. S

    Do you see any significance for the owning of multiple SIM cards?

    That is a wastage of time and resources. I can be able to manage only a single some card from the service providers
  41. S

    How do you feel about whistle blowing?

    For me l can say that l really not comfortable with the whistle blowing as whole thing
  42. S

    How to blow whistles on fraud in a workplace

    I think that people should be very careful on that because that can cause hatred among the workers for the company
  43. S

    Would you blow whistle on a co-staff you caught stealing company products?

    For me l would pretend that l have never saw them and go on unnoticed by them
  44. S

    is this stealing?

    For me l don't recognise that as stealing if at all they inform the owners for the money.
  45. S

    The stealing of one's business ideas by third parties

    That is because we are not supposed to disclose our secrets to the wrong people.
  46. S

    Do you like to go to parties every weekend?

    For me l really don't have time for parties. I would rather go to the night vigils at church and that matters to me most.
  47. S

    The end of every useful and valuable information is applying it.

    Of course yes, when one practices something they get to discover it in more depth and details
  48. S

    Be valuable not available in dealing with customers in your business

    I think that the business managers should practice both of them. That is because one cannot be valuable when they are not there.
  49. S

    What makes you happy?

    When l am with my family relaxing and have a great time with them that is my main source of happiness
  50. S

    How much do you earn daily online across all website?

    I am still looking for some alternative ways to earning online so that l can build my wealthy on.
  51. S

    When was the last time you updated your phone?

    I even don't remember when last l made the phone update on my phone for sure
  52. S

    How was your last interview for a job?

    The interview that l once attended was like a conversation that entailed giving details on my personal life to the boss
  53. S

    What was your first job

    There is so much anxious with the first jobs for that matter. One is over motivated to their first jobs for sure.
  54. S

    How long did it take you to get your current job?

    Getting jobs is not that easy here on my country. I can say that l am being unemployed for so long
  55. S

    Job Vs. Self Employment

    For me l can say that venturing on the job market with only one kind of skills is very risky as when that one fails one remains being frustrated.
  56. S

    How do you define financial freedom?

    Financial freedom is the state at which one is completely free from financial constraints. That they have sufficient funds for purchasing anything they like
  57. S

    One financial advice for those starting a new business

    One can always manage that through separating the business money to a separate business account to the normal current account
  58. S

    How to Manage Personal Finances

    I have realized that the personal finances is a very important subject that people should embrace on
  59. S

    How do you manage your personal loans?

    When one manages one loan at a time they are really good to managing their debt 1731681828 I have realized that it's a little bit challenging for one to live without getting some loans
  60. S

    How to manage risks on the business

    I think that people should be able to make informed decisions on the investment ventures being associated with them.
  61. S

    How can you manage the risks involved in investing?

    Investment involves so many risks so to speak. One should make a vivid research before they invest
  62. S

    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    I normally feel so gorgeous on that day because it's a worship day for me
  63. S

    Do you compound your profits

    As far as l am concerned, l would use part of the profits on personal needs and reinvest the rest.
  64. S

    Is it a must to have patience in online earning?

    For me l can say that in the online earning space, the patience is a very important virtue to anyone on that niche.
  65. S

    Does having a degree makes your business successful?

    Having a degree equipes one with the required skills and technical know-how on how to operate successful businesses.
  66. S

    Can a greedy person run a business?

    Greedy people have a very bad time for them to succeed in business for that matter
  67. S

    Digital Marketing Mastery

    The digital marketing is a very wide subject for sure. Gladly the internet offers great resources for that matter.
  68. S

    What are the digital marketing strategies for small business?

    Small businesses are regarded as being potential in the business progress and growth in sustainability fostering great marketing needs.
  69. S

    Overcoming depression in business

    Depression in business is increasingly becoming so popular in all over the world nowadays due to the poor economic conditions.
  70. S

    What are the complaints that may be received from consumers

    Mostly consumers complain about being sold some expired, defective goods that could not meet their demands
  71. S

    Are Consumers Always Right?

    Customers are always right all over the world. They are recognised as kings at times
  72. S

    How should a business handle its losses?

