Recent content by Shavkat

  1. Shavkat

    New đźš© New contest on TopGold Forum

    It sounds good to me. Let me check it later. Thanks for sharing this thing here.
  2. Shavkat

    Favorite Pastime?

    I usually watch videos on YouTube and sleep after. Sometimes I just go here and spend time reading things here.
  3. Shavkat

    Have you ever been betrayed by a friend

    Yes, I have been betrayed for a couple of times and these people are not connected to me anymore.
  4. Shavkat

    Brush before or after

    I do brush my teeth before and after eating my meals. I do this every day.
  5. Shavkat

    Do you look at brands when buying medicines?

    I do look for the branded ones. Although I am open buying those are generic ones.
  6. Shavkat

    How to be outgoing as an introvert

    I think they can walk by themselves to certain places. They do not need to talk with others when doing it.
  7. Shavkat

    What exactly do you do when money isn't forth coming as expected

    I will surely feel frustrated and disappointed. The only thing I do is to be patient and wait for the money comes to my bank account.
  8. Shavkat

    Does a Cross border business need to be registered in more than one country?

    I do think they should do this accordingly. They also need to familiarize them with international laws.
  9. Shavkat

    Effect of a business plan

    An effective business plan can make business survives. Regularly, they need to do this and it should be sustained.
  10. Shavkat

    Most difficult aspect of being a business owner?

    I think all the elements of marketing management are the tough things that a business owner should be focused on more and other business-related concerns..
  11. Shavkat

    Boost your motivation instantly

    It has been my hobby to empower to myself. I am trying to do the best that I could to anything every day.
  12. Shavkat

    What's your thought on pre-marital sex? is it a sin?

    In the Holy Bible, it is considered a sin. We cannot deny this doctrine in this book's contents.
  13. Shavkat

    Take out or dine in?

    If there is a special ocassion, we usually take out foods from the restaurants. It is more convenient to eat at home for us these days.
  14. Shavkat

    are you addicted to sugar?

    I am proud to say that I limit myself using sugar. I do not want to be inflicted with diabetes mellitus.
  15. Shavkat

    Do you like Raw onions?

    I also like raw onions with shredded green mangoes or tomatoes. It brings more taste to them.
  16. Shavkat

    What kind of people do you seek advice from?

    For personal life, I prefer the elders to give me some advices because they know better.
  17. Shavkat

    Do you prefer hard copy or soft copy of pictures?

    If using my mobile phone, I need to transfer the photos and delete them right away.
  18. Shavkat

    Which is better Online or offline passive income?

    I have been working online for more than a decade. It is a good niche for me.
  19. Shavkat

    50% offline income and 50% online income are better to survive

    In my view, we can have a hundred percent income online. This is that I am sharing the experience.
  20. Shavkat

    How to Secure a Job?

    I personally think that we need to work hard and perform well at work. In this way, we can secure our respective jobs.
  21. Shavkat

    Visual event planner

    One of my friends is whining about this kind of business. The competition is becoming tough these days.
  22. Shavkat

    How effective is ads and content in business

    I think it they did a great job, I am sure it will attract a lot of possible customers.
  23. Shavkat

    Starting Tattoo business.

    I am not sure if it is a good business in my city. I can only a few people having them here.
  24. Shavkat

    Do you like shopping online or offline?

    I also agree with you. It is convenient to buy online. However, I prefer to buy fresh foods in the public market.
  25. Shavkat

    What would consider before buying a residential property

    I also considered the place and it must be near the center of the city. If it is possible, the lot is close to schools and other amenities.
  26. Shavkat

    Do you have any kind of short term loans?

    I have a short-term loan and it needs to be paid for 6 months. It was not that heavy to pay it monthly.
  27. Shavkat

    Is it wise to borrow money from a younger person

    I think it is fine. As long as this young one is not that greedy in lending some of his or her money with high interest.
  28. Shavkat

    Senior Discounts

    I felt bad that senior citizens in my country does not feel being one. The discount scheme is limited.
  29. Shavkat

    Kidnapping is a serious threat

    I agree with you. I have seen so many posted photos who are missing on Facebook.
  30. Shavkat

    Why investing in gambling is a crime in some countries?

