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Question Hi Jordan?

Hi Boss Jordam, Merry Christmas to you and your loves. We are hoping you are well and in great shape. The days are getting closer to celebrating the bash of the hidden Christmas splendors, but still, we cannot find here SNOWFLAKES unlike last year:D RIF was showered with silver clouds of dust and glorious snowflakes. Also, many of us had requested cash out to add glory to our Christmas celebration. It's not big but it could add color to your memebrs' feelings. I and others are hoping for your love this Christmas season. May all your dreams come true.

How to Become Successful in Crypto Trading

Crypto trading is very attractive, a lot of people are trying to trade crypto and make money. However, not many people can become successful with crypto trading. Success in crypto trading depends on your trading skills and knowledge of the crypto market. Trading involves substantial risk, so you need knowledge and skills to mitigate your risks. The most important fact is choosing the right trading pair or opening trading at the right time.

Building Traffic on Your Business Website

To attract traffic to your business website, you will have to utilize SEO, digital marketing, or paid advertising. Your efforts will be paid only when you are doing it effectively. In other words, if you have done SEO your website should be able to rank on the top. If you are running ads, your ads need to be targeted to the proper audience. In order to build traffic on your business website, you might have to spend a substantial amount of money. Spending money on marketing is as important as spending money on business website development.

Are You Required to Register Your Online Business

Do you have to register your online business, in your home country? Well, in my home country, all businesses, including online businesses, are required to register. The government is even formulating laws that require individual sellers on social media platforms and online marketplaces to register their businesses. Registering your business is essential for legal status, customer trust, and tax compliance. You will have to register your business in order to scale it in the future.

Building Brand Identity For Sales Generation

Let me ask you a simple question, will you buy a product that is not from a brand you know or does not have any kind of branding? Well, it is not possible to build sales without building a brand. Building a brand identity involves a lot of things but most importantly, you need to do aggressive marketing. You will have to utilize multiple marketing channels from traditional media such as radio, TV, newspapers, and billboards to digital media such as social media.

Paying debt, saving money, or making new investments?

Do you give more priority to paying debt, saving money, or making new investments? Let me put this another away around, once you accumulate some money, or let's say you have spare money, what do you do first, pay your debt, save money, or make an investment?

As far as I am concerned, my priority is paying debt. When you have debt, and you don’t pay off debt it will continue to grow and you might end up using your entire savings or investment to pay off debt.

Startup a personal chef business

Running a restaurant or eatery is a well known business that is extremely lucrative, if you have great cooking skills, and you feel you cannot run a restaurant, there is a way you can still use your skills to make money. A personal chef has to do with you cook for families or persons and in some cases event. They pay you to cook for them. This is also another business you can go into. This way you won't have to worry about how to manage a restaurant as a full time business, and it gives you time to do other things. Though it's disadvantages is that you won't be able to make any money unless you have a contract or project.

Can Debt Consolidation Actually Improve Your Finance?

Debt consolidation means merging multiple smaller debts into a single big debt. For instance, you might have loan on multiple banks or individuals, you take a new loan pay all your existing debt with the loan and have one loan instead of multiple loans.

Do you think debt consolidation can actually improve your finances?

Well, the idea behind debt consolidation is to streamline repayment and pay your higher interest loans with a lower interest loan.

How to Cut Your Food Expenses to Save More?

You might be wondering if it is actually possible to cut your food bills? How can anyone compromise with something that is very essential? Well, there are some strategies:

Eat cheaper foods: Why should you depend on animal based protein when plant based protein is a lot more cheaper. Why do you have to eat almonds, when you can bet more protein form peanuts? Why do you have to eat imported food, when you can eat local food for cheaper price?

Grow your own food: Even when you live in a city, you can grow your food.

Eat at home: Home-cooked meals can effectively cut down on food costs, contributing to overall expense reduction.

How do You Deal With the Energy Crisis?

The Energy Crisis is one of the major issues faced by the business world. Energy is not only scarce but also costly. One of the major reasons behind global climate change is also associated with energy consumption, especially fossil fuel.

If you are running a business, how do you address this issue?

Using energy-efficient appliances in your workplace might look silly thing, however, it can significantly reduce your energy cost. Using renewable energy, for instance, solar energy might also be a solution.

How to Improve Public Speaking to Earn More

Public speaking is very important to grow your career, if you have this skill, you will get better exposure, thus being able to earn more. That’s because it enables you to communicate confidently and effectively. With this skill, you can easily engage your audience.

How do you do it?

