Recent content by Kerryjoy

  1. Kerryjoy

    Do you think the things that you write would change?

    Yeah, as for me I truly believe they will change because we have creative minds and alot of innovation going on
  2. Kerryjoy

    Still living with your parent's after marriage

    Nop, according to our culture and generally the bible marriage is when the man leaves the parents same to the woman and they start their lives together alone
  3. Kerryjoy

    Living in the same place

    As for me I have been moving with my parents, but just waiting for the right opportunity To start my journey of travelling and adventures
  4. Kerryjoy

    If you are rich like Elon Musk; What will do with your billions?

    Investment is the most important thing, then empowering people, as the proverbs say give a man a fish and teach him how to fish
  5. Kerryjoy

    Are celebrities always doing the right things?

    As I can say, not all celebrities do the right thing, some always regret for their actions on stage or even an event they organised
  6. Kerryjoy

    What subjects do you bring up in casual conversation?

    I prefer talking about climate change to give reminders to my friends on the situation of our earth
  7. Kerryjoy

    Do you think you are a good listener?

    As for me, I am , I do prefer to listen more than to speak this is the wisdom I got from the Bible
  8. Kerryjoy

    Ways to Cut Electricity Expenses

    Electric bills are indeed rising up rapidly, you are right but as for me I have thought of getting a solar panel system this will save a lot
  9. Kerryjoy

    Do you believe that some people are more creative and others are more effective at putting ideas into practice?

    That's why ideas are made by collaboration, people do have different skills that they can use to make it successful idea
  10. Kerryjoy

    Do you get freebies from your government?

    In my country, politicians are all the same, during election time, we get all the promises but when elected no promises is fulfilled
  11. Kerryjoy

    Money can be made from animal feeds production.

    Agriculture as a whole, is a big business and with alot of profit as I can say, indeed making animal feeds is such a wonderful idea and very profitable
  12. Kerryjoy

    Have you made money from home?

    As for me it's now that I have started my online earning journey, it seems great and very exciting indeed.
  13. Kerryjoy

    Have you made money on SEOClerk

    I'll now register to the site, thank you for the idea, never knew that there are alot of earnings sites online
  14. Kerryjoy

    Have you made money as a ghost writer?

    It's my first time hearing such a work, I have never tried it , hopefully I'll do research and get to know more about ghost writers
  15. Kerryjoy

    How Did You feel when you first made some money Online

    For me it was one of the moments in life because, it was my also first earning, I was very happy indeed
  16. Kerryjoy

    Giving freebies and free taste to market a product

    I'm very familiar with that marketing trick, and I hope they collected your reviews on the product or made a small survey about how you think about the product
  17. Kerryjoy

    How can money be made on tiktok?

    In tictok I'm only familiar with people going live and get gifts from the viewers , and later converts that to money
  18. Kerryjoy

    Forgiving a cheating partner

    I think when you forgive your partner will totally change your feelings towards him or her even trust will not be as it used to be
  19. Kerryjoy

    Do you like cheating for self gaining of something?

    It's very non honest way to acquire things, I know most people later feel guilty of why they did that, I really don't prefer that
  20. Kerryjoy

    Does the government on your country offer relief food to the needy?

    Yes the government does offer in my country but alot of corruption and greedy among the people who are responsible making it difficult for the needy to get the required
  21. Kerryjoy

    Does the raining heavily cause a lot of floods in your ares?

    For sure, in my country alot of destruction, have been made by the floods and schools have been closed as the weather is being monitored, roads have turned to rivers
  22. Kerryjoy

    Give and Take of Ideas

    The power of collaboration, it is wonderful, sharing ideas, brings alot of creativity and solving problems becomes very easy than we expected
  23. Kerryjoy

    Do you believe in miracles?

    I do believe in miracles, and even waking up this morning is a miracle to me, but there is a limit, we should focus on Christ not miracles performed by preacher, remember satan can also do miracles
  24. Kerryjoy

    Do you believe that the internet has made people closer?

    Wow, it's amazing what technology has done to our community, I heard about, a global village, people communicate easy without straining soo much
  25. Kerryjoy

    Does wealth have an impact on happiness?

    Wealth does bring happiness Indeed, but in my opinion some cases the happiness doesn't last long as that when there is love
  26. Kerryjoy

    Wealth doesn’t bring you real happiness, love does

    I do agree with you, after all wealth can end at anytime or become valueless, but true love bring joy all times, hope to have people who can show true love around me
  27. Kerryjoy

    Life is not easy

    That is very true life is full of ups and downs, pain and happiness all in one. So we should be prepared to learn the lessons life gives us.
  28. Kerryjoy

    Building Wealth with Small Savings

    You are very right, small things really matter to make it big, but there should be planning, and a good strategy to achieve the goal
  29. Kerryjoy

    At what time do you wake up?

    Success begins with simple acts of taking care of time, both the rich and the poor have an equal time of 24 hours in a day, the difference is how the hours are spent. Waking up early preparing my goals for the day is my daily routine
  30. Kerryjoy

    What is the Ideal time for Salary Increment?

    It highly depends on the success of the business as I can say, then the owner rewards the employee as the business expands
  31. Kerryjoy

    How can I Create a Successful YouTube Channel?

