Recent content by Springtime

  1. S

    Do you take pills even for the small ailments?

    For small issues, I do not take medications. If I think I may have a cold, I'll sleep, drink lots of water and take Vitamin C and zinc.
  2. S

    Do you believe that snacking is healthy?

    That depends on what kind of snacks you eat. For me, I eat a handful of almonds or walnuts as snacks in the afternoon every day.
  3. S

    Do you compete with your colleagues?

    No, I do not compete with my colleagues. I just try my best to do my job. I will constantly upgrade my skills and make improvements on my work.
  4. S

    Best website for seeking employment

    I do not have any experience finding online jobs. If you are seeking a full-time or part-time job, I'll check out The site listed many job opportunities.
  5. S

    How do you typically get your tension out?

    When I am stressed out, I listen to music or play musical instruments. I sing sometimes. That helps to vent out my negative emotions. If the weather is nice, I may go out for a walk.
  6. S

    What's the best way to confront a co-worker about a problem?

    I seldom confront a co-worker. If s(he) treats me badly, I will tell him/her in a calm manner that I do not like such kind of attitude. Then I'll focus on doing my job.
  7. S

    Do you do morning exercise to keep fit

    When I get out of bed, I do some stretch exercises. I also take a 30-45 min walk along the riverside every morning. If the weather is bad, I walk at home.
  8. S


    I have a few hobbies. I love listening to music, playing musical instruments, reading books and magazines, singing in community concerts and watching interesting videos on YouTube.
  9. S

    Why do you think saving is good

    Savings is important for obvious reasons. We need money for emergency use. We need money for the future. But only savings is not enough. We need to invest to grow our wealth.
  10. S

    What's your weekend routine.

    I usually have Chinese dim-sum lunch with family members. Then I'll do some groceries shopping and also do some household chores such as mopping the floor. In the evening, I'll just listen to music to relax. Occasionally, I dine out with friends.
  11. S

    What percentage should I spend from my earnings?

    It depends on how much you earn and your monthly expenses. I spend about 70% and put 20% of my earnings into a fixed deposit account. Another 10% is for investment.
  12. S

    Save money by stopping expensive lifestyle

    Yes, we need to be contented with what we have. Never spend more than you earn. Buy what you need, not you want. I noted that there are some advertisements by financial institutions encouraging young people to borrow money to travel or hold a grand wedding. I think this is unethical.
  13. S

    How do you quench a need when there's no money

    I will accept the fact that I just do not have enough money to buy what I want. But I will set a goal to save enough money to get it.
  14. S

    High school kids, to work as a gasoline boy, good or bad?

    If it's legal, I see no problem for the kid to work as a gasoline boy. I hope it is his part-time job and he is still studying.
  15. S

    How to overcome gambling addiction

    Once someone is addicted to gambling, it is quite difficult to quit. One of my uncles had this problem. He tried to quit several times but without success. Gambling has ruined his life, his job and family. Self-determination, help and support are essential for someone with this problem.
  16. S


    I have traveled to Taiwan to visit my best friend. I stayed in her house. She emigrated to Taiwan a few years ago. I'm glad to see that she enjoys her life there.
  17. S

    Cure your depression

    When you feel you have depression, you need to go to see a doctor or a counsellor to get the necessary treatment. Change your lifestyle. Share your problems with your family members and close friends.
  18. S

    What does it mean to work like a horse?

    I will never work hard to such an extreme. That is not good for health and when you feel so tired, you will not be efficient and cannot think wisely.
  19. S

    Which Sports You are Good at?

    I enjoy swimming, playing badminton and tennis. I learned how to swim at the age of 7 and played badminton since 12. Currently, I play tennis most often.
  20. S

    Have you ever been betrayed by a friend

    I am grateful that I have never been betrayed by a friend. I have three close friends. We celebrate good times and support each other at bad times.
  21. S

    Brush before or after

    I wash my face and brush immediately when I get up. Then I brush after eating every meal unless I dine out. I always brush before going to bed as well.
  22. S

    Do you look at brands when buying medicines?

    I usually just take medicines prescribed by doctors. But there are two OTC drugs I buy quite often. They are antihistamine drug and pain killer. I do check the brand when I buy these drugs. I just buy the reputable ones or those recommended by a pharmacist.
  23. S

    Do you like to try different types of tea?

    I am a tea lover. My favorite is Hong Kong milk tea which is black tea with evaporated milk. I also enjoy Japanese green tea, Earl Grey tea and other herbal tea such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger tea.
  24. S

    Do you prefer tomato Ketchup?

    I like tomato ketchup and tomato sauce. I usually have tomato ketchup with French fries. I love sardines with tomato sauce. I also like spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheese.
  25. S

    Do you like Raw onions?

