Recent content by freelancermaria

  1. freelancermaria

    If you are rich like Elon Musk; What will do with your billions?

    If I had billions, I'd launch businesses, make investments, help the less fortunate, build animal shelters, support my family and relatives, construct a beachfront residence, sponsor deserving students' education, and so on.
  2. freelancermaria

    The type of burger you prefer?

    I like plant-based burgers because they are quite guilt-free. I also like cheeseburgers. Hehe
  3. freelancermaria

    How do you maintain friendship with your friends?

    I have a small circle of friends, and I realized that it is okay if we do not talk often because we are all busy with our lives.
  4. freelancermaria

    How are you maintaining the peace you have in your life?

    I maintain my peace and quiet by steering clear of negative people. Since I chose to live on my own, my life has become much more peaceful. Hehe
  5. freelancermaria

    Living in the same place

    I have moved around quite a bit, and it's been really interesting living in different places. Hehe
  6. freelancermaria

    Do you buy fruits in Bulk?

    I do not buy in bulk because fruits and vegetables can spoil fast, and living alone, I can't consume them all before they go bad.
  7. freelancermaria

    Do you like to buy Fruits and veggies online?

    I usually buy fruits and vegetables for my parents from an online store. It is convenient because the store is close to our house, and they can deliver the goods the next day.
  8. freelancermaria

    Are you interested in learning about history?

    I am interested in studying History as I am curious about past events and want to gain some insights.
  9. freelancermaria

    Why are people interested in history?

    I am interested in History because I want to understand past events. I recently watched a documentary about the Chernobyl disaster. I had very little knowledge about what happened there, and it was saddening.
  10. freelancermaria

    How do you assist othere to be better?

    I often lend a hand by offering advice when needed, and I love to bring some joy to people by sharing food.
  11. freelancermaria

    How do you deal with body ache

    When I experience body aches, I usually apply some ointment and gently massage the affected area. I prefer not to take any medication for it.
  12. freelancermaria

    App for daily news

    I use the Bing app to stay updated with the latest news and earn some points along the way.
  13. freelancermaria

    Do you just buy discounted products

    Sometimes, I acquire discounted items that I may not immediately need because I know they could be useful to me later.
  14. freelancermaria

    Intermittent fasting

    I have tried intermittent fasting before, which helped me shed some pounds. I combined it with some regular exercise.
  15. freelancermaria

    Do You have a Slow cooker?

    I do not have one at home, but I have used one before at my ex's place and it worked really well! I have been thinking about getting one for myself, but not now.
  16. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer the Fitness Gadgets?

    There is a wide range of fitness gadgets available for purchase today, and they can help in monitoring our heart rate, etc.
  17. freelancermaria

    Should family members be hired in my company?

    I would consider hiring a family member based on their reliability and ability to perform well.
  18. freelancermaria

    Out of all your family members, who are you closest to?

    My younger sister and I are close. Even though we do not live together, we chat on Messenger whenever we have some free time.
  19. freelancermaria

    Free Time

    I usually have plenty of free time, so I often spend it watching Netflix or taking my fur babies to the beach.
  20. freelancermaria

    Do you set a monthly target when making money online?

    I do not have a monthly target because my income is unstable, and I do not want to put unnecessary pressure on myself.
  21. freelancermaria

    Are you satisfied with your internet connection?

    I am happy with the internet connection here. It is pretty fast; the best part is that it is free. I do not have to worry about paying for the internet every month. How about you? Are you happy with your internet connection?
  22. freelancermaria

    Intermittent Fasting Journey

    I have tried intermittent fasting before, and it really helped me lose some weight. I do not do it much these days. I just watch my calorie intake.
  23. freelancermaria

    Are you a chatterbox?

    No, I am not. I'd rather listen than talk. Talking feels like a chore to me because I am introverted.
  24. freelancermaria

    Would you like to be a TV anchor?

    I have no interest in pursuing a career as a TV anchor. I am introverted and feel shy about being in front of the camera. Hehe
  25. freelancermaria

    Do you have a Generator at home?

    Neither my place nor my parent's house has a generator. However, having one would be beneficial during power interruptions.
  26. freelancermaria

    Ice Cream In Winters?

    I love having ice cream to stay calm, especially in the summer. Unfortunately, we do not have a winter season here, but even if we did, I'd still enjoy ice cream. Hehe
  27. freelancermaria

    Do you like lemonade in winters?

