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Making passive income requires knowledge and consistency. You must be very knowledgeable and put in some level of consistency in a particular thing to be profitable on it on the long run.
it may not be possible to make such amount of money consistently. The reason is because the forex market is very volatile and anything can happen at any time. But with proper risk management the person can be profitable.
Most successful people makes money passively. That means all their sources of income are passive. But of course it takes some time for that to be a reality.
The amount of money I make from paid forums is not really much because I have an offline job and I also have some online platforms I work on at the moment.
If you want to create a courss to make money you must have something to teach people. you must be an expert in a particular area and you must also be able to identify people who are you need of the knowledge.
Well, there are people whose ways of making money is passive. An example is if you are a blogger and you also own a YouTube channel simultaneously. You will be making money from the both of them passively.
Well, effective risk management in everything you do is very important and necessary. Almost every type of business is risky and you must learn how to manage it.
Definitely, having online presence is very important and necessary as a business person in this present time. Most businesses have gone digital and as a business person it is one of the best things to do.
Yeah, free marketing methods requires consistency and persistence. It may take time for you to see tangible results but on the long run it is profitable.
That is a very wrong assertion. The number of people that check their emails everyday is high. There was a report I read somewhere that about 70% of Americans read their emails everyday.
I think identifying the problem the products of the company tends to solve is one of the things you need to put into consideration as a marketing officer. When you identify it, it will be easier for you to do the marketing.
That is why sometimes it is important to employ professionals to do the job for you if you cannot do it. There are some businesses that have professional social media managers.
That's right, having a unique advertising strategy is very important and necessary. You also need to make sure that what you're advertising will solve people's problem.
I think noisecash was one of the platforms that was doing that before but I don't know if they're still active. There may also be some similar platforms.
I think learning from people who are already making money from that particular thing is the best thing to do. That is why I always recommend mentorship as a way to maximize profit from any business.
That's true, most successful businesses always have people using their names to run businesses. It is also a very big boost to them because they also make some money from it.
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