Recent content by Ratine

  1. R

    What is the strangest money-saving strategy idea your boss ever came up with?

    The boss asked us to use some other cheaper materials so as to save on the expense of the other best materials.
  2. R

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    I think through the buying of items in large quantities would save you money and many people are not aware of that.
  3. R

    What are some money saving rules that rich people follow?

    They have higher standard discipline in sticking to their budgets and saving habits for that matter.
  4. R

    What are the most useful money investment and saving tricks?

    I think that the fixed deposit account is good to earning you the interests hustle free.
  5. R

    Why do you think saving is good

    I go for the saving because it's very important at sorting me in times of the financial emergency.
  6. R


    Of course yes. I find that the writing on the online sites as a great hobby for me.
  7. R

    Do you do morning exercise to keep fit

    Frankly speaking l don't have that time especially in the mornings. I would prepare my kids to go to school at that time.
  8. R

    What's the best way to confront a co-worker about a problem?

    For me l would involve the supervisor on that kind of scenerio for that matter.
  9. R

    How do you typically get your tension out?

    I usually relieve my tension when watching the funny videos on the YouTube or TikTok.
  10. R

    Best website for seeking employment

    For me l have never found any site that l can say it's best in terms of the earning and something for that matter.
  11. R

    Do you compete with your colleagues?

    When in school during the college days, the competition among the students was something very normal.
  12. R

    Always believe in your abilities

    The personal abilities are ideally likely to be the engine machine for the best performance on the workplace for that matter.
  13. R

    Do you believe in excuses?

    Excuses are there to make people break some promises and fail to deliver what they are supposed to.
  14. R

    Do you believe in ghost?

    Ghosts are very real for that matter. Most people have seen so many of them in my place
  15. R

    Do you believe that snacking is healthy?

    I am too very aware for that but l take some snacks because l am very disparate at.
  16. R

    Are you taking any Vitamin pills daily?

    I am not in the position to take the pills for the vitamins for that matter.
  17. R

    Taking treatment at home or in the hospital?

    It depends on the kind of ailments that one undergoes. Some small ailments could be finished by receiving the treatments at home.
  18. R

    Health benefits of taking quava

    Guava indeed is very nutritiously and rich in vitamins that helps the body to strengthen the immunity system.
  19. R

    Do you have a health insurance?

    For me l don't have any insurance of any kind. I had thought about taking insurance for the business but l was unable.
  20. R

    Do you take pills even for the small ailments?

    For me l don't prefer the using of medicine at all. I embrace some prayers for that matter
  21. R

    The best time for the online working

    Actually one gets the best of the concentration time in the dawns and cool mornings.
  22. R

    Do you still have your best friend?

    Frankly speaking l can say that l still have them but everyone is now concerned about their lives.
  23. R

    What are you best at?

    For me l can say that when l was in school l was best at Mathematics.
  24. R

    Be the best friends of your kids

    Actually my children get along with the children that are schooling together and have some common characters.
  25. R

    What is the best movie you had watched in your entire life?

    For me l have watched so many nicier movies so to speak. But l can point out the disprado.
  26. R

    Best way to deal with life's fears

    Mostly people kill these kinds of fears by being confident and sure of what they do.
  27. R

    The best of life

    For me l can say that l still have a very long way to go to reach the best of my life.
  28. R

    Be the best friends of your kids

    It's quite a great thing. The children would feel at ease and being free when you friend with them.
  29. R

    What is the best email marketing tool?

    For me l have never ventured out for that kind of gigs therefore l have no idea about it.
  30. R

    Best discussion and forum site to earn money

    Nowadays my lot has recently became so inactive because the site is very slowly st earning for that reason.
  31. R

    Which is easier to manage between a TV station and a Radio station?

    With the look at things, the management for the tv channels ought to be so complicated than the radio station management.
  32. R

    What new technology do you use to manage weeds in your farm

    Here in my location we normally use some chemicals that kill the weeds for that matter.
  33. R

    How do you manage your business and love life if you are single?

    I think that the outsourcing here would help out. When one gets the right staff, the business could go on so crazily.
  34. R

    How do you manage your fiances?

