Recent content by nomad

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. nomad

    How you must treat your workers.

    You need to respect your workers. If you respect them, you will also get respect in return
  2. nomad

    Starting Home Repairs and Maintenance company

    I think this is a great niche, however, you need to offer your services through app or website.
  3. nomad

    The importance of continuous learning and professional development in business

    New challenges will always come, and you need to prepare yourself for these. The only way to do it is by learning and building yourself professionally.
  4. nomad

    Regular customers

    Survival and sustainability of your business depends on your customers' loyalty. If they are regular, money will continue to follow.
  5. nomad

    Should modernization remove ethics form the business

    If you think too much about ethics, your business might not progress. Business is something that eliminates ethics.
  6. nomad

    Can you file a legal case when your boss asks you to do other tasks not included in your job responsibilities?

    It takes a long time to settle a legal battle, so I wouldn't bother with it even though technically speaking you can do it
  7. nomad

    Does transportation affect the cost of living?

    I work from home, so I do not have to travel for work, and in the mean time I save a lot of money on transportation
  8. nomad

    New 🚩 Anyone o Upwork?

    Rejections is very common on Upwork, this usually happens if you do not have enough skills, not enough good reviews.
  9. nomad

    Legit 👍 SEOClerks: Make Money as a Freelancer

    You will have to list your gig for sell. If you are new, it will be difficult to sell. But you can run ads and improve your visibility to be able to get orders.
  10. nomad

    New 🚩 Can we classify forums that do basically monthly posting contests as paid to post forums?

    Paid to post means you earn from your posts, contest means only the winners will earn. So forums that run contests are not paid to post
  11. nomad

    New 🚩 Which section of Paid to Post forums do you have the most posts and earn most from?

    I think most of my posts are on Business section, an all PTP forums where I post. After Business, I mainly post on webmaster section.
  12. nomad

    New 🚩 What's the update on Postloop?

    Devin had created Forum Filler, which is exactly like Postloop but sadly Forum Filler is not getting a lot of orders.
  13. nomad

    New 🚩 New contest on TopGold Forum

    Is this an ongoing contest, I mean does the contest run every month? if that is the case, I might join for the next contest.
  14. nomad

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    How much can you earn per post? How many words do you need for the post or topic?
  15. nomad

    Legit 👍 Review

    The forum is not earning on its own. Devin is trying to build another project as an income source for the forum.
  16. nomad

    Overcoming Obstacles to Online Earning

    The major hurdle of making money online is not having high paying skills or professional skills
  17. nomad

    What are you ways of earning online without a capital?

    Freelancing is the best way to make money without spending a dime. using ecommerce markets can also help you earn without spending money.
  18. nomad

    Why can't we have a strong PTP from Nigeria?

    You need advertisers that pay really well but sadly advertisers need high tier traffic, therefore forums that receive traffic form low tier countries do not have any chance
  19. nomad

    do you type fast on ptp forums?

    I use laptop to access forums and when I have a full keyvboard I can type pretty past.
  20. nomad

    Why are most GPT platforms location selective?

    That's because the advertisers of these Get Paid To platforms seek customers or users from certain locations.
  21. nomad

    Referral contest a good thing.

    Referral contest can be a good way to earn extra money for those who have the ability to build downlines.
  22. nomad

    How to earn writing articles?

    One of the best ways to make money as a writer is by writing for clients through freelancing sites.
  23. nomad

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    It can be very difficult but with persistence and building newer skills, you will be able to build full time income
  24. nomad

    Does Passive Income Guarantee Financial Freedom?

    It depends on how much you are generating and how much you need for your expenses. But roughly speaking, passive income helps you with your financial freedom.
  25. nomad

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    You need to dream about success and you need to work for if. Dreaming is actually good but you should not restrict yourself just to dream, you also need to work for it.
  26. nomad

    Cooking just enough

    I don't cook everyday so I cannot cook just enough, I always cook more or cook less.
  27. nomad

    How do your fight the brokenness?

