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Investment strategy

An investor should base his investment strategy on SMART which means specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These will help you determine your investment strategy and build your investment portfolio. If you hear the word SMART, proceed to the preferences that are attainable. You need this to achieve your dream profit. Time-bound describes the duration of your project business and if that time comes, the buyer is available and the price is right. It is not good to be late or else the price will go down, so you will not profit attractively.

Fears to kill as an entrepreneur

When. you want to become an entrepreneur they are fears you need to fight and kill to succeed they include;

Fear of failure; You need to fight and kill the fear that you would lose your investment or rreputation

 Fear of the unknown: This is another one fear of stepping into unfamiliar territory which could be uncertainties that comes with entrepreneurship.

Fear of judgment: This is about fear of what people think of your business

Fear leaving your comfort zones: You have fear of leaving a stable business to try something new.

You need to kill these fears as an entrepreneur to grow your teething business.

What do you think?

Reasons to start your business today

Are you trying to give your reasons to start that desam business today. Look at the following reasons to encourage you.

You would get financial feedom and Independence: starting your own business will give you the opportunity to gain independence and work on our own terms.

Stsrting your business today will lead to self-discovery and greater understanding of your capabilities.

With your business you would be able to pursue your passions and create your nivhe tomaking a difference in the world of business

Starting your business will enable you impact on others like your business customers, employees, and even the business community.

How to enhance confidence in your business

The one thing that can keep you going as a business owner is having confidence in your abilities. So how can you keep enhancing your abilities

Always conduct periodic market research to understand your target audience and competition to aid you identify potential opportunities.

Try to bunderstand the workings of your industry This will enable you to have a roadmap for your entrepreneurial directions

Imbibe financial Literacy to aid making sound financial decisions that will help keep your business in financial stability

The truth is that enhancing your confidence will help you increase the chances of building a successful business.

Start early in your business

If you are a businessman, make sure to go to your business center ahead of your competitors. If you have a right hand, instruct him or her to come to the business center before 7 in the morning because the other business operators will also do the same. It must be like first come, first serve. There are customers early birds and they always expect a business center to open earlier. If you are a businessman, you need to tract your time because time is money

Set your goals in business

As a business person, it is assumed that you already have set your business goal and you probably set when to become rich or how to double your profit, To be able to achieve your dream profit, you must set fixed goals and then think of the best strategy that could make your profit double in one day. it is not hard because that is your lifeline to become rich and it will be achieved only through actions and not not to blab.

Rising interest rates in investment

Rising interest rates are one big problem for investors starting in 2022 and up to this time Also price increase in commodities which is why investors last year and this year suffered big losses and the investors this year were so hesitant to proceed. They are afraid of the rising interest of many types of businesses. Inflation is the primary culprit why having this kind of problem. There is no exact answer as to when inflation will be solved. The rising interest and prices of commodities are also a big question as to when it shall stop.

Consider how time affects risk in investment

We have to consider how time affects risk. There are times an investor feels so relaxed without knowing that time can affect risk in his investment so there is no time to relax if you pursue your plan to become an investor. Time is precious and if you do not mind about it your clients might go to another business center. If you are always coming late to your establishment, then there is a possibility for clients to lose interest in transacting business with you.

Which is good paying our workers with cash or with bank transfer?

In my country companies and employers pay for their workers in both cash and also in bank transfer, but most of government jobs payment maid through ban transfers and workers have to open a bank account in a specific bank to get the payments, but some labor workers are only getting paid with cash and the payments are maid every Saturday and also for factory workers the payments are most of the time maid through cash.
In your way which payment is should be done for workers?

Paying Corruption.

Most of the times starting business is a challenging thing and all business owners they face some difficulty time when they start their business and one for those challenges are government workers and those who have a power on the government, and in my country almost all new business owners will pay corruptions based on the business they want to start and they pay that in order to get business areas and lands for starting the business and also to get business license in the country.
Do you think this thing is a good practice?

Adopting the performance based product positioning strategy

Business owners need to adopt the performance-based product positioning. This positioning focuses more on how well a product performs.