    We do not have winter here, but I have lemonade at any time of the day. There are times when I even make my lemonade.
  28. freelancermaria

    Online learning vs traditional method of learning

    I find both ways advantageous, but in my case, I prefer the traditional approach of learning through face-to-face classes. With online classes, there will be many distractions.
  29. freelancermaria

    Dealing with depression

    I struggled with depression after learning about my health condition, and it worsened during the coronavirus pandemic. To deal with it, I read self-help books. Although I still have moments of depression, I avoid taking additional medications as I am already on a lot of medication. I even sought...
  30. freelancermaria

    Save money by stopping expensive lifestyle

    I have given up quite an extravagant lifestyle. I no longer splurge on branded clothes because they are not practical. It is better to save that money and put it into investments.
  31. freelancermaria

    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    I managed to save up enough money to buy a used Thinkpad laptop. I used this laptop for both work and school purposes.
  32. freelancermaria

    Did your business stop during the pandemic?

    No, my online business did not come to a stop during the pandemic, but the workload did decrease.
  33. freelancermaria

    Why did you stop gambling or don't gamble at all?

    I only tried gambling once or twice and I did it only for fun and experience. I was aware that gambling is not good so I decided not to be a fan of it.
  34. freelancermaria

    Why do people gamble?

    Some people gamble because they believe it is an easy way to make money, but it is not a guaranteed win. Unfortunately, it can develop into an addiction, which can lead to the loss of assets and financial difficulty.
  35. freelancermaria

    Jack fruits are in season here

    It's been ages since I last had jackfruit. I wonder if it is in season now. Hehe
  36. freelancermaria

    Bungee jumping or skydiving?

    When I was younger and in good health, I liked to do both, especially skydiving. However, I no longer like to do them because of my current health condition. Doing these activities would pose a risk to my overall health and well-being.
  37. freelancermaria

    Do you like to learn cooking from cookery shows, cooking Magazines etc?

    I enjoy learning new recipes from cooking shows on TV and YouTube channels. I prefer the latter because I do not watch TV much these days.
  38. freelancermaria

    I am so sad this day

    I am really sorry to hear that. Losing a pet is so difficult because they are truly part of the family. :(
  39. freelancermaria

    One sad moment you can't forget

    One of the most heartbreaking moments in my life was when my grandparents and my first dog passed away. It was really heartbreaking.
  40. freelancermaria

    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner 😞

    I feel sad, too, but I am still glad he is an admin on the forum. I am pretty sure it was not an easy decision for him.
  41. freelancermaria

    Where do you get latest updates on investments?

    I usually receive updates from different forum websites. I also go to websites that discuss investments, which are beneficial for deciding on potential investments.
  42. freelancermaria

    Which is latest Game for Mobile Phones?

    I am not aware of any new mobile games. I only play Clash Royale, which is an older game. LOL
  43. freelancermaria

    Do you like to become a gamer?

    I only play video games when I have some free time or when I am in the mood for it. Because of this, I do not think I would classify myself as an avid gamer. Hehe
  44. freelancermaria

    Have You Tried ACX

    This is the first time I heard about this. I am not usually an avid reader, but I am going to give it a try. Maybe with the help of this website, I will develop a love for reading. Hehehe
  45. freelancermaria

    Have you tried a Sony smartphone?

    I never owned a Sony smartphone. When I was younger, I had a basic Sony phone, and I really liked using it.
  46. freelancermaria

    Do you have a scientific calculator?

    I had a scientific calculator when I was in high school. We used it in some of our math subjects. I no longer own one since there is no purpose for it.
  47. freelancermaria

    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    Here, beef is more expensive. In my case, I prefer fish and chicken over beef because of both preference and health reasons. I prefer not to spend a big amount on meat that is not the best for my well-being.
  48. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer foldable phones?

    The Samsung foldable phone that I like is costly. While I am attracted to its innovative design, I have reservations about its practicality and feel that sticking to my current phone is a better choice.
  49. freelancermaria

    What's your experience with dropshipping on Amazon?

    I have no prior experience with dropshipping on Amazon, but it is something I want to try in the future, especially with the tools mentioned above.
  50. freelancermaria

    What is your experience with Blackberry?

    During its prime, BlackBerry phones were excellent. I have had the chance to use different second-hand BlackBerry devices, and they are really good. Even now, I find myself nostalgic for using a BlackBerry.
  51. freelancermaria

    Have you used Walkman?

    Yes, I used to have a Walkman for listening to music. Sometimes I miss the old gadgets and the memories they bring.
  52. freelancermaria

    Do you own an Airfryer?

