Recent content by eldavis

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  1. eldavis

    Intermittent fasting

    I have also been using intermittent fasting for some weeks now and the results has been amazing so far
  2. eldavis

    Do you like Facebook and what is the thing you like about it?

    I enjoy using Facebook, and one of the reasons why I enjoy it is due to how easy it is to use.
  3. eldavis

    App for daily news

    Instead of using an app, I will simply make use of the Internet. I can go to any of the news websites or social media handles and search what I want.
  4. eldavis

    Do You have a Slow cooker?

    We don't have a slow cooker but our gas cooker is faulty and the repair man hasn't come to fix it. Due to the fault the gas is burning slow.
  5. eldavis

    When were you last time at music festival?

    I have never been to one before, I have always been the type who prefers avoiding things like this.
  6. eldavis

    Out of all your family members, who are you closest to?

    Out of everyone, I think its safe to say I am closest to my immediate sister.
  7. eldavis

    Selling Few Products or Selling a Lot of Products?

    I think I would like to start with a few then slowly introduce other products. Like when I started my graphic work, I also knew how to edit pictures and framing but it was later on I introduced this.
  8. eldavis

    Does any one roll the highest limit on the faucet sites?

    I have never been able roll the highest or even something reasonable. Most times it makes me wonder if it's even possible.
  9. eldavis

    Do you know Urdu?

    The funny thing is this is actually my first time hearing about this language. I always thought Hindi was the only language in India.
  10. eldavis

    Master card or Visa card?

    Master card should be a better option since it has more features and it can also be used internationally.
  11. eldavis

    Can we all make money and be rich?

    It would have been nice if everyone can be rich, but I doubt it is possible. There needs to be some sort of balance.
  12. eldavis

    In Italy, probable ban on smoking even outdoors

    Though this might affect people who are already addicted, but it's actually a good step. This would help in creating a more healthy country. The funny thing is immediately I open this thread, I just came across someone smoking and walking on the streets😂
  13. eldavis

    Should asking for nudes be a criminal offence?

    As much as I am against this, I don't think it should be a criminal offense. A person can only asked you for your nudes due to the kind of relationship you have with them, then there are cases where a stranger might just come into your DM requesting this, you have the right to block them, ignore...
  14. eldavis

    What strategic planning and execution means in the context of business operations

    That's true, it's one thing to have a good business plan, it's another thing to be able to execute or carry it out. Most times it is usually due to poor management.
  15. eldavis

    Is it possible to start an online business with $100?

    Yes it's very possible to start an online business with that amount and even lesser in some cases. Affiliate marketing for example, you don't need up to that amount to startup.
  16. eldavis

    Do you just buy discounted products

    If you can resell it, then it's not a waste, but in a situation were you hurt buy it and you don't have need for it now and maybe in the future, then it can be considered as waste.
  17. eldavis

    Saving on food

    Buying in bulk is always the best way to save when it comes to food. You can also save by simply focusing on the ingredients you need, not just buying anything you come across.
  18. eldavis

    Have you repented?

    I have made a lot of mistakes, some where simply out of ignorance, while some where out of stubbornness, I have learnt my lesson and I am changing.
  19. eldavis

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    The best and easiest way to stay financially informed is by following various channels that discuss on finance. The Internet has made this a lot easier.
  20. eldavis

    Free Time

    I don't normally have anything specific I do with my free time, there are times I simply watch movies, sometimes I play games or make some research.
  21. eldavis

    Do you prefer the Fitness Gadgets?

    Majority of them are usually very expensive, so I don't have any at the moment, but I would like to have one in the future.
  22. eldavis

    Dealing with depression

    That's the best way to go about it. Or you can simply surround yourself with people that would take your mind off things.
  23. eldavis

    Do you have a Generator at home?

    Haha very true, it's rare to find a who that doesn't have a generator over here, and even houses that have solar still have generators.
  24. eldavis

    Are you a chatterbox?

    Some people would say I talk too much, while when it comes to others they would say I don't talk at all.
  25. eldavis

    I am so sad this day

    Is there a specific reason as to why you are feeling sad these days? Maybe something you have hope to achieve and you haven't been able to?
  26. eldavis

    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner 😞

    Yes it was definitely not an easy one, and since he is still an admin, it means he would still be around to ensure the forum keeps pushing to the next level.
  27. eldavis

    Do you still drink milk?

