Diary study for Unity

To ensure that RiderFlow is an essential plugin for Unity developers working on 3D scenes, we’re striving to understand their evolving needs and use cases. We are conducting a study to get a better sense of your experience with the plugin and learn how we can improve it. If you would like to participate, read on for more details.
The whole study process consists of just a few steps:
1) Try using RiderFlow for 3 days and record your experience in a diary (we will provide diary template)
2) Take part in a 60-minute interview to let us know what you think about RiderFlow
Device requirements
Device type: Computer with webcam.
You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.

please find the link below for more info :

Diary study for Unity​

Study typeMulti Day Study
Study formatOnline
Compensation$150 $150 Amazon gift card
Session length4 days


07/04/2023 - 09/01/2023

How to Take Profits Using DCA

Dollar cost averaging is a great tool for buying cryptocurrency, but it can also be a great tool for taking profits too, especially as we are approaching the halving and potential bull run.

Nothing goes up forever, and taking profits will ensure you have enough money to do as you wish when the bull is over.

Using DCA, you take profits at regular intervals, using a formula that you set. You can take out ,50% and let the rest run, or you take out 10% every 2x move. It's all up to which strategy you feel comfortable with.

How to Trade With Small Amount of Money

Trading can be risky, but it's also profitable. Some people want to reduce their risks and use small amounts to trade, while some don't just have a lot of money to start with.

When trading with a small amount of money, it's highly important to have a trading system that works, a risk management strategy and take profit strategy. Trade only when you have those three. Be patient until your setup becomes clear to you.

Is Fundamental Analysis Better Than Technical Analysis?

This is a constant battle between advocates of both systems in cryptocurrency. Even those who use both usually have a favorite that guides their decisions when trading.

I do believe each is important. While fundamentals can predict what will happen based on certain events, technical analysis will help you confirm, like what happened with Ripple when it was declared by the SEC as a non security.

Real estate as a passive income

Real estate is a popular and potentially lucrative passive income source that involves investing in properties with the aim of generating income . Here are two key aspects of real estate as a passive income source:

1. Rental Income : Owning and renting out residential or commercial properties can provide a steady stream of passive income. Rent payments from tenants serve as a consistent source of cash flow.

2. Appreciation: Over time, real estate properties have the potential to appreciate in value, allowing investors to benefit from capital gains when selling the property in the future.

Religion is the most lucrative business

In Christendom, the business of preaching is the most lucrative. To begin earning revenue, a person simply needs to identify a spot at which he/she will be offering preaching services. Typically, all that is needed is for the person to have the ability to speak in public and a basic understanding of the Bible.

Given that such individual would not need to incur the expenses that non-religious businesses usually incur, he/she would be earning a high amount of net income.

Never stop hoping to find happiness because even the darkest night is always followed by a dawn

Definitely, when there is life, there is hope and there is also nothing impossible under the heat of the sun if you are only willing to make it happen not to top hoping. Yes, after the darkest episode of life, dawn follows to mean it is not all the time humans feel the journey of worthlessness. Time comes through his courage light overtakes those clouds and darkest moments.

What's your definition of inflation?

It occurs due to factors like demand exceeding supply, rising production costs, and built-in expectations. Moderate inflation can stimulate economic growth and allow for wage increases, but excessive inflation can erode purchasing power and destabilize the economy. Central banks and governments use monetary and fiscal policies to manage inflation. Maintaining price stability is crucial for a healthy economy. Share your experiences on the topic.