    For me l use my brain to make the calculations on the expenses about my household.
  35. R

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    It's very disappointing for that matter. They should give out notice for the late payments.
  36. R

    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    Ever since the era for the graphics designing ever started, the Photoshop had been standing up.
  37. R

    Do you actually conduct the medical body check ups after six months?

    I can't do such a thing for me. I rarely go to see the doctor in normal occasions.
  38. R

    What do you actually do on the birthday's eve?

    I actually don't celebrate the birthdays so l do nothing on the eve of my birthdays.
  39. R

    What do you actually do when you get so tired?

    I usually take bath and go to the bed and sleep for some couple of hours.
  40. R

    Do you actually save money

    For me l do save money very rarely because l don't have a permanent income plan.
  41. R

    Do You Actually Save More By Purchasing in Bulk

    Of course yes. You are very likely to save more on the buying in bulky. Large quantities are always very cheaper.
  42. R

    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    For me l don't have any investments plans because l have not been ready for that.
  43. R

    Have you Ever Been To Japan?

    I have never been to Japan. For me l have never travelled abroad before for the truth of the matter.
  44. R

    In Japan they plan offices in a way to let their employees relax!

    I think that is very nice to hear from a country. I wish my country could do the same.
  45. R

    Is it necessary for the salaries to match with the level of proficiency on the workplace?

    Had it been that way, many working people in my country would be very rich. Unfortunately that cannot be implemented even by the rulling government.
  46. R

    Are you really happy at your workplace?

    Most workplaces in my country are not really good places to work at. Most of them have poor working conditions.
  47. R

    How Can I Tell If My Workplace Is "Toxic"

    For me being very straight person l could directly point out that one for that matter.
  48. R

    Do you eat from your neighbour's place?

    For me l am not used to that. I therefore seldomly eat at one's place for that matter.
  49. R

    In what place would you like to go to relax?

    I always say that l am not that so expensive. With that being said l can relax anywhere so long as l get some fresh air.
  50. R

    What do I need to setup a borehole drilling service company?

    The reason being that, the business is very lucrative and profitable. In my country the business had less competition.
  51. R

    Do you typically lend a hand to those in need?

    Sincerely speaking l can help out according to the far l can reach by my hand.
  52. R

    You need to spend to grow your business

    Of course one has to spend so much amount of money for them to grow their business.
  53. R

    Do we need to spend a lot of money to relax?

    For me l don't see any reason for spending too much money on the relaxation of ourselves.
  54. R

    What do you do to relax?

    I used to relax through the watching of some comedy on my phone and it really works out for me.
  55. R

    Are you a member of the site where you began your online journey?

    I think that the site died of a long time ago. It was such great earning site by then.
  56. R

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    I am a member for the forum coin. However l stopped being active on that site because because l lack some time.
  57. R

    How serious are you in your investment?

    I can say that l am very serious on my business. I have discovered the secret of being successful in the business.
  58. R

    When you're serious about your business, be ready to be alone

    This is in the case of being very determined to your business as s good business manager.
  59. R

    How to deal with cybercrime and writing fraud?

    For the cases of my country, it's really puts more efforts on the war against the cybercrime.
  60. R

    Why investing in gambling is a crime in some countries?

    On my country, the gambling is allowed and the government taxes so heavily on it.
  61. R

    How can kidnapping crime be stopped?

    It's my thought that the security agencies should play their part in the keeping of law and order.
  62. R

    Kidnapping is a serious threat

    I too think that the kidnapping is a very serious problem in our society and the authorities should check on that.
  63. R

    Do you still wear a watch?

    For me l can't even remember when last l wore a wrist watch. I can say that l quit that a long gone time.
  64. R

    Do you still watch TV?

    For me l am a real tv fan. The watching of the TV is my thing and l can't do without.
  65. R

    What is your favorite crypto investment platform?

    For me l have never invested in the cryptocurrency before. I have only heard of the higher yield investment platforms.
  66. R

    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    For sure l am not into the investment venture yet. However l would like to engage in one.
  67. R

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    For now l am not in the position to repay multiple loans and l only take one loan at a time.
  68. R

    What's one of your favorite books or movies from childhood and what did you love about it?

