Recent content by Stardom22

  1. S

    What are the things you spend your money on daily?

    Frankly speaking most of money is being spent as school fees, for my children and food
  2. S

    What are some effective ways to build a loyal customer base?

    By continued genuinely serving of the customers one can really build a good customer reputation and build their loyalty on the business
  3. S

    8 Effective Ways to Monetize Your Blog

    I really find the affiliate marketing as means a very obsolete way on monetization of the websites for sure
  4. S

    What are the most effective ways to increase website traffic and improve online visibility for a small business?

    Business managers could constantly launch some campaigns that introduces the business online and give a platform that could promote the business
  5. S

    Effective ways for small businesses to reach customers

    Small scale businesses can make use of the word of mouth to promote their businesses too far away
  6. S

    Do you think that a businesses always have risk mangaers ?

    I think that depends on type and the nature of the business. Most kiosks business wouldn't require business managers to operate
  7. S

    In what ways can businesses improve customer services by using AI?

    I think the AI has to deal with the top technology that is advancing now and then
  8. S

    How do you handle online business customer complaints and feedback?

    I can handle that on my part and handover the rest to the suppliers for
  9. S

    What is your customer attraction strategy for your business?

    The most common one should be the courtesy and the practicing of gentleness in dealing with the customers
  10. S

    What is the Best way to Build Views on Youtube?

    By continued marketing practices on the YouTube channel one can easily increase their views seamlessly
  11. S

    What's the best way to build an email list for your business?

    One should establish a very vivid online presence and through that they would be good to go
  12. S

    What is the best way to build relationships with corporate clients?

    Corporates clients may require a special way on how they are being handled for sure.
  13. S

    Do you like being with someone who talks a lot?

    Of course yes, l really it like that way because would not get bored with them
  14. S

    Advantages of using reverse psychology

    Manipulators are the most beneficial to this kind of programs since they know how to reap from that
  15. S

    What are the advantages of self-employment?

    They give one the flexibility on doing the work at their own comfort for sure
  16. S

    What are the disadvantages of auto ads on a site?

    I have encountered some auto ads on multiple times. They are nothing but disturbing the users for sure.
  17. S

    What advantages do robotic machines offer in companies?

    They produce a higher production output at a given time for that reason so to speak
  18. S

    What advantages do robotic robots have for businesses?

    The robots are very swiftly and work so fast. They don't get tired as humans are.
  19. S

    My companions in RIf are Robots, LOL

    That seems to be so much hardworking. Managing of two kinds of jobs at once is not a joke
  20. S

    Robots to man a business in big companies

    My country is still holding itself back on that issue because they have never found the usage for the robots
  21. S

    Companies not accepting mothers

    Other companies wouldn't accept the breastfeeding mothers more especially while others rejects the acceptance of the ladies altogether
  22. S

    Do companies produce different specs of the same products for different countries and regions?

    For me l think so. That is because there is different specs to cover different clients all over the world
  23. S

    What is your specs in the opposite gender?

    For me l always go for the middle sized and shorter than me ladies for that matter
  24. S

    Which gender of kids do you think are easiest to raise?

    Genders are very equal in terms on the ways on how to raise them up.
  25. S

    What's the easiest way to get free 1000 visitors daily

    One has really to work hard on marketing and promotion of the blogs for sure.
  26. S

    Free 1000 naira instantly to your bank account in Nigeria

    The app is not available in my country and that it belongs to the Nigerian people.
  27. S

    Do you engage in social commerce

    For me l have never been engaged on the social commerce before. That is something that is worth considering
  28. S

    How to Engage Users on Your Blog?

    I would use the social media platforms to link up my blog sites with the general public.
  29. S

    What do you engage to deal with on your businesses?

    I would like to engage on the dealing with the milk businessess for that matter 1729318756 I would like to engage on the dealing with the milk businessess for that
  30. S

    Do you engage in street fights?

    For me l have never been engaged in the street fights before and that is something that l have never thought about.
  31. S

    Do you engage in self medication?