    I am not sure, but it is forbidden in China. Although they do not control Macau for having Casinos despite it is under their power.
  31. Shavkat

    Separating your personal life from your business life

    We need to set boundaries when having our oown business. It will surely affect the company if we incorporate our personal motives.
  32. Shavkat

    Making Passive Income as a Content Creator

    I am quite jealous for those content creators because they can expose themselves with their videos. I cannot do this.
  33. Shavkat

    Is it profitable to sell personal protective equipment PPE ?

    As of today, they are not that in high demand. It is because pandemic died now.
  34. Shavkat

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    For me, it is easier to promote and market services. I do this when teaching online.
  35. Shavkat

    Starting a business from scratch or running an existing business, which is easier?

    It is good if it is existing one. You can just pay the franchise and then, you can have the business.
  36. Shavkat

    How do you manage your fiances?

    I just do the usual thing. I usually save at least 10 t0 20% from the total salary during pay days.
  37. Shavkat

    Favorite Dish

    I have so many favorite dishes, but I still prefer Filipino cuisine the most. It is because the taste of the meals are tasty for me.
  38. Shavkat

    What colour of clothes do you mostly have?

    Most of my clothes are in blue, black, adn white. They are my favorite colors.
  39. Shavkat

    Make up or no make up

    I prefer women wearing light makeup. They do look good in this way than the heavy one.
  40. Shavkat

    What are some of the best computer games of all time?

    I am not into gaming. However, most of my friends usually play League of Legends.
  41. Shavkat

    Requested a payout today

    Tomorrow is the day to redeem the money here. As of today, I am trying to hit the minimum payout and redeem it.
  42. Shavkat

    How to Ensure That Your Online Store is User-Friendly?

    Since I am using an e-commerce platform, it has a user-friendly feature that we can send messages to customers directly.
  43. Shavkat

    Do You Actually Save More By Purchasing in Bulk

    My aunt usually do buy in bulk because she has a mini-shop. She can have a good discount for doing this.
  44. Shavkat

    What do you actually do on the birthday's eve?

    We usually have a simple celebration during this special day. It is more festive for kids.
  45. Shavkat

    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    I used to use this before. It has been a long that I did not use it because it is not needed in my current jobs online.
  46. Shavkat

    Making Money From Short Videos: Which is the Best Platform

    I have a Reel and uploaded videos. I have more than 5000 subscribers, but no money gain.
  47. Shavkat

    Share the Internet and earn from 5 to 20 $ per month!

    I am not sure it is possible in my place. Although it sounds interesting and promising.
  48. Shavkat

    If you were to be animal which will that be?

    I would want to be an eagle, so that I can fly freely in the sky and enjoy freedom.
  49. Shavkat

    Online shopping

    In my country, online food shopping is not that popular yet. I buy things online at random.
  50. Shavkat

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    I am a member of this site. However, I do not have enough time to visit it. It is a legit one and I was paid once before.
  51. Shavkat

    Do you find it aesthetically disgusting to eat with bare hands?

    In my country, we do eat barebands sometimes. The most important is to handwash before doing it.
  52. Shavkat

    What would consider before buying a residential property

    This is my greatest dream. I hope I could buy a land property and will try my best to build the dream house in mind.
  53. Shavkat


    I cannot tell how much I earn because it varies from one day to another.
  54. Shavkat

    How to Write a Great Content?

    All I know is it depends what kind of contents that can be appealing to readers to read.
  55. Shavkat

    Online sales of Photos

    I heard that there are so many photos that can be sold with different apps. However, I have not tried to do this yet.
  56. Shavkat

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    It depends what type of apartments that a tenant will rent. It ranges from $100 to $200.
  57. Shavkat

    Regular customers

    This is best thing that needs to consider every company in the business world. They are main source of income.
  58. Shavkat

    Building Good Relationship in Your Workplace

    It is inevitable that competition can happen in a certain company. I must say that a good relationship is difficult to attain.
  59. Shavkat

    How do you deal with a bad day

    I think it depends how people will deal with their bad days. As for me, I just stroll around my city and do something new.
  60. Shavkat

    What does it mean to work like a horse?

    Currently, I am working like a horse.:ROFLMAO: I do no think there is nothing wrong to work hard.
  61. Shavkat

    Place that you want to revisit?

    The only place that I keep on going again and again is the beach. Any beaches can do for me and I will not refuse to.
  62. Shavkat

    How Do You Show Someone You Love Them?

