Recent content by Phavee

  1. P

    Best way to deal with life's fears

    Best way to deal with our fears is by praying. Prayers helps in many ways God knows how to take away our fears and troubles so i think the best way is to pray.
  2. P

    What your views on taking advice from pastors

    I totally agree with you. I totally agree with you.
  3. P

    Wrong but sounds right?

    A young person giving advise to an older person.
  4. P

    Red flags in life?

    Watch out for people that always run to you for help and go away after you've helped them.
  5. P

    What food would you like to try?

    Alfredo! I haven't tasted it before and I'll love to try it.
  6. P

    Welcome to RIF 2.0 🎉

    All round news its beautiful and adorable can't wait for the awesome contest!
  7. P

    Has there ever been a robbery in your business before?

    I have not experienced any robbery in any in the places I've worked tho the person i used to work for her phone got stolen the first day i started working there and that really scared me about a month late my phone was also stolen by the same person and it was all thanks to God that i got my...
  8. P

    Love at first sight

    That's true tho.
  9. P

    Do you like wearing whites?

    I don't like wearing white it gets dirty easily and apart from the dirt part when you keep it in a place for too long it fades and dye even if you wear it too more often same thing happen it dye easily and quick that's why i don't go for it i don't even have any white shirt or dress i prefer black.
  10. P

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    I didn't take any breakfast today was so busy that i forgot to eat.
  11. P

    What was your Lunch Today?

    My lunch was jollof rice for lunch
  12. P

    Feeling sleepy

    Right now my eyes are heavy and currently in bed so tired and weak.
  13. P

    What was your Dinner today?

    My dinner was jollof rice and right now am actually taking semosas.
  14. P

    Do you have fixed time for your meals?

    I don't really have a fixed time of eating i eat when ever am hungry since i actually want to gain weight lol.
  15. P

    What food are you eating right now?

    Am not actually eating food right now am taking snacks and its semosas homemade semosas and its so delicious my sis made it i had a first bite couldn't stop at one bite so i continued and am still here eating till i get tired lol.
  16. P

    Broken promises

    I really felt bad and uncomfortable. I barely make promises nowadays cause i've also felt disappointed by someone that made a promise to me so to avoid being hurt or to break any bond i stop making promises i only make promises when i know fully well that i can fulfill it.
  17. P

    Love at first sight

    Yah i totally agree with you true love grows with time so seeing someone for the first time and falling in love with that person without getting to know that person very well it can also work out tho I've seen a thing like that but i think true love takes time to form so love at first sight is...
  18. P

    What was the best part of your day today?

    Nothing good about the day tho am happy am part of it and even if the day is good or bad we should give God praise for making us see today! Am hoping my tomorrow will be nice and I'll have a payday too from my work.
  19. P

    How can one deal with a stalker on social media

    Report and block!
  20. P

    What do you think about moving in with a fiance before marriage

    In case of studying the man i think while dating you've already study each other enough to know if you're good together in getting married or not and in case of staying together before marriage leaving with a fiance before marriage i think its not a good idea tho it's okay to visit but staying...
  21. P

    Relationship issues 🤓

    Some people don't understand that relationship is all about love and trust and also pushing each other to pursue their dreams. People don't really know this some think its just a normal stuff and things like that like having fun and all that.
  22. P

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    Lolz that's nice. Am an introvert! Quite and always at home, i so much love my comfort zone you barely see me outside my house 😂 is either am out for my work or i was sent on errands.
  23. P

    How do you know smart people

    I can tell by your appearance and your words when you talk if you're intelligent, smart or not don't really know but that's just something am good at telling if someone is smart or not.
  24. P

    Is saving money easy to you now

    Saving money this period is really hard the bad economy, the high rate of things and all that. if one can save in this period after paying all their bills that is really a blessing cause saving money is not easy.
  25. P

    Can you survive a week now without money

    Surviving without money for a week can't even think of trying lolz money for everything almost everything and everyday so survive without it for a week will take the grace of God.
  26. P

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    Yes i do look at brands before i buy my stuff i go for a particular brands always and when that its not available that's when i go for another brand.
  27. P

    What's your Weather right now?

    Right now the weather is so cold over here. It was raining not quite long ago so the weather is so calm and cold.
  28. P

    Have you ever invested in online business?