    I realized that the titanic movie is really a very great liking to me since my childhood.
  69. R

    How do you watch movies

    For me l would go for movies on the halls. I find the watching movies with others very enjoyable for that matter.
  70. R

    Do you still watch black and white movies?

    For me l can't remember when last l watched such movies. That's something that l don't really embrace doing.
  71. R

    Do you watch movies on Telegram?

    In fact l am hearing it here for the first time that it's possible it watch movies in the telegram
  72. R

    What kind of movies do you like?

    For me l would prefer the tragicomedy. That's because l always prefer watching movies while being stressed up.
  73. R

    Do you like Movies with sad ending?

    I rarely embrace such kind of movies. Sometimes l like those movies as they keep me active to determine what happened next.
  74. R

    How do you react to customers when you are sad?

    For me I try as much as possible to react so mildly to the customers as long l don't show them that l am sad.
  75. R

    What’s that thing making you sad right now?

    I too like resting on the rainny days. I would do that for the whole day in the matter of fact.
  76. R

    Which do you prefer: burger or pizza?

    For me l prefer none of them. I realized that l have no liking for that at all
  77. R

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    When the money is being processed by the bank then you are likely to receive it in monthly basis and it comes with more benefits.
  78. R

    Do you prefer the plastic or the wooden chairs?

    The plastic chairs have gained increasingly popularity nowadays and that is because they are very cheap.
  79. R

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    I would prefer the deodorant as of me. That's because l sweat do profusely and that one can help out.
  80. R

    Why these days Ladies Prefer to not get married?

    The reason being most of them have been disappointed after being married to some toxic men
  81. R

    Do you prefer to be married to someone or staying single for ever?

    According to my society one should be married so that they could be respected in the community.
  82. R

    Which is the best brand, Realme or Samsung?

    For the truth of the matter you will find that the realme stands out compared to the Samsung
  83. R

    Can money save someone's life?

    Of course yes. Money can be a great life saving tool especially on the paying of the medical services in hospitals in cases where the person falls sick.
  84. R

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    Getting married to an ever busy person would mean nothing to great marriage and this would be a problem for that matter.
  85. R

    Is there someone you keep on thinking about?

    When l was still dating, l always thought about my fiance. However after being married l am now free.
  86. R

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    You should avoid staying alone and thinking so much about the things that disturbs you so much.
  87. R

    How do you keep the bank account active?

    I think one should be very financial active on depositing and making withdrawals on the bank account.
  88. R

    Do you really keep up dated to the current times of the year?

    I find it very conveniently to be updated on the current affairs and real happenings on everyday's life.
  89. R

    Do you keep to promises?

    Keeping promises and being faithful to what you do in life is really very great thing and promote honesty.
  90. R

    Do you keep on thinking about things that affect your decisions?

    Of course yes. I am really very curious about what l keep in mind for the decision making process for that matter.
  91. R

    Keep moving

    As a business person one ought to be very resilient and patient on every aspect for the business.
  92. R

    Management support Is key In empowering employees

    I think that the support on the management systems for the business is a really a great thing for the wellbeing for the employees.
  93. R

    Which do you like to drink Milo or Ovaltine? 😁

    For me l would really like the milo compared to the Ovaltine among others so to speak.
  94. R

    True love always survives the test of time

    Unfortunately it's very difficult to find any true love in today's life as many people are liars and untrustworthy.
  95. R

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    For me l don't have more money to keep depositing in the fixed deposit accounts in banks.
  96. R

    How many income sources do you have?

    For sure l have like two sources of income in my life. My regular business and the online gigs.
  97. R

    Going to sea to swim

    For me l would rarely go to the beaches for swimming so to speak in that matter.
  98. R

    I am so sad this day

    I have realized that l feel sad these days compared to the way l was like a couple of years ago.
  99. R

    How many friends do you have?

    I have like three friends. These friends are very faithful to me and l trust them so much.
  100. R

    How to fall in love again after being heartbroken so many times.