    I do it more in actions than speaking. Some people do the talking, but it cannot be felt genuinely.
  63. Shavkat

    Do you like movies that make you cry?

    I will say no. I prefer watching films like horror, action, adventure, and detective stories.
  64. Shavkat

    How serious are you in your investment?

    If I do invest to something, I will surely take it seriously. It is not good to lax when doing this matter.
  65. Shavkat

    How do you trade or withdraw crypto in your country?

    In my country, we usually use coinbase,, and GCash. Although it has been a long time that I have done transacting with cryptocurrency.
  66. Shavkat

    Build your relationship with marketing experts

    It would be great to hire people who are good at marketing. When I was still connected to a sales company, I was promoted as an agent in just three months. It was my frist time to handle a team.
  67. Shavkat

    Is Data Sales A Good Business?

    I heard that it is a good business. Some people claimed that they can earn more than they expected with this kind of business.
  68. Shavkat

    Your network is your networth

    I can agree more. The more you have connections, the more profit you can gain. It is a good way to survive in the business world.
  69. Shavkat

    To Forget and Forgive

    I can forgive, but I cannot forget. It is me that I cannot forget because of how it scarred my heart and soul.
  70. Shavkat

    Money vs love

    I know some people get married because of money, especially women. For me, it is better to find ways to get money than marrying someone because of it.
  71. Shavkat

    What do you do to relax?

    If I cannot go out for a walk, I will be here or to other earning sites. Whenever I go out, I also listen to music with my ear buds.
  72. Shavkat

    Should video gaming be considered a career?

    I had seen gamers claimed to be earning decent. Although it is still not a job, unless if you are a game tester.
  73. Shavkat

    how much online money you earned so far?

    That would be great if we can have this amount of money monthly. I have not encountered the online space. Is it an earning site?
  74. Shavkat

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    Indeed. It needs more time to spend to reach a dollar, but it is fine. As long as it pays, then we can go along with the tide.
  75. Shavkat

    Your go-to sweetener

    It is a healthy one to use, but it is quite pricey to have them here. I still use the brown sugar than the processed one.
  76. Shavkat

    My 1° Payout $10

    You are right. I wish we could find other stable earning sites and earn from them handsomely.
  77. Shavkat

    Do you like religious movies?

    I used to watch them. It is a good way to learn some doctrines from different religious practices and doctrines.
  78. Shavkat

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    I am not sure if I am a member of Trendi. Since I cannot squeeze my time, I am just being here for now.
  79. Shavkat

    How to kill suicidal thoughts

    I agree. Some people are in a state of depression because no one wants to hear out.
  80. Shavkat

    What online skill can a child learn?

    I also trying to persuade my niece to have a piggy bank. In this way, she can know the importance of saving money. It is an old school way, but it is an effective one.
  81. Shavkat

    The Power of Dreaming

    This is the problem for some people. They tend not to accept the changes in this world. Others are so hungry to learn more.
  82. Shavkat

    What are the requirement to become an online tutor?

    You said it right. It is also an advantage if the applicant has some certificates, such as TESOL and TFL.
  83. Shavkat

    What embarrasses you the most and what’s been your most embarrassing moment?

    I might be feeling the same way. I also experienced this, but I just forgot the exact time to go on board. It was a connecting flight at that time.
  84. Shavkat

    How to positively deal with someone trying to take your work or position

    Even I, I never dared to compete with others. I just do my job and do not mind others' business.
  85. Shavkat

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    I think it possible if I conducted a business feasibility study. Besides, it is still risky because we cannot foretell the future accurately.
  86. Shavkat

    Can a 30 year old person live peacefully with his or her parents?

    I am glad that my parents are not like this. Although my late father used to nag me, but he still wanted me at home.
  87. Shavkat

    Are you a moody type of person?

    They should be aware. :ROFLMAO: If not, they will be in a bad mood, too. I might not conceal my feelings in no time because of these reasons.
  88. Shavkat

    How many cups of tea or coffee daily?

    I used to drink more than 3 cups of coffee with cream. Now, I just have two cups of black coffee without sugar in them. It is good to trigger body's metabolism.
  89. Shavkat

    What type of food would you recommend to a foreign client visiting your country?