    If you want to drink milk, it has to be the natural one, anything else no longer contains the proper nutrients.
  28. eldavis

    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    Yes that's right, it is only a matter of time, before you know it you have completely forgotten about how that person has hurt you.
  29. eldavis

    What is your experience with Blackberry?

    One of the reasons that made blackberry so popular back then was their chatting app called ping or was it bing, I can't really remember.
  30. eldavis

    Do you still wear a watch?

    I came across a smartwatch recently that I would really love to buy, but that's plans for the future.
  31. eldavis

    How many friends do you have?

    These days it's becoming very rare to actually see true friends out there. Majority of the ones we come across tend to pretend.
  32. eldavis

    Do you like Curd rice?

    I have never tasted curd rice before though, so am not so sure if I would like it or not. Do you mean rice mixed with vegetables @nomad
  33. eldavis

    How do you deal with body ache

    It depends, some body aches might be a sign of malaria, in such a case boiling pawpaw leaves and drinking it is a great natural remedy for malaria. In other cases you simply just need to rest.
  34. eldavis

    Ultimate Muscle do you remember it?

    Lol am not sure I watched this show back then, but the name does sound familiar.
  35. eldavis

    Any green tea fan

    I don't hate green tea, but I rarely drink it. I have only had green tea a few times.
  36. eldavis

    Do you like to learn cooking from cookery shows, cooking Magazines etc?

    Once in awhile,I do go to various YouTube channels or I simply use a Google search to learn how to cook certain dishes.
  37. eldavis

    Why did you stop gambling or don't gamble at all?

    I don't gamble at all because I know it is addictive and it won't benefit me in anyway.
  38. eldavis

    Would you like to be a TV anchor?

    I have never been really comfortable with cameras, but I know a time would come when I won't be able to avoid it.
  39. eldavis

    Intermittent Fasting Journey

    I am also doing intermittent fasting, I have been doing it for some weeks now. I started at 87kg and I am currently at 82/3kg
  40. eldavis

    Chasing the $100 Per Day Passive Income Dream

    Imagine earning this kind of amount in a day, I would love to be able to reach this level as well. I strongly believe it is possible though the process in getting there won't be easy.
  41. eldavis

    Do you watch movies on youtube?

    I rarely watch movies on YouTube, like since this year, I have not watched any movie on YouTube. The only time I watch on YouTube is if I can't find it anywhere else.
  42. eldavis

    Are you satisfied with your internet connection?

    To be honest I am not happy with my Internet connection, most of the times it is usually very slow, when watching a video online, it tend to hang a lot.
  43. eldavis

    Power Ranger Time Force, remember it?

    Yes it was fun watching it as kids but now I find it a little less fun compared to back then
  44. eldavis

    Do you like lemonade in winters?

    I don't have specific times when it comes to lemonade or any other soft drinks. I can take it at anytime.
  45. eldavis

    Bungee jumping or skydiving?

    I have not really thought about giving any one of them a try, but i think sky diving would be really nice.
  46. eldavis

    What is something satisfying to see hear feel or smell taste?

    I love seeing money, I love hearing the sound of my loved ones being happy, I love the taste and smell of cake.
  47. eldavis

    Did you do a genotype test with your partner/ spouse?

    I am not yet married, but I would really love to do one before I finally decide to get married.
  48. eldavis

    Opinion on babies ears being pierced while they are still months old?

    They feel it would be less painful compared to when the child is older and has a lot bit of understanding of pain. In the end though it all depends on the parents. No one would force you.
  49. eldavis

    Power Ranger Time Force, remember it?

    I watched a few episodes but I really didn't follow up, same with other power rangers series.
  50. eldavis

    Do you know any haunted places in your country?

    I am pretty sure there are a lot of hunted places, but I don't know anyone personally.
  51. eldavis

    Is it right for a man to cheat?

    No it is not right for a man to cheat, and I don't even think there is any reasonable reason as to why one should cheat.
  52. eldavis

    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner 😞

    Yes it's sad but at least he would still be with us as an admin, and sure things would still go well with him being around, and hopefully the new owner would take things to the next level.
  53. eldavis

    Will you update to iOS18 ?

    Yes this feature has been on android for a very long time now, though android 15 is also out .
  54. eldavis

    New 🚩 What's the update on Postloop?

