Recent content by Etini Willie

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  1. E

    What impact does effective management have on employees in a company?

    It creates a thriving atmosphere where people can work and contribute happily. If a business is managed effectively, staff salaries would be paid on time which would boost the atmosphere in the organization.
  2. E

    What does it mean to franchise a business?

    It means when you have a solid brand and other people want to open their businesses under your brand. They are standalone businesses that would be paying royalties for using your brand.
  3. E

    Elon Musk is the new owner of Twitter

    And he has been pragmatic with his management of Twitter. People have been criticizing him. He is a core business person and all he cares about is profit. He makes moves that would bring profits to him.
  4. E

    Reasons to always reject an employer counteroffer

    Your loyalty would surely be questioned and you would never be considered for any sensitive position as far as that organization os concerned. When you want to quit, just go ahead..
  5. E

    Casava produce

    One produce of cassava that is very prolific in my state is the cassava flakes commonly called garri. It is always consumed by majority of people everyday in my country.
  6. E

    5 businesses that started small and are now world beaters.

    Another one of such businesses is KFC. Bernie Sanders is a perfect model of perseverance to achieve success in business. There is no boundaries to our visions. We just need to make a move.
  7. E

    Why transportation cost is a factor in negotiating salary.

    With the way cost of transportation has been rising, it is not even advisable to take a job that would require you paying transport to go. It depletes a person's salary.
  8. E

    Earn from recycling

    It is a good business. I am just shocked at the upsurge in the demand for recyclable products. I am happy that it has provided a source of employment for some hitherto hopeless people.
  9. E

    Budget function as Personal Financial Controller

    Budget guides you on how to manage your financial resources and get the best out of it. It is a good thing to have your finances budgeted to know how you spend your money.
  10. E

    Why is corporate communication such a challenge?

    Corporate communication is a different thing with personal communication. The corporate world is a different ball game on its own. It has its own modus operandi and if not followed, chaos occurs in the organization.
  11. E

    Reasons to avoid excessive overtime at work

    Compensation doesn't stop burnouts of Staff. When fatigue sets in, it does. I won't do overtime for any organization. Afterall, it I break down, I would still have to use money and treat myself.
  12. E

    How to encourage overtime by workers

    Give them good monetary incentives and they would be willing to put in the extra hours. If you can provide a meal, it would help keep them agile and motivate them to do overtime.
  13. E

    Bad effects of overstaffing on business finance

    There should be parameters that are used to determine the optimal number of Staff needed for an organization. The wage bill might be more than the revenue if an organization is overstaffed.
  14. E

    How would you handle an accusation of embezzlement of company funds?

    Concise records is the only thing that can save such a Staff. Without that, you would argue in vain and no one would believe you. I personally don't even like doing money matters at work.
  15. E

    Should a staff forgo outstanding salary when resigning?

    If I am an employer, I would make sure I pay the person every dime. Even if it is only one day that staff worked, I would calculate it and pay him.
  16. E

    What are the circumstances under which the capital of business may change

    The capital of a business may be altered if the business is able to attract an investor that would invest to expand the business so that more profits can be made.
  17. E

    3 Best ways to get the workload in business covered

    Part time workers can be a stop gap solution to help an organization cover it's workload. The challenge is that some employers make part time staff look like a norm.
  18. E

    How much does it cost to buy a Yacht?

    I strongly believe that the price would vary from country to country. In my country, these kind of things are considered extreme luxury. And they are priced to be very high.
  19. E

    Small and Large Companies adapting to changes in the market.

    There are some large companies with professional managers that can even adapt faster than small businesses. It is not about the size of the business. It is about the business acumen of the decision makers.
  20. E

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    My office deducts lateness fees. It is always about an equivalent of 20 cents. The company is very strict on the no lateness policy. Punctuality is the soul of business.
  21. E

    Factors to consider before taking part time job

    Before taking a part time job, you have to consider how you would be able to tidy up all job responsibilities within the limited timeframe you would need to be present in that organization.
  22. E

    What fresh initiatives do you believe would benefit your existing workplace?