    That is a good gesture. We still need to ask them what kind of foods they want. In this way, we can able to know if some of them are vegetarians or not.
  90. Shavkat

    What is your favourite street food? Why?

    I also like this and the squid balls, but not the beta max and chicken feet. But, I like one day old chicks.
  91. Shavkat

    What is your favourite summer outfit? Why?

    I am also not that fancy when it comes to wearing certain oufits, especiall during summer season.
  92. Shavkat

    Do you like Pineapple or Apple?

    I also tried that, too. I love pineapples during summer season in our country. Although I prefer watermelon and put in a fridge for a few hours. It is also refreshing.
  93. Shavkat

    What kind of movies do you like?

    I had watched some Indian movies and like them. Lately, I am more on watching Chinese TV series.
  94. Shavkat

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    In big cities in China, most women do not want to get married. They tend to be more career oriented than getting married.
  95. Shavkat

    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    You are so right. That is a good thing when living in the countryside. Most of the locals use woods to cook their meals.
  96. Shavkat

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    Since I am living in the mountains, I always have the cool weather. I must say that I cannot live in the countryside during summer for a long time.
  97. Shavkat

    What's the best online course you've taken?

    I have not seen any courses that offer this. The best course that I had is having the TESOL and TFL. They are useful for being a virtual teacher.
  98. Shavkat

    What is your favourite fruit to eat in the summer?

    I also love fresh pineapples and dip them in salt. Even if there is no salt, I can still have them in my system.
  99. Shavkat

    Have you ever tried to do intermittent fasting?

    I noticed that I lost 2 kg. for doing it. It was a good feeling that it does work for me. I still need to lose 8 kg.
  100. Shavkat

    Why do kids are so excited on their birthday?

    Since they are kids, they wanted to celebrate it with their friends, relatives, and family members. We also do this at home.
  101. Shavkat

    What's your current fashion style

    It is also the same situation for me. I always wear a wear a shirt with a collar when teaching online.
  102. Shavkat

    Do you Like Egg Curry?

    It is also my first time that eggs can be cooked in this way. I only tried chicken curry and have not tried to cook it.
  103. Shavkat

    Does luck play an important role in the success?

    I agree with you. Being lucky in some instances is fine. However, it is not always happen in real life.
  104. Shavkat

    Do you like Almonds?

    I am jealous that you can have them there. We never had here, except the commercialized ones in the market.
  105. Shavkat

    How do you start your day?

    I cannot a morning walk because of work. Once I am done with my light breakfast, I will proceed with my teaching stunt. But I can do walking after.
  106. Shavkat

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    My younger brother taught me to drive a motorbike, but it is not for me. So, I prefer driving a car.
  107. Shavkat

    Which is better work from home or in office?

    A decade ago, I used to work offline and commute regularly. Now, it has been ten years that I am working from home at my own pace.
  108. Shavkat

    Do You Sell Evergreen Products or Seasonal Products

    I have not tried it, but my aunt does. It seems she loves selling them and it is a good business for her sari-sari store.
  109. Shavkat

    The best of life

    I can relate to you. Although I do not have my biological parents anymore, but I need to help my younger brothers. It is quite not easy to be the eldest in the family.
  110. Shavkat

    How lucrative is mobile old clothes stitching in your country

    It is also the same thing in my city. In fact, this kind of business saturated the usual locations.
  111. Shavkat

    is mobile toilet Business lucrative

    I have also the same thinking with this matter. Even in my city, I have not seen this kind of thing. If there are, public toilets are still being used.
  112. Shavkat

    True love always survives the test of time

    Even if they are gold diggers, I just hope that they turn to a new leaf. What if their husbands got fed up, then separation will be their faith.
  113. Shavkat

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    It is also the same thing here. Although I have a bank account that it does need to have maintaining balance.
  114. Shavkat

    Going to sea to swim

    Yes, she is. I am not sure if she enhanced her swimming style now. I have not seen her for a long time. Life becomes busier and busier.
  115. Shavkat

    I am so sad this day

    I agree. I will have one adult chihuahua because the puppy one will be sent to my younger sister. I just petted in the meantime. Then, I am planning to have another one and it should be a girl for my adult chihuahua. I will try to breed and sell the puppies.:LOL:
  116. Shavkat

    Going on a hot balloon ride

    I also seen only on TV. I am wondering how it felt being in it. It must be scary because of the height thing.
  117. Shavkat

    What's your motive for going abroad?