    Orders do come in it's just that it's not on a regular basis, it's more like a once in awhile gig.
  55. eldavis

    The Opinion World survey site is legit.

    That's a good one, congratulations on that, but can people from Africa also work on this platform.
  56. eldavis

    Do you set a monthly target when making money online?

    Yes majority of the time i usually set a monthly target for myself, then there are times I just go with the flow.
  57. eldavis

    Have you used Walkman?

    Yes I have used a walkman before. Though it was not really mine. It belonged to my elder brother back then.
  58. eldavis

    What is your experience with Blackberry?

    Not really like iPhone but it was unique back then. I never had one though but it was so popular.
  59. eldavis

    Do you prefer foldable phones?

    For me I don't really mind, if it has the specifications i am looking for and i can afford it,I don't mind buying one.
  60. eldavis

    Do you have a scientific calculator?

    I had one in secondary school, but that was years back, right now I do not have or need one.
  61. eldavis

    How to Find the Right Buyer for Your Website

    I believe there are websites or platforms where you can put up your site for sale and probably state what you want..
  62. eldavis

    Have you tried a Sony smartphone?

    I have never tried a Sony smartphone before, and I haven't really seen any products that interest me.
  63. eldavis

    Do you like to become a gamer?

    Yes I can see myself playing games just for the fun of it, but to actually become a professional gamer, I highly doubt that.
  64. eldavis

    I'm so relaxed, I consider folding laundry a form of artistic expression

    Lol that's pretty cool though, how we view even the most little things around us matters a lot.
  65. eldavis

    Which is latest Game for Mobile Phones?

    Though I play games a lot but recently I haven't played anyone for weeks now due to how busy have been, so I don't have any updates on this aspect.
  66. eldavis

    Semrush or Ahrefs?

    I have never tried any of them, but it's very possible I might have need for them in the future.
  67. eldavis

    Whats your native language

    We have lots of languages here but the one we all speak is English language.
  68. eldavis

    Whats is your favorite weather

    Since we don't have snow, my favorite weather is the raining season. The place is usually called then.
  69. eldavis

    Whats your favorite tv show of all time?

    I don't have a favorite TV show, but I have watched a lot that I actually enjoyed. Supernatural was awesome but I was not really okay with some of the things they did. Other shows like Smallville, the flash and so on where great.
  70. eldavis

    Do you have a Generator at home?

    Yes we have a generator, almost every house has one due to the poor supply of electricity here in our country.
  71. eldavis

    Have you ever been in a physical fight?

    Yes I have been in a physical fight before but it was years back and I was a kid back then.
  72. eldavis

    Do you think it's okay to work at night?

    Its not easy working at night but with time I believe one can get used to it.
  73. eldavis

    Investing in meme coins

    I have invested on a few meme coins before but it was not really on a large scale. I still had high hopes for shiba but it failed.
  74. eldavis

    Do you like Beer?

    No I don't like beer, I don't normally take alcohol and I am hoping it stays that way.
  75. eldavis

    Do you really appreciate the way you live?

    Though I won't deny the fact that I need more, but I definitely like the life that am living, it is way better than most people out there.
  76. eldavis

    Mac Tonight do you remember it?

    That's nice though, but we don't have a MacDonald here so we don't get to experience things like this.
  77. eldavis

    Do you go clubbing?

    No I do not go out for clubbing, I have never been the outing type, so even if I wanted to go out, clubbing won't be the first place on my mind.
  78. eldavis

    Question money withdrawal day how much is it?

    Withdrawal day is 16th and 1st of every month and the minimum withdrawal should be around $5 like they have said above, withdrawals doesn't take more than 24 hours once its 16th or 1st, you should be getting your payment within 24 hours.
  79. eldavis

    What's the importance of staying up-to-date with industry trends?

    Besides the experience it gives you, it helps you know the current trends and what is best to include to your business at the moment.
  80. eldavis

    How much can I charge for my online teaching service?

    If you want to make use of a teaching platform, I believe most of them have a set amount you can charge or at least a minimum amount, if you plan on doing it on your own, the amount you set should be based on your target audience.
  81. eldavis

    What are the qualities needed to be an effective organizational spokesperson.