    Yes, I own an air fryer, which I acquired last year. I love using it because it allows me to cook without using much oil, which is better for my health. I try to avoid using too much oil in my cooking, and the air fryer has been an excellent tool for that.
  53. freelancermaria

    What is the most unusual password you have ever seen?

    It is essential to use unique and complex passwords to boost security. I avoid using easily guessable passwords. Hehe
  54. freelancermaria

    What is the toughest password you have ever used?

    The toughest password I have ever used was a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, something unrelated to me, and including some symbols. I avoid using easily guessable passwords.
  55. freelancermaria

    Have you ever used walkie talkie?

    Yes, when I was a child, I had a walkie-talkie. My aunt bought it for us siblings, and it was pretty cool.
  56. freelancermaria

    Using the same browser across multiple devices

    I always use Safari or Google Chrome on my smartphone and laptop. However, I usually go for the former these days.
  57. freelancermaria

    Do you have a helper at home?

    Yes, when you give birth, you will definitely need help. You will require someone to help with household chores while tending to your newborn.
  58. freelancermaria

    Do you have a printer at home

    We still have one at home, but I am unsure if it is working. The last time I checked, it was still there. I will throw it away if it is not working to save space.
  59. freelancermaria

    Do you like interacting with a chatbox on a site or you preferred a human

    I prefer speaking with humans as their answers are often more reliable and straightforward. I rarely use the chatbox on websites.
  60. freelancermaria

    Is PayPal Supported In Your Country?

    Yes, PayPal is supported here. I have been using PayPal for over a decade now, and I have not encountered any problems using it. I hope I won't encounter any in the future.
  61. freelancermaria

    Will you update to iOS18 ?

    For Apple iPhone users, a new software update was released on September 16. This update allows you to personalize your iPhone experience by arranging your lock screen and offers other nice features. Will you update to iOS 18?
  62. freelancermaria

    Thank you again, admin

    Yet another payment from the admin! Thank you so much!
  63. freelancermaria

    Do you go clubbing?

    I am introverted and do not enjoy clubbing. I prefer listening to the sound of waves at the beach or staying at home watching movies or TV series.
  64. freelancermaria

    Do you like Beer?

    I used to like it before, but now I don't. I prefer drinking green tea or matcha, as it is healthier for the body.
  65. freelancermaria

    Road trip or direct flight?

    I like road trips. I usually do it when I have extra money to spare. Road trips allow me to enjoy the beautiful views.
  66. freelancermaria

    How to overcome gambling addiction

    You need to take steps to stop gambling. Convince yourself that it won't benefit you and can ruin your life and relationships.
  67. freelancermaria

    Why do you take coffee?

    I am not much of a coffee drinker. I prefer green tea over coffee because it is better for my overall health and well-being.
  68. freelancermaria


    I do not believe it is necessarily harmful, especially when consumed moderately, especially black coffee. However, I personally love green tea or matcha.
  69. freelancermaria

    Wealth creation

    I will strive to put in more effort to boost my earnings and potentially launch a small offline business to supplement my income.
  70. freelancermaria

    Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?

    One of my regrets is that I did not save money when I was young. Nobody instilled it in me, so I thought saving money was unimportant. It is good that I realized this during the pandemic and have started saving money.
  71. freelancermaria

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I am tired of constantly paying bills and not saving much every month because most of my income is allocated to bills and maintenance medicines.
  72. freelancermaria

    What Are the Most Profitable Careers

    I think people working in web development, AI, and virtual assistants can make a lot of money, particularly those with extensive experience. They often charge higher rates.
  73. freelancermaria

    Shifting careers

    It depends. If the medical doctor is near retirement age and has substantial savings and investments, he or she could retire and start a business. However, it is not practical if he or she is not financially stable.
  74. freelancermaria

    Do you believe in Ghosts!

    I believe they are real; maybe I should refer to them as elemental beings. I encountered them two months ago, and it was scary.
  75. freelancermaria

    What your take on ghosts?

    Two months ago, I had a frightening experience. I felt the presence of a ghost or some kind of entity.
  76. freelancermaria

    Favourite toy when you where young?

    I liked playing with Barbie dolls, robots, and Legos. Among these, I really preferred robots because my older brother owns an extensive collection. Haha.
  77. freelancermaria


    Yes, I am afraid of thick forests, so I do not go there. Anything can happen at any time.
  78. freelancermaria

    Are you afraid of walking alone on the lone paths ways?