First of all, you need the confidence to speak, secondly, you need knowledge of various topics, thirdly, you need to have the mastery of language. A blend of communication skills and in-depth knowledge of the subject, with the ability to engage the audience contributes to mastering the skill of public speaking.

How Do You Deal With the Challenges of Customer Satisfaction?

Whether you sell products or services, you need to make your customers happy. If they are not happy, you will lose sales. However, making your customers happy is full of challenges, how do you deal with those challenges?

While customers’ satisfaction looks simple thing to do (as most people associate it with providing higher quality services and products), it can be challenging for many business owners. Customer satisfaction is more than understanding their needs and meeting their expectations.

6 Steps to Improve the ROI of Your Google Ad Campaigns

Google Ads can deliver tremendous ROI if managed strategically - but missteps waste budgets fast. Follow these 6 steps to optimize performance:

1. Audit Keyword Targeting
Closely analyze search terms driving clicks and conversions. Tighten targeting focus around profitable keywords and phase out those burning cash. Track trends.

2. Analyze Peak Conversion Times
Pay close attention to daily and weekly cycles to spot peaks. Set higher bids during key conversion periods for sales lift - then reduce bids later minimizing waste.

3. Optimize Ad Copy
A/B test multiple creative variations assessing elements like imagery, value prop language and call-to-action phrasing. Let data guide creative refinement over assumptions or preferences.

4. Monitor and Adjust Bids
Manually or automatically tweak bids based on real-time performance data. Bump bids on well converting keywords providing a healthy CPA - reduce bids where conversions lag.

5. Audit Audiences

Ensure targeting dialed into your total addressable market based on insights like locations, demographics and interests converting best. Expand custom audiences across the sales cycle too.

6. Track Macro Trends
Keep a pulse on seasonal peaks, market fluctuations and competitor shifts that may impact campaign performance quarter to quarter. Adapt faster than rivals.

Getting Google Ads ROI firing on all cylinders requires relentless fine-tuning informed by micro- and macro-level performance indicators. But the effort delivers exponential returns, making the difference between so-so and standout campaign impact on revenue. Put these 6 tips into practice across accounts to maximize your ad spend.

How to Do Influencer Marketing the Right Way in 2023

Influencer marketing is more important than ever - when done correctly. Avoid past pitfalls with these 2023 best practices for mutually beneficial collaborations:

Vet Extensively
Curate partners not just by follower counts, but by audience relevance and authentic engagement. Analyze the quality and demographics of their communities to ensure true alignment.

Set Clear Expectations
Leave no question on campaign objectives, responsibilities, timelines and compensation upfront through detailed contracts. Define success benchmarks transparently on both sides from the start.

Champion Authenticity
Give influencers creative license to showcase branded collaborations in their voice versus overly polished, corporate marketing speech. It resonates better when promotions feel organic.

Don’t Over Commercialize
While financially supporting influencer partners, avoid crowding their channels with constant sales pitches. Overt commercialization risks turning followers off over time.

Let Conversations Flourish
Structure ample opportunities for authentic back-and-forth dialogue around campaigns between communities and brands via influencer comments or live sessions.

Track True Impact

Look beyond vanity metrics to drill into real consumer actions sparked. Assess website traffic, coupon redemptions and sales lift to accurately weigh ROI beyond likes and views.

When both parties respect influence communities and collaborate creatively, everyone wins. The brands that continually nurture quality relationships in 2023 through trust and transparency will gain loyal followings of their own.

7 Strategies for Entrepreneurs in Partner and Affiliate Marketing

Maximizing affiliate marketing strategies as entrepreneurs isn’t just for established digital titans. Solopreneurs and new business owners can tap into these partnerships to fuel growth too while bootstrapping budgets as long as programs get architected intelligently. Follow these seven affiliate and partnership marketing tips as a startup founder for optimal returns on limited resources:

1. Be hyper-selective in curating brands mirroring your positioning and values. A handful of genuinely simpatico partners beats dozens of middling fits.

2. Co-create products or experiences uniquely valuable to each other’s audiences through collaborations versus solely earning commissions. It deepens loyalty.

3. Structure offerings attracting an ongoing stream of referral revenue without daily hustle once established like online courses, subscriptions, memberships or tools.

4. Incentivize affiliates continuously through monthly recurring commission bumps, profit sharing and insider perks for hitting conversion targets.

5. Don’t dictate what’s promoted or restrict creative executions by partners. Give them flexibility to pitch your brand genuinely in their authentic voice.

6. Give partners turnkey creative assets, product samples and personalized tracking links for frictionless program adoption.

7. Champion partners openly through brand channels and at live events for social clout that further motivates ongoing evangelism.

