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4 Awe-Inspiring Digital Marketing Specialists You Simply Must Follow

Here are 4 inspiring digital marketing specialists definitely worth following:

1. Ann Handley (@annhandley): Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs. Expert on content marketing and creating a conversational brand voice.

2. Rand Fishkin (@randfish): Wizard of all things SEO and co-founder of Moz & SparkToro. Generous sharer of knowledge.

3. Sujan Patel (@sujanpatel): Growth marketer and co-founder helping brands boost digital growth. Author of bestseller 100 Days of Growth.

4. Neil Patel (@neilpatel): Influencer on data-driven marketing across channels. Co-founded Crazy Egg, Hello Bar & KISSmetrics.

5. Seth Godin (@thisissethsblog): Highly respected for his perspectives on marketing in the digital age and building tribes.

6. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee): Energetic practitioner of social media and video marketing especially on YouTube and Instagram.

7. Laura McLellan (@lauraemclellan): Expert on leveraging marketing strategies and technology stacks. VP at Gartner.

8. Anil Aggarwal (@anilaggarwal): Digital transformation driver. Global Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Accenture.

Following these luminaries via their books, blogs, podcasts and social media provides an always-on education in modern marketing. Their insights will undoubtedly spark ideas applicable to your brand.

Implementing Digital Strategy: How To Ensure It Doesn’t Fail

Here are some tips to ensure effective implementation of digital strategy and avoid failure:

  • Secure executive sponsorship and make leaders accountable for results.
  • Ensure tight alignment between digital strategy and overall business strategy.
  • Break strategy into achievable milestones and actionable tasks.
  • Appoint digital strategy owners across departments and empower them.
  • Allocate sufficient budget and resources to support implementation.
  • Develop clear KPIs and metrics for tracking progress.
  • Maintain flexibility to adapt strategy based on market changes and learnings.
  • Provide frequent communications on digital strategy across the company.
  • Closely monitor risks factors like budget overruns, technical debt, skill gaps.
  • Foster a collaborative, agile culture versus rigid silos.
  • Make changes progressively in small steps rather than big bang approach.
  • Incentivize behaviors that reinforce strategy - innovation, testing, upskilling.
  • Review strategy periodically to validate or adjust based on performance.
With strong leadership commitment, capable execution, disciplined tracking and flexibility, companies can transform digital strategy from ideas to impact.

10 Inspiring Covid-19 Marketing Campaigns

Here are 10 inspiring examples of marketing campaigns launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Nike "Play Inside" Promoted staying active at home through at-home workouts during lockdowns.

2. Burger King "Stay Home of the Whopper" - Offered recipes to make their famous Whopper burgers at home.

3. Coca Cola "Staying Apart is the Best Way to Stay United" - Focused on social distancing while retaining brand optimism.

4. Google "Thank You Coronavirus Helpers" - An uplifting video tribute honoring healthcare workers.

5. McDonald's "Separated but Together" - Billboards in Germany kept physical distance between its golden arches logo.

6. Spotify "Cooking with Spotify" - Offered playlists to soundtrack cooking and household chores.

7. Amazon "We're Here to Help" - Ad conveyed Amazon's role in safely delivering essentials during quarantine.

8. Colgate "Hands" commercial - Demonstrated proper handwashing technique with catchy song.

9. Walmart "Here for You" - Shared dedication to serving customers safely during the crisis.

10. Verizon "Pay it Forward Live" - Hosted free streamed concerts to encourage donations to small businesses.

These campaigns sensitively adapted to the pandemic while retaining brand essence - forging empathetic connections with consumers during an anxious time.