    Losses should be handled very seriously on the business as it can be very risky to the business.
  73. S

    What are the most useful money investment and saving tricks?

    The best method for making a very consistently savings is when you have a steady supply of money for sure
  74. S

    Do you believe in jungle justice?

    For me l never believe in that kind of case scenario of activities for that matter
  75. S

    The advantages of creating a passive income stream through rental properties

    I can say that is the only passive income that l can get engaged with.
  76. S

    What are the advantages of self-employment?

    There always the stresses that are associated with paying for workers especially when the business performs very poorly.
  77. S

    What advantages do robotic machines offer in companies?

    The most challenging reason for that is the improved efficiency and increased productivity for sure
  78. S

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    It's quite very long since l had been on that on that kind of sites both online or offline.
  79. S

    Will you let your friends know what you know?

    I would make sure that they are full aware About what am going to deal with on the business
  80. S

    Website to read books and Earn money from it?

    For me l am really not interested in the online earning through that kind of niche
  81. S

    How Many Hours Do You Work Online Daily?

    Working online really requires to have some reliable sources for the earning platforms for sure
  82. S

    Is it a must to have patience in online earning?

    Focus on the getting out the most highest kind of resources in a very great way.
  83. S

    How can I handle negative reviews?

    The negative reviews is like a poison to the business operational activities so much to say
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    Negative Impression in Business

    It really affects the business in very negative manners. That is because the reputation for the business is really at steak
  85. S

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Unfortunately the online earning opportunities are decreasingly day by day for that matter and l can say that
  86. S

    Fixed Asset vs Liquid Asset

    For me l have never in one one time have the capacity to possess the mentioned assets
  87. S

    Do you set a monthly target when making money online?

    One can set the target but with the limited amount of what one can do online
  88. S

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    Of course yes nowadays new clothes are very expensive and not durable compared to the second hand one's
  89. S

    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    It normally takes me some time to move on with life after the break up for sure
  90. S

    Do you find it difficult to apologize

    Apologizing is not something that people fear but for me l just hate that for sure.
  91. S

    Do you find it difficult to learn subjects that are connected to your native tongue?

    Ever since my schooling days l have never experienced something like that for that matter.
  92. S

    Do You Find It Difficult to Earn With Adsense

    Of course yes and most people are really crying that not earning anything out of that.
  93. S

    Now it's difficult to earn online

    Where and what are the opportunities that you are talking about. There are no longer reliable online jobs.
  94. S

    Sure signs of a business undergoing financial distress

    When the business is in the position of not being able to pay it's operational costs for sure.
  95. S

    Starting an Online Business with Little Money

    The most good thing with the online business is that one can start it with a very limited amount of capital.
  96. S

    What are some key considerations to keep in mind when starting an online business?

    As far as the online business is concerned, the niche is mostly regarded as the most important factor.
  97. S

    Starting an online business

    For me l have never started an online business before. I don't think l can engage on that.
  98. S

    Starting alone vs. starting with a team

    I think when you start the business as a team it can have a potential to go far.
  99. S

    Is it bad for a woman to be a bad cook?

    As far as l am concerned, a woman should know how to cook even if they are not better cooks
  100. S

    Passive income as Private Lender/ Financer?

    That business can really be very profitable when you handle people that you know of.
  101. S

    Earn Passive Income by building Quarters Near Factory?

    There is no good business that can do better than the setting up of some houses to let.
  102. S

    what are the Potential Risks in Starting A Business?

    When one decides to start business they should be be equipped with the skills that are required for one to succeed in that
  103. S

    Starting a Paid to Post Forum as a Business?

    The Paid to post forums is a business that requires some upfront efforts and financial ability to succeed.
  104. S

    Starting a garden shop

    There are so many people like everywhere in the world that are doing the business.
  105. S

    The rich build multiple income streams to diversify their income

    Money has its own principles and it really goes to where money exists or found.
  106. S

    Who treated unfairly: the poor or the rich?

    Some poor people really have that potential to to improve their financial status if at all they can be empowered
  107. S

    Why is it that the rich love to take high risk investments?