    Creating a high and quality content and increasing the user engagement and mastery of how the algorithm works
  32. Kerryjoy

    Which is your favorite article writing or PTP?Why

    As I can say I'm new to the online earnings, but so far I'm trying all the sites and skilling myself to fit
  33. Kerryjoy

    Do you have an inner feeling that the project could be a scam?

    Sometimes that feeling is always there, making it hard to make a decision , it's very difficult to trust something
  34. Kerryjoy

    Should a man be the primary bread winner of a family?

    From my religious beliefs and how I think it should be, a man is the one who should provide for the family because he is the head and that will maintain respect
  35. Kerryjoy

    The Beginner's Guide to Sproutgigs

    It is very difficult to earn from sprout gig from an African country because we don't have enough tasks available
  36. Kerryjoy

    Feeling tired from work

    Good luck in every thing you are doing here I'm just trying to relax as I edit some videos here
  37. Kerryjoy

    Using Free Learning Platform to Upskill or New New Skill

    I recently used cousera in up my skills in cyber security it was very much helpful indeed
  38. Kerryjoy

    At what age should a child be financially independent?

    I can say that it depends on the effort made by the person but on logic by age 25 one should be able to fully depend on him or herself
  39. Kerryjoy

    Using the same browser across multiple devices

    As for me I use different browsers in my devices but my Google accounts are signed in so I can access my passwords
  40. Kerryjoy

    How many social sites are you actually using?

    As for me I usually use tick tock, Instagram Facebook and YouTube as my social media preferred
  41. Kerryjoy

    How many rooms in your house?

    I still live in my parents house so I can say there is a sitting room, kitchen, three bedroom a study room and a store
  42. Kerryjoy

    Implementing no smoking regulations while in the company environment.

    Smocking is very dangerous to the health and for me I can't tolerate such characters around me, I can't allow people to kill themselves in my eyes
  43. Kerryjoy

    How many posts do you have on your blog?

    I personally have started recently on my blogs, still working on how to write quality articles that they may be monetized so far I have 10 post
  44. Kerryjoy

    At what age should a parent stop taking care of a child?

    As I can say parents continue taking care of their children as long as they live but letting go from the parents house should be the child responsibility to see how he has grown and has to depend on himself
  45. Kerryjoy

    Vegetable You Don't Like?

    Vegetable are very healthy to eat, but personally I hate eating cooked cabbage, I only like it when steamed or as salad
  46. Kerryjoy

    Is vegetable farming profitable?

    It is very profitable , the only problem that may be faced is that they are highly perishable and very delicate
  47. Kerryjoy

    Do you embrace in the farming of the food crops for saving money on purchasing the same?

    It's actually the best idea, having your own crops, especially vegetables is the best idea, I do prefer that but the problem is that there is no enough space to do that
  48. Kerryjoy

    Why some youth are not choosing farming as a career?

    Most youth despise farming because it is considered a dirty work and requires a lot of effort to complete work, and this days youths are very lazy and love social media
  49. Kerryjoy

    Choosing a Platform for Social Media Influencer

    You are indeed right, one doesn't have to make million followers to be an influencer, but the best site I could prefer is tictok , X , YouTube and Facebook
  50. Kerryjoy

    Co educational school is bad for children

    I believe children are brought up and follow what they are told, especially the obedient ones, being in a mixed school is not bad as long as the children are not exposed to bad morals
  51. Kerryjoy

    Do you like walking in the rain?

    I enjoy walking in the rain when there is no thunder storm and when it's not a cold season, makes me feel like a kid again
  52. Kerryjoy

    Are you afraid of walking in the dark?

    I used to be scared but nowadays I can walk in the dark even without light or a touch as long as I know where I am
  53. Kerryjoy

    A boss is not a king so never be afraid

    I truly agree with you , most people fear their bosses because they are afraid to loose their jobs
  54. Kerryjoy

    How long you have been earning online money?

    I just started earning last year it's when I got exposed to legit sites and I'm very excited to continue earning money online
  55. Kerryjoy

    How long have you been earning with PTP sites?

    It is really not an easy thing to earn from PTP sites but all in all it remains a struggle
  56. Kerryjoy

    It is not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up

    That is actually the true meaning of success, ones you fail you get up and try again till you achieve what you intend
  57. Kerryjoy

    Going down on the first date: Does it mean the lady is cheap?

    As I can say cheap ladies are those that only value money and are blinded by money, real women doesn't look on the money but vision.
  58. Kerryjoy

    Do you own a Credit card?

    No doubt, I think we are in the same category, I also don't own a credit card and I'm in my 20s
  59. Kerryjoy

    Do you like sweet potatoes?

    I do love sweet potatoes as long as I have something like a drink to eat with it. It is very healthy and preferred eating in the morning
  60. Kerryjoy

    How do you manage your angers in case of anything?

    Anger is a special condition that has to be treated with care, as for me I go silent till all my anger is gone then go to solve what made me angry
  61. Kerryjoy

    What's the one thing you can't share

    Apart from my personal items I can't share my dreams and my weakness to people they will always find a way to destroy me. 1714666406 That's very funny indeed, I can't imagine myself sharing an underwear
  62. Kerryjoy

    What should young people consider before going to a relationship?

    This days relationship doesn't work as expected, and they don't last for a long time. Most mature men this days don't have interest of interning into a relationship because this generation has become worse than we had ever thought, people are not locking for love but just to satisfy their wants...