    Yah I've tried investing once but it turns out to be a scam didn't get what i invested for so i don't even bother investing again on any other business site cause am not ready to be scammed lol.
  29. P

    Can you dance Tiktok Lol

    Yeah i agree with you.
  30. P

    Snacks you wished to see again that are no longer in the market

    There was a round creamy biscuit i use to love then that was my favorite, it round and it has orange flavor cream milk in the middle of it and another one placed on the top of it. It has a lot of sweet taste that's one reason i love it and that sweet orange flavoured cream at the middle always...
  31. P

    Do you feel Anxious before any Doctors Appointment?

    Same with me. Am always anxious sometimes i always prefer my sis going with me.
  32. P

    What are your favorite fruits?

    I only have few favorite fruits which are Orange, banana, guava, tangerine, pawpaw, cherry, mango and berries. But my most if them all is Orange and banana can't go a whole month without having any of those two am obsessed with them haha.
  33. P

    Do you need a Alarm Clock To wake up in the morning?

    Definitely not! I don't need an alarm to wake up early, i wake up early when i need to but am the type that sleep late and wake up early.
  34. P

    Do you prefer Sunday as Off from Work?

    Nah i don't prefer Sunday as off day from work i prefer Monday or any other day.
  35. P

    Online shopping

    I rarely do online shopping i do it once in a while tho cause am actual scared of what you ordered verses what you got lol might not get what you ordered for exactly that's why am scared of online shopping tho i still order but they are certain things i don't order online.
  36. P

    Person name start with A

  37. P

    Do you like ice-cream?

    I love ice cream a lot! I love banana flavors, i love strawberries flavor, chocolate flavor and so many of them. 😊
  38. P

    Bad Internet service

    Experiencing the same thing here a bad network for the pass few weeks and its annoying. 1684774230 Haha you're right life will be so boring without the internet for real.
  39. P

    Where would you go for a vacation

    If i had a chance to go for a week long vacation I'll go to Germany. I've always wanted to go there and feel the air there.
  40. P

    Ready to dive in deep sea

    Haha! I've always been scared of swimming cause of an incident that happened to me when i was little. And i barely even know how to swim and even scared to learn cause it still involves me being in pool or a river. 😂
  41. P

    Health Checkup

    The only time i go for checkup is when am feeling sick lol.
  42. P

    Do you like wearing High Heels?

    I prefer normal shoe. High shoes are nice and its a great fit to dressing i like it but I'll rather go for a low one since am tall wearing that won't be too good for me tho even from start I've always low shoes.
  43. P

    How are you today?

    Am doing fine. Am home today looking after my little niece for my sister as she do her work. It really hot here right now just wish the sun can just take a break for some minutes for the rain to just pour down a little lol.
  44. P

    Spaghetti or Alfredo?

    I've not tasted Alfredo but i think even if i do I'll still go for spaghetti. Spaghetti has always been one of my best pasta food, and the best way i like it cook is with a sauce always been good, haha
  45. P

    Where are you now?

    That's nice. I also have a friend just like you who love writing poems and it inspires. It's a good thing just wish i can write something like that too but i guess it requires a lots of thinking and emotions right?
  46. P

    Drug that's always in your house?

    Paracetamol! Always at home when you did it. My mom always buys the packet at home in case of anything like fever or headache. And it has been helpful.
  47. P

    Is selling shoes a good business?

    Selling shoes is a nice business, especially when the shoes are new and affordable. People love buying shoes cause is a footwear and it's useful to show out our dressing. A cousin of mine has a brand of selling shoes online and offline and she's really gaining from it a lot.
  48. P

    Can you dance Tiktok Lol

    I can actually dance some of the tickets dance but not all of it, and i don't post too much there cause am not really serious with it for now lol. Might be more serious with it when i get a new phone then I'll start making videos. 😁
  49. P

    How do you deal with a bad day

    How i deal with my bad day i was go to bed early than usual it helps relax my mind and thoughts.
  50. P

    The Importance of Childhood Friendship

    I also did not have lots of friends when i was a child am not really that social type that keep lots of friends but the few friends i have back then are really a great impact. Sometimes when i think of them i miss them a lot tho some of us are still friends till now while some we lost contacts...
  51. P

    Things that makes you smile

    Am always the smiling type i smile a lot and i easily get friends with that. And when it comes to things that makes me smile many things makes me smile like getting gifts from people makes me smiles sending me money always makes me smile giving me my favorite food or snacks also makes me smile...
  52. P

    Is it possible to earn passive income through crypto currencies?

    I think they are many ways to earn passive in cryptocurrency, one of it i know of is a affiliate program which is by referring people to their website.
  53. P

    Are you interested making money online while you are in your office?