    I always say that for one to invest heavily, they should have some money for that.
  108. S

    What are common ways to build passive income?

    The building of the passive income really depends on the personal perspective about the business for sure.
  109. S

    How to Build a Peer-to-Peer Crypto Exchange with Paxful Clone Script

    I have once registered with the exchange but l didn't have such time to use that
  110. S

    Is Peer-to-peer lending a passive income?

    The peer to peer kind of business is very good at passive earning especially when it's being handled very carefully
  111. S

    Are there any websites that allow students to submit essays for peer grading?

    For me l have never experienced such kind of business in a matter of fact.
  112. S

    Peer to peer market for buying and selling

    Business models that operate on the peer to peer are likely to be so profitable in the matter of fact
  113. S

    Buying and Selling Websites

    The business that deals with the selling of websites is likely to be so profitable for that matter
  114. S

    What do you think makes a healthy lunch?

    A healthy lunch is the one that is full equipped with some nutrients that constitutes the balanced diet
  115. S

    Do you think it is healthy to eat snacks?

    For me l usually eat some snacks that have been cooked in a good way.
  116. S

    Agree or disagree that It’s better to have love and lost than never to have love at all

    During the time for dating one should really be very careful on choosing the right lover
  117. S

    Do you like shopping online or offline?

    It depends on the mood. I sometimes like making my shopping offline and online at times
  118. S

    Do you have any passive income source online?

    For me l am yet to set up online passive ways of income for myself
  119. S

    Build a private hostel close to a college and earn passive income for your lifetime.

    I think that most people would wish to venture on that kind of business because it very profitable.
  120. S

    Passive income as Private Lender/ Financer?

    Indeed is a very good business. Provided you operate with clients that you know them very well.
  121. S

    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    Following to the change in the climate all over the world, the rainy seasons are not definitely
  122. S

    How many income sources do you have?

    For me l can say that l currently have only source of income for me here
  123. S

    How many websites do you register for weekly?

    For me l am not in a position to deduce that as l can register none website in a whole month
  124. S

    How many money making websites do you use daily?

    For me l have like less than five websites that l must visit on the daily basis.
  125. S

    How Many Websites Should Someone Have?

    I think that depends on the personal choice on how many websites they can be able to accommodate.
  126. S

    Do you think all websites should allow us to post our referral link at least with our payment proof in the thread or in comments?

    I think that would be an added advantage on the fact that we can get so many referrals out of that.
  127. S

    Is Communism really bad?

    I really heard about that to be very bad in its making for the truth of the matter
  128. S

    What bad addiction have you dumped and how did you achieve it

    Unfortunately l am still struggling with getting up from bed early in the morning for quite some time now
  129. S

    How do you deliver bad news to your customers?

    I think that is very tricky and people should be very cautious on dealing with that
  130. S

    How do you know that a news report is purely propaganda?

    For sure propaganda news are news articles that have no basis and one can easily find that one out.
  131. S

    Have You Tried Dropservicing?

    In a matter of fact l found drop servicing as very complicated to me in the matter of fact.
  132. S

    Have you tried keto diet?

    For me l really have no information about the keto diet and l can say that l have never experienced that before.
  133. S

    Have You Tried working As a twitch Streamer to Earn?

    Frankly speaking l have never been lucky in working as twitch streamer for sure l can say that
  134. S

    Have you tried working as a transcriptionist?

    I think that l would try out that one immediately l posses a laptop for sure
  135. S

    Working with unserious persons

    When people are never seriously is likely to be very tricky in knowing that for sure 1731016063 I think it's a very great wastage of time so to speak. I cannot withstand that for sure
  136. S

    What is your primary reason for using Paid to Post forums?

    Because l am simply good at the writing and enjoy using them for sure 6
  137. S

    Earn Passive Income by building Quarters Near Factory?

    I think this is one of the best businesses l have ever think of because of the high potential for profits making.
  138. S

    Should Businesses Advertise on Twitch?

    For me l am not even sure about the twitch because l find it a little bit not that popular.
  139. S

    how do you advertise?