    I love onions but do not eat raw ones. I dislike the strong smell. I like fried onions with eggs, pork chops or simply fried onions.
  26. S

    Do you have a Rice cooker?

    Rice is a staple food here. Almost every household has a rice cooker. It is much more convenient to cook rice with a rice cooker.
  27. S

    Favorite Pastime?

    I enjoy listening to music, playing musical instruments, reading a book or some magazines, watching interesting or cooking videos on YouTube, or simply browsing the internet.
  28. S

    How to be outgoing as an introvert

    Actually, there is nothing wrong being an introvert. If you really want to change that, make more friends and hang out with them often. If don't enjoy this lifestyle, accept being an introvert and be yourself.
  29. S

    How many languages do you know?

    Cantonese is my mother tongue. It is a dialect commonly spoken in southern China and Hong Kong. I also speak Mandarin, the official Chinese language. Other than that, I speak English, a bit of Japanese and French.
  30. S

    Do you like Butter

    Yes, I do love butter. I like to spread it on toast, use it for cooking or baking cakes. I always have butter at home.
  31. S

    What exactly do you do when money isn't forth coming as expected

    If my client delays payment (which seldom happens), I will wait patiently until a time when I think I should send him/her a friendly reminder. If s(he) would like to continue using my service, s(he) will send payment immediately.
  32. S

    Do you have a fixed schedule to wake up?

    I am a night owl. I go to bed at midnight. I usually wake up naturally at around 7:30-8:00 am. That means, I have about 7-8 hours of sleep. I also take an afternoon nap every day.
  33. S

    Food you love now but hated during childhood

    When I was a child, I dislike eating bitter gourd. Now, I love them cooked in whatever way. Bitter gourd is a healthy food, and we should have them often.
  34. S

    Lion as pet

    Having a baby lion as pet is okay. But he will grow up and that is too risky. You never know what he will do to you.
  35. S

    Best punishment for kids

    I think if the child did something wrong, the best thing to do is to talk to them and let them know why what s(he) did was wrong. When I misbehaved, my parents used to require me to do some household chores like mopping the floor. Actually, a healthier form of discipline approach is positive...
  36. S

    What's your thought on pre-marital sex? is it a sin?

    Pre-marital sex is very common nowadays. I will not consider that as a sin as long as the couple really love each other. Some even have a child before getting married.
  37. S

    Take out or dine in?

    I would prefer to eat at the restaurant. The foods are freshly cooked and there is so many packaging for take away that I have to deal with after eating at home.
  38. S

    What should young people consider before going to a relationship?

    Before going into a relationship, young people should evaluate if they are ready financially and emotionally. Find a partner who is trustworthy, caring and share the same value of life.
  39. S

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    In my city, there are still a lot of companies who invest in training their employees. It is part of the job of the Human Resources Department.
  40. S

    What do you do to relax?

    When I want to relax, I listen to my favorite music, play musical instruments, sing, read a book, watch interesting videos on YouTube or go out for a walk if the weather is nice.
  41. S

    Favorite Dish

    I have a lot of favorites. To name a few. Steamed fish, roast or steamed chicken, scrambled eggs with shrimps, eggplants stuffed with fish paste, and baked pumpkin.
  42. S

    Money vs love

    I agree that money is important. But without a loving feeling, you will not be happy. We need a balance to make a relationship works.
  43. S

    To Forget and Forgive

    When someone hurt you badly, it is difficult to forget and forgive. But holding a grudge won't help. It will make your life unhappy. Forget and forgive will give you peace of mind.
  44. S

    What colour of clothes do you mostly have?

    Most of my clothes are in black, grey, lime green, yellow and navy blue. I just have a few clothes in red which I wear during Chinese New Year.
  45. S

    Kidnapping is a serious threat

    Kidnapping is a serious crime and should be penalized heavily. We also had a few serious kidnapping cases which involved money. But in general, kidnapping is not common in my city.
  46. S

    How Do You Show Someone You Love Them?

    I would show my love by celebrating good times with them and support them in times of difficulties. During festive times such as Christmas and Chinese New Year, I would select a special gift to them.
  47. S

    Place that you want to revisit?

    The place I always want to revisit is Japan. Actually, I've been to Japan a couple of times. I visited different cities in Japan. I love the beautiful scenery there, the friendly people, the foods and the great customer service.
  48. S

    Make up or no make up

    When I was working full time, I usually wear light make up when going to office. Now, I am working from home, I do not wear any make up when going out for shopping or meeting with friends. I wear make up only when attending special occasions such as wedding ceremony.
  49. S

    Senior Discounts

    In my city, people who reach 65 are given a senior card. They are entitled to discounts offered by some shops and taking public transportation.
  50. S

    How do you deal with a bad day

    When I am having a bad day, I try to do something I enjoy such as listening to music, playing musical instruments or watching interesting videos on YouTube.
  51. S

    What would consider before buying a residential property

    I would look at the location, availability of amenities, public transportation and the safety of the environment. Most importantly, the price is within my budget.
  52. S

    Is it wise to borrow money from a younger person

    I have never experienced this. But I do not see any problem borrowing from a younger person as long as s(he) can afford to lend you the money and s(he) is a nice person who will not badmouth you.
  53. S

    Do you find it aesthetically disgusting to eat with bare hands?