    I have never been broke, I always have had something to spare. I always save and invest in liquid assets so that I always have something on my hand
  28. nomad

    Who are you financing this time?

    Currently, I am the sole earner in the family, my wife looks after kids and she can't work until our child is ready for school.
  29. nomad

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    One of the best ways to start saving for retirement is by buying term life insurance with endowment plan
  30. nomad

    How to create a budget that works

    You need to create a realistic budget. If your income is small having ambitious aim of saving 30 percent might never work
  31. nomad

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    The most important thing you need to know is how to use your money so that you can generate income from it.
  32. nomad

    How do you manage your personal loans?

    Even when I am borrowing for personal needs, I always make sure to use some portion of personal loan for profitable projects,
  33. nomad

    How to invest money in a foreign business?

    One of the easiest ways to invest in foreign companies and business is by using investment and trading app like Robinhood
  34. nomad

    Importance of Investing in plus-size clothing brands.

    If you are clothing line of business, you need to cater to all sorts of people, and never limit to certain kind of people
  35. nomad

    Where to invest your money?

    These days I am mostly investing in crypto market but I would also love to invest in real estate
  36. nomad

    Have you started investing this year?

    Thus year I am focusing on investing in crypto. I have made decent profits by investing in Floki and Notcoin
  37. nomad

    How to Manage Personal Finances

    If you are earning well, you need to maintain your expenses with 50 percent income and invest remaining 50 percent income. If you are not earning well, you need to work hard and earn well.
  38. nomad

    How do bonds work? What are the types of bonds available for investment?

    Bonds are just like certificate of deposit. You get your principal amount along with interest after maturity. Types of bonds available is specific to each country.
  39. nomad

    The benefits of investing in small-scale farmers and rural communities.

    I come from farmer's family and I understand the value of investing in farm land and farming.
  40. nomad

    The importance of staying up-to-date on sports news when investing

    If you are investing in certain field, for instance sports, it makes a huge sense to know about that field. This will help you make investment choices
  41. nomad

    The importance of staying informed about investment market trends and news.

    It makes sense to be informed about market if you consider yourself an investor. It will help you make informed decision.
  42. nomad

    Is a school a trans generational investment?

    I think it is not possible to generate immediate profits by investing in a school. It is more of a trans generational income.
  43. nomad

    Do You Invest in Real Estate?

    Well, I have never invested in real estate, but I would very much want to invest in real estate
  44. nomad

    Mentorship for investment.

    I do not believe in any kind of mentor ship. You need to listen to expert, learn from experts but make your own decisions
  45. nomad

    When is the right time to multiply and increase your investment.

    When the market is down, you should increase your investment. Well, millionaires are created when recession occurs.
  46. nomad

    The difference between domestic and international investing

    Well, it might be different in your country but in my home country, it is really difficult to invest in foreign companies.
  47. nomad

    Invest only in something that makes you happy and what is that?

    If you are a true investor, you need to put side your personal feelings and emotions, you just need to look into profits
  48. nomad

    Borrowing money to invest

    This can be an option if you do not have money for investment. However, if you are paying interest on your borrowed money, you are under risk
  49. nomad

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    IN our country, rainy season is creating havoc. A couple of weeks ago two busses fell into the river and they have not found the busses yet.
  50. nomad

    Do you believe in destiny?

    Yes, I believe in destiny. Certain things have occured in my life that have made me realize that destiny is true.
  51. nomad

    Forgetting an important event

    If the event is important, how can I forget it? In case I forget something, how can it be important
  52. nomad

    Do You Buy Canned Food?