    My younger sister sent me a link. The job is to be an ESL teacher in this country. It is connected to the local government agency there.
  118. Shavkat

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    I agree with you. I wish I could have the whirlpool type of washing machine. It works good in certain things.
  119. Shavkat

    Keep moving

    I agree with you. We need to be flexible whatever the changes or possible issues that may arise from having a company.
  120. Shavkat

    Do you keep on thinking about things that affect your decisions?

    I think it is normal that we need to think or even rethink of what decisions made. We need to anticipate the possible consequences or the outcomes.
  121. Shavkat

    Do you know how to swim?

    I only learned the basic swimming style when I was a kid. My cousins in the countryside taught me to swim in the river.
  122. Shavkat

    Career you wanted to do as a child

    In my view, we can still someone whatever field or fields. We just need to figure out what is our real purpose for achieving certain dreams in life.
  123. Shavkat

    A lucrative site to earn !

    I also noticed that some earning sites prefer to pay members through PayPal. I felt bad for some countries who cannot access it.
  124. Shavkat

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    I agree with you. Some companies prefer applicants who are well-skilled in their previous jobs. The competition is really tough, especially these days.
  125. Shavkat

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    When I stepped into my high school, I did not feel this thing. I was so into studying since I was a scholar at the time.
  126. Shavkat

    Sharing your secrets with others

    I used to be like you. I stopped because there are signs that these people are not trustworthy.
  127. Shavkat

    Making Money Online: Is It Beginner Friendly?

    I do agree that it is an advantage if a person has a lot of work experiences. But then, I may say that not all people are like this.
  128. Shavkat

    Why did you resign from your job

    It is weird and not allowed in my country either. This is a Chinese company and they are trying to implement their own rules. That makes it a bad company.
  129. Shavkat

    Bouncing check

    It is a sad thing that some people are like this. They even pretend that they do not owe something from us.
  130. Shavkat

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    I do agree that some people have different mindsets. In my view, if you are in a poverish situation, then you need to find ways to break the cycle.
  131. Shavkat

    Making money through website flipping

    I have not done this idea yet. Although one of my friends were asking me to do this, but I am not a techy one to do a website.
  132. Shavkat

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    I have not experienced this yet. I hope it would not happen to me either.
  133. Shavkat

    What's your motive for going abroad?

    I am considering to go abroad and work there. It seems that I need to step up and earn more than before.
  134. Shavkat

    Management support Is key In empowering employees

    You are right. If they cannot motivate them with the right incentives and the like, their employees will be demotivated to work harder.
  135. Shavkat

    Why fall short of your business?

    You said it right. These things should be monitored closely as much as possible. Negligence will make things worst in business.
  136. Shavkat

    Is there risk I having too much money?

    You are right. There are some cases that some wicked businessmen hire people to kill their competitors.
  137. Shavkat

    Favorite Breakfast

    I used to be a tea drinker when I was still in Central Asia. Now, I am more on drinking black coffee and blue tea.
  138. Shavkat

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    Since I am a borderline for being hypertensive, I tried my best to be always as cool as a cucumber. I do not want to die because of it.:LOL:
  139. Shavkat

    renting of billboard space

    It is indeed that they need to secure the license for doing this kind of business. But they need to do it for the sake of gaining more profit for their business.
  140. Shavkat

    Middle men

    In my country, it is only a few who do this. Although most locals prefer to do it for themselves than asking assistance from a middle man.
  141. Shavkat

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    You have a point. Being an online freelancer can provide more opportunities, especially if he or she is well-skilled.
  142. Shavkat

    Can you pay a bride price of $1,000,000.

    In my country, the locals do not usually need to do this. It happens to some tribes or Muslim people in my country.
  143. Shavkat

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    I agree with being in this kind of relationship. It can be tagged as toxic and unhealthy.
  144. Shavkat

    Do you love sashimi

    I had tried sushi with raw seafood on it. I did love the food. However, it made my stomach upset.
  145. Shavkat

    Healthy snacks

    At this point in time, I am like you. Although I tried my best to have healthy snacks to prevent from gaining weight.
  146. Shavkat

    Do you dress to impress other

    You are right. We should not dress up just to fit in. It is better to have our comfortable clothes and be what we are in front of people.
  147. Shavkat

    how much do earn online ?

