Telegram accounts (Session + Json, Tdata)

Telegram accounts for mailing, invite (Session + Json, Tdata).


+7 Russia - $1.47
+1 USA - $0.67
+7 Kazakhstan - $1.07
+998 Uzbekistan - $0.73
+62 Indonesia - $0.39

There are wholesale prices when buying a large number of accounts.
Prices are discussed with the store's support.

All accounts are registered on the official Telegram app for android by manual registration through special software using private proxies from private pools.
Accounts are warmed up by a special author's warm-up, which increases the trust at times!
Accounts have a stay of 7+ days.
A trust is a telegram's trust in accounts, the higher the trust, the less likely the account is to be banned.

Accounts are suitable for any purpose:
- Mailing list
- Inviting
- Reporting
- Cheating reactions
- Personal use

Transaction Rules:
1. Accounts are sold in one hand.
2. Before the sale, all accounts are checked for validity.
3. If you suddenly come across an invalid account before work, there will be a replacement under the following conditions:
3.1. If there is a video recording from the moment of receipt to the verification of accounts.
3.2. The guarantee is valid for 20 minutes after receiving the accounts.
3.3. If you use a proxy with a bad reputation, the guarantee falls off.
3.4. After any actions with accounts (except for logging in to check for validity), the guarantee burns out (for example, mailing, invite, changing the avatar, name, etc.)
4. Good luck using it!

For questions: telegram KJILTear

Think of one clear solution to your investment problem

As an investor, you cannot avoid risks. It's already clear on your understanding that as an investor you already have made strategic plans on what to do in case a sudden risk happens. You are not required to solve in many ways, you only need one clear solution that could solve all that matters in your investment like for example high rate of interest that requires additional capital. There is only one clear solution to that and that is to add your capital of course, it's expected that you always set aside an amount intended for a risk like that. Do not apply for a loan, the more risks you will face. Don't charge your investment with chaos, charge it with care and followup.

Know your worth as a business owner

As a business owner, you must know your worth and never allow anyone to look down on you. Some people look down on someone else without knowing who they are meaning of. Have prestige of your personality and focus on your tough work and decisions. Don't, focus solely on cost-cutting, disregarding the quality of your work and your creative tactics on how to deal with people most especially your customers. Also, don't allow your workers to have their work done without thinking about what they do to elevate the business's worth. When you have a clear understanding of the value you offer beyond the tangible product you sell, you'll start attracting the right kind of clients and showing them the worth of your hard work and the tactics that are implemented based on your business plans and vision. Just believe in yourself and the results of what you sell, others will believe in you too.

Silencing a customer because of a faulty product contents

This case is crucial to a business when a customer happens to buy a product like canned goods with wrong contents. It happened in my country a customer bought two canned goods Corned Beef and much to her surprise, the corned beef contained 5 big earthworms. It was published on media and aired on TV news. To make the story short, the customer was called by the business owner to silence her with 2 million pesos. The issue was closed after the customer received the money and refused to be interviewed. The workers assigned on the processing plant were fired.

Sending of memos

Sending of memos to the different branches of the business is a must. Once a branch office manager and employees receive a memorandum from the head office, they're afraid, afraid of the unknowns. This happens when there's an anomaly done by a head on a branch office like wastage without supporting documents. It's better for the head office to conduct an ocular inspection. What can you suggest to the head office?

Best Coder | Web Development| Software - Small Price

Hi, I am offering the services of an experienced coder.

- Writing from scratch websites and scripts.
- Development of software and checkers, bots.
- Development of backend frontend.
- Finalization of projects of other coders.
- Development of both white and "black" projects.

Languages I write in:
- Php, Python, NodeJs, C#

All depends on the project. From 50$ I take orders.

- I accept payment in any ways
Some of them: btc, usdt, card.

Contacts for communication:

Telegram: @coder00x228 (Clickable link)

Possible fakes check contacts.

p.s ready to work with the forum guarantor.​

How to become successful in print on demand dropshipping?

Achieving success on print on demand dropshipping requires a lot of research and that is why it is important to identify profitable niche before you venture into such business . The niche must have high demand and low competition to be able to survive in the industry . Building strong brand identity and creating unique designs is one of the things that would make the business stand out in the crowded market and it will attract the customers to your product as well.

The job you love or the one that pays well?

When selecting a business or a job to work, would you go for the one you love or the one that pays well? These days most of the jobs that pays well are usually not the ones we truly have passion for. It's usually rare sometimes to find a job you have passion for and it pays well. Personally I would go for the job that pays well first. Once I have been able to save up something reasonable and secure myself to some extent financially, then I can go for a job I have passion for if I still desire to change.