    I believe the top on the list should be a proper communicator, someone who can relate and reason with others.
  82. eldavis

    Are passive income sources trans generational?

    Yes most sources of passive income can usually be transferred from one generation to the other, another perfect example is real estate investment.
  83. eldavis

    Make money from Facebook reels

    Your reels on Facebook should be able to generate enough traffic before you can start monetizing it.
  84. eldavis

    can I make money online without any investment?

    Though there are some things you can do online to generate money for yourself that you do not need to invest money before you start, but the truth of the matter is if you are not investing your money, you will be investing your time or energy, and you also need to buy data to access the...
  85. eldavis

    How do you assist othere to be better?

    One way I usually assist others to be better is by advising them cause I can't really force them, I can only advise then it's their choice to use it or not.
  86. eldavis

    Life can't remain the same

    The thing is life is filled with different moments, there are times where all the things happening in my life has made me smile, then there are times where I worry or even feel sad.
  87. eldavis

    Are you a chatterbox?

    For me i usually have my moments, there are times where I can talk a lot, though I am not usually the type that likes talking.
  88. eldavis

    Do you use Google authenticator to protect your site?

    I don't have a site but there are some apps I use that requires I use it to protect the app.
  89. eldavis

    Which is your favourite fruit?

    Same here, unless I plan to eat only fruits all through the day. Then due to how poor our light system is, i don't buy them in large quantities.
  90. eldavis

    Normalize apologising

    A lot of people find it hard to apologize when they are at the wrong, myself included, there are times i find it hard to say am sorry but the truth is we really need to normalize this.
  91. eldavis

    What is that one thing that can steal your peace

    It's pretty much the same for me, when a loved one is going through some issues, i won't be able to have peace of mind.
  92. eldavis

    Oils to heal

    No i don't use any oils to heal myself, though I believe some persons have claimed that there are some sort of oils for this.
  93. eldavis

    Do you prefer the herbal remedies or the medical advice from doctors?

    Majority of the times I usually go for the natural ones rather than western medicine.
  94. eldavis

    The type of burger you prefer?

    I have never really had a burger before so I can't say which one i did choose.
  95. eldavis

    When you disagree strongly with your boss, what do you do?

    Depending on the nature of your boss, it's best you have a talk with them and let them know how you really feel. In a situation where your boss is not the type willing to talk, it's best to go along with them as long as it does not go against your beliefs.
  96. eldavis

    How do you maintain friendship with your friends?

    The way I maintain my friendship with others is my checking up on them from time to time.
  97. eldavis

    If you are rich like Elon Musk; What will do with your billions?

    While i take care of my family, i would make more investments, then would also help others who are in need.
  98. eldavis

    Living in the same place

    I have been in my current state for years now, I would really like to move to another place. A change of environment even for a limited time might be good for me.
  99. eldavis

    Why are people interested in history?

    A lot of people are interested in history because they want to have a better understanding of what is happening presently, or they just want to know about what happened in the future.
  100. eldavis

    How often do you use your dining table?

    For me I rarely make use the dinning table, I am either eating in the room working or just eating in the room.
  101. eldavis

    What is your most concern when traveling to another country?

    For me it's how am going to cope with meeting new people, new culture and the likes.
  102. eldavis

    How do you save monthly?

    When it comes to saving i don't have a specific method or amount I use in saving.
  103. eldavis

    Do you really like swimming?

    When I see people swim, I see it as something that would be fun, but I don't know how to swim yet.
  104. eldavis

    How are you maintaining the peace you have in your life?

    I am doing this by simply minding my business. I don't get involved in anything that does not concern me nor do I give out much information about myself.
  105. eldavis

    Do you prefer to buy clothes offline or online?

    Though I mostly buy offline, I also do not mind buying online as well. The most important thing for me it that I like it and I am able to afford it.
  106. eldavis

    Do you have good colleagues?

    While I was still working under someone, I had a lot of good colleagues, though they were not good in the aspect of working.
  107. eldavis

    Do companies produce different specs of the same products for different countries and regions?

    Yes they do, let's take movies for example, even movies, they do remove certain things for most countries.
  108. eldavis

    What is the reason that your business doesn't perform so well.