    I work in a media organization. I believe my company should invest in modern gadgets that are more efficient with artificial intelligence. This would enhance the quality of our delivery.
  23. E

    How to make new business opportunities work for you

    Fear of failure won't allow them to make the bold move. Some of them even get to discover these business opportunities first, they would wait for who to start first and before you know it, someone else has cashed in on the opportunity.
  24. E

    Benefits of having part time workers in your workplace

    Part time workers can hold brief and put in a shift in a position where the business can't afford to pay full time. At the end of the day, no gaps are felt.
  25. E

    The job of a truck driver- Well paid or not?

    Truck drivers are well paid because on the road, the future of that business organisations with their products fully loaded depends largely on the diligence of only the truck driver.
  26. E

    What is the difference between commerce and trade

    Commerce comes from the word commercial which means to sell. Trade simply has to do with exchange while commerce has to do with exchange for money. If you give someone a shoe to get a bag, that is trade. When you give someone a bag and get money, that is commerce.
  27. E

    How do you feel about sharing ideas in a business meeting?

    I try to share as much assets ideas as I have when we meet in my office. Why this works is because we have an accomodating management that values staff's opinions.
  28. E

    Does your Job Combat Discrimination at Work?

    My own workplace doesn't really combat discrimination though it is just very subtle. My boss believes that a woman cannot head the organization as she would not have what it takes.
  29. E

    How to perfectly decline an employer counteroffer

    It is just about communication. In all you do, if you want to stay in an employer's good books, never mention that money is One of the reasons you are leaving.
  30. E

    How to leave a job on good terms

    Make sure you are not leaving them for a direct competitor. Let them know why it is necessary for you to leave. And if possible, help them find a suitable replacement.
  31. E

    Why request a pre-employment medical report from some employers?

    Even in my university, a medical report was demanded as part of my admission processing. I think it just would help a company to know what to expect health wise about a staff..
  32. E

    As a business person, always respond to demand.

    Some business people attach emotions to their Production and that's a sure recipe for losses and disaster. If there is no concrete demand that would make the production profitable, don't produce it.
  33. E

    Conference Call Meetings

    This os one of the impacts of technology in business. With conference calls, meetings can be held on the go and costs of holding meetings would be reduced or eliminated.
  34. E

    Personal Questions in Job Interviews

    I don't think those questions are really that personal. Take for instance, physical health. I personally am asthmatic and if I happen to apply to an organization and they get to know that, they would know that I don't have to work around dust.
  35. E

    How do you do to customers that refuses to pay their debts

    I really would not do anything. I would just put it into my records. Even though you pay me later in, you have been disqualified from ever getting those kinds of benefits from my business.
  36. E

    What can make an employee to resign?

    One reason employees resign from their work is if their personal values don't align with the values of the organizations. I was asked to cut corners in my company and use an input that is unethical, I had to resign because that didn't conform to my values.
  37. E

    importance of getting feedback from customers

    When your customers communicate back to you their concerns, displeasures and positives about your products or services, it helps you to position yourself to better deliver the way they would like it for more patronage.
  38. E

    What is penetrative pricing in business

    Penetrative pricing is a good model for a business to use and attract customers. I have tried it before and I got good patronage in my buisness. I recommend it.
  39. E

    How to easily get discount for your business

    If you are consistent with your supplier, you can have a good stand to negotiate for discount. You can't be patronizing me once in a while and you expect discount from me all of a sudden.
  40. E

    Must a business person handover his business to this child?