    I do eat some foods with bare hands, such as pizza, fried chicken, snacks, crabs and shrimps. I think it is okay to eat with hands. Just to make sure your hands are washed before eating.
  54. S

    Online shopping

    I usually shop at physical stores because the shopping mall is just a few minutes' walk from my place. I can get almost everything I need in the mall. I shop online for books or if the online store has special promotion.
  55. S

    If you were to be animal which will that be?

    I would like to be a lion, the king of jungle. Other than that, I would also like to be a bird, flying freely in the sky.
  56. S

    Going to sea to swim

    I also enjoy swimming but not skillful enough to have deep sea swimming. I usually go to beaches. But the problem is they are always packed with people.
  57. S

    How to kill suicidal thoughts

    If you have suicidal thoughts, better talk to someone you trust and share your feelings. In our city, we have an organization to help those who have suicidal thoughts. There's a hotline you can call.
  58. S

    Which is your favorite soft drink brand?

    I seldom have soft drinks. I prefer coconut water and tomato juice. If I have to choose a soft drink brand, I will pick Coke zero.
  59. S

    Do you workout at Gym or prefer to exercise at home?

    No, I do not like working out at gym. I prefer to exercise at home or go out for a walk. I take a 30-45 min walk every morning.
  60. S

    At What Age you started To Drive

    I got my driving license at 18. But I started driving a car when I was 21. I just graduated from university. My elder sister borrowed her car to me. I was so excited.
  61. S

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    I don't feel secure without a phone. What if there is emergency which needs me to call 999. A phone is a basic necessity in our daily life now.
  62. S

    Do you go for morning walk daily?

    Yes, I take a 30-45 min morning walk every day along the river side near my place. If the weather is bad, I just stay indoors and do some stretch exercise.
  63. S

    Do you like Pumpkin Pie?

    I love pumpkins cooked in whatever way. Pumpkin pie is delicious. I sometimes just make baked pumpkins. They are very healthy food and good for diabetics.
  64. S

    Do you like Pancake

    Yes, I love pancakes. I sometimes have butter and honey on pancakes, sometimes have pancakes with banana or with strawberries. They are yummy. I have them for breakfast occasionally.
  65. S

    What should not be shared with others

    I would not share how much money I have with others. For materialistic things, I would not share the toothpaste and undergarment I use with someone else.
  66. S

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    My neighbors change often. Some of them may be on short term lease. When I meet them at the lobby, we may say hello and chat a bit about the weather. That's about it.
  67. S

    Do you prefer surgically enhanced body parts

    I love my body as it is. Never thought of doing a surgery to enhance any body parts. No one is perfect. In any case, having a kind heart is more important than outlook.
  68. S

    What’s a goofy hobby you have?

    My favorite hobby is playing musical instruments. I play guitar and piano. I also love to sing and read. I sing in community concerts once in a while.
  69. S

    How do you halt start of falling sick

    I would also drink a lot of water. If I think I am getting a cold, I will take Vitamin C and Zinc. Have plenty of sleep and rest.
  70. S

    Controlling population explosion

    Nowadays, I read the news that countries like China, Japan, and S. Korea are having the problem of low birth rate. They offer incentives to couples who give birth to a baby.
  71. S

    Pains of having friends

    I have many friends and four close friends. I am grateful that I have never been betrayed by a friend. We share happy moments and support each other in bad times. Friends are important to me.
  72. S

    Do you like Green Veggies?

    Yes, I like green veggies. I eat a lot of veggies. I like broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, avocado, bitter gourd, cabbage, green bell pepper, celery, and spinach.
  73. S

    What's your best outfit brand

    I like Calvin Klein, Ralph Laruen and Zara. Gucci is good but It's too expensive for me. Actually, now I work from home, I just buy casual clothes. Comfort is more important to me.
  74. S

    Embarrassing Mistakes in English

    English is my second language. I always make grammatical mistakes. But I do not feel embarrassed when I made the mistake. I just corrected it because English is not my mother tongue.
  75. S

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    Generally speaking, I am a patient person and a good listener. I can be very patient in particular teaching kids or playing with them. I am patient when listening to a friend's complaint about his/her problems. But if something really triggers me such as jumping the line, I won't hesitate to act...
  76. S

    The price of your sins is loneliness

    If you are rich, even your wife/husband leaves you, you will find another substitute easily and you will still have lots of so-called friends. But that doesn't mean you do not feel lonely deep inside.
  77. S

    How many days you can wait if you are not informed about the payment delay?