This is when you don't mirror the aesthetic of a product but focus more on how useful or functional a product is.

Performance positioning is more of a physical thing as the customers are told to look out at how a product can be effective it is about describing how best the product is compared to others.

Can rapid business growth become an issue?

One wish ever business owner or entrepreneur have in common is that we all want our business to grow and expand as fast as possible. While we all want to grow, i believe rapid growth could also cause some issues if not handled properly. In a situation where the business owner is not experienced enough, these rapid changes could be too much for the young entrepreneur, which could lead to making wrong decisions.

How to use business special events to capture customers

As a business owner you can periodically organise special events to lure new customers to the events. This act will help to shift the focus from the event you are organising to the products you might be using to endorse the events

The thing is that would be customers arrive because they are curious about what the event entails and you seize the opportunity to do product exposure

You can organise a charity event to raise money for a cause. This can improve your business reputation and draw new customers to your business.

What do you think?

Privacy is a major requirements by customers

One of the common customer requirement when it comes to buying a product or using services of a company or business is privacy.

When a customer is creating an account on a business website they are expecting that the company will not sell their data to external parties.

So if a Company want to keep its customers then their privacy must be protected. it would be great to inform customers about the terms and conditions of how their data will or will not be used.

Customers' will be at rest knowing that their privacy wouldn't be compromised and that data about them is safe.
What do you think?

Which is more important for investment Money or knowledge?

In the investment world everyone wants to be good investor and all we want and all we see is investing our money in good investment plan and get a good amount of moneys, and we all prey that we get a good investment plans, but for investment there are two major thing which are very mandatory to analysis to choose and run an investment for a business, those two things are good knowledge towards investments and money managements and also good amount of moneys, but can we have good investment only with one of those things, if so which is more mandatory?

Do you think Safe working environment for workers increase productivity?

Providing a safe and good working environment for workers and employees will definitely increase the productivity of the workers and also it increase the income and the profit of the business by many ways, if a worker have good working area then they will work without any injury and without any fear of getting injures, and also they will work without any stress; so if there is no injury and no stress then all workers will be on their working pace in time and will work actively but if there is injury on skilled works then the worker will be absent from work and there will be no skilled person to work.
Do you agree with my view?

Renting an electric scoter.

I have seen many peoples opening a shop that charges a scoter and rent them to a users so that a user can travel with those scoters to their work or shop or school without owning any vehicles and without worrying about any extra payments, and i seen this things in a video in china, and i really wonder if a person start this business to charge and rent scoters with low price there will be a lots of customers for that. but i wonder how much money will it need to start this business from scratch.

How to make a research before investing

Scammers are always hoping that would-be investors do not investigate before investing. But you can help fend them off by doing your own investigation and research..So how best can you do your own independent research.

Before you invest you should. research unsolicited emails. Some emails might be scam

Research message board postings and be sure it is legit

Investigate company news releases before using it as sole basis for your investment decisions.

Investigate or research a company’s business before investing like looking for the company’s financial statements.

Importance of business location

When it comes the location of your business, it plays a very important role on how the business would go in your business. In most cases, your business location determines if they would be sales or not. Before selecting a business location make sure its a place you can easily reach out to your target audience. Setting your business in a place where there is no easy access to your target audience would lead to little to no sales.

Are your prices fixed?

Most big companies and supermarkets tend to have fixed prices, customers are not given the chance to price any of their goods and services. In your business, do you also have fixed prices? Personally for some of my services there are fixed prices but there are times where i give little room for some of them to price, and if am okay with their price, i go ahead with the job.

Christmas party at a business center

Does your company hold a Christmas party in the business center? Is there a social hall in your business center? Are foods free from the management or employees will chip in some amount which is unfair right? In the university where I work, we always have a Chromas party at the university hall that could accommodate 8,000 people, all foods free, everything. There is eat all you can. there are also gifts peppered by the cooperative and the dividends are distributed as well as the Christmas bonuses. It is the most exciting celebration of the year. What about in your company or business center?