    It is also my practice not to tell how much I earn online. In my view, it is a personal matter that it should not be discussed.
  148. Shavkat

    How Do You Deal With the Challenges of Customer Satisfaction?

    Indeed. Cheating is not an option when it comes to retaining the loyal clients. If they did this, no one will trust them anymore.
  149. Shavkat

    Employee retention strategies

    Speaking of career growth, the company should show that they can do this. I am sure that employees will work hard for this opportunity in the company.
  150. Shavkat

    What is the most expensive thing that you achieved through saving little by little money?

    I am planning to do the same thing. The money that I can earn from earning sites will be used for a new mobile phone.
  151. Shavkat

    What is your strategy for the repayment of loans?

    You have a point. We need to loan to invest on something. At least, we have the goals of investing and wait for the return of investment.
  152. Shavkat

    These days most shows are ladies based

    I can relate to it. I, myself cannot endure watching TV shows due to being as busy as a bee.
  153. Shavkat

    What is the real reason paypal is not working in Nigeria?

    I also heard this concern before. They were banned because these people have malicious activities online.
  154. Shavkat

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    This is a really sad story to ponder. I had seen so many earning sites that I joined before, and they shut down so soon.
  155. Shavkat

    How to create a successful online course and generate passive income

    I agree with you. Since I have been working for online tutorial companies for a long time, I think I can do these courses.
  156. Shavkat

    What is one childhood memory that you treasure, and what makes it so special to you?

    During my childhood years, my grandparents did not like us. So, I did not cherish being with them before. Although my grandma turned a new leaf when we grew up, I am referring to my grandparents on my father's side. If my mother's parents were still alive, we might have good memories with them...
  157. Shavkat

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    It was like me. I was too scared to go to school. In the first place, I go straight to grade 1 at that time.
  158. Shavkat

    What brand of laptop do you have?

    At present, have an Acer laptop. It has been with me for at least four years.
  159. Shavkat

    How can I start a risk free business?

    I think it is also good to put up an online tutorial business. It will not be a risky business.
  160. Shavkat

    Do you think that a businesses always have risk mangaers ?

    If the manager is not competent enough to do his or her responsibilities, then the company is taking a risk working with him or her.
  161. Shavkat

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    Luckily, I only had loaned from an e-wallet. As much as possible, I do not want to have multiple loans.
  162. Shavkat

    Save money using cloth towel than paper towel

    In my house, we also do this now. After this pandemic, we need to do cost cutting to save more money.
  163. Shavkat

    Staying in good terms with your competition

    I also think this way. If the business owner has a good relationship with the competitors, they can help each other in terms of business-related concerns.
  164. Shavkat

    The price of your sins is loneliness

    That is a sad part. It is not a good thing to cheat because of this situation.
  165. Shavkat

    Do you like Green Veggies?

    I do like consuming them, especially now. I am trying to lose weight, and they are a good help for me.
  166. Shavkat

    Pains of having friends

    I regretted having friends who are user-friendly. They just only there during the happy times. They are not connected to me in any ways now.
  167. Shavkat

    It you were to meet with God, what non material thing would you asked for?

    I would just ask to have the harp using by the angels around him. It is a cool thing to have it.
  168. Shavkat

    How do you halt start of falling sick

    Luckily, I have not fallen under the weather lately. I think it is one of the effects of drinking blue tea.
  169. Shavkat

    What’s a goofy hobby you have?

    During my childhood years, I used to play with toy cars and swords made of bamboo branches. They were created by my uncle.
  170. Shavkat

    Do you miss online chat rooms?

    Since I am working online, one of the companies hass chat room that we can contact them directly.
  171. Shavkat

    Do you like Pancake

    I love making pancakes in the house. One of the twins loves to eat them every morning. But I cook the traditional one of making it.
  172. Shavkat

    Do you like Pumpkin Pie?

    Actually, I have heard this for so many times. But, I never tasted it yet. If there is a chance, I will surely want to have some.
  173. Shavkat

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    I think I can. I did this when I am still having my volunteering mission in Tajikistan. I had my digital detoxify there.
  174. Shavkat

    Washing clothes manually or with a Washing Machine?