    I don't buy canned foods, I prefer to buy fresh food instead of canned foods that contain preservatives.
  53. nomad

    A day you can't forget In your life

    There are a lot of events in my life that I cannot forget, and one of them is the day I got married
  54. nomad

    What's your experience with marriage

    I am happily married with two kids. My experience is good. However, before I got married, I never dreamed of getting married
  55. nomad

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    I check brands but I don't always buy form brands, I am price conscious so I also look for cheaper alternatives
  56. nomad

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    If you do not have someone to love you or if you do not have a person whom you can express your love, you will be in eternal sadness
  57. nomad

    Time is gold

    Gold is the most valuable asset in thew world and time is associated with gold because time is very precious.
  58. nomad

    Lack Of Communication Between Couples.

    If the couples do not talk, their relationship will start deteriorating. Communication is very important to maintain healthy relationship
  59. nomad

    Do you still wear a watch?

    I wear watch only when I am going outdoors, I use watch as a jewelry item rather than time piece
  60. nomad

    Can you still memorize fast this time?

    As I grow older, I have felt that my memories does not serve as it used to in the past
  61. nomad

    Eating beans with Garri as Breakfast

    I like bean broth. I like to eat beans with bread as well as rice. never heard of gari, can you tell me what is it?
  62. nomad

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    I have inherited farmland from my father. My father inherited this land from his father. This piece of land is under our possession since 300 years
  63. nomad

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    As someone who works form home, and a person for whom everyday is a workday, I do not have any kind of favorite days
  64. nomad

    Do you believe in any superstition activity?

    I do not believe in any kind of superstitions. I am religious person but I am also a man of reasoning.
  65. nomad

    Is there traditional food in your city?

    We have a lot of traditional food in our cities, one such specialities is called chatamari which is almost similar to pizza but instead of oven it is made on a frypan.
  66. nomad

    Missed things about your single life?

    yes, I miss my singlehood. I miss the days when I did not have any responsibilities and I was not in any kind of pressure
  67. nomad

    Are your prices fixed?

    My prices are fixed but I also frequently make adjustments based on my clients preferences.
  68. nomad

    Business Related to Tissue Manufacturing

    If you can sell for less than what your competitors are selling for, I think you can make money from this business
  69. nomad

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    I do not see any difference in marketing a product or marketing a service. In business term, service is also a product
  70. nomad

    Different operational cost to be known by business beginners

    Every business has its own unique operational cost. If you are running an online business you might not have to pay rents.
  71. nomad

    What are the particular challenges with phone charging business and ways to control/minimize them?

    We don't have a business like this, people do not pay money to charge their phone. But mobile top up is lucrative
  72. nomad

    Does the business of charging and renting of car batteries work in your country?

    Renting of car batteries? Well, I have never heard of a business like this one. I guess this is not a thing here.
  73. nomad

    where do you get the latest news about business ideas from?

    I read business and investment related magazines. I also visit business and investment websites. I read businessmen interviews.
  74. nomad

    Cost of registering your business?

    In our country, sole ownership business does not cost a lot of money to register but you have to pay hefty price to register a company
  75. nomad

    One lesson you have learnt as an entrepreneur

    I have learned a lot of things as an entrepreneur. The most important thing I learned is some are born entrepreneur and some learn entrepreneurship
  76. nomad

    Would you beg a customer simply because they pay well?

    Would customers buy form you just because you begged? I really doubt that. Therefore, I never resort to begging
  77. nomad

    How to have a productive business day

    Work on things that are more important to your business, and avoid distractions as much as you can
  78. nomad

    How do you cope with doubt in business?

    Doubts can be good as you will have an occasion to re-evaluate the idea from the beginning.
  79. nomad

    start up a tutoring business

    I once registered a domain in a hope to start an online learning platform but I could not go ahead with the project due to lack of money
  80. nomad

    Is money-back guarantee a fraudulent act?

    I do not think it is fraudulent unless the company does not give back money in case the customer does not like the product or service
  81. nomad

    Labor Union in a workplace

    Our constitutions give the rights to the workers to create labor union in the company they are working. However, I dislike labor union
  82. nomad

    Christmas bonuses

    There are only 1-2 percent christian in the country, therefore, we don't get Christmas bonus. However, we get bonus during october festival
  83. nomad

    Online Tutoring Business

    I have a deep fascination in this business model, I have a dream of starting an online tutoring business just like Udemy
  84. nomad

    what do you like most about being a business owner?