    In my country, the self medication is a very common thing and everyone does for themselves
  32. S

    Do You Think Age Matters For Success

    I don't think that the age does matter in the success for most people around.
  33. S

    What matters is, it does not matter

    Truly l can say that what matters does not really matter in the truth of the matter.
  34. S

    Why does organisations always switch the work schedule of staff regularly?

    This can alter the production output as different staffs have their own abilities and specifications
  35. S

    How can I maximize my earnings in the world of cryptocurrency

    I think that the most higher earning way to earn on the cryptocurrency is by participating on the crypto trading.
  36. S

    How to Maximize Your Income From Short Videos

    The creation of higher quality videos leads to the attraction of more people to the contents
  37. S

    I have found out how to make RIFs tonight!

    Though a very promising forum, the indexforum remains to be so legit and live up to it's promises
  38. S

    There is always a backstory to every news report. Do you think so?

    I always see it as really very genuine stories about the incidents associated with them
  39. S

    What do you do if your neighbors are always fighting?

    You can make some arrangements with the other neighbors to organise peaceful talks in between the fighting parties with the village elders.
  40. S

    Why does organisations always switch the work schedule of staff regularly?

    Most of them would like to tap on some unique experience and expertise among the staffs
  41. S

    Making Money Through Reseller Hosting

    I have seen that the reselling is increasingly popularity and more people are getting into it making it more profitable
  42. S

    Making Money Teaching Online Through Zoom Class

    I have seen that nowadays people are making lods of money through that venture for sure
  43. S

    What do you dislike in most Paid to post site

    The fact that the posting on the forums is very boring and low paying for sure.
  44. S

    Litecoin for transaction.

    I too do prefer the litecoins making online payments. I have seen it to be more convenient than the PayPal
  45. S

    Making Money on Facebook Through Video Content

    For me l am really very much aware that the venture is very much rewarding but l have never joined it
  46. S

    Making Money Through Forum Posting Contest

    The forum posting contests really needs so much commitments and time for one to get going.
  47. S

    New 🚩 New contest on TopGold Forum

    For me l am quite engaged in some other online tasks and l really have no time for this
  48. S

    Contest with $410 Prize Pool in Crypto [Learn & Earn]

    I normally have no time to joining such earning websites for sure so to speak
  49. S

    Do you still have your best friend?

    For me l still have my best friends with me so to speak l have say that
  50. S

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    To build a strong relationship with the surrounding people the companies should work that way to support the community
  51. S

    Who still watches zee world

    For me l can say that l have not been a member for that kind of things.
  52. S

    Do you still drink milk?

    I really don't know when last l drunk the milk for sure. I only take it as tea
  53. S

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    I think that people no longer make some visits to their relatives nowadays because of the bad economy.
  54. S

    How much did you lose from trading?

    Fortunately l have never made a loss on the trading sector as l am not engaged in trading
  55. S

    How much did you earn here?

    When this site was once created, it had nothing like earning limit and users could earn as much as they wished m
  56. S

    Did the interviewer's conduct ever turn you off?

    For the few interviews that l have oftenly attended on l had never found anything very strange.
  57. S

    Have you ever did merge for your business?

    I had never found out the merger as being the solution for my ever collapsing business that's why l close businesses whenever l am being overwhelmed by the management
  58. S

    Did you ever found yourself in the police custody before?

    I have never found myself on that place. I really don't like that place for that matter
  59. S

    I have found out how to make RIFs tonight!

    It's a very simple and good earning site. The site can be even more appealing when they could restore the original earnings here
  60. S

    Did you believe in Santa clause when you where little?

    For me most people really believe in the Santa Claus even today as we speak for sure
  61. S

    From Where did you Came to know about Referral Index Forum?

    I can remember that in the past l heard about the site on the forumcoin.
  62. S

    Where did you first use a computer or laptop?

    For me l firstly used the computer for the first time in school at the computer lab
  63. S

    Where did hyip sites got their capital to pay rewards?

    They usually pay just a smaller chunk of the earlier users and scam the rest.
  64. S

    Where did Big Brother TV Show start and what is it's real aim?

    For me l never heard about that and l really have no information about it for sure
  65. S

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    I had actually placed that in the recent days in the living room for that matter.
  66. S

    What is the CSR of big firms in your place?