    Personally I think one of the main reasons is because I have not really invested much time in advertising my business.
  109. eldavis

    What do you think about self medication

    Though I do this most times if am being honest, but I think it is risky. It's best to have a professional check us.
  110. eldavis

    How do you develop your mental abilities

    One way I use in building myself mentally is through reading books. I love reading books and learning things.
  111. eldavis


    Yes I am afraid of it, even if it's just a little forest and it's not thick, I am afraid of going in cause I don't know the animals that might be in it.
  112. eldavis

    Do you like wearing a hat?

    No I don't like wearing hats, even the regular face cap, I find it a little uncomfortable.
  113. eldavis

    Wish you had more of?

    That's true, it is even harder when the level of expenses we have is way higher than the amount of money we make.
  114. eldavis

    If you were a fish, what do you think will be the name of your baby 🤣

    Lol that's actually cool though, this would help get your mind of several things, and help you feel more relax.
  115. eldavis


    I think it would only have a negative effect on your health when you constantly drink this coffee.
  116. eldavis

    How to overcome gambling addiction

    When one is addicted to something, it's not easy to actually give up on it. You could seek professional help while you find something more healthy to be addicted to.
  117. eldavis

    Do you prefer tomato Ketchup?

    I don't always use this though but I like it. Speaking of tomato ketchup, we would be using it today.
  118. eldavis

    What part of your house do you like the most?

    My favorite part is definitely my room there is no doubt about that. I prefer my room cause it has a bed where I can relax.
  119. eldavis

    Managing a manicure-pedicure near the vicinity of the campus

    I think setting up this kind of business near the campus is a good one. There are lots of potential clients there.
  120. eldavis

    Managing a sustainable business growth.

    Managing your business goals has to do with proper planning and marketing. This would help you reach out to more persons.
  121. eldavis

    Do you like wearing High Heels?

    I don't know how they cope with it, especially does who wear it for a very long time.
  122. eldavis

    Mushroom cultivation

    Over here not everyone eats mushrooms, people usually prefer meat or fish so I don't think it would be a lucrative business in my location.
  123. eldavis an excellent faucet that pays very well

    Sounds really nice, but what if you made a wrong prediction, am guessing you would automatically loose the coin you had used to predict right?
  124. eldavis

    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    But what's the difference between the canned one and the free one we get? I don't think I would buy though as long as I don't need to buy it.
  125. eldavis

    China is likely to reverse cryptocurrency ban soon.

    I am pretty sure there are people in China who are till dealing with crypto currency through one back door or the other. If they do reverse the ban, maybe some other countries might follow suit.
  126. eldavis

    If you were a fish, what do you think will be the name of your baby 🤣

    Lol am not sure though maybe I name it speedy or fishy just for fun 😂
  127. eldavis

    Wish you had more of?

    Exactly, the money coming out from my business is not really enough to sort out all the things I need to sort out the way I need to sort them out.
  128. eldavis

    Do you replace your old plan with a brand-new plan?

    Yes I do this sometimes, especially when I see the old plan would no longer work out.
  129. eldavis

    Were there times you wanted to give up?

    Good morning, there are so many times I have wanted to give up but in business and so many other things, but I have been able to push myself back up.
  130. eldavis

    Cure your depression

    Another way to cure depression is by having a change of environment. Go to public places where there are a lot of people, it does help.
  131. eldavis

    What feature do you wish your phone had?

    I don't really have any specific features in mind though, but I would love if my phone had a higher processor.
  132. eldavis

    Feeling energized

    I feel energized when I get paid, and makes me want to put in more effort.
  133. eldavis

    How much did you earn here?

    For me I don't really take note of what I earn per day, but for the month I always try to earn close to ten dollars or maybe eleven.
  134. eldavis

    Wish you had more of?

    For me it's money, there are so many things I want to do that I wish I had more money to start doing them.
  135. eldavis

    What's your love language?

    Putting in effort to actually get to know me and doing the things I like is a big green light for me.
  136. eldavis

    Do you use gas or electricity when cooking?

    We are currently using only gas, though we have plans on buying an electric cooker we can use later on.
  137. eldavis

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I always fill tired paying bills but majority of the times it's not something I can really avoid.
  138. eldavis

    What do you eat immediately when extremely hungry?

    When hungry, I simply eat the food available or I go for water until I can find something to eat.
  139. eldavis

    What are the factors that can make a salon business boom?