    The possibility ot growing wealth and becoming rich is the main attraction of being a business owner
  85. nomad

    Importance of a business plan

    It does not matter what size or niche you are working on, you need a plan in writing so that you can work step by step
  86. nomad

    What do you notice to products that are on sale?

    Most products on sale are either old stocks or damaged product or the products that are nearing expiry date,
  87. nomad

    Is your business related to what you studied?

    I studied business, investment and finance, I did not study any particular business model but I studied how to run a business
  88. nomad

    Is your business going exactly how you planned it at the beginning?

    No, not exactly. When I started I though generating sales would be somewhat easy but despite having relevant skills, I am not able to make it profitable
  89. nomad

    Have you started implementing new plans for your business?

    I have not implemented any new plans, I am trying to work on the plans that I implemented when I started the business
  90. nomad

    The difference between turnover and profit

    Turnover or revenue is the total amount generated through sales, and profit is your revenue minus your expenses
  91. nomad

    What are some of the best computer games of all time?

    I think MInecraft is one of the best computer games of all time. I play Minecraft.
  92. nomad

    How best do you store your fruits?

    I do not buy a lot of fruits at once, I buy fruits only for 1-2 days, therefore, I don't bother about storing.
  93. nomad

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    I don't think Kamala has a chance over Trump. I don't know much about Kamala but I do not think someone with so many felony charges should be elected.
  94. nomad

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    I like inviting people to my house so that I can have social interactions. I like to have people in my house.
  95. nomad

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Yes, it cannot be erased but there is no need to brood on it to make your life miserable
  96. nomad

    Can you keep the snake as you the pet?

    I have no desire of keeping snakes as pets, I cannot take risk of keeping snake as pets.
  97. nomad

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    I want a sports utility vehicle, a robust engine that can give me smooth driving experience even on off road.
  98. nomad

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    I thing deep down we all know we are losers. The only difference is we are not accepting it.
  99. nomad

    Posting without thinking

    That's very generous of you. Most forum posters are posting only for credits and they have no genuine concerns for discussion, or even quality posting, on the forums.
  100. nomad

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    I sleep with pillow but I can easily sleep without a pillow if there are no pillows available.
  101. nomad

    Sundays are different

    For me Sundays are no different from Mondays or Tuseday for that matter. I work form home and everyday is workday for me
  102. nomad

    What are you worried over?

    Financial instability is one of my greatest worry. I am a family guy and I worry about not being able to provide as much as I should
  103. nomad

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    There is a water shortage in the place I live so when it rains, I try to collect rainwater
  104. nomad

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    We sometimes use wood when we are in farmhouse but we mostly use LPG and electricity, electricity more.
  105. nomad

    Do you like Kite flying?

    As a kid I used to fly kite but I have not tried it for many years.
  106. nomad

    Are you aware of Jaggery?

    I sometimes use Jaggery as a sugar alternative. I like jaggery tea very much, tea will be better if you add spices.
  107. nomad

    Make Use of your available resources first

    I never make any sort of impulsive purchase decision. I will first use things I already have, I will buy things only when I very much need it.
  108. nomad

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    I started with my parents for 6 years after getting married and then I moved out for better job opportunity
  109. nomad

    Don't Have bananas late in the day

    I don't eat banana on a regular basis because of its high sugar content. I avoid all foods with high glycemic index
  110. nomad


    I always compare price before I buy something. I don't buy anything without making price comparison.
  111. nomad

    Do you follow baseball?

    No, I don't. I don't even understand the game. I enjoy cricket and I think baseball has some similarities with cricket
  112. nomad

    What serves as marketing's primary objective?