How to Make your Digital Marketing More Inclusive for Neurodivergent Consumers

Here are some tips on how brands can make digital marketing more inclusive for neurodivergent consumers:

  • Avoid bright, flashing imagery and loud sounds which can overwhelm. Use calm, neutral colors and simple design elements.
  • Write clear, succinct copy using plain language. Avoid slang, idioms and tones that could be misinterpreted.
  • Offer alternative text and closed captions for videos. Provide text transcripts as well.
  • When using photos of people, try to reflect diversity including those with disabilities.
  • Design websites and apps for high functionality and ease of use, minimizing complexity.
  • Give clear instructions and indicate required fields when collecting user information.
  • Structure pricing/plans simply. Too many options can be confusing.
  • Enable ways to contact customer service that accommodate different needs - chat, email, phone, etc.
  • If using chatbots, design conversations to be straightforward and transparent that a bot is assisting.
  • Highlight accessibility features and accommodations available.
Small adjustments to be more inclusive allow neurodivergent consumers to engage with your brand seamlessly and have their needs met. It also makes marketing accessible to all.

5 Ways to Upskill Your Marketing & Sales Teams

Here are 5 effective ways to upskill your marketing and sales teams:

1. Offer access to online learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning and Udemy that allow self-paced learning across thousands of courses, videos and assessments.

2. Sponsor certifications in high-demand marketing and sales capabilities from recognized institutions. Completing certifications validates skill proficiency.

3. Conduct regular lunch & learn sessions where team members share their functional expertise with others to cross-pollinate skills.

4. Organize instructor-led workshops focused on building new capabilities like SEO fundamentals, social media strategy, presentation skills etc.

5. Implement mentorship and shadowing programs that pair junior team members with veterans to cultivate skills through hands-on guidance.

6. Incentivize participation in webinars, virtual conferences, and events to stay updated on the latest tactics and tools.

7. Foster external learning through events like hackathons and competitions that provide opportunities to hone skills.

8. Arrange job rotations across marketing and sales functions to diversify experience and skills.

9. Provide access to online books/publications subscriptions relevant to roles for continual learning.

10. Gamify learning through points badges and leaderboards that motivate skill-building.

A multi-pronged approach drives excitement around learning while building blended capabilities for success.

GDPR and Marketing

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has significantly impacted marketing practices by enhancing consumer privacy rights and imposing stricter rules around using personal data. Here are some key implications:

  • Requires explicit opt-in consent to collect and process personal data for marketing purposes. Cannot pre-check opt-in boxes.
  • Limits profiling and targeted advertising without explicit consent.
  • Anonymizing customer data used for marketing is recommended.
  • Provides consumers the right to access their data and have it deleted.
  • Data collected must be minimized to what is adequate and relevant.
  • Requires appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee compliance.
  • Imposes data breach notification within 72 hours along with guidance to affected users.
  • Substantial penalties for non-compliance - up to 4% of global revenue.
As a result, marketing teams must overhaul data practices to gain active consent, limit data usage to core functions, securely manage data, and provide transparency. While challenging, GDPR ultimately fosters trust and sustainable engagement with customers.

What is Market Research?

Market research is the process of gathering and analyzing information to gain insights about a company's market, customers, and overall industry landscape. The key objectives are to:

  • Understand market size, growth trends, competition
  • Identify customer demographics, needs, behaviors
  • Assess the demand for current and new products/services
  • Gauge customer satisfaction levels
  • Measure effectiveness of pricing, advertising, positioning
  • Inform strategic decisions and marketing plans
Common market research methods include surveys, interviews, focus groups, customer advisory boards, competitor analysis, and data modeling. Both primary research (new data collection) and secondary research (analyzing existing data) are used.

Market research produces actionable intelligence that reduces risk and drives fact-based decision making for product development, content marketing, competitive strategies, and sales initiatives. It provides a comprehensive view of the external market environment. Continual research is crucial for staying attuned to evolving market dynamics.

US Presidential Candidate, Crypto-Friendly

There is a lot of news about the current US president Joe Biden who is claimed to be anti-crypto and even hostile to crypto so that crypto will always be under pressure. In stark contrast to the US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who firmly supports crypto even he also owns a number of Bitcoins. Kennedy Jr has also always supported the cryptocurrency movement and he carried out almost all of his political campaigns.The United States presidential election will be held on Nov 5, 2024, and as a crypto fan I would certainly support Kennedy Jr to become president in 2024.

Earning passive income on is a website that enables users to earn in various ways. A person can earn by clicking ads. Additionally, a user can earn by investing her money in purchasing 'mercenaries' who work in the background (You may need to check the site to learn more about these mercenaries). The cost of mercenaries ranges from $0.000025 to $1000.