    No, I am not comfortable. I do not think it is safe to do it so I won’t attempt.
  79. freelancermaria

    Breast Surgery

    I do not want to get breast surgery. It is scary! But I do not judge anyone who chooses to do it. If it helps them feel more confident, then that is their choice.
  80. freelancermaria

    Whats is your favorite weather

    We have only two seasons in our country, and I usually favor the wet season. However, I do not enjoy it when a strong typhoon hits because it often leads to flooding.
  81. freelancermaria

    Whats your favorite tv show of all time?

    I love Prison Break as my all-time favorite TV show. It is at the top of my list, along with Game of Thrones and The 100.
  82. freelancermaria

    Whats your native language

    Tagalog is our native language. There are some words that are akin to Spanish since the Philippines was once colonized by Spaniards.
  83. freelancermaria

    Chewing gum

    I do not mind chewing gum; it is not an issue for me. Although, it's been quite a while since I have actually chewed any. Hehe
  84. freelancermaria

    Do you like posting on social media websites?

    I prefer to post only when I feel like it or when I have the time. I am not a fan of posting often.
  85. freelancermaria

    Social media sites

    I think social media platforms are not completely reliable. Fake news keeps popping up, and they do not seem to be able to control it.
  86. freelancermaria

    Why does new business owners talk bad things about existing business?

    Some businesses resort to this practice as their only means of competing with established industry players. However, this strategy is not good and is considered unethical.
  87. freelancermaria

    Things that are bad

    Feeling lonely is normal. The key is to find ways to get yourself out of that feeling. It can be helpful to get out and change your environment. You could visit the beach or explore a new place.
  88. freelancermaria

    Is geography uself?

    To be honest, I have no sense of direction. I manage to get lost even when I use the maps application on my smartphone. Haha
  89. freelancermaria

    Favorite Peanut Butter brand?

    My favorite brand of peanut butter is Skippy. I usually go for the no-added-sugar variant. Hehe
  90. freelancermaria

    Do you like Butter

    I like unsalted butter, especially Lurpak, which is my favorite brand. However, I do not have it frequently. I prefer sugar-free peanut butter.
  91. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer tomato Ketchup?

    I like tomato ketchup. It is my go-to dipping sauce for air-fried chicken. Hehe. I am also quite fond of banana ketchup.
  92. freelancermaria

    Which part of the house so you enjoy most

    I live in a small apartment, which I love immensely. It allows me to do as I please and distance myself from negative people.
  93. freelancermaria

    What part of your house do you like the most?

    My whole apartment. It is peaceful because I do not have to deal with toxic people.
  94. freelancermaria

    What do you eat immediately when extremely hungry?

    When I get hungry, my go-to snack is wheat bread with sugar-free peanut butter. If that is not available, I will go for peanuts or soda crackers instead.
  95. freelancermaria

    Have You Seen The Wolf and the Lion?

    I have not seen this one yet. I will check if it is still on Netflix and try to watch it tomorrow.
  96. freelancermaria

    Lion as pet

    Some people are doing it. In fact, others are looking after cheetahs, and so on. Hehe
  97. freelancermaria

    Why do you think the rates of unemployment is so high allover the world

    There is a shortage of jobs, which leads to higher unemployment rates. In addition, AI and machines are increasingly replacing human workers.
  98. freelancermaria

    Do you use gas or electricity when cooking?

    In my apartment, tenants are not allowed to use gas for cooking, so I only use electricity for cooking and I always do so outside my unit. What about you? Do you use gas or electricity for cooking?
  99. freelancermaria

    What's your love language?

    One of my love languages is an act of service. I like providing service to my loved ones. Hehe.
  100. freelancermaria


    Due to my medical condition, I am unable to fast anymore. I used to be able to do it when I was healthy.
  101. freelancermaria


    I am glad to see this forum website busy with activity again. I enjoy the mix of old and new topics being discussed here. I try to start new threads to keep the conversation fresh for the members.
  102. freelancermaria

    Feeling energized

    I feel happy and energized when I have money and peace of mind. Hehehe. I hope to have more in the future.
  103. freelancermaria

    Are you investing in the bank?

    I am unsure if a time deposit counts as an investment. I have tried it in the past and made some money. If I have extra cash to spare, I will consider doing it again.
  104. freelancermaria

    Investing in china products and reselling them

    Try launching a business by selling products in China. You could buy items from Alibaba and market them through online or offline channels.
  105. freelancermaria

    How much did you earn here?

    It depends on your activity here. There are many times I do not earn $1 each day because of work.
  106. freelancermaria

    What feature do you wish your phone had?

