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How do you manage your love and work?

Never get me wrong. I know that once we are in love we are so inspired at work, at home, and most especially with the one we love. It seems there is no evening. We all want ll day so we can be with our beloved, lol. Well, in my case, I need self-control. There is time for work and love. It should be agreed by the two of us to avoid misunderstanding and broken feeling. What about you guys?

Are you a deep sea swimmer?

Yes, I am and I learned to swim in the sea at age 7, and at age 17, I started to dive in the deepsea with my friends. We were trained. It was my dad who hired a trainer for me because he wanted me to work in the military, but so sad, it is not my dream work. He understood me. I love the sound of the breeze and the cool water. I swim in the deep sea every weekend with my friends who are also deep sea swimmers. What about you?

Learn from your mistakes

We are humans and subject to commit mistakes intentionally or not, but most importantly, to remain strong despite the mistakes done because there is no perfect human. It is also from our mistakes that we become strong and hard as a stone. Our hearts become frigid and avoid the same mistakes no matter how it costs, agree?

It is not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up

It is not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up, yes stand where you fall. Do not stand in another place, Fight for your second chance, you need a second chance for yourself after being knocked down by someone and left you in despair. It is not the end of the world. Stand straight and be wise and make amends to yourself to fight revenge by making yourself rich.

Do you hate lies?

I hate lies, but there are lies that could save our lives and others' lives. Though it's a sin, but it also needs art on how to express it in a way the listeners believe. I experienced it telling a lie to my family to escape from a harsh punishment. My wallet was lost containing more or less $ 50 and that was my allowance for 4 days. That happened when I was a sophomore.