    Since I do not spend a lot of time on PTP sites, I just earn very little. I do not mind waiting for some time. The delay in payment will not affect my personal finance anyway. But it will be frustrating if payment is delayed for too long. You will not have the motivation to post.
  78. S

    Are there any things you keep from childhood?

    I collected stamps when I was a child. I am still collecting stamps but it's getting more difficult because people do not send snail mail these days. I am still keeping the stamp albums from my childhood days.
  79. S

    What can a person do to lessen the impact of culture shock before traveling abroad?

    I always do some research about the place I am going to visit. I would take note of any taboos, the culture and the foods available there.
  80. S

    Favorite Breakfast

    My favorite breakfast is oatmeal with milk, fried or hard-boiled egg, whole wheat toast and Hong Kong milk tea. In winter, I occasionally have Chinese congee (rice porridge) and fried noodles.
  81. S

    What kind of setting allows you to express yourself without restraint?

    As I am doing translation, I need to be very focused while doing my work. I cannot work if there are loud noises such as the drilling sound of renovation in the Neiborhood.
  82. S

    Save money by using only cash payment

    I prefer to use credit card because of the cashback. You may also get discounts at some stores. My credit card is free, and I always pay my credit card bill on time, I have never paid any interest.
  83. S

    Is there risk I having too much money?

    Rich people are targets of kidnapping, and there is a chance that their house is being robbed. So, a lot of rich people hire bodyguards to protect themselves and their children.
  84. S

    Cut cost by carrying bottle of water around

    I always bring a bottle of water when I go outside to make sure that I stay hydrated. I do not need to buy water from convenient store when I feel thirsty.
  85. S

    Save money putting a limit on your credit card

    I do not want to put a daily limit on my credit card because sometimes we need money for emergency use. And, when I shop for something, I encounter a good deal, such as buy one get one free. In this case, I'll buy more. Setting a daily limit lacks flexibility. I think having self-discipline...
  86. S

    Do you like Resins?

    Yes, I like resins. I sometimes have breads with resins or put them in salads. But I love nuts more. I like peanuts, almonds and walnuts.
  87. S

    What are the skills to win big with gambling.

    There is no sure win in gambling. In fact, gamblers always lose money at the end. If you are addicted to gambling, you have no future.
  88. S

    How much Does a Teacher Earn In Your country?

    Teachers are quite well paid in my city. For a primary school teacher is around $3000 a month. High school teachers $5500. For those teaching in universities, they get about $8000 depending on qualifications and experience.
  89. S

    Do you love sashimi

    I absolutely love sashimi. It is one of my favorite foods. There are lots of Japanese restaurants in my city. People love Japanese foods, especially sashimi and sushi.
  90. S

    Can you work on weekends?

    I am a freelancer. I seldom work on weekends unless there are some urgent jobs for me to complete. Afterall, I have to meet with the requests of clients.
  91. S

    Healthy snacks

    When I am hungry, but it's not yet mealtime, I'll have some snacks. I always take a handful of almonds or walnuts as snacks in the afternoon.
  92. S

    Is it money or knowledge?

    We need both. Without money, you may not be able to go to college. With knowledge, you can earn money. So, to m me, both are important.
  93. S

    How do you get to choose the profession of your choice when you are not supported by your parent?

    My father passed away when I was only 11. I wish he lived longer so that he could give me some advice. My mother gave us a free hand in choosing our profession.
  94. S

    Do you have a plan to change your daily routine?

    I'm fine with my current daily routine. No plan to change it. I take a 30-45 min walk every morning. I may do some stretch exercise in addition to walking.
  95. S

    What do you think makes a healthy lunch?

    A well-balanced meal makes a healthy lunch. I do not eat fast foods such as deep-fried chicken for lunch. I like Avocado with turkey sandwich. Sometimes, I have tuna fish sandwich. After lunch, I may have some fruits such as apple or orange.
  96. S

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    Yes, I have a fixed deposit account. As the US has raised interest rates a few times, HK dollar is pegged with US dollar, the interest rate for fixed deposit is pretty high these days.
  97. S

    Do you like travelling abroad?

    I love traveling. Traveling enables me to relax, refresh and learn about new culture and enjoy beautiful sceneries. I've visited a lot of places, including cities in Asia, USA, Europe and Australia.
  98. S

    How do you exhibit self love without being prideful

    Expressing self-love just shows that you take good care of yourself, and you are confident in what you are doing. As long as you are not showing off, you are not sending the wrong signal of being proud.
  99. S

    Your favorite Chocolate

    I am a chocolate lover. My favorite chocolate is Lindt's 95% dark chocolate. I also like Godiva's dark chocolate. But they are quite expensive. I only buy them once in a while.
  100. S

    How do you relax on a very hot day

    When the weather is extremely hot, I just stay home, turn on the air conditioner and listen to some music or read a book or some lifestyle magazines. Actually, I like swimming. But on hot days, the pools and beaches are packed with people.
  101. S

    What makes you happy?