    The main purpose of marketing is generating sales so that you can make profits. Branding and other things are secondary
  113. nomad

    Is selling snacks profitable?

    Success depends on market condition, and in my place the market is favorable for selling snacks.
  114. nomad

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    The only important thing to understands is knowing when you should back down. Not all ideas will succeed
  115. nomad

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    I do not have any problem in that. IN fact I believe if you supervise your workers too much, their perfomance will reduce
  116. nomad

    Should employees be allowed with their phones during work hours?

    If they are doing their work, I do not see why they should not be allowed to use phone.
  117. nomad

    Business Fundamentals

    You need to create product, you need to market your product and you need people to help you create product and market product. These are the business fundamentals
  118. nomad

    Five Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Business Name

    The most important things is the name you choose should be available for a domain name and there should not be any other business with the same name
  119. nomad

    Informal Tone is a Big NO to Business Emails

    Well, informal tone might be a no-no for business communication but you also do not need too much formal communication
  120. nomad

    Business Transparency

    In theory, business needs to be transparent but in practical point of view, all business maintain a high level of secrecy
  121. nomad

    Between a Mason and a Plumber- Which is more lucrative?

    In out country, mason and plumber mostly work on daily wage and they seem to generating similar level of income
  122. nomad

    Urgency Creation as a Sales Strategy

    If you can persuade your customers and give them the urgency to buy your products, you can sell a lot of products
  123. nomad

    The role of innovation in business growth.

    We can see how Apple and Samsung have managed to grow with innovation but sadly not all business needs to be innovative.
  124. nomad

    What Can You Say About Sales Of Gadgets?

    It can be profitable but it is also highly competitive. If you want to start a business on this niche, you need to find virgin market
  125. nomad

    How do you create the right environment for your employees

    If you give freedom and do not have hard and fast rules, you will be giving the best working environment for your workers.
  126. nomad

    Fitness Center as a Business in Polytechnic

    This is highly profitable business in my town but it is also a business where you need to invest a lot of money
  127. nomad

    What is that one very business you thought of starting?

    I have a lot of business ideas in my mind form starting a clothing brand to a 3d printed toys
  128. nomad

    Religion is the most lucrative business

    Yes, religion is business, God himself does not ask for money but the priests are asking money in the name of god
  129. nomad

    Why motivation is important in a business setup

    Motivation is important because it you make you optimist and also helps you to work efficiently
  130. nomad

    Is Christmas Tree making a good business?

    It can be good during the Christmas season but since this is seasonal business don't expect to make money all through the year
  131. nomad

    People are the most important in a business to succeed

    If you have the right people working for you, you will be able to create a great product and generate a lot of sales
  132. nomad

    Negotiation is the Key to a Successful Proposal

    You need negotiation skills and you also need persuasion skills to be able to get better deals.
  133. nomad

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    I am trying to go back to sleep early and wake up early. I am also trying eat dinner before sun sets
  134. nomad

    French fries sauce

    I don't like sauce with French fries, I just like to sprinkle with chili flakes and salt.
  135. nomad

    Do You LIke Tree house?

    I never had a tree house but when I was a kid I liked climbing on a mango tree where I could adjust my chair and sit there for hours.
  136. nomad

    Tree lover?

    I am also against cutting down tree and if the tree needs to cut, people need to plant 10 more trees.
  137. nomad

    True happiness

    For me true happiness is all spending time with my family. Nothing makes me more happy than being with my family
  138. nomad

    Is giving up a habit?

    Sometimes you need to learn how to give up. There are certain things that you might never achieve because you do not have the necessary skills
  139. nomad

    What skills do you use to save money

    I try to live a frugal life and avoid buying something I don't use too much.
  140. nomad

    practical ways to deal with addiction

    The best way to control addition is to go cold turkey, which means you give up addiction suddenly without any planning.
  141. nomad

    What is your favourite local dish?