Based on the output of these mercenaries, a person earns points or coins that are referred to as 'gems'. One can exchange these gems for fiat currency such as US dollars.

I think gemly are offering an interesting way in which people can earn passive income.

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Bug No Reward

I ran into a problem, made a comment on Tutorials: What are the steps to advertising on TikTok? more than 190 words do not get rewarded. Apart from that, I also made a Thread on Tutorial: How to Start a Frozen Food Business, an article was published but I also didn't get any rewards.

What is Customer-Based Brand Equity?

Customer-based brand equity refers to the value a brand has in the minds of customers and its ability to drive certain customer behaviors. It is built by shaping how customers perceive and respond to a brand. There are four main components:

1. Brand Awareness: How easily customers recall or recognize your brand. Higher awareness makes a brand stand out.

2. Brand Associations: The thoughts, feelings, perceptions linked to your brand in customers' minds. Positive associations can boost brand image.

3. Perceived Quality: Customers' assessment of your brand's quality compared to alternatives. High perceived quality builds value.

4. Brand Loyalty: How strongly customers connect with and are devoted to your brand. Loyal customers are less likely to switch.

By cultivating favorable brand awareness, strong associations, exceptional perceived quality and brand loyalty, companies can increase customer-based brand equity. This gives them competitive advantage through differentiated brand positioning and the ability to charge premium pricing while retaining customers. Tracking it reveals brand health.

What Does Tomorrow’s Marketing Dream Team Look Like?

Here's what the marketing dream team of tomorrow likely looks like:

1. Data Scientists

To derive actionable insights from massive amounts of data using analytics, modeling, programming.

2. Content Strategists

To develop compelling, targeted content across formats and platforms. Masters of storytelling.

3. Customer Experience Designers

To create frictionless, emotionally-resonant customer experiences.

4. Automation Specialists

To streamline operations and workflows using marketing automation, AI.

5. Platform Architects

To execute strategies leveraging digital platforms, apps, emerging tech.

6. Conversion Rate Optimizers

To continually test and optimize funnels using A/B testing, analytics.

7. Privacy/Compliance Experts

To ensure brand integrity and adherence to regulations.

8. Social Engagement Masters

To cultivate brand advocacy and community on social media.

9. Multimedia Wizards

To deliver standout visual, video and audio content.

10. Data Storytellers

To humanize data and catalyze emotion and action.

11. Lifelong Learners

Eager to continuously expand their marketing technology skillsets.

Cross-functional collaboration, creative and analytical left- and right-brain thinking, and human-centricity will drive this team.

Digital Leaders Share their Insights on Digital Transformation Success

Here are some key insights on achieving digital transformation success from experienced digital leaders:

1. "Digital transformation is 10% technology, 90% people. Focus on talent, culture, and change management." - Amit Prakash, CDO, Uber

2. "Adopt an agile, test-and-learn mindset. Be open to course correcting based on data and feedback." - Sheena Arora, Chief Digital Officer, Consumer Banking, Citigroup

3. "Keep the customer at the core of your digital strategy. Map the end-to-end customer journey to identify pain points." - Sonia Natalia, Chief Digital Officer, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation

4. "Align digital efforts with clear business outcomes. Maintain a relentless focus on ROI." - Chris Hsu, CEO, Workday

5. "Create cross-functional teams combining IT and business stakeholders. Break down silos." - Helen Crooks, CIO, Save the Children International

6. "Communicate constantly on the vision and urgency for digital change. Get buy-in across the organization." - Karl Hick, Chief Digital and Information Officer, Stellantis

7. "Modernize your technology stack. Cloud, APIs, agile methods enable speed." - Nicole France, Chief Digital Product Officer, National Australia Bank

8. "Reskill and upskill employees for digital competencies. Change needs to start from within." - Dr. Tichelle Slaatthaug, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer, BP

9. "Fail fast, learn fast. Take an iterative approach and build momentum with small wins." - Deb Liu, ex-VP Digital, Nike

The key is customer-centricity, collaboration across teams, skilling talent, and leading with vision and urgency. This sets up transformation for sustainability.