    Advertising is actually based on quite a number of parameters that one should really look at for them to decide on what to use
  140. S

    Advertise on your car to earn passive income

    Probably this is one type of advertising on its kind. I think it can reach a wider geographical coverage.
  141. S

    Holding all your assets in a close relative's name. Pros and Cons.

    In my country that is a criminal offense for that matter. One is subjected to being sued against that
  142. S

    Do you quit your job for a better opportunity?

    Obviously everyone would like to get some better opportunities and l not exceptional on that.
  143. S

    When to quit a job even with no other job In sight

    For me l couldn't be in the position to quit any Job without getting another one.
  144. S

    When to quit a job for an established business

    When being employed while running an established businesses on the long run, that is likely to be a wastage of time.
  145. S

    How not to quickly quit in business

    I have a great belief in business. One should therefore not be in the position to quit good performing businesses
  146. S

    Should you quit your job for online business?

    Why not if the online business performance is so good and the profit generation is guaranteed then one is good to move on.
  147. S

    How do you quit your business

    The most common action that people takes in such case scenario is selling the business to another person
  148. S

    Bakery business

    I have once worked on a bakery. I can tell you that the machines and equipment are very expensive and needs a lot of money for the capital.
  149. S

    Must I study Mass Communication to be a TV presenter?

    I think it's a must. That is because mass communication is the only course that equips the TV and radio presenters in my country.
  150. S

    Must I give my contact to every guy?

    As much as the business may be demanding there would be in one or another way need for your contact to be known by your customers
  151. S

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    I can say that it depends on the type of business. Small businesses may collapse when being depended upon them
  152. S

    What are the similarities that two people must share to have a successful marriage?

    Both of them should be destined to accomplish the marriage set goals and objectives as a family.
  153. S

    Share your entrepreneurial journey, successes, and the lessons learned

    I learned that entrepreneurship is not for everyone. You should first discover yourself whether you can do business or not
  154. S

    What Lessons Have You learnt as A Cryptocurrency Trader?

    That you should follow in a closely range on the market movements on the Blockchain.
  155. S

    Lessons learnt from your past relationship

    I think l learned that one should not love the partners too much or else you will end up in depression
  156. S

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    It's unforgettable indeed. Especially when we talk about the written kind of information which seems not to be distorted for sure.
  157. S

    Is it that one cannot make $1 million dollars every month from site traffic?

    It's not that easy to achieve that milestone. Unless the site is very intensively used by most people all over the world.
  158. S

    Having a million USD to Invest

    Obviously l would go for the real estate investments and build some apartments for letting
  159. S

    Will Bitcoin remain consistent from now onward?

    The answer should be No. That is because the cryocurrency is very volatile and anything can really happen
  160. S

    What encourages you to be consistent with the online work?

    There are so many reasons as to why that has to happen for that matter.
  161. S

    What encourages effective work performance in a company?

    I believe in the staff motivation for the companies to perform so well at all times.
  162. S

    Buying old farm tools to save money

    This is another money saving way that many people are using in most of the time.
  163. S

    Save money when buying shoes

    Buying of the new shoes is very expensive l rather buy the second hand one's for sure
  164. S

    Save money buying branded clothes

    I have seen so many brands being very expensive here in my country for that reasons.
  165. S

    How to avoid charges from PayPal and other Wallets in transactions. I had a BCH Wallet and not sure if I was charged while converting dollars.

    I have realized that the peer to peer transactions are very cheap and not cost is associated with for sure.
  166. S

    What do you avoid buying in order to save money?

    I usually avoid buying and spending money on the luxuries because they are not a must for sure
  167. S

    Do you save money on buying new white fabrics by bluing the old one?

    I can say that l am not interested in the building some new fabrics for sure
  168. S

    Where would you suggest to go on vacation?

    Mostly l would like to go outside the country for my vacation like Canada and Australia.
  169. S

    Suggest where I can make guarantee $2 daily

    One can even earn more than that on the investment in the foreign exchange trading
  170. S

    Do you post on non paying forums

    I do post on the non paying forums but l can say that my activity on those forums is decreasing day by day
  171. S

    Suggest where I can make guarantee $2 daily

    I think that there are are very less opportunities out there across the web for sure.
  172. S

    Suggest how I can earn my first $100 online?