    I like momos, these are chicken dumplings filled with chicken meat and eaten with tomato and seasme sauce.
  142. nomad

    Tips to hair growth!

    I hear that massaging your scalp with onion juice will help you grow your hair. However, I do not have data to back up this claim
  143. nomad

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    I liked drawing when I was a kid and I still enjoy drawing but sadly I do not have enough time to explore my hobby
  144. nomad

    Which is your favorite color and why?

    I like black. I like to associate black with power and mystery. I also like white, the color symbolizes peace.
  145. nomad

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    No, never. I do not think I need apple products. I will not buy apple products even when I have money
  146. nomad

    Dinner time

    We do not have a fixed schedule for dinner, however, we try to eat our dinner between 7 and 10.
  147. nomad

    Irresponsible co worker

    I do not know how it works in other countries, but in our country, you will have to pay the penalty.
  148. nomad

    Do you like to eat bread with sauce?

    I like to use Schewan sauce with bread, I also like to use tomato sauce on my bread.
  149. nomad

    The end of every useful and valuable information is applying it.

    If there is no practical use case of the skills you learned or knowledge you gained that would be just a waste of your time
  150. nomad

    To do List

    I always make a to do list, sometimes I am able to achieve everything on my list and sometimes I just omit them
  151. nomad

    Non verbal ways of appreciating a loved way

    Doing things that make them happy is the best way to show your love without being verbal
  152. nomad

    Do you watch your diet?

    I always watch my diet, I take a lot of care about what I put inside my body
  153. nomad

    Just how green are you?

    I try to avoid plastic, I try to use bio degradeable products, I try to use organic produce but I cannot pay more just to try green lifestyle as I have limited income
  154. nomad

    Time and Freedom

    Well, I don't have time and freedom to do what I like to do. I have a lot of family responsibilities
  155. nomad

    Mental illness

    My father was able to cure his depression through alternative treatment. Before he started alternative treatment, he was already under medication for 10 years
  156. nomad

    How you feel relaxed?

    There are multiple ways for relaxation, from playing games and watching TV shows to reading books and cooking and eating.
  157. nomad

    Will you let your friends know what you know?

    I believe in sharing knowledge and skills but I want to keep my own secrets with myself
  158. nomad

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    About 6 months ago I took my kid to the zoo. It was such a pleasure to see happiness in the child
  159. nomad

    Can you date someone online

    What's a problem with dating online? If I wasn't married, I would have certainly considered that.
  160. nomad

    Moan or complain

    Actually we don't make anyone moan or complain or no one can make us moan or complain.
  161. nomad

    What do you think about moving in with a fiance before marriage

    I am against living together before getting married. You should stay together only when you are committed
  162. nomad

    Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

    People like to call me introvert but I guess I have little bit of both. it depends on where I am and whose company I am in.
  163. nomad

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    Before, I was married, I was never in any kind of serious relationship, so, there was no such thing as ending relationship
  164. nomad

    How to be outgoing as an introvert

    You can go with someone you love, someone you trust and someone you care about. Introverts can enjoy with people they love
  165. nomad

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    A couple of hours ago. My favorite drink is black coffee. I do not drink any kind of soda or alcohol
  166. nomad


    I have attended a lot of online and offline workshops for learning skills and building knowledge.
  167. nomad


    You should of course listen to experienced people but it is you who needs to make your own decision.
  168. nomad

    Who live happily?

    You do not have to renounce your desire to become happy, you can learn to become happy with what you have
  169. nomad

    What was your breakfast today?

    I did not have breakfast, I had launch at 1 pm and I had boiled rice with goat meat.
  170. nomad

    Stressed Out

    Respect is give and take, you get respect when you give respect, there is nothing to stress about it.
  171. nomad

    Time is moving so fast!

    Time has its own pace, it neither moves fast nor it moves slow, it is you who interprets the speed
  172. nomad

    When last had you had the malaria?