    Some of the factors includes the location of the salon and the marketing strategies used for it.
  140. eldavis

    What do you intend to retire from online job

    I think it depends on the person, I can choose to retire from doing certain works online.
  141. eldavis

    How do you intend to become rich someday?

    I have started a business of my own and with time I am hoping to have an investment of my own as well.
  142. eldavis

    Are you very good with children?

    I am not an expert with kids but I think it's safe to save I am more than average.
  143. eldavis

    Danger: Heading a Ball

    Yes, sometimes I wonder how they even cope with heading a ball cause the football is usually very hard.
  144. eldavis

    Is it possible to make $1 from faucet in a day?

    Yes it's possible to be able to earn up to a dollar within a day but this means you literally have to spend the whole day.
  145. eldavis

    Do you like to add milk in tea or coffee?

    I am not much of a fan of tea, yes I do drink tea but rarely. When I do I like adding milk sometimes.
  146. eldavis

    Do you always start up a conversation with a stranger?

    I am not good at starting conversations with strangers, but if one starts a reasonable conversation with me, I don't mind.
  147. eldavis

    Where is always your favourite spot when you visit a park

    We don't really have parks where I am but if I could visit onez my favorite spot would be a place I can sit and relax.
  148. eldavis

    Dragon Ball DAIMA

    It might still be fun though. I have never fully watched dragon balls before , though I am a fan of anime.
  149. eldavis make money writing articles

    Sounds nice but the part where you have to put in five dollars though, what if your articles does not increase in ranks?
  150. eldavis


    Though I cut my nails from time to time but I have never met a professional to help me do it.
  151. eldavis

    Describe the strangest person you ever meet

    Luckily you met such a person in a busy traffic place. It would have been more scary and awkward to meet someone like that in a quite place.
  152. eldavis

    Do you grow your own Veggies?

    We usually buy ours, though we have some bitter leafs growing in our backyard that we use to deworm and also use for cooking.
  153. eldavis

    Any Surfing Websites that are legit?

    I have never used or come across any website like that in the past. Though it would be nice to have such sites, but the pay won't be much.
  154. eldavis

    How do you see the business that deals with the cereals?

    Over here in my country it is a lucrative business in some parts. Most places don't buy this.
  155. eldavis

    Have You ever Sold any Social Networking website account

    I have never sold anyone before, though some persons have asked to buy mine but I did not agree.
  156. eldavis

    Do you have a blog on your forum?

    I thought about having a blog some time back but I don't think I would have the time to manage one for now.
  157. eldavis

    Do you watch movies on OTT platforms or you download it illegally?

    What's OTT, I do download movies from various sites though, majority of the times i prefer downloading these movies.
  158. eldavis

    What do you like most about RIF?

    One fun thing about Index forum is the ease in navigating the forum compared to some forums.
  159. eldavis

    What aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle do you find most difficult to maintain?

    For me the aspect I am having issues on is the area of eating healthy.
  160. eldavis

    Keeping boarders

    No not really, I am a very private person, and I prefer having my privacy than anything else.
  161. eldavis

    What make your day a good one

    One of the things that makes my day a good one is being able to complete all the task I have at hand to complete.
  162. eldavis


    Our weather is naturally hot majority of the times so we are pretty much used to it. We don't actually get sunburn.
  163. eldavis

    Does the government on your country offer relief food to the needy?

    My country has tried in doing this but in the end due to corruption, these things do not actually reach those who really need them.
  164. eldavis

    Corporal punishment

    Back then during my school days, flogging was seen as normal and a way to punish students. I was flogged several times.
  165. eldavis

    Searching for online employment

    There are actually lots of opportunities for anyone to work from home online, especially those from top tier countries.
  166. eldavis

    Chicken Cuts

    I don't eat it often, so I tend to eat any part available when I finally choose or decide to eat it.
  167. eldavis

    Would you give up your turn for an elderly person?

    I am usually not in a hurry, I don't mind giving my chance for an elderly person, the only time I might not be willing to is if I am in a hurry to go someplace important.
  168. eldavis

    Take out or dine in?

    I don't like eating out often but if I do, I would rather take it home and eat the way I want to.
  169. eldavis

    New 🚩 Make up to 20$ a day

    I have never been able to earn much from surveys, so I doubt I might be able to earn this much from it
  170. eldavis

    Is it unfair for the the team leader to get all the credits?