Feedback My observation on RIf

I just want to share to you my observation on RIF. I cannot easily log in and when I post a thread or reply a post, it always say not available. It takes me time to to repeat and repeat. I deleted some photos, some documents m clear my drive thinking they were the cause, but the issue remains. I do not know on your part. i am thinking RIf is always on a busy traffic. Do you observe the same?

    • Wow
Question Where are you now? Jordan, we miss you

I am thinking that @Jordan is on a honeymoon😁😁😁. But that will be better than having other reasons like sickness. Your site feels the emptiness this time without you monitoring it, but thanks to your loyal and lovely members like me, I remain, we remain loyal to you. Hoping you are on the pink of health. God bless you more and your family. We truly missed you.🥰

The Importance of Driving Certification In a Business Environment

Here are some of the key reasons why driving professional certifications is important in a business environment:

  • Validates Skills: Certifications provide proof that employees have mastered critical skills and knowledge needed to be effective in their roles.
  • Enhances Expertise: Obtaining certifications shows a dedication to continuous learning and expanding expertise.
  • Improves Hiring: Certified professionals fill talent gaps quickly with proven competencies. Saves on training costs.
  • Upskills Employees: Encourages workers to sharpen existing skills and develop new capabilities.
  • Increases Engagement: Pursuing certifications boosts employee motivation and retention. Shows commitment to development.
  • Boosts Individual Performance: Certified employees apply their enhanced capabilities for greater productivity.
  • Standardizes Competencies: Certs ensure organization-wide skills consistency and baseline capabilities.
  • Provides Career Paths: Roadmaps employees to advance skills and achieve career goals.
  • Strengthens Brand Reputation: A certified workforce enhances an organization's industry credibility and image.
  • Meets Client Requirements: Certain certs are mandated to work with some clients and demonstrate qualifications.
Targeting relevant certifications strategically uplifts employee capability, productivity, and motivation - directly fueling business performance.

Is Your Business Ready for the Rise of Generation Z?

Here are some key ways businesses can prepare for the rise of Generation Z as a major consumer force:

  • Build an agile digital presence and commerce experience optimized for mobile - Gen Z lives on their smartphones.
  • Use authentic influencer marketing. Gen Z gravitates toward influencers they deem genuine.
  • Focus on video and interactive content. They have a low attention span drawn to rich media.
  • Leverage youth-centric social platforms like Snapchat and TikTok. Meet them where they are.
  • Adopt transparent, socially responsible practices and messaging - Gen Z cares deeply about social causes.
  • Personalize engagements and offers. They expect hyper-customization.
  • Embrace Augmented Reality (AR) as a marketing channel - Gen Z is highly visual. AR bridges online and offline.
  • Collect first-party data for customer insights. Gen Z values privacy and control over data sharing.
  • Provide robust self-service. They prefer self-reliance and avoiding human interactions if possible.
  • Test innovations continually - Adapt rapidly as their tastes and favored platforms evolve.
To win Gen Z loyalty, brands must provide the transparent, ethical, ultra-convenient digital experience this mobile-first generation demands.

How to Narrow the Digital Skills Gap in Your Organization

Here are some effective tactics organizations can use to narrow digital skills gaps:

  • Conduct skills assessments to identify specific skill deficiencies and top priority gaps to address.
  • Provide access to online learning platforms like Udacity, Pluralsight for employees to develop key skills.
  • Incorporate digital skill building into individual employee development plans.
  • Develop mentorships and knowledge sharing programs to cultivate skills peer-to-peer.
  • Engage external specialists to run skills bootcamps tailored to address organizational capability gaps.
  • Offer tuition reimbursement or learning stipends to incentivize building skills.
  • Recruit to fill immediate high-priority skill needs while upskilling existing employees over time.
  • Foster internal mobility so employees gain experience in various roles to diversify skills.
  • Acquire companies or outside talent with capabilities missing internally.
  • For scarce skills like data science, explore outsourcing while ramping up in-house expertise.
  • Track progress closing skills gaps using HR analytics for continual improvement.
With a holistic strategy combining training, hiring, mobility and knowledge sharing, organizations can develop the digital competencies critical for the future.