    The best thing is to take some time off and stay single for a long time to heal first.
  101. R

    What is the most embarrassing thing that can fall out from your bag or pockets?

    I don't carry fun things in my bags for that matter. I rarely carry bags for that reasons.
  102. R

    Have you Ever Started Your day with Apple only?

    I usually start my days with something very hot and l find that very good with my stomach.
  103. R

    True love always survives the test of time

    I can say that the true love is however the game changer in the possession for a great relationship.
  104. R

    True love always survives the test of time

    That's right. When you love someone from your heart it's very prevalent that the relationship would last and achieve its success for that matter.
  105. R

    What are the key factors that influence investment returns?

    For instance a great investment is the one that brings in good return on investments in the long run. So to this is culminated by the engagement in the investment ventures that you are aware of
  106. R

    Management support Is key In empowering employees

    A great business management would positively impact the business growth for that matter which is the aim for most entrepreneurs.
  107. R

    Key to running a successful business

    Successful business is achieved by dedicating of too much energy on the business and being consistent for that matter.
  108. R

    4 key factors impacting business profitability

    One of the factors should be the cost of running the businesses. This should always be maintained at the low costs ever
  109. R

    4 Awesome Qualities of an Unshakeable Digital Marketer

    They are very focused and innovative to the most trending technology application in their field of career.
  110. R

    Qualities of a wife material

    A wife material lady is not too much in demanding of money on pety issues for that matter.
  111. R

    What are the key qualities of a successful entrepreneur

    A good entrepreneur should be good at team leading, wise decision maker and taking informed risks.
  112. R

    What qualities do you value the most in your friends and the people you surround yourself with?

    For me l would like people that are faithful and thinking about how to shape the future life.
  113. R

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    I have realized that the life of a human being exists in the physically and the spiritually.
  114. R

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    For instance when the companies found that way to be so profitable than the outsourcing of the qualified personnel.
  115. R

    Can you beg your friend to stay in your shop for a day?

    I would rather close that shop on that day rather than rising my business to thieves
  116. R

    How to maintain self care and love in a relationship

    I think by staying focused in being faithful to your partner on the relationship that all what matters.
  117. R

    Do you love music?

    For me l don't like music that much. Music is an entertainment tool when may be l am upset or angry.
  118. R

    How do you see people who love to beg all the time?

    Most of them are idlers and they don't want to work at all costs. They are used to borrow almost everything.
  119. R

    True love can't be bought and sold

    In a matter of fact it's very difficult to find out the true love in today's world.
  120. R

    Why does timing matter when a company develops new projects?

    According to what things are going for now, time matters so much in the determining on the success for the projects
  121. R

    No matter how skillful you are, get certification to command a higher pay.

    In normal circumstances the papers would always prove that one is legitimately learned and experienced in any faculty
  122. R

    No matter how much you try, someone's child would never be your child.

    That's very true on that. In normal circumstances a child is recognized to be yours if you personal bored that one.
  123. R

    What is the difference between being wise and being smart.

    I think that the wise and the smart aspects in life are very different from each other. Being smart is the best thing ever.
  124. R

    What's the difference between semi-passive and fully passive income sources?

    The passive incomes could be very useful for the well being of the businesses growth and sustainability at large
  125. R

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    I would like to own the washing machine for that matter. They are very useful in making the household washing so easier.
  126. R

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    Businesses that are often depended upon are likely to collapse because of the lack of business funding.
  127. R

    Must I give my contact to every guy?

    For me l can say that it's not a must for you people to give out your contact to most people.
  128. R

    How many days you can wait if you are not informed about the payment delay?

    I can wait for as long as a whole week when there is no delay notice for the payment
  129. R

    In how many days do you cut nails of your feet?

    My feet nails usually takes a very long time to grow and l subsequently take like more than a month to cut them off.
  130. R

    How many days you took to learn driving a two wheeler?

    I think you are talking about the motorbike. For me it took like three days to learn how to ride that.
  131. R

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    For now it's very difficult to earn even $0.20 a day here in this forum site. 1719083027 For now it can take one like a whole week of working here for you to earn the dollar
  132. R

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    For me l really have no problems with the eating of the spicy foods for that matter.
  133. R

    How has the internet impacted you personally?