    I don't see why someone would suffer for years to build a business and hand it over to a stranger to manage when his family is there. I am so giving my own to my child.
  41. E

    How to easily have money to pay workers promptly

    That's why it is always advisable to have the size of workforce that your financial capacity can comfortably pay. It is not about employing but being able to pay the employees.
  42. E

    How to help your credit customers avoid delayed payment

    Your post just reminds me of all this online loan sharks in my country. When your loan is about to be due, they would be calling you every second as if they're your lover.
  43. E

    What is penetrative pricing in business

    This strategy has proven to be a very effective way of attracting customers. It is also called completive pricing. Every rational customer would always prefer the product with the lower price.
  44. E

    As a business person, always respond to demand.

    Business thrives when a person is able to meet the demands of customers. When your products don't meet demands, you would always produce and consume by yourself. Before you start a business,ask yourself if there is a demand for that product. Also ask yourself how big the demand for that product...
  45. E

    What can make an employee to resign?

    Employees come and go in an organization. Sometimes, they go in peace and sometimes they leave with hard feelings. But let's examine the factors that can make an employee to resign. Some employees resign because of bad treatment, some resign because of poor pay, and some resign because of a...
  46. E

    How would you handle an accusation of embezzlement of company funds?

    Imagine you are the one saddled with handling a particular task in your organization and you are given money to execute the task. And a colleague comes up to accuse you of embezzling the funds and using it for your personal use. How would you handle such a situation? How would you prove your...
  47. E

    What do you think of honey business?

    Honey is gotten from bees and it is very healthy to the body. It is a healthier sweetener to sugar. Some people have entered the business of selling honey. It seems it is mostly the elderly people that buy honey. But what do you think of honey business? Do you think it is profitable for one to...
  48. E

    How to develop creativity in business

    I don't know if creativity is inborn or developed. I think if you begin to see the big picture about your business, you can develop creativity in the way you do the business.
  49. E

    Finding The Right Location for your Business Is A MUST

    A business is heavily dependent on the location for it to sell. You can't start a restaurants business in an estate that is very lonely and expect to sell. It would be very difficult.
  50. E

    Business that are known during pandemic

    They locked down every kind of public place in my area but they could not lockdown the open foodstuffs market. That was regarded as essential services and as such were always open.
  51. E

    Starting a Fashion store?

    For me, I think so many people jumped into the business and have made it oess attractive. I won't do the fashion business unless it has to do with selling of used clothes.
  52. E

    How do you price your services?

    It is important to look at your cost of production. I once met a young man who refused to sell his products till he confirms his cost of production. That's a good business person.
  53. E

    Skills to acquire at a start of a business

    General skills to have before starting any business is the ability to do things under pressure. Also, good communication skills are very important so as to make your customers and employers articulate your ideas.
  54. E

    importance of getting feedback from customers

    A good feedback mechanism allows for a business to be able to improve their products to meet up with what the customers want. It is one of the basic things to establish in business.
  55. E

    As a young person, would you do farming business?

    In Malaysia, Thailand and other countries, young people are making good money from agriculture. It is only in Africa that people look down on agriculture. I would do agricultural business if given the opportunity.
  56. E

    How to know the right products to offer your target audiences

    You have to clearly work on studying the preferences of your customers when trying to satisfy them. You can use a survey to get their opinions on what an ideal product should be.
  57. E

    What criteria to employ when pricing your items

    It is important to check how much your competitors are selling same Products. It would give you an assessment of the market price for the product. From there, you fix your prices.
  58. E

    Dog-Eat-Dog World in Business

    It totally depends on what you would term betrayal. If you are doing something wrong in the company and I sell you out, does that apply as withdawal. Dog eat dog is more applicable to competition in. businesses.
  59. E

    How do you make money from your website?

    Subscription to premium Contents seems to me the best way to make money from a website. That's because with this method, everything is in the hands of the owner of the site to create quality contents that people would like.
  60. E

    Selling of contraband goods

    It is always good to engage in busineses that are legal only. That way, you don't cause harm to the society. The risk of arrest associated with selling contraband goods is not a good risk to take.
  61. E

    Reasons for employees quick burnouts

    If you even want your workers to perform at the optimum, you have to be giving them periodic breaks. Human beings perform more efficiently when they are not allowed to gas out.
  62. E

    Why the rich get richer and the poor remain poor?