The Digital Cure: Diagnosing the Vital Signs of your Business

Just like a doctor, business leaders need to regularly check the "vital signs" of their company's digital health. Here is a checklist:

1. Customer Experience

Is your customer experience seamless, personalized, and mobile optimized?

2. Employee Skills

Do staff have the latest digital skills in areas like data, social, mobile?

3. Agility

How fast can you develop digital products/services and pivot on customer feedback?

4. Data Insights

Are you extracting value from customer data to gain competitive advantage?

5. Platform Uptime

What is your site/app availability and page load speed?

6. Automation

Have you automated repetitive processes for efficiency using AI and robotics?

7. Security

Is customer and company data protected with cybersecurity best practices?

8. Legacy Tech

Are systems modern, cloud-enabled, and API integrated?

9. Innovation Culture

Does the work environment encourage digital experimentation and rapid testing?

10. Leadership Alignment

Is the leadership team actively sponsoring the digital vision?

By regularly assessing these vital signs and taking the digital "prescription" needed, companies can drive digital transformation and stay competitively healthy.

How to Benefit from the Convergence of Traditional & Digital Marketing

Here are some tips organizations can use to maximize the convergence of traditional and digital marketing:

  • Integrate online and offline data for a single customer view to coordinate initiatives.
  • Use digital marketing to precisely target and optimize traditional formats like TV, print, and radio.
  • Tie in traditional marketing events and activations with digital extensions like hashtags and mobile experiences.
  • Leverage digital channels to scale and boost impact of physical brand interactions and experiences.
  • Blend traditional storytelling and branding techniques with digital interactivity for deeper customer engagement.
  • Enable seamless omni-channel experiences across physical and digital touchpoints.
  • Incorporate both digital performance metrics and traditional brand awareness measures for holistic optimization.
  • Train marketers thoroughly in both traditional and digital tactics to execute converged strategies.
  • Fuse data-driven digital targeting with emotional resonance of traditional creative approaches.
  • Continuously test and learn across combined online and offline activities.
Harnessing the strengths of both can enable organizations to drive greater brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenues through multi-dimensional marketing.

Machine Learning: Why It Matters to the Future of Business

Machine learning matters enormously to the future of business for several reasons:

1. Efficiency

By automating manual tasks, machine learning improves speed and productivity exponentially.

2. Personalization

Sophisticated algorithms enable hyper-personalized experiences and recommendations.

3. Prediction

Machine learning can detect patterns and make accurate forecasts to optimize planning.

4. Innovation

ML uncovers new product opportunities and redefines how value is delivered and business is done.

5. Intelligence

Continuous learning from data enables more intelligent and situational automated decision-making.

6. Insights

Finding correlations and trends buried in massive amounts of data that humans cannot.

7. 24/7 availability

ML models and agents can work around the clock without human limitations.

8. Scaling

Once built, machine learning models can deliver value across the entire customer base and workforce.

9. Competitiveness

ML capabilities will differentiatie successful companies across every industry.

Adoption of machine learning is vital for optimizing operations, unlocking growth and building strategic advantage. It will redefine what is possible in business.

The What, Why & How of Digital Transformation

Here's a quick guide to understanding digital transformation in business:

What is it?

  • Integrating digital technology into all areas of a business to fundamentally change how it operates and delivers value.
  • It's a holistic transformation of culture, workflows, systems, processes, and business models.
Why do it?

  • Enhance the customer experience through digitization.
  • Operate more efficiently and drive growth.
  • Adapt quickly to market changes.
  • Compete with digitally native companies disrupting industries.
How to do it?

  • Define a clear digital strategy aligned to business goals.
  • Secure strong leadership commitment and engagement.
  • Focus on people and culture, not just technology.
  • Take an agile, iterative approach - start small, fail fast, scale what works.
  • Continuously reskill workforce for digital capabilities.
  • Foster cross-team collaboration and open communication.
Digital transformation enables companies to better meet customer needs, empower employees, optimize operations and decisively lead in a digital-first world.