    I have mostly seen that they are engaged on the provision of social services like water services, building of schools among others.
  67. S

    How do you handle online business taxes and accounting?

    The online taxes and accounting can even be well handled by the experts and the business men can seamlessly outsource these services.
  68. S

    How accounting firms help businesses?

    The accounting really helps the businesses to determine its networthy for a particular time for sure.
  69. S

    Businesses that have survived over 20 years- What's the secret?

    I have realized that it's pretty hard to see a business that has survived for long to collapse
  70. S

    Why suffer love without love in return?

    Most people nowadays have become so toxic in the sense that they are not so loving
  71. S

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    I have learned that true love is nowadays very difficult to find for that reason
  72. S

    What is your favorite online business webinars?

    For me l can say that l am not a fan of using of the business webinars for now 1728997550 For me l can say that l am not a fan of the using of the business webinars for now
  73. S

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    Multiple loans are not really recommend because they are mostly likely to lead one into bankruptcy
  74. S

    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    I don't consider myself to be investing as l really have a permanent type of investment strategy
  75. S

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    The attitudes really depends on the activities of the people being involved on that for sure
  76. S

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    Sleeping on the job can makes one's job very incompetently for the truth of the matter
  77. S

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I can say that it's very frustrating while paying bills based on the point that bills are very expensive
  78. S

    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    I usually spend my Sundays at the church mostly. I have never been bored while at the house of God.
  79. S

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    In deed yes. Feeling like a looser is the thing that l really feel l am for sure.
  80. S

    What is your best money-saving travel hack?

    I think that when traveling one can carry their own packed lunch with them because food is very expensive on the way
  81. S

    What's the best money saving purchases?

    I think one should choose the products that are of good quality and price effective.
  82. S

    Why do you use cash for purchases?

    For me l use the cash for purchases because most local stores operate that way in my location
  83. S

    Should I manage a school by myself as the business owner?

    I think management for the school business requires one to have acquired some teaching skills that could help in the management of the school.
  84. S

    At what age should a child be financially independent?

    Financial matters seems very personal for sure. I hope that depends on many personal factors.
  85. S

    Don't quit investing, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion

    In the world there is nothing that comes so easy. One should really put more effort in achieving anything.
  86. S

    Real love honors commitments and cherishes the bond between partners

    In normal circumstances love can build a very strong bond between people of different culture and ideologies
  87. S

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    Of course yes love is being built in that way. I have realized for love to really prosper there should be some faithfulness
  88. S

    Do you suffer in your life if you do not earn online money?

    Somehow. That is why we are always being advised not to rely on one kind of source of income
  89. S

    Have you suffer from high blood pressure?

    I have never suffered from that disease before and l thank God that l am in a really good healthy
  90. S

    Why suffer love without love in return?

    That is mostly being caused by the wrong choice of some lovers that leads to fake love
  91. S

    Are there legal considerations or regulations I need to be aware of for specific passive income methods?

    I bet that every passive income has their own considerations and requirements for one to managing it for sure.
  92. S

    Are you aware of Diljit Dosanjh?

    For me l am not a fan of the lndian movies and music for that case.
  93. S

    Are you aware of the fees that is involved in Bitcoin transaction?

    Of course yes. l am very aware about the higher charges on the bitcoin transactions currently.
  94. S

    What are the risk involved in cryptocurrency investment?

    Most risks on the cryocurrency is being involved on the volatility feature for the cryocurrency
  95. S

    Are You Involved in Tap-to-Earn on Telegram?

    It's of recent days that the telegram social media has been turned into earning platform but l have never tried out that one.
  96. S

    Aitimart - earn 1% daily with your money

    How long have they been on the game and where do they get the money to pay users as profits. The questions one should be asking themselves is what kind of business so they involve themselves with your principal to pay you that interest rates on daily basis?
  97. S

    How to Earn Free Millix on 🌟

    What is the millix conversion rates to the dollars? The site seems very vibrant though
  98. S

    New 🚩 Tangled : earn money using a social network

    What is that one is supposed to do on the site for them to earn on the site. I see people being asked to pay
  99. S

    How much did you earn here?