    There are many things which can make me happy. Well, having money makes me happy. Listening to my favorite music, playing musical instruments, traveling, playing with kids, hanging out with friends, having some delicious foods. All of them make me happy.
  102. S

    What's the nicest way to tell someone about having a bad breath

    That depends on my relationship with him/her. If we know each other quite well, I will honestly tell him/her the problem and recommend him/her to use some mouthwash.
  103. S

    What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?

    I have several comfort foods. Dark chocolate is on top of the list. I also enjoy nuts such as almonds and walnuts. I have a handful of these nuts as snacks every afternoon.
  104. S

    How hard is the inflation hitting you?

    The inflation rate is not that high in my city. It is only about 2.2%. So, we are not that badly hit by inflation. That said, we also experience price increase in groceries and utilities.
  105. S

    how much do earn online ?

    My main source of income is from my translation work and business consulting services. As for online work, I just take surveys and post on two forums. I do not earn much.
  106. S

    What do you think about housewives getting monthly payment from their husbands

    If the wife does not work and stay home to take care of the household chores and kids, it is the responsibility of the husband to provide the necessary financial support to the family.
  107. S

    The reason why you are working online?

    Actually, I am basically working offline. I am a freelancer offering translation service. When the job is done, I email the translation to my client. That is my main source of income. Working online is my side hustle to earn some extra money. I just take surveys and post on Discussion Bucks and RIF.
  108. S

    How do you take care of simple cuts?

    When I have a minor cut, to avoid infection, I usually put on liquid bandage to protect the wound. It is antiseptic and can help to heal your wound.
  109. S

    Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?

    I am a tea lover. I particularly like to drink Hong Kong milk tea which is black tea with evaporated milk. I do not add sugar into it. As for coffee, I have it occasionally. My favorite coffee is latte.
  110. S

    Do you prefer a Semi Automatic or Fully automatic Washing machine?

    I definitely prefer an automatic washing machine. It's much easier to handle. Actually, I wonder if semi-automatic washing machines are still available for sale in my city.
  111. S

    What time do you wake up every morning?

    I am a night owl. I go to bed at midnight. So I cannot wake up too early. I usually wake up at around 7:30-8:00 am. That means, I have about 7 to 8 hours of sleep. I also take an afternoon nap every day.
  112. S

    Best way to deal with life's fears

    Life is full of uncertainty. I plan for the future but I seldom have fear for the future. It is beyond our control. I live in the moment.
  113. S

    Healing a broken heart in this lonely afternoon

    I can feel you. When my cat passed away, I was a kid. I have cried so many times. I hope you can adopt a new kitten soon. But better think of how to deal with the killer cat first.
  114. S

    A gay courts me 😁

    If the guy courts you, he might have thought that you have the same taste. lol. I had been courted by a lesbian. She took me to a very nice restaurant and served me very well. When my friend told me that she is a lesbian, I honestly told her I am heterosexual.
  115. S

    What do you think about being a house wife or house husband?

    That depends on the situation of individual family and the mutual agreement of the couple. If the wife earns more, the husband can manage the household and work part-time from home.
  116. S

    What can stop you from working?

    I enjoy working. But if I am sick, I'll stop working and let my body heal. I may also stop working for a day or two if I lose my loved ones.
  117. S

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I am a night owl. I go to bed at midnight. So I do not get up very early. I usually get up at around 7:30-8:00 am. I have about 7-8 hours of sleep. I also take an afternoon nap every day.
  118. S

    How do you choose your friends?

    I never consider if my friend is rich or not. My friend must be a kind and caring person. We should share the same values and support each other in bad times.
  119. S

    Best ways to unwind without spending money

    To me, the best way to unwind without spending money is to listen to music, play musical instruments, watching interesting videos on YouTube or go out for a walk.
  120. S

    Why did you resign from your job

    I have resigned from a job a few times. Usually, I resigned from a job was because I've found another job which offers more salary and benefits, better career prospects.
  121. S

    Better to be lucky, or good?

    I think being good is more important. If you are good at doing something, you can be successful. Just being lucky may help but being good or skillful matters most.
  122. S

    Can you survive a week now without money

    That depends on whether I have foods in stock. Assuming I have nothing, I don't think I can survive a week without money. We need money to buy food and other necessities.
  123. S

    Do aliens exist?

