Search results

  1. misha

    Forgetting an important event

    If you forget an important event, stay calm and apologize while taking responsibility. Learn from the experience and make amends if possible.
  2. misha

    My new car!

    Congratulation.. i hope you had a smooth drive
  3. misha

    Can you live in the rural areas

    No for me it would be difficult as i live in a metropolitan city
  4. misha

    What food combinations do you enjoy?

    I enjoy rice with dal
  5. misha

    How many Twitter followers do you have?

    I don't have twitter account
  6. misha

    Best and Worst Decisions You've Made.

    As of nothing
  7. misha

    Coping with stress

    Recognize stress triggers, practice relaxation techniques, exercise regularly, prioritize self-care, seek social support, manage time effectively, set boundaries, practice positive thinking, engage in stress-reducing activities, and seek professional help if needed.
  8. misha

    Your last Drink

    I just had my morning tea
  9. misha

    What food are you eating right now?

    I had chapati and vegetables
  10. misha

    How do you know you're in love, LOL

    Love often involves intense emotions, such as happiness, joy, and excitement when you're with the person you love. You might also experience a sense of contentment and fulfillment.
  11. misha

    Why you should always keep smiling

    Smiling boosts mood, reduces stress.Enhances social interactions, attracts others.Strengthens immune system, fights illness.Relieves pain, releases endorphins.Increases productivity, promotes longevity.
  12. misha

    Does social media actually make people less social?

    Today the trend of socially active has been change today if we are on social media that we are socially active
  13. misha

    How do you describe yourself

    Giving birth of country details that's all
  14. misha

    Why did you resign from your job

    Yes a couple of time for better growth, salary was not satisfied, environment was not good that was the reason for quitting job
  15. misha

    Do you believe in destiny?

    I do believe in destiny i think its just and karma factor of our previous birth
  16. misha

    What was your Dinner today?

    I had simple dinner rice, dal and some vegetables
  17. misha

    Which country would you not mind moving to?

    I would love to move to any European country
  18. misha

    Is it effective to use audio-visual presentations in business?

    Yes i think it would be helpful to understand the business in a proper way
  19. misha

    A good way to save money

    Fixed deposit and recurring deposit is good
  20. misha

    $600 differential

    Making people happy is the biggest achievement