    I can do both, but I prefer using washing machine. Although I can do it manually if I am out of town.
  175. Shavkat

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    I prefer not to give it to the orphans. For me, it should be family first before others.
  176. Shavkat

    At What Age you started To Drive

    I started to drive at the age of 18. However, I only obtained non-professional license in driving. I wish I could apply for a professional option.
  177. Shavkat

    Do you workout at Gym or prefer to exercise at home?

    If I lose my weight and attained my ideal body weight, then I am open to work out at the gym.
  178. Shavkat

    Which is your favorite soft drink brand?

    I always love Coca-Cola, but I need to drink extracted fruit juices. It is healthier than soda drinks.
  179. Shavkat

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    I can be friendly with them if they are doing the same thing. Although I do not like noisy neighbors.
  180. Shavkat

    Do you prefer surgically enhanced body parts

    I prefer natural beauty than having cosmetic surgeries. The most important is having an inner beauty and not physically.
  181. Shavkat

    What are the beauty tools you can't do without?

    I only use my facial soap to maitain my beauty. :) I have some girl friends who are also like you..
  182. Shavkat

    Be the best friends of your kids

    Since I am not a real parent at present, I tend to be the godfather of my niece. I always talk to her and give advices as a guardian parent. I am trying to be her best friend in life.
  183. Shavkat

    Controlling population explosion

    That is what is going on South Korea, China, and Japan. Their populations were controlled. Now, they are having dilemmas because of low birth rate despite imposing three-child policy now.
  184. Shavkat

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    I also heard this with some of my friends. Their companies do not allow them to say something about them on social media.
  185. Shavkat

    What should not be shared with others

    I guess my personal secrets should not be shared to others even if they are your close friends, relatives or family members.
  186. Shavkat

    Do you go for morning walk daily?

    If I have the chance, I do hiking and walking at the same time. I am also have this personal goal. If I cannot go out, I will just do cardio exercises at home.
  187. Shavkat

    What are your thoughts on religious cruelty

    It is a sad thing that it comes to this kind of situation. I watched a video on YouTube. A Muslim woman was killed by the merchants because she told them not to sell Quorans on the street.
  188. Shavkat

    Is there risk I having too much money?

    I agree. Two days back, I invested on something. But then, I did not anticipate that possible consequences after doing it.
  189. Shavkat

    Favorite Breakfast

    I guess we are on the same page. I am doing the intermittent fasting to get back in shape. I need to do it because I am overweight. :LOL:
  190. Shavkat

    Do you still wear a watch?

    It is also the same thing with me. Since the mobile phone became popular, I never wore a wrist watch.
  191. Shavkat

    do you wach TV often?

    Since I am always in front of my computer, the watching time goes along with it. If my twin nieces are here, they are the ones monopilizing the TV and watch their favorite children TV programs.
  192. Shavkat

    Can you pay a bride price of $1,000,000.

    I think it is a culture thing. In China, the husband to be needs to give a certain amount of money. It should be given to parents of the bride before getting married.
  193. Shavkat

    Do you have a plan to change your daily routine?

    I cannot wake up that so early. I tried to open my slots for my morning classes, but it is a torture for me. 1719547195 That is the spirit. I am also trying my best to change my daily routine to earn more than before.
  194. Shavkat

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    I think you need to breathe and stay calm. We do not want to spike our blood pressure for being in this situation.
  195. Shavkat

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    I agree. It is really a turn off for anyone to check the phone's of a partner, especially if they are not married yet.
  196. Shavkat

    Why should we change our socks daily?

    That is a good idea. It best to have some new pair of socks. It will make you more comfortable when wearing your pair of shoes.
  197. Shavkat

    Middle men

    I agree that it is inevitable not to meet them in real life. Besides, they can be helpful in many ways.
  198. Shavkat

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    You are right. It is also the same thing when the owner decrease the earning rate. They do it to survive.
  199. Shavkat

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    As much as possible, a partner should not do this. They need to trust each other. In this sense, there is no need to do it. For me, it is fine if my partner does this.
  200. Shavkat

    Investing in Your Own Business

    I invested my time and energy to an online shop and it is embedded on a local online app here in my country. But I need to stop for now. The reason is that the local government is asking a lot of requirements and imposing tax.