    I don't rule out the possibility that they exist. There are many happenings which cannot be explained by our existing knowledge. The universe is huge. It's possible that there are other creatures around.
  124. S

    Drug that's always in your house?

    I always have antihistamine drug like Claritin at home because I have allergy, I sneeze quite often. Other drugs I have are pain killer such as Panadol, and a Japanese drug which heals diarrhea.
  125. S

    My first international flight

    I took my first international flight during the summer vacation of my university days. I've joined a tour to the Philippines with a few friends. We chose the cheapest flight. The service was good and the food acceptable.
  126. S

    Cats or dogs

    I am a cat lover. When I was a kid, I was bitten by a dog. I was scared of dogs for quite a long time. Now, I have overcome this fear.
  127. S

    Do you dress to impress other

    When I was working full time, I worked in the marketing field. When I need to meet with clients, I need to dress properly to give them a good impression. Now, I am a freelancer working from home, I just need causal wear. Comfort is the top priority.
  128. S

    English Language

    English is the most widely spoken language in the world. If you would like to be a global citizen, you must learn English. It helps you in business, traveling. You can enjoy good movies, books and music. In my city, learning English is compulsory at schools.
  129. S

    What are your favorite fruits?

    I love varieties of fruits. Some of my favorite fruits are apple, orange, banana, kiwi, papaya, avocado, watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries. I cannot eat mango because I am allergic to it.
  130. S

    Keep moving

    I do not give up easily. When I first started working as a freelancer, I just had a few clients. The income I made was much less than my full-time job. I never thought of going back to find a job. I continued to work hard to find new clients. Now, I have built up a pretty stable and loyal...
  131. S

    Qualities of a wife material

    I think a wife material should definitely go beyond the outlook. These qualities may include financial sense, personal responsibility, emotional maturity, supportive, caring and loyal.
  132. S

    True love always survives the test of time

    Yes, true love can withstand any tests. It's fate that brings the couple together. Treasure the relationship. Remember trust, respect and caring are important in love.
  133. S

    I am so sad this day

    I am so sorry to hear this. Please take care. Time will heal. It's good that you now have a new cat. I'm sure you'll move on after some time.
  134. S

    Perennials or seasonal flowers?

    I like both of them. Perennial flowers need less maintenance, but seasonal flowers help to give the garden a new look when the season changes.
  135. S

    Career you wanted to do as a child

    When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher. I ended up pursuing a career in the business field. But I have been a mentor for some fresh graduates.
  136. S

    Do you like to learn different languages?

    Yes, I love learning different languages. Other than Cantonese (my local dialect), I speak Mandarin, English, some French and Japanese. I would love to learn Spanish.
  137. S

    Do you know how to swim?

    Yes, I know how to swim and enjoy swimming. I took swimming lessons when I was 8. During university days, I participated in swimming contest and won a medal.
  138. S

    The type of burger you prefer?

    I do not eat beef. So, beef burger is not a choice to me. I enjoy the fish burger (Filet-O-Fish) of McDonald's and MOS Burger.
  139. S

    Which is better work from home or in office?

    I would prefer to work from home 4 days a week and go to office 1 day. I enjoy the freedom of working from home. No need to commute to office and dress up. But I also value the opportunity to meet with my co-workers face to face.
  140. S

    How do you handle gossips

    I dislike gossiping. When I know people are gossiping about me, I would listen to what they say. If my reputation is hurt, I would tell the person who gossiped to stop.
  141. S

    One sad moment you can't forget

    I have experienced a few sad moments. When my mother passed away, my elder sister passed away. And recently I lost my elder brother as well.
  142. S

    What do you do when you want to be alone?

    I can do a lot of things when I am alone. Reading, listening to music, playing musical instruments or watching videos on YouTube. I may also go out for a walk.
  143. S

    Do you spend sleepless nights if failed of something?

    That depends on the seriousness of my failure. I seldom have many sleepless nights when I failed. I may not have a good sleep thinking about why I failed. But I usually move on quite quickly.
  144. S

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    I prefer driving a car. To me, it is safer than motor bikes. In my city, the accident rate of motor bikes is quite high. In addition, I think it's more comfortable sitting in a car.
  145. S

    How do you start your day?

    When I get out of bed, the first thing I do is to drink a glass of lukewarm water. Then I do some stretch exercise and prepare breakfast. After breakfast, I take a morning walk.
  146. S

    Do you like your mother or your father?

    I love them both. But my father passed away when I was 11. I don't really understand him as a person. But I know he was a well-respected teacher. Some of his students are still keeping in touch with our family.
  147. S

    Do you like Almonds?

    I love almonds. They are nutritious. I have a handful of almonds or walnuts as snacks in the afternoon every day. We sometimes prepare sweet almond soup. It is very tasty.
  148. S

    Does luck play an important role in the success?