    I hope for improved battery life, as I am a heavy user, and carrying a power bank around is inconvenient. In addition, I'd love for the camera feature on my phone to be better since I enjoy taking pictures.
  107. freelancermaria

    Wish you had more of?

    Money and peace of mind. Both are equally important to me and I hope to have both in the future.
  108. freelancermaria


    I want to become fluent in Spanish. I also have an interest in French and Korean. I took some French classes in college but did not absorb everything I learned that much. LOL.
  109. freelancermaria

    Cure your depression

    Depression is a serious matter that can strongly impact individuals, particularly those facing financial issues, health concerns, family challenges, and more.
  110. freelancermaria

    Do you watch movies on OTT platforms or you download it illegally?

    I usually stream movies on platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime instead of downloading them to avoid potential computer issues. Hehe
  111. freelancermaria

    What is your favorite niche

    One of my favorite niches was travel. I traveled a lot when I was healthy and had extra money to spare. Hehe
  112. freelancermaria

    Do you have a blog on your forum?

    I created a blog on a forum that we had previously created. Unfortunately, we did not prioritize it, leading to the eventual closure of the website.
  113. freelancermaria

    Semrush or Ahrefs?

    I have used both tools. However, I used Semrush more when I was still blogging and studying an online freelancing course.
  114. freelancermaria

    8 Ways to Get Noticed on Instagram

    Those are great tips. I also use Instagram and hope to grow my following in the future. This could help me secure an SMM job later on, too.
  115. freelancermaria

    Have You ever Sold any Social Networking website account

    I have never sold a social media account before, and it is something I do not consider. However, I have heard that many people do this to make money.
  116. freelancermaria

    Have You Ever Sold A Website?

    I have never sold a website before. I failed to renew my website, and someone bought it because it had a page rank of 2.
  117. freelancermaria

    How to Start Blogging as a Side Hustle

    Yes, that is correct. I plan to start blogging again. I am going to buy a domain and hope to earn from it to supplement my income. Hehe.
  118. freelancermaria

    How Old is Your Oldest Site?

    I no longer have a personal website. I stopped blogging in 2013 or 2014 due to financial issues and health problems, which prevented me from renewing my websites.
  119. freelancermaria

    Expectations vs reality

    Some business owners may resort to dishonesty for their own advantage. They deceive people to make money, but they fail to realize that their profits may only be short-term. Customers who have been deceived are unlikely to return, and they may even leave negative feedback that could ruin your...
  120. freelancermaria

    The rich getting richer?

    The rich are getting richer. They have ways to make more money through investments, businesses, and so on. They are committed to making more money.
  121. freelancermaria

    EV or Hybrid Car

    I am not sure; I might go for a hybrid unless they set up more nationwide charging infrastructure here for electric vehicles.
  122. freelancermaria

    Is car wash a good investment?

    It is a good business idea or investment, especially as more people become car owners. It is profitable here because the locations are strategically positioned.
  123. freelancermaria

    When to trust a partner

    A partner who is kind, respectful, and honest is someone I can trust. Without these qualities, I do not think I can trust him.
  124. freelancermaria

    Trust is like eraser, it gets smaller with every mistake

    Yes, trust is like an eraser: it gets smaller when the person keeps lying. I dislike people who constantly lie, so I stay away from them.
  125. freelancermaria

    Do you trust your friends with investment?

    For advice, it won't hurt to trust them. However, I make sure to conduct thorough research before trying it. In regards to money, I won't trust anyone.
  126. freelancermaria

    What is the purpose of your investment?

    It is intended for future use. I have chosen to do it because I realize that I won't get any help as I age.
  127. freelancermaria

    Do you encourage your eligible kids to invest?

    I do not have children, but if I ever have any, I will teach them to save and invest from an early age. It is something I was never taught, and now I am struggling because of it.
  128. freelancermaria

    What are your plans for making big money

    Currently, I have a plan in the works, and I am determined to see it through before the year ends. I am expanding my skillset, in which I dedicate time to work and address personal matters.
  129. freelancermaria make money writing articles

    I am not sure if I want to try it since I do not like investing money before making any. Hehe
  130. freelancermaria

    Retiring early

    I do not plan to retire early. I intend to keep working for as long as possible because I realize I will be on my own when facing tough times.
  131. freelancermaria

    Pimples and acne

    I apply an acne or pimple patch when I get the occasional pimple during my period. It works well for getting rid of pimples. I also ensure I do not use a towel when washing my face. I use a facial tissue instead.
  132. freelancermaria

    Do you have acne

    I struggled with acne during high school, and it affected my confidence. It is a good thing I do not have acne anymore, but I still get the occasional pimple or two during my period.
  133. freelancermaria

    What things are 100% worth the money?