    It's called a team for a reason, meaning it's a joint effort. Yes the leader might have more praise but the team should also be recognized for their effort.
  171. eldavis

    What can you say about the Apple iPhone 16?

    I have never really been a fan of the iphone, so I can't really say much about it.
  172. eldavis

    How do you spend your weekend

    I am not usually the type that goes out, so I normally spend my weekend indoors working or just with my family.
  173. eldavis

    Giving up

    For me the best way I motivate people around me is by simply showing them how I started and how far I have gone. Yes I am not where I want to be but I have grown seriously.
  174. eldavis

    For women

    It seems this is common with women everywhere cause women in my country also do things like this a lot.
  175. eldavis

    How to track your business outflow

    I believe one of the best ways to track your outflow in business would be by taking records of how much you spend or send out.
  176. eldavis


    We don't have snow here, so I can't really say for sure, but it would be nice to experience it one day.
  177. eldavis

    How many Twitter followers do you have?

    I rarely make use of my twitter account though so I don't have much followers over there. I don't think I have up to 50.
  178. eldavis

    Do you enjoy banana bread?

    I have never tasted banana bread before, but one thing I do know is that anything made from or made with banana would definitely be sweet.
  179. eldavis

    Keeping money

    When it comes to keeping money, I do this by saving some in the bank.
  180. eldavis

    What is the number one skill to become a marketer?

    I believe communication skills and content creation skills are very necessary and important for any one who wants to go into marketing.
  181. eldavis

    Garbage Management

    There are usually areas where we can drop them so the people in charge of disposing them would pick it up.
  182. eldavis

    Dealing with an emotional distant partner

    The best thing would be to have a discussion with such partner, but in the end you can't really force them to do what they don't want to.
  183. eldavis

    How did you know about PTP

    I found out about paid to post from a friend I came across working on the site
  184. eldavis

    Do you believe that we have too little privacy when we communicate online?

    To be honest I don't really think much about that cause if I do, i wont want to do anything online.
  185. eldavis

    What do you like thinking about mostly?

    Majority of the times, I mostly think about my future and how I can make more money.
  186. eldavis

    Have you ever had a disappointed blind date?

    I have never been on a blind date before, so I have not been disappointed.
  187. eldavis

    Love or career?

    I we most definitely go for my career first. It won't make sense to go for love when I can't financially take care of the person I claim to love.
  188. eldavis

    Is money the not important thing?

    Money is important but it is not the most important. When there is no life there would be no need for money, or even when a person is sick, they won't have the time to go after money.
  189. eldavis

    Do you own a Fruit Juicer?

    I don't own one, but we do have plans of buying one in the future cause we really need it.
  190. eldavis

    How do you feel when you dont see your online friend on a site for a long time?

    I would definitely be worried if maybe something might have happened to them or not.
  191. eldavis

    Keeping money in house

    There is an old phone box I do keep mine, I don't really have any secret place to keep them.
  192. eldavis

    What fresh initiatives do you believe would benefit your existing workplace?

    I am currently working from home so at the moment I do not have any in mind.
  193. eldavis

    Do you like Mixed fruit juice?

    Yes I think they are okay. Most mixed fruit drinks are usually sweet compared to a single fruit drink.
  194. eldavis

    Do you have a helper at home?

    I don't have a helper, though I know in the future I might need one, especially due to my work.
  195. eldavis

    Do you plant trees?

    No i don't plant trees, but I strongly believe this would be a fun activity to try out in the future.
  196. eldavis

    The potential for growth in the sparkling water market and how to invest in it.

    Water is one of the things we can't do without as humans, this is one of the reasons why investing in this sector can be so lucrative.
  197. eldavis

    The potential for growth in the organic beverage market and how to invest in it.

    This is actually becoming a very good business to invest in, this is because a lot of people have started going for organic drinks for health reasons.
  198. eldavis

    What kind of blog should i make for my first one?

    Like you said something you are passionate about is the best choice, but at the same time ensure there is a target audience for your passion.
  199. eldavis

    Do you like Eggplant?

    I have seen it so many times online but I have never seen or tasted it in real life.
  200. eldavis

    Do you like to plant lemons and tomatoes in your garden?

    I don't have a garden, but it would be really nice if I had one so I can plant my own tomatoes. Right now tomatoes is very expensive.