has the introduction of AI been of help or otherwise in the business sector?

Currently artificial intelligence is gradually taking over, a lot of persons have started introducing artificial intelligence to their work force. For may this has been an advantage for them as artificial intelligence has made working a lot easier for them and faster. On the other hand the introduction of artificial intelligence has made a lot of persons less interested in being creative.

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Referral Contest

Welcome back Referrals!

For every active person you refer, you will get $1!
On top of this, there will now be a contest as part of our anniversary celebration!

The person with the most referrals during this contest will win:

1st place - $10
2nd Place - $5
3rd place - $1
4th place - 200 Snowflakes
5th place - 200 Snowflakes
6th place - 100 snowflakes
7th place - 100 snowflakes
8th place - 100 snowflakes
9th place - 100 snowflakes
10th place - 100 snowflakes

* Anyone caught abusing the system, or falsifying referrals will be disqualified from the contest, earnings removed, and possible ban.

* Please do not add your referral link to "traffic exchange" type websites. A lot of the traffic that comes from these websites are considered invalid traffic to Google, and will get our accounts banned.

* Referral Contest will end on July 31st to give people time to refer, and have their referrals make enough posts to be considered active.

Get your referral link here: https://indexforum.com/account/referrals

How do you create customer engagement?

Most entrepreneurs tend to focus on employee engagement, but what about customer engagements, what should you do to be able to engage your customers? I came across a business owner who always have a monthly draw, customers are told to pick numbers and the lucky one wins a price, then i have seen cases where customers win free gifts or free dinners and the likes. What other ideas do you have?

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Review RIF! - $15

RIF has been online for one full year. One wonderful year filled with wonderful people. A lot of you have been here for our growth since the early start. Some of you have even stuck with us through a couple of our hiccups, and have believed in us in our success.

With that said, there isn't a lot of content about RIF out there on the internet. So why not help us get the word out?
We will be looking for genuine reviews about our site. In return, there is $15 up for grabs.

Head on over to Trust Pilot:

Give us a genuine review (good or bad, we want to know!)

Each review will be entered into a draw for $15 RIF.Cash

Reviews have to be genuine. I'm not here buying fake reviews.
If the name on the review is different than your forum username, you can PM me the name on the review.
Only 1 review per user
A Random generator will select the winning name based upon the entrees.

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How do you Make Money? - $50+

We are looking for some good quality content for our Make Money: Tutorials section.

Therefore, for every post that you create that gets approved, you will earn $0.25 RIF.Cash instead of the usual $0.02. Earning RIF.Cash instead of Raw RIF means it won't go against your daily limit.
-There is a 100-word minimum.
- You can get this bonus once every single day.

In addition to this, any entry that is at least 500 words will be entered to win even more money. There will be 5 winners selected to win $10 each.

would you be willing to move to country lesser than yours for business

Its pretty common for most companies and business organization to send most of their top employees other top counties either to further improve their skills or to work there. There have also been cases where some these employees are sent to third world countries to run a project or for one reason or the other. As an employee, would you agree to go to such countries?

what is your source of strength that keeps you going when faced with a setback in business?

Running a business is never easy, there are always ups and down, there are times when things might not go the way you want it, and there are times where you might actually feel like giving up. When faced with these difficulties, what do you do to keep moving forward, what is the source of your motivation that stops you from giving up?

Why creating room for failure is okay in business

In most business organizations, they have very strict rules, and one of them is that there is no room for failure. The reason for this is that they feel this would make the employees put in their best but it also has its disadvantages. Most employees would not be willing to even try at all, while majority of them would rather not be creative due to fear of failing, therefore limiting their creativity.

Is business your thing?

There are some people that no matter how much money they put I to a business, it will never flourish and again even if they attend seminars on business one hundred times, they will still not be able to maintain a good business.

Some guys are out there that naturally they are good with businesses and flourish at any business that they are given to maintain.

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Account Upgrade Changes

We are making some changes to account upgrades.

The changes are listed as below:

Bronze User:
- Has been discontinued. Didn't provide any real benefit to users.

Silver User:
- Name has been changed to "Pro User"
- Price has been reduced
- Can be purchased with RIF.Cash
- New marketplace restrictions. Only upgraded users can place new threads in the marketplace
- All Staff automatically get Pro User account benefits for free.

Gold Membership:
- Can not be purchased with RIF.Cash (Current available options include PayPal & LTC)
- The minimum word limit is now back in effect for Gold Users.

Introducing Corporate Membership:
As an additional income strategy, we will be offering membership to companies who are looking for and wanting more visibility to a targeted audience. Along with additional advertising that comes with the membership, you will gain access to a keyword manager that allows you to get alerted when someone mentions the keyword your watching.

Pro User Upgrade - $3.99/m
Gold User Upgrade - $9.99/m
Corporate Membership - $99.99/m
  • Google Ads-Free Experience
  • Signature Enabled
  • Account Customizations
  • Private Forum Access
  • Marketplace Rights
  • Everything in Pro
  • Gold username & Banner
  • Extra Signature Permissions
  • Extra $0.01 RIF.Cash per Post
  • Custom Referral Links
  • 0% Fees on Member Trades/Transfers
  • Everything in Pro + Gold
  • Verification Badge & Title
  • Sticky Threads
  • Email Advertisement
  • Banner-Ad in Every Thread
  • Keyword Manager

Do you invest online?

There have been so many times that I get to see some sites where they ask one to invest before they can earn online.
Those sites takes up to a week before the money invested would start paying off gradually and such a thing is very risky and at such I always avoid investing in any form of online project no matter how enticing and tempting they seem.

How many times have you exhausted the daily limit here?

The site referral index forum has a daily limit of $1.10 for earning on the site.
There has been only one time that I have been able to reach the daily limit for being rewarded for my posts ad replies on the site which was two days ago as I have been unable to reach the daily limit most of the time but I know there have been some people here who do that everyday.

Angel Investors For Your Business

How do you manage to bring angel investors to your business? Well, I have never been able to bring funds from angel investors. Therefore, I would like to know how you did it, if you have actually done it. Did you go to business seminars and business expos? How do you convince them to invest in your business? What percentage of equity did you have to give?

Investments From Shark Tanks

Shark Tank is a reality TV show running in many countries. This is a program where businesses pitch their ideas among a panel of judges who are well-known businessmen/women and investors. If they liked your idea, they will make an offer. They will give you x amount for y percentage of equity. You can either take or just leave it.