    I believe that a good vacation, where you can unwind and leave your problems behind for a while, is really priceless.
  134. freelancermaria

    Roasted peanuts

    Roasted peanuts are my go-to snack when I feel hungry in the middle of the night. Hehe.
  135. freelancermaria

    How do you feel when you dont see your online friend on a site for a long time?

    Yes, especially if that person is regularly using the website and we have had past conversations. It actually happened to me once. There was a girl who suddenly stopped being active, and later I found out that she had passed away due to kidney disease. I was saddened when I heard about the news.
  136. freelancermaria

    What is more important for a webmaster, passion or money?

    I believe they are equally vital. Without passion, it can be challenging to pursue something, such as blogging. You also need finances to maintain your website.
  137. freelancermaria

    Is money the not important thing?

    Without a doubt, money is essential for survival. Without it, we can't live comfortably or handle emergency situations properly.
  138. freelancermaria


    I prefer to do one big shopping trip rather than frequent smaller ones. This way, I can save time, energy, and even some money. Hehe
  139. freelancermaria

    Planning meals in advance

    Yes, I usually plan my meals in advance so that I can make a shopping list and save time at the grocery store.
  140. freelancermaria

    Do you dress to impress other

    I choose my outfits based on what makes me feel comfortable and happy, rather than going for clothes that make me feel uneasy. My go-to attire usually includes t-shirts paired with shorts or pants, and I tend to complete the look with a pair of Crocs for footwear. Hehe
  141. freelancermaria

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    I used to stay up late, sometimes until 4 or 5 in the morning, especially at the peak of the pandemic. But now, I have managed to adjust my schedule and I usually go to bed around 9 or 10 in the evening and wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning.
  142. freelancermaria

    Love or career?

    Haha. Yes, it is awesome if we can have both. It is a good feeling to have both love and career at the same time.
  143. freelancermaria

    Love or career?

    Yes, that is right. Love is something we can experience at any time or at the right time. Good opportunities do not come around often, so grab them when you can. 1726130664 Same here. While it is essential to be patient when it comes to love, it is also vital not to miss out on a great...
  144. freelancermaria

    Do you have a helper at home?

    Do you still hire a helper these days? We do not hire one anymore. We do the household chores by ourselves. Hehe 1726130107 Yes, a reliable vacuum cleaner is helpful in cleaning the house. I do not use one in my apartment since it is small. Hehe 1726130151 Same here. In addition, I prefer to...
  145. freelancermaria

    What type of games you play to feel relaxed?

    Lately, I have been only into online gaming. I enjoy playing "The Sims" and "Crash Bandicoot" - both are classic games that I am really fond of. Hehe
  146. freelancermaria

    Giving up

    I often tell someone who is on the verge of giving up with the reminder, "This too shall pass." It is a mantra I also use to encourage myself.
  147. freelancermaria

    For women

    I depend on eyebrow makeup since my eyebrows are quite thin, but I do not bother with mascara that much for my eyelashes.
  148. freelancermaria

    Cold water in the morning

    Yes, I do enjoy drinking cold water, especially in the summer. However, I usually have water or tea together with food, which is brunch for me.
  149. freelancermaria

    What do you like thinking about mostly?

    Same here. I am constantly looking for ways to earn money online to have financial security and peace of mind for the future.
  150. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy reading physical books or ebooks?

    I find myself reading physical books now because my eyes get tired when reading using my smartphone or tablet, although I like both options.
  151. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy banana bread?

    You can look up banana bread recipes online. You can easily make one at home, especially if you have an oven. Hehe 1726109750 I see. If you have the time, you can make some banana bread at home, especially if you have an air fryer or oven. 1726109839 it is quite easy to make. You can...
  152. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy banana bread?

    I am a fan of banana bread. When I get a craving, I usually prepare some homemade banana bread using the air fryer. It is a great way to save money and control the amount of sugar I put in. How about you? Do you enjoy banana bread?
  153. freelancermaria

    What can you say about the Apple iPhone 16?