    Someone that is struggling to feed can never think of starting a business. The major concern of such a person is to eat. And when food is gotten for the day, Mission Accomplished.
  63. E

    How to grow stronger with your business vision

    It is when you start a business as a poverty eradication strategy that you won't have a vision for the business. And this unfortunately is the major reason why some people are in businessses.
  64. E

    How much does it cost to start a TV Channel?

    The only cheaper option is to start an internet based TV station where people can only access through streaming. That seems to be a little bit cheaper than starting a conventional TV station.
  65. E

    The business of buying spoilt phones and gadgets.

    I see people on Facebook advertising to buy dead panels of phones. It was at that point that I knew that dead panels of phones can be repaired and made to work again.
  66. E

    How to avoid conflict with competitors

    Two people are doing the business of retailing gas in my street. They are directly opposite each other. The two people work together. One has a POS machine that he uses to process card payments for the other.
  67. E

    Do you sell your old mobiles, computers

    I have sold my old laptop as used after four years of using it. It was in very good condition. I sold it at one quarter the original price I bought it four years back.
  68. E

    China and Russia agrees to replace USD with Yuan

    The Chinese is making one final push to become the world's economic powerhouse with this move. I don't think this would work as Russia and it's other allies are just a fragment of the world population.
  69. E

    Political Contributions by Businesses

    In some countries, businesses have their own principles and they openly support a person that shares the same principles with them. The would gladly make donations to help the person to power.
  70. E

    To have audience for your product, make it easy to use.

    When I enter a website or a platform and the page takes forever to load, I am done with that site as soon as soon as I came in. Tech products should not be difficult to use.
  71. E

    What encourages effective work performance in a company?

    Try to give improved salaries to your staff. Give bonuses to the staff that work hard and contribute to the growth of the company and appreciate them for their work.
  72. E

    How to fuel your passion for your business

    The business must be what you love doing so that you can still be passionate about the business. That's why it is good to do the business you naturally love and feel affectionate about.
  73. E

    Risks involved in a business

    The risks in business are much. Transportation of products is a risk. Production of goods is a risk, as anything can happen. Selling itself is also a big risk. You might go to the market and you don't find a buyer.
  74. E

    Save money by dumping your credit card at home

    We don't even have credit cards in my country but I heard it is the easiest way for Americans to fall into debt. That's because they pay for everything on credit through their credit cards.
  75. E

    3 benefits of reducing production costs

    It should be one of the major concerns of businesses to try and keep their costs down as much as possible. And that requires that you cut out unnecessary things you spend money on while producing.
  76. E

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    Such a kind of boss would not have staff that are truly loyal to him. Some people tolerate by using headphones at work, some say they don't take the disrespectful things the boss says to mind.
  77. E

    Common sense is beneficial in business as learning by doing

    To be a good business person, you must have a high level of logic. Business requires application of logic to approach it. You can't use emotions to take decisions in business.
  78. E

    Challenges of Doing Business in a Global Economy

    Globalization, as good as it sounds, brings a different dimension to business. Your packaging, your production and every other thing has to be up to international standard for you to take advantage of the global market.
  79. E

    What is the age when one should be asked to start earning?

    Children of today tend to have money consciousness much earlier than we had in our time. They can start making money at 8 years old by doing some casual run arounds for tips. But real money making should be from 15 years old up.
  80. E

    Poultry Farming is the most lucrative business opportunity in the agricultural sector

    The poultry farming business is a business I don't like. The risk in doing the business is high. I know some people make it with the business.
  81. E

    RIF: To/ From Naira or Crypto(LTC,BCH,USDT,BNB,DOGE)

    @uptrendfinancialsignal can you be exchanging $1 RIF Cash for somebody?
  82. E

    Join Forum Promotion / RIF to Forum Promotion's FP$

    Signed up. Username is Etini Willie.