    I think one can easily earn even more than that on the Forex trading in the matter of fact
  173. S

    What are the best ways to earn online do you suggest

    For me according to the way things are going l would go for the Forex and crypto trading as they seem very profitable.
  174. S

    Suggest the best e-commerce platform for small business

    I think nowadays most people have reverted on the online earning means for sure l must say
  175. S

    What is the Easiest Niche For Blogging

    I have really seen so many people making good use of the entertainment niche to make good business for the same.
  176. S

    Causes of inconsistent income in business

    There is change in the economic situations in the country which causes the inconsistency in profit generation.
  177. S

    How much does Youtube pay

    The amount that YouTube pays it's users depends on the engagement on the content by the users
  178. S

    The easiest way to learn cryptocurrency trading

    For me l have realized that crypto currency trading is very profitable and l wish l know how to do that. 1730657177 The most common ways for the passive income sources is the real estate and property management
  179. S

    What is the Easiest Way To Build Passive Income?

    Building of the passive income is no an easy task for that matter. Blogs tend to be the most passive ways of income.
  180. S

    What's the easiest way to get free 1000 visitors daily

    One can easily achieve that through the engagement on some traffic exchanges site available on the web
  181. S

    Do you post on non paying forums

    Non paying forums that have some valuable content l can really be active on them.
  182. S

    The type of burger you prefer?

    I can say that l am a little bit very skeptical in taking those kinds of foods as far as my healthy is concerned
  183. S

    Are really afraid of driving on a busy traffic road?

    So long as they received some training on how to drive, they ought to drive on any roads seamlessly
  184. S

    Do you really enjoy the cold seasons?

    I prefer hot seasons to the cold seasons for me. That is because there is less business with the cold seasons
  185. S

    Are you really happy with your salaries?

    Most of the low to the middle income earners are never happy with their salaries
  186. S

    Earn Monthly Income from Rental Properties in Dubai - Start With 68$ FREE GIFT

    For me l am yet to starting out that kind of business in my country for sure
  187. S

    Binary Options No Deposit Bonuses List (BLOG) - Earn up to 95% Profit Every 30 Seconds Using Free Real Money

    For me l am not used to that kind of venture and people should be very careful when dealing with your money
  188. S

    How to Earn Free Millix on 🌟

    I think that 100,000 millix is not enough to make 1 cent for the truth of the matter and l should say that.
  189. S

    New 🚩 Tangled : earn money using a social network

    One should have to pay for millix for them to like, post, reply and even post on their timeline.l really don't understand how users get to earn on the site?
  190. S

    Is Tiktok banned in your country?

    Tiktok is very action my country and most youths are using it to create content
  191. S

    How not to get banned on bmf

    For now l think the rates at which the users no longer get banned on undefined reasons.
  192. S

    Making it Mandatory for users to post payment proof?

    For me l think that they also pay for the proof of payment proofs for sure.
  193. S

    Can we discuss crypto as an escape route from banking system.

    For me l can say that it is. It has really provided the opportunity to earn millions without the government to keeping an eye on you.
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    Do you post on non paying forums

    I have realized that most non paying sites are very great avenues for learning and connecting.
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    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Various Industries and Its Potential Benefits

    In general the AI has bring some more benefits in the society as far as the technology is concerned.
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    Can you marry a woman who doesn’t have a job?

    I think that love is real and it's not a must for the partners to have Jobs for them to marry.
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    Best ways to deal with clients who refuse to pay

    When they refuse to pay some little amount of money it's unworthy to taking some legal actions against them
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    Best ways to stay motivated

    Always be in the line of achieving your goals and setting your targets for sure
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    How is the best ways to spend the profits from the crypto market?

    When yo found a good investment strategy you can reinvest the profits for maximisation of the earnings.
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    The best ways to make $2 in a day

    I have learned that it's very difficult for one to earn at least dollars online based on the developing countries.