    Had it not for the internet l couldn't been able to earn anything online l am very grateful for that.
  134. R

    How do you treat first time customers?

    The first time customers should be treated with courtesy so that should come back again and again.
  135. R

    How did you build your financial knowledge?

    For me have so little knowledge about the finances. The most financial knowledge l learned them in life
  136. R

    Did You Use Coinbase Pro

    For me l found the Coinbase wallet very complicated that's why l quit using that.
  137. R

    How did you managed to outsmart your competitors?

    I can say that it's not very simple to outsmart the competitors as it needs some calculated tricks and plans that can take you there.
  138. R

    How did you managed the operation of the kiosk business?

    For me l can say that the operation of the kiosk business is very simple and easy as it doesn't have too much work.
  139. R

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    l live a very simple life with whatever l have. I would try the frugality life possible to make both ends meet.
  140. R

    What bad addiction have you dumped and how did you achieve it

    For me l was addicted on the taking of the sugar wherever l see it in my house.
  141. R

    How did you get over your ex

    Getting over with the ex is indeed very difficult thing to get away with like that.
  142. R

    Did you study management in the university

    In my country it's very mandatory for the university students to learn the entrepreneurship and business management as whole.
  143. R

    Do you find selfishness as a money saving strategy?

    Majority of the people in the world would not help anyone with their money despite for them being in the position to do so.
  144. R

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    All of my grandparents died a very long time ago. I can say that l didn't even seen them.
  145. R

    Do you still holding your bitcoins currently?

    Of course yes. I would still hold my bitcoins for now and sell them at the right time
  146. R

    Opinion on babies ears being pierced while they are still months old?

    I think that the ear piercing doesn't have any health complications because the doctors do that for the little children.
  147. R

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    In a matter of fact l am still being entertained by the radio especially when l want to hear the olden local music.
  148. R

    Do you still have your best friend?

    In a matter of fact, l am still having all of my best friends from the childhood.
  149. R

    Analyse the best way to create a successful online course

    The creation of the online courses really requires some online skills and experience to make that possible.
  150. R

    How to create a successful online course and generate passive income

    I think for that to be possible, one should be having some skills, and the required expertise to do so.
  151. R

    How to create a successful online business marketing strategy

    I think that the online business marketing strategies can be arrived at by establishment of the business online presence by using either the social media sites or any other agents for digital marketing.
  152. R

    How can I create a successful online business growth strategy?

    I think that the online business is like any other business out there and therefore vivid structures should be put in place for its growth.
  153. R

    Online Tutorial Business

    I think most of the online tutorial services pays so much. That's why getting those opportunities is not that easy.
  154. R

    Do you find it hard to live with your family members?

    As a parent l would find enough pleasure to live with my family a happy life for sure.
  155. R

    Impossible to find a job without help?

    Nowadays one must be connected for them to get jobs. It's therefore very important to have a destiny connector.
  156. R

    Online Tutorial Company

    That's very great business to start. Unfortunately it's very difficult to find a trustworthy business partner.
  157. R

    Never cheat customers in your business

    It's however very ideally to be very faithful when dealing with the customers and this would even attract more of them.
  158. R

    Renting out potted plants

    I have realized that the business is very profitable as it somehow cheap to maintain the potted plants.
  159. R

    Have you Ever Purchased Referrals?

    In most cases l have never found the purchase of the referrals worthy to do in any venture.
  160. R

    Have you ever Purchased Referrals for any Faucet?

    For me l have never been engaged in the faucet claiming websites for the truth of the matter.
  161. R

    Have You Ever Purchased a Website?

    In the truth of the matter l have never done so. I would however create one when the need arises.
  162. R

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    For me l have never purchased that online. I usually like buying items in person.
  163. R

    Do you still holding your bitcoins currently?

    Of course yes. As l can say that this is not the right time for one to sell their coins.
  164. R

    Is email support still relevant form of support system?

    Most people nowadays use the social media handles to communicate swiftly to the companies have queries with.
  165. R

    Do you still email?