    The pre-orders for the Apple iPhone 16 started on September 9th. It seems like a lot of Apple fans are rather stoked about getting their hands on the Apple 16. It's got the A17 chip and some awesome camera upgrades. What do you think about it, especially if you are a big Apple fan?
  154. freelancermaria

    Farming business

    Farming is a great business idea that can be rewarding. You can sell your fresh produce to vendors in public markets, supermarkets, restaurants, and other places.
  155. freelancermaria

    Social Media Strategy for Your Business

    A lot of businesses struggle due to a lack of effective social media strategies. It is vital for them to develop content that reflects their brand, showcase their products or services, keep track of analytics, and so on.
  156. freelancermaria

    Gambling in the business center

    Engaging in gambling within the workplace is unethical and can hurt office productivity. It should be done after work hours and off-site.
  157. freelancermaria

    Recent increase in part time workers

    It is possible that some companies are hiring part-time workers to save on costs by avoiding benefit expenses, but I am not so sure.
  158. freelancermaria

    How did you managed the operation of the kiosk business?

    Ensure to carefully plan before starting a kiosk business, just as you would for any other business venture. In addition, make sure not to overlook the importance of effective marketing.
  159. freelancermaria

    Pickle making is good business

    I believe it could be a rewarding business idea in some locations, but I am uncertain about its potential in the province where I currently live.
  160. freelancermaria

    What kind of blog should i make for my first one?

    It is essential to have a niche that you are passionate about. For instance, if you are passionate about traveling, you could consider creating a website related to travel.
  161. freelancermaria

    Revamping my blog

    The cost may differ depending on the level of work needed for your blog. If you want to hire a professional, prepare to pay for a higher rate.
  162. freelancermaria

    Can a Blog Help Your Business

    You can absolutely use your blog to promote your product or service. I have personally used it to showcase my services, and it proved to be quite helpful.
  163. freelancermaria

    Selling Boiled Eggs

    Boiled eggs make a perfect post-workout meal. This could be a great business idea, especially if the location is strategic, near gyms, offices, schools, and so on.
  164. freelancermaria

    What do you see the selling of eggs as your business in the locality?

    Selling eggs is a rewarding business since there is a high demand for eggs, with many people consuming them nearly every day.
  165. freelancermaria

    Why Facebook and Instagram Are Top Choices for Business

    Both platforms are preferred by business owners and freelancers due to their extensive user bases, which offer vast opportunities to connect with potential clients.
  166. freelancermaria

    Can Company Benefit from Free Food?

    Some companies give top priority to this, especially when they genuinely care about their employees' well-being. They strive to ensure their employees are happy and fulfilled in their roles, particularly if the employees are committed to driving the company's success.
  167. freelancermaria

    Casava produce

    I think it is a great business idea, especially if you plan to sell it to the public or wet market. I have noticed a few cassava sellers around here.
  168. freelancermaria

    How Did You Guys Find Paid to Post Forums

    I remember discovering it while researching ways to earn money online. It was Mylot, but I am not certain if it qualifies as a forum website.
  169. freelancermaria

    Do you make a to-do list?

    Every now and then, create a to-do list, especially when I have a lot of tasks to complete, to make sure I do not miss anything.
  170. freelancermaria

    What is the Easiest Platform to start selling Online?

    I find Facebook to be a good platform for selling products. You can use Facebook Marketplace for selling purposes. Hehe
  171. freelancermaria

    What can I do to become highly successful in photography business?

    Stay updated with the latest photography trends, and make sure to have the skills, knowledge, and equipment needed. Do not forget the significance of showcasing your work online and offline to attract potential clients. Have a portfolio that allows potential clients to see your work.
  172. freelancermaria

    Have you test out trading on Walbi. com

    I am not familiar with this website. This is the first time hearing about it. However, based on other members, it seems not legit. I won’t join if that is the case.
  173. freelancermaria Reviews

    I am a member of BMF, but I have not participated in Beer Surveys before. I am not sure if it is still active these days.
  174. freelancermaria

    Do you have a helper at home?

    We used to have a helper when I was in elementary school. My parents needed someone to look after us while they were at work. Unfortunately, our helper robbed us, so we decided not to hire anyone else. I even started washing my school uniform around 5th or 6th grade. What about you? Do or did...
  175. freelancermaria

    Love or career?

    If you could only choose one, would you pick money or a career? Why? In my case, I would choose a career because I believe that love can come later. I want to be successful so that I can lead a better life and support those who depend on me. In addition, I do not want to be a financial burden to...
  176. freelancermaria

    What is the most life changing book you've ever read?

    When I first began getting into reading, I came across "Chicken Soup for the Soul," which was inspiring.
  177. freelancermaria

    Do you like biscuits with tea?

    Yes, when I have biscuits at home, I usually pair them with green tea or matcha green tea.
  178. freelancermaria

    Getting a Butt lift surgery?