Approaching partnerships strategically versus randomly not only maximizes income potential but forges brand evangelists organically in the process when programs feel mutually beneficial. Which entrepreneur wouldn’t crave that marketing superpower? Align with care, empower fully and reap the rewards.

5 Tips to Choose an SEO Agency (That Actually Delivers Results)

Navigating the overly sales-y SEO agency landscape feels daunting, especially when disappointing services could destroy organic traffic instead of improving it. Lean on these vetting strategies to find an honest, results-driven partner:

1. Ask For Examples
Any promising agency should showcase client case studies proving actual ROI achieved. Press for the specifics: traffic increases, lead generation upticks and revenue impact over set timeframes. Beware vague claims lacking data.

2. Seek Specialized Expertise
Generalist agencies who dabble in SEO often lack the niche technical skills truly moving needles these days. Seek industry-specific prowess aligned to your business from an agency solely dedicated to organic optimization mastery.

3. Interview Multiple Options
Talk to several potential partners to compare approach, cultural fit and expertise. A few exploratory calls provide transparency before committing. Feel at ease asking lots of questions without pressure to buy...yet.

4. Discuss Ongoing Oversight

Understand exactly how campaigns will get monitored, enhanced and reported moving forward. Who owns strategy adjustments? How frequently? Continuous optimization matters most.

5. Align on ROI Benchmarks

Before signing any contracts, mutually establish tangible traffic, leads and sales markers that signify wild success in quantitative terms over set time frames. This focuses efforts on what matters most.

Landing a true search visibility ally rather than an empty hype machine comes down to upfront transparency, initiative ownership and result-based expectations. Don’t settle on SEO partners without proof or accountability. Remember - genuine expertise speaks for itself through the numbers.

How to Use Generative AI to Improve Your Blog

I don’t suggest people to generate articles through article generators or Generative AI tools like ChatGPT. I also do not suggest people to use article spinner like Quillbots to create articles for their blog. However, I encourage people to use Generative AI tools to improve their blogs. For instance, you can use ChatGPT to find a good catchy heading and sub headines for your blog posts, you can create important points in bullet points through Bard.

You can use AI to streamline the blogging process, facilitating ease and efficiency. You can even use tools like Midjourney to create interesting feature images images for your blog.

5 SEO Tips to Grow Your Small Business

As a small business, dedicating minimal time towards search engine optimization (SEO) can pay off hugely in terms of discovering new local customers online. Follow these 5 tips to improve search visibility and web presence without overstretching limited marketing resources:

1. Choose a SEO-Friendly Web Platform:
Whether on WordPress, Squarespace or another system, ensure your website facilitates metadata enhancements, alt text adding, sitemap integration and URL restructuring easily when needed.

2. Optimize Site Architecture: Categorize pages and products in a logically flowing information architecture. Break content down into digestible chunks using strategic keywords in headers and page titles. This helps search bots index more thoroughly.

3. Produce Fresh Localized Content: Publish blog posts regularly showcasing localized keywords and phrases buyers use when searching for businesses like yours. Share insider knowledge!

4. Get Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave positive Google, Facebook or Yelp recommendations. These build social proof and credibility for new local shoppers seeking reputable options.

5. Claim Listings:
Create free profiles on directories like Google My Business, YellowPages.com and others where customers discover basic info like hours and locations. Keep them updated.

With the right small-scale SEO moves, mom and pop shops can drive impressive website traffic increases from nearby searchers. And privileged local access lets small businesses provide personalized services no faceless national chain could ever match. Compete smarter by staying discoverable.

3 Powerful SEO Techniques That Will Boost Your Website's Search Engine Ranking

By optimizing website speed, improving mobile readiness and strengthening your site's backlink profile, businesses can expect to see significant improvements in local and organic search rankings. Here I am mentioning some of the below:

Optimize Website Speed
Slow page speeds frustrate users and negatively impact search rankings. Boost website speed by enabling compression, browser caching, upgrading hosting, and optimizing images. Faster sites provide better user experience and are rewarded with better SEO rankings by search engines.

Improve Mobile Optimization
With over 60% of searches happening on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly site is critical for ranking highly. Ensure text resizes properly, links and buttons work for fat fingers, design adjusts for small screens and pages load fast over cellular connections. Mobile-friendly sites that meet Google’s mobile-first indexing requirements earn higher mobile rankings.

Strengthen Backlink Profile
Earn backlinks from authority sites to signal search engines that other reputable sites find your content valuable. Contribute guest posts to industry blogs, share resources on directories, and promote content to reporters to get high-quality backlinks. Contextual editorial links help increase domain authority for better local and organic search rankings.