    I have never in my life infected with malaria, however, I had dengue about two years ago
  173. nomad

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    It is called Wai Wai, and the company that manufactures the noodles is the biggest company in the country, and the man behind the company is a billionaire.
  174. nomad

    Challenges of an online course creator.

    You can of course hire someone to create a course and then sell the course but selling course is as difficult as creating a course.
  175. nomad

    Don't compare yourself to others

    Comparison can sometimes become good because you will be encouraged to do good and sometimes bad because it will snatch your peace of mind.
  176. nomad

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    I never buy anything without price comparison. I not only compare prices with various offline stores but also with online stores.
  177. nomad

    Do you like to collect old coins?

    I have never tried doing this but I have a lot of old coins, some of the coins are more than 130 years old.
  178. nomad

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    I like local noodle brands, they are cheaper than the imported brands. Interestingly, out local brand is also a global brand that is sold in over 20 countries.
  179. nomad

    Your favorite social networking website?

    I like Facebook. That's because I can connect with clients and customers as well as friends and family
  180. nomad

    Do you like Fritters with tea?

    When I drink tea, I just want to enjoy teas, I do not like to have anything with tea. I do like fritters, though
  181. nomad

    Do you find it difficult to learn subjects that are connected to your native tongue?

    No, not really! Before I started writing in English, I was a writer for a lot of local language newspapers
  182. nomad

    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    I never feel bored as I have a lot of things to do. I am always occupied with work or recreational activities.
  183. nomad

    In your opinion, why is it important to get a college degree?

    College degree is not just a piece of paper with your grades. It is also a way to build skills and knowledge
  184. nomad

    What is your favourite smartphone?

    I have always been a Samsung user. The first phone I used was Samsung and my current phone is Samsung
  185. nomad

    Favourite Mayo Brand

    I don't buy Mayo, I make my own Mayo. It is really easy. Just put some eggs into oil and then blend with spices.
  186. nomad

    Do you believe in soulmates?

    I know you can have a perfect married life but I do not think there is something called soulmate.
  187. nomad

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I think I am in between, I am a little bit of extrovert and a little bit of introvert.
  188. nomad

    What type of person are you?

    I am a tolerant man, I have strong belief system but I do not criticize anyone for having contrasting belief. I am also very helpful person
  189. nomad

    Do you believe that the internet has made people closer?

    I believe internet has made people closer but sadly a lot of people are only engaged with virtual communication
  190. nomad

    How many hours can you sleep in one go?

    I can sometimes sleep whole night without waking up in the middle of the night for bathroom breaks
  191. nomad

    Being a Boss

    I do not want to become a boss, and I am not a bossy kind of person.
  192. nomad

    Do you find it difficult to apologize

    Sadly, yet. Even though I might feel that I have wronged a person I cannot easily give up and apologize.
  193. nomad

    Important things to do before marriage

    The most important think one should do before marriage is to build strong finances, the individual needs savings and investment
  194. nomad

    What are the important things we need to be intentional about?

    People needs to earn well so that he can not only pay for his family but also help other people in need
  195. nomad

    What are the important things you should consider before buying a smart phone?

    I look into price, RAM and internal memory. I don't after high end smartphones, my favorite ones are mid range phones
  196. nomad

    Do you prefer Stairs or elevators?

    I can take stairs until fifth floor, however, if I have to go higher than 5th floor, I like to take elevators
  197. nomad

    Hiring Forum Poster

    You can of course continue posting and complete the task, there are no hard and fast rules. Just make sure you add value to the discussion
  198. nomad

    Factors to consider when thinking to become a boss

    You become boss only when there are people working under you, the most important things is you need to learn to respect people.
  199. nomad

    How is the coconut oil business in your area?

    Coconut oil is use as cosmetic, it is not very common as edible oil. It is a profitable business
  200. nomad

    How to leverage on instant gratification for business success

    It is not possible to make everyone happy but what you c an do as a business is make most of your customers happy with the product and after sales support