    Some people undergo this to improve their appearance and boost their confidence. However, it is not something I am interested in doing.
  179. freelancermaria

    Lift on a stranger's vehicle

    I definitely won't do it. Riding in a car with someone I do not even know can be risky.
  180. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer the glass coffee tables?

    I prefer wooden coffee tables as they fit in with the theme of my home, giving it a more minimalistic look that I prefer.
  181. freelancermaria

    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    That is great. Eating grilled fish with salad is something I do as well. I will have another grilled fish this coming weekend and I plan of having Caesar salad to go with it. 1725948863 Wow. I am not sure if I can eat only vegetables. I need some fish or chicken. Maybe I will give it a try to...
  182. freelancermaria

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    There is no need to hire an accountant since I do not own an offline business. Maybe I will need one if ever I open a big business someday. Hehe
  183. freelancermaria

    Have you ever ruined two people’s relationship?

    I have never ruined someone’s relationship. I did not cheat on anyone. However, if someone close to my heart is hurting, for instance, a close friend, I will protect him or her, especially if there is evidence.
  184. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer to live with a Joint family or Nuclear family?

    I like the nuclear family structure and would rather live with them than be in a joint family. However, nowadays, I find myself preferring to live alone. I enjoy the peace and quiet it provides.
  185. freelancermaria

    Can you intervene people’s relationship?

    I only intervene if someone asks for my help or advice. However, I will let them know if I have proof that a friend is being cheated on.
  186. freelancermaria

    Why do you feel dogs are better pet than cats?

    I am more of a dog person. I find that dogs are extremely loyal and offer unconditional love, which makes them great companions, especially when you are alone. While cats can also be equally loving, I have a special relationship with dogs.
  187. freelancermaria

    How To Deal With The Fear Of Growing Up?

    I used to fear growing up, but I realized it was inevitable. I embraced it and made every moment count. Hehe
  188. freelancermaria

    Do you like to play with Kids?

    Yes, even though I do not plan on having kids of my own, I really enjoy spending time with children. It is fun and makes me feel young again. Hehe.
  189. freelancermaria

    Are you an absolutely loyal person?

    I believe I am a loyal person. I was loyal to a fault before. It depends on the person. If he or she is special to me, I will be loyal to him or her.
  190. freelancermaria

    How many hours do you spend daily to earn online?

    I used to spend over 10 hours a day online because I used to work late into the night. However, I have changed my schedule, and now I work in the morning or afternoon. As a result, I now spend 5 to 6 hours online daily, and I can sleep around 9 or 10 in the evening.
  191. freelancermaria

    First disappointment

    Being disappointed is a part of our lives. I have experienced disappointment many times before. I have done good deeds for people, yet they did not appreciate me.
  192. freelancermaria

    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    Yes, when it is well-spiced, it is enjoyable to eat. I usually add fresh herbs that I grow in my apartment. Sometimes, I use the dried herbs I bought a few months ago. 1725944294 Beef is tastier, I believe. However, I still prefer to eat chicken and fish because they are healthier choices. Hehe
  193. freelancermaria

    Time is like a dream

    Yes, it is the “Ber” month already, and Christmas is only three months away. Undoubtedly, time flies really fast. This is why we must treasure every moment we have. We do not know what can happen tomorrow.
  194. freelancermaria

    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    I am a big fan of grilled fish. That is what is on the menu for dinner tonight. I picked it up from the store near my apartment. Besides grilled fish, they also sell grilled chicken and meat. How about you, do you enjoy eating grilled fish?
  195. freelancermaria

    Facebook vs Twitter

    I think it is more effective to promote products or services on Facebook due to its larger user base compared to Twitter. I hardly use Twitter these days.
  196. freelancermaria

    Twitter Vs Threads?

    I have accounts on both platforms, but I am inactive. I hardly use them these days because when I want to get updated with the latest news, I go to news websites or Reddit.
  197. freelancermaria

    Selling on Facebook Vs. selling on Instagram

    I think Facebook is more effective because people can easily buy from Facebook Marketplace. Additionally, I believe that more people use Facebook compared to Instagram.
  198. freelancermaria

    Do you like Facebook or Instagram?

    I prefer Instagram because it is less toxic than Facebook. I only use a Facebook account for work and to promote my online freelancing service.
  199. freelancermaria

    Do you think technology will replace humans in the future?

    I think so. In fact, it is already happening today. AI is now replacing human beings in different sectors. It is a sad reality that we must face.
  200. freelancermaria

    Purchasing new ones or making some repairs which is which?

    My first option is to get my device repaired. If it can't be fixed, I will save up for a new one instead of buying it right away.