    I think luck exists but do not play an important role in success. Success requires hard work and persistence. Just relying on luck will get you nowhere.
  149. S

    Do you Like Egg Curry?

    I love eggs cooked in whatever way. But I didn't know there is egg curry. I'm not sure if I will like it because I do not eat spicy foods.
  150. S

    What's your current fashion style

    I now work from home. I just wear casual clothes. Comfort matters most to me. I normally wear T-shirts and jeans in summer and sweater with a coat in winter.
  151. S

    Why do kids are so excited on their birthday?

    I do not have any kids. But my nephews are always very excited about their birthdays. We usually celebrate their birthdays at home. They will invite their buddies to join. A fun day with lots of gifts and great foods.
  152. S

    Which do you like to drink Milo or Ovaltine? 😁

    I prefer Ovaltine. To me, it tastes better. Although I am a tea lover, I do drink Ovaltine once in a while. Ovaltine is a nutritious beverage that provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals.
  153. S

    True Love

    I believe true love does exist. A close friend of mine has married for 25 years. I can see that they respect and care for each other a lot. They still walk hand in hand.
  154. S

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    I do dream about success. I have dream about having a business consulting business. I do take action to realize my dream. Now I am a freelancer offering business consulting services to SMEs.
  155. S

    How many cups of Coffee do you drink daily?

    I am a tea lover. I mostly drink tea, especially Hong Kong milk tea which is a black tea with evaporated milk. But I do drink coffee occasionally. My favorite coffee is latte.
  156. S

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    My washing machine is fully automatic. It's not just a washing machine, it's a washer/dryer as it can dry clothes 100%. I need this because I don't have a place to hang my clothes to let them dry.
  157. S

    Sharing your secrets with others

    While I share some of my secrets with a few close friends, I still keep a few to myself. I guess everyone has his/her own secrets.
  158. S

    How are you contributing to the world

    I help those in need, I do volunteer work to help the elderly, I donate to charity, I try to reduce the use of plastics.
  159. S

    Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

    I don't mind having pineapple on my pizza though it's not my favorite. My favorite pizza toppings are pepperoni, sausage, green bell pepper, black olives, and red onions.
  160. S

    Washing clothes manually or with a Washing Machine?

    I definitely prefer washing machine because it saves a lot of my time. I can spend the time on doing something else or making money.
  161. S

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    Yes, I do look at brands when I buy something. I usually stick with several brands because I feel confident about their quality. If I noted a new brand, I would check the country of origin before I try it out.
  162. S

    Favorite Tomato Ketchup brand

    Delmonte brand is popular in my city. I also prefer this brand. Delmonte also has canned Sardines with tomato sauce. I've tried that. It's quite delicious.
  163. S

    Do you like to learn cooking from cookery shows, cooking Magazines etc?

    I learned cooking through watching cooking shows on TV and videos on YouTube. I like to try out new recipes. It's good that there are so many cooking videos on YouTube.
  164. S

    True love always survives the test of time

    The beauty of souls is so much more important than outer beauty. Your look may change when you become old. If you truly love a person, you love his/her soul, not the look.
  165. S

    Are you a moody type of person?

    I do not consider myself a moody person. I am pretty rational in most situations. That said, I may also feel low or have mood swings once in a while.
  166. S

    How to positively deal with discrimination in the workplace

    I am grateful that have never experienced discrimination in my workplace. Should that happen to me, I may report the situation to the Human Resources Department. If no improvement, I quit.
  167. S


    Roasted goat meat sounds very delicious. We usually have fried lamp chop or mutton soup in winter. It is supposed to keep your body warm.
  168. S

    What is your most embarrassing moment at school?

    My most embarrassing moment at school was when I was studying Primary One, I chit chatted with another student during the class. The teacher noted that, and she put a plastic plaster on my mouth.
  169. S

    What embarrasses you the most and what’s been your most embarrassing moment?

    My most embarrassing moment happened when I took a trip to Japan. When I arrived at the Narita Airport taking my flight back home, I went to the wrong terminal. Could not find my way. When I checked with the Help Desk, the customer service person told me I was called many times. They were glad...
  170. S

    Can you pay a bride price of $1,000,000.

    That is possible in the circle of rich people. There's a rich guy here who is single and always changes girlfriends. When you become his girlfriend, he will buy you a luxurious apartment worth $2,000,000. But the girlfriend should be aware of the fact that he will not marry her and will change...
  171. S

    Any green tea fan

    My most favorite drink is Hong Kong Milk Tea which is black tea with evaporated milk. But I am also a fan of green tea, in particular Japanese green tea.
  172. S

    One skill you have acquired from online

    Me too. Since I post on forums, I can type faster. Think and write in English faster and with more confidence. And I also learned that I could earn extra money from doing a simple task.
  173. S

    Did you study management in the university

    My first degree is in Social Sciences, majoring in Psychology. After graduation, I have worked for a company which sponsored me to enroll in an MBA program. That has helped me a lot in my career.
  174. S

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    If I am in this situation, I will just buy what I really need. Reduce the use of electricity and water. Try my best to find other sources of income.
  175. S

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    I like green, yellow and red peppers. Often have them in some dishes to add color. They are not spicy because I cannot eat spicy food.
  176. S

    Do you have friends in different countries outside forums?