What's a topical business day like?

Each and everyone of us have our business or jobs we do on a daily basis, what's a topical day at the office or your job like?
For me since I am working from home. A normal day for me has to do with people asking for prices of my services, and me negotiating on prices then when I get the job, before I start designing have of my times goes to research and download of materials for the design. Then the days I am less busy I focus on my online gigs.

What normally motivates you?

When running a business as an entrepreneur/ business owner, there are times things might not go the way you have planned them to go, what motivates you to keep trying or pushing harder? For me, there are times where even a week plus I don't make any sales, what keeps me going is the fact that I have a goal, so I believe no matter how things are, I do not want to give up on that dream or goal. Then another reason is cause I want to gain financial freedom.

Setting up Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective tool that allows businesses to engage with their audience, establish connections, and boost sales. Setting up an email marketing campaign involves understanding your audience, choosing a service provider, building your email list, designing visually appealing templates, personalizing your messages, maintaining a strategic frequency, creating valuable content, and tracking and analysing performance. When done correctly, email marketing can be a powerful tool to connect with your audience and drive business success.

Impact of E-Commerce on Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Stores

The emergence of e-commerce has presented several challenges for traditional brick-and-mortar stores. One of the most significant challenges is the shift in consumer behavior towards online shopping. With the convenience of browsing and purchasing products from the comfort of their homes, many consumers have turned to e-commerce platforms, leading to a decline in foot traffic at physical stores.

Another challenge faced by traditional retailers is the need to compete with e-commerce giants such as Amazon, which have disrupted the industry with their vast product offerings, competitive pricing, and efficient delivery services. This competition has put pressure on brick-and-mortar stores to enhance their online presence and invest in technologies that can improve the overall customer experience.

Strategies to Make it Big on Youtube

While I'm not making a lot of money on YouTube , I'm actively implementing strategies to build my income on To make it big on YouTube, you will have to hit some key milestones such as having 100k subscribers and getting 100-200K.Reaching these targets are not difficult if you focus on creating content that attracts views, optimize videos for ranking on youtube as well as Google, as well as promote your videos through ads. The road to riches isn't easy, these strategies will certainly form the foundation for success.

What Are The Easiest Businesses to Run?

What do you think is the easiest business to run? In my experience, online businesses, especially the ones created on ecommerce marketplaces, are the easiest businesses to run. If you are involved in selling digital products, digital services, merch, or even dropshipping, through online marketplaces, it will be really easy to manage these businesses. Facebook offers a gateway for online business, likewise, Instagram also provides a platform for business. Running businesses on social platforms is really easy. eBay and Amazon Merch businesses can be easy as well.

Growing Audience on Social Media For Revenue Generation

For online workers, it is really important to build an audience on social media. There are many reasons, but I will focus on just two. When you have a lot of followers on social pages, you will get traffic to your website. When you have a lot of followers on your social pages, you will be able to monetize your page and earn money as a marketer, or influencer marketer to be precise. You will be able to grow your audience by acquiring diverse content creation skills such as video making, article writing, copywriting, and graphic design.

Building Wealth with Small Savings

Pennies can lead to prosperity, however, this will happen only when you save money regularly and use your savings to invest, also regularly. You can start with $1 a day saving. While saving $1 every day might seem daunting in some parts of the world, but the key is not to take it in a literal sense, what I mean is you should make a daily saving goal. If you continue to save for some time, you will have money to invest. You can start micro-investing and invest a long-term strategy.

Making Big With Your Website

What do you think would be the best way to make it big from your website? Can you make a lot of money through Adsense ads? Or do you think you need to do affiliate marketing to earn well? Even though I have made hundreds of dollars just from adsense in the past, I believe it is difficult to earn a lot of money with ads like Adsense or even affiliate marketing. To earn well, you need a dedicated shop on your page on your website and sell products.

New 🚩 your lucrative online site so far

Which article writing site has proven to be lucrative for earning money? I've been consistently writing articles on various platforms for years. Among these platforms, iWriter was my most favorable and profitable site for online income, offering abundant opportunities until last year. Unfortunately, it no longer allows me to write. With earnings reaching around $50k. I am now in search of a better site that can cater to my demands and needs more comprehensively.

Are you involved in writing articles online? If so, could you share how many articles you've crafted thus far and reveal your go-to platform for article writing? Cheers..

Biggest difference between a business owner amd working for someone

Most people tend to assume the biggest difference between a business owner and working for someone is simply owning a business. While this might be true to some extent, it is more than that. One major difference between the two is your mindset. When you become a business owner, there needs to be a difference between how you think and reason, cause now you are more active in decision making.