    Presently working from home and i like the idea of making money online while working from home.
  54. P

    It's a lazy evening

    Yah! I do have a lazy evening sometimes too lazy to do anything buh always have the strength to be on the phone no matter how lazy i am. 😂
  55. P

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Am also a member of the site i just join in some days ago still learning how to earn there tho.
  56. P

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Sure I've sold scrap a lot lol. Sometimes tin sometimes an iron or even drum and all that. I remembered the last scrap I sold was our old TV. Tho its faulty and can be fixed buh i just have to sell it cause it's old. Lol
  57. P

    What's your Blood group

    Am O+😊
  58. P

    How you overcome negativity in life

    By thinking positively and not letting your worries thought get hold of you. I do get negative thinking sometimes and i always think about something else to make me feel good.
  59. P

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I wake up at 6 to 7am in the morning
  60. P

    How poor sleeping habits affect a business

    Yes. Sleep is a way of relaxing one's mind and health state, it helps in many ways and it is advisable to have a rest by sleeping after working too much.
  61. P

    I am relaxing my happiness

    You're right despite having a hidden problems we should always be greatful and be happy.
  62. P

    Do you find it aesthetically disgusting to eat with bare hands?

    I don't think there's anything wrong with eating with bare hands, but it's advisable for hands to be clean before doing that. I do eat with bare hands when i eat some of my country traditional food cause using a fork or spoon won't help make it look good while eating so it's better to use bare...
  63. P

    It's weekend.

    Is it a vacation trip or a business trip? 1684094018 That's nice to hear 😊
  64. P

    It's weekend.

    Hope you'll be less busy today since it's Sunday.
  65. P

    It's weekend.

    It It's Sunday. Hope you'll be relaxing today at home. 😊
  66. P

    It's weekend.

    Mmm.. That's nice 😊
  67. P

    It's weekend.

    Good morning everyone. It's weekend, the day of stress free, lol. It raining here and cold it is really feels good am thinking of making a very hot tea to go with the weather to keep me warm. How's your weekend going??
  68. P

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    It was years back when i was still in high school. I and some of the students went on excursion it was really a memorable trip, and that was the first time i saw a lion in my life! it was really great and enjoyable i saw so many animals and lots more I've always wish on going to visit the zoo...
  69. P

    Do you dress to impress other

    I don't dress to impress others buh sometimes i do on an occasion
  70. P

    Make up or no make up

    I do go out without wearing makeup i don't really fancy it that much don't know why maybe cause am too lazy to do it or cause am not an expert on it but now am learning on how to draw an eyebrows and once i get that perfectly maybe I'll be going out with makeup on once in a while.
  71. P

    Earning or spending money

    I do earn and spent too lol.
  72. P

    Whats is your favorite weather

    I also like cold weather but right now its so hot here in my country
  73. P

    What Time Is It In Your Country?

    2:13 here in Nigeria
  74. P

    Is working Online profitable without skills?

    I agree with you
  75. P

    Do You Like websites that Have Daily Login Bonus?

    Yes i like websites that gives daily bonus it gives motivation.
  76. P

    Not Paying 🚫

    How do i get the referral link?
  77. P

    Birthday surprises

    That's so sweet. 😊 1683306723 I also love surprises buh i don't really get more of that on my birthday. I can't even remember the last time i was surprised on my birthday. It's really a blessing getting so much love on ur birthday.
  78. P

    What you usually do when its your birthday?

    I don't usually do anything different on my birthday, its just like a normal day to me tho i do go outing sometimes when am forced to or when am on a treat.
  79. P

    Birthday surprises

    Have you ever been surprised on your birthday??
  80. P

    What are you doing now?

    Lolz how do i do that?
  81. P

    What are you doing now?

    Yes I'll say but not too perfect i just finished, and am taking some selfie and sending it out to my sisters to rate. 😅
  82. P

    What are you doing now?

    Thank you 😃
  83. P

    Sharing bills at home

    Yes. I think women should share home bills with their husband at home if the man can't afford it all by himself.
  84. P

    What are you doing now?

    Am actually at home right now doing some make up am practicing tho just trying to draw a perfect eyebrows for myself. 😄
  85. P

    Is it advisable to gist and play with your staff

    I totally agree with you
  86. P

    Is it advisable to gist and play with your staff

    In a business is it advisable for the boss or the business owner to gist and play with his or her staff or employees?
  87. P

    My first official Photoshop project!

    It's nice. 😊