    Of course yes l am still making some emailing here and there but in very rare occasions.
  166. R

    Do you still invest in hyip?

    The hyips platforms are most of the times scamming websites and the investors should be very cautious about.
  167. R

    Do you still invest in the bitcoin?

    For me l have never really made that clear decision to investing my money on the cryptocurrency
  168. R

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    For me both of my grandparents from either side of my mother and father's side died a very long time when l was a kid.
  169. R

    Do you live in your own house?

    I have realized that living in your own house would save you so much money for that reason.
  170. R

    House chores You do on the daily

    For me the most chores that l do in daily basis are washing and cleaning the dishes
  171. R

    Do you live in a rented house?

    For me l live in the traditional family owned house for that matter so to speak.
  172. R

    Do you like house hold work?

    I really like them for sure. In normal circumstances l would do the house chores before l go to work.
  173. R

    Renting Vs buying a house

    I would go for the buying of the house. This is because one buys the house only once and for all.
  174. R

    House and pet sitting business

    I have never seen any practical example in my country. I have only read from forums about that.
  175. R

    What pet do you have?

    Keeping of pets requires some one that has some upfront money to take care of the pets.
  176. R

    The best time for the online working

    It's very ideally to mark on the best time that one could be doing the online work in a very conducive environment.
  177. R

    Best sales techniques for closing deals?

    The closing of sales is what matters at all. However a business manager should be equipped with that tactics.
  178. R

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    I think there are more safer ways for reducing pf the weight than just that.
  179. R

    Losing weight reducing calories intake

    I have never thought of reducing the weight because l am already physical fit
  180. R

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    For me l would go for the deodorant. I have a no interests in the perfumes at all
  181. R

    How to handle rude students online?

    In a matter of fact the rude online student must be given some punishments regarding their wrong doings.
  182. R

    How can you encourage one that is grieving

    Doing so is a very difficult thing for me. The grieving people wouldn't listen untill they tend to be very stubborn.
  183. R

    Tolerating a wrong love

    I am not be in the position yo tolerate the wrong love in a matter of fact
  184. R

    How would you feel and react if your teenage daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock?

    For me l would feel so bad but that's very normal thing in my country.
  185. R

    Have you ever thought of starting a micro finance?

    I had really thought about that unfortunately l don't have such gurts to do so for now.
  186. R

    Is finance a really broad field?

    Yes it is. Finance is a very wide subject for that matter. One may take some time to study about that.
  187. R

    Do you really love everybody?

    I bet that you can't love everyone and the same can't happen to you too
  188. R

    Are you presently in love with anyone?

    For sure l am not presently in love with anyone. I am done with that and l am happily married.
  189. R

    Anyone know any top tips for gardening?

    I think depends on the type of gardening that one engages in for that matter.
  190. R

    Joys of gardening

    I think your garden is located in a very good climate for that reason. The place with good rain are mostly likely to do well with the farming.
  191. R

    Do you like gardening?

    For real l have the interests in the gardening. I would do the farming of various food crops.
  192. R

    Do you like to do Gardening or hire someone to do that for you?

    For me l like doing the gardening for myself. I have the interests in doing that
  193. R

    Do you get a backache from tidying the mattress for a long time?

    I think that is very normal for human beings. For me l had oftenly experienced that.
  194. R

    What are the challenges with managing a logistics business?

    The most challenging thing for that business is the higher costs for the transportation services due to the gasoline increased prices.
  195. R

    Are you good at managing funds?

    I know that though l am not that good but l can manage my funds well.
  196. R

    Managing a toxic relationship

    For me l am not a fan for the toxic relationships. I would always quit on the the toxic relationships.
  197. R

    Alternatives to homework

    Scholars can begin using the online apps to do their homeworks in the comfort of your home.
  198. R

    Is it possible for couples to dislike each other?

    I don't believe in that. Most lovers break out their relationships because of unfaithfulness
  199. R

    Making Money Through Forum Posting Contest

    I think l had won the contests for only once. I really don't have enough time for participating.
  200. R

    Can you keep the snake as you the pet?

    I too wouldn't embrace the keeping of the snakes as pets. They are quite dangerous and l like them at all.