    Yes, I have many friends living in different parts of the world, including USA, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan and Germany. We stay in touch via WhatsApp and Telegram.
  177. S

    Do you like to take OTC meds for almost everything?

    I just take OTC meds such as antihistamine drug like Claritin for my allergy as I sneeze quite often. For minor headaches, I also take Panadol.
  178. S

    do you wach TV often?

    I seldom watch TV nowadays except for news. Just occasionally watch some documentaries. I use my smart TV to watch videos or drama on YouTube.
  179. S

    Do you like to drink water with bottle or in glass?

    I think the effect of drinking water with bottle and in glass should be the same. At home, I drink water in glass. Whenever I go out, I bring a bottle filled with water. I drink when I feel thirty when I am outside.
  180. S

    Do you like Boiled rice?

    Rice is our staple food. I have boiled rice every day. Once in a while, I have fried rice. I like fried rice with eggs.
  181. S

    What is your motivation to work online?

    Actually, I do not spend a lot of time working online. I just take surveys and post on RIF ana Discussion Bucks when I have completed my freelance work. Other than earning extra money, some of the surveys are quite interesting. As for posting on forums, I enjoy learning new things and...
  182. S


    No, I never take my laptop to the bed. When I am about to sleep, I prefer listening to some relaxing music instead of typing on a laptop.
  183. S

    Bungee jumping or skydiving?

    I prefer skydiving. Actually, I have tried it when I traveled to Thailand many years ago. I found it very exciting. As for Bungee jumping, I think I will be scared.
  184. S

    Do you do yoga by learning from Tv or hiring a practitioner?

    If I want to learn Yoga, I prefer to participate in a proper Yoga class because there are so many postures that needs to be done properly.
  185. S

    Your favorite pizza store?

    Pizza Hut is my favorite pizza store. I enjoy eating pizza at their restaurant. The decor is nice, and service is good. Most important is I find their pizza delicious.
  186. S

    Is It easy to find house help in your country?

    No, not so costly, about $550 a month. It's much cheaper than getting a local helper.
  187. S

    What kind of movies do you like?

    I enjoy most movies as long as the plot is good except horror movies. Action, Adventurous, Scientific, Romantic, Musical, War movies are all my favorites.
  188. S

    Do ladies like it when they are on their period?

    No, I do not like it during the period days. I may experience abdominal pain sometimes and in summer, it's hot to wear those pads.
  189. S

    Is it easy to find a Yoga teacher in your city?

    Yoga is getting popular in my city. While it is not easy to find a personal yoga teacher, you may participate in classes offered by some health centers or studios.
  190. S

    Is It easy to find house help in your country?

    In my city, it is easy to find house help. Most of the families hire helpers from the Philippines and Indonesia. They are doing a good job here.
  191. S

    Be the best friends of your kids

    Yes, do not try to be an authoritarian parent. Your kids will stay away from you. Treat them as your best friends. Show your love and care, be a role model and give proper guidance when necessary.
  192. S

    Do you like to participate in the lottery?

    I participate in lottery once in a while. In fact, I have won three times, totaling $500. I wish I can win the Grand Prize some day. lol
  193. S

    Do you chew medical drugs or swallow?

    I do not know the taste of the drugs. Therefore, I prefer to swallow them with water. In fact, some drugs cannot be chewed as stated in the instruction sheet.
  194. S

    Have you ever prepared soap at home?

    I always prepare Chinese soup at home. There are varieties of Chinese soup we can prepare. Chicken soup; potato, tomato and beef soup; and fish soup as well.
  195. S

    What do you like to eat with tea or coffee?

    I usually have muffin, cake or cookies with tea or coffee. I particularly like Starbuck's Latte and their blueberry muffin. I think that is a great match.
  196. S

    Do you like Spicy food?

    I cannot eat too spicy food. Not even moderate. I just enjoy slightly spicy food. My favorite spicy food is eggplant with minced pork and pepper.
  197. S

    Do you use to follow any sports while at school?

    I used to play volleyball and badminton at school. But I love to watch soccer games. I find volleyball matches are enjoyable to watch as well.
  198. S

    Do you like lemonade in winters?

    Yes, we can still have lemonade in winter. But I do not particularly like lemonade. I prefer tomato juice and apple juice. I usually have ginger tea for winter.