    I have learned about the management of the time here on this forum for sure.
  100. S

    How much did you learn from PTP forums?

    For me the ptp forums have really thought me more and more things for sure.
  101. S

    How do you control your personal financial planning and expenditure?

    For me l am always very keen on the planning on the most basic needs first and omitting the luxuries for wisely spending and saving money on that.
  102. S

    Are you Planning to Buy a New Phone?

    For me l am planning to buy a new laptop. I would like to take my online work to another angle.
  103. S

    Unsubscribe Unnecessary Notifications

    I usually put off all the unnecessary notifications that seems to waste my time on the phone.
  104. S

    Which sim card do you use

    For me l have choosen the cheaper service providers in my country to use both internet subscriptions and airtime.
  105. S

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    That is why people are being encouraged to spread love in all over the world so to speak.
  106. S

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    I have experienced that on multiple times and more especially when the work is down for sure.
  107. S

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    I am always wondering why it's very easy for people to loose than winning anything in the world.
  108. S

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I found it very frustrating paying out of Bills every month in my household for that matter.
  109. S

    Do you sometimes try doing some electric works in your house by yourself?

    For me l can say that l am very keen on doing almost all of the electric work in my household.
  110. S

    How much money do you make doing affiliate marketing?

    Ever since l started out affliate marketing venture l have never benefited from anything before.
  111. S

    What is the best way to make our videos go viral on YouTube?

    I think one should be creating the most appealing and quality trending videos that people are looking for.
  112. S

    Is there an earning site that has disappointed you and why?

    I am getting really disappointed by the earning websites quite oftenly because they stop working anyhowly.
  113. S

    How Much Interest Do You Pay For Your Home Loan

    Currently l have a plot. I am thinking to take a Bank loan to build my own house
  114. S

    How Much Interest Do You Pay For Your Car Loan?

    For me l have not chosen to take car loans ever. I am not in that position for now.
  115. S

    Have you used Pinterest for ecommerce?

    Frankly speaking l have never recognised the Pinterest as something that can really help in that thing.
  116. S

    Do you have any interest in Politics?

    I am seriously not interested in the politics for sure. It doesn't come along with my career line.
  117. S

    Share your most unforgettable experience 😁

    I can remember that one in the elementary school's where we're asked to write that one in composition.
  118. S

    Share your favorite online business conferences?

    As much as the online business comes into being, the conferences are the most important tools in the maintaining the businesses.
  119. S

    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    I think for me that one remains to be the copy trading on the cryocurrency like in the bitget exchanges.
  120. S

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    Multiple loans are very disappointing for sure. I bet people can get so frustrated on that situation.
  121. S

    Favorite Netflix Movies or Series?

    For me l can say that l am not yet a netflix fan for sure.
  122. S

    Have you ever been in a physical fight?

    I have never been engaged in any kind of fight before for the truth of the matter
  123. S

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    As an entrepreneur one should be ready at serving their customers for that matter l must say.
  124. S

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    For me l am not a fashionist that's why l don't wear expensive clothing for sure
  125. S

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    I have realized that, it's very impossible for one to run their financial life in the way they are supposed to be
  126. S

    selling this forum at low cost

    I have seen so many people making profits when they sell their own websites for that matter.
  127. S

    Why the cost of running business is high in Nigeria.

    That is because the Nigeria's economy is very ravaged and no business can really stabilize in such economy.
  128. S

    The Cost of Running a Blog

    The cost for the running of the blog may not be that high but the revenue that it may bring is really disappointing.
  129. S

    What is the cost of running a reselling business?

    Reselling businesses is very hard to operate operate especially for the people that operate with limited kind of capital.
  130. S

    How do you relate with your siblings?

    For sure it's a very great Idea for one to have a good relationship with their siblings for that matter.
  131. S

    What Do You Prioritize on: Active Income or Passive Income

    I prefer the passive kind of income for sure. Provided that it can bring in the most money required for my financial needs.
  132. S

    Passive vs Active Income

    I bet that the active kind of income is very reliable and unlike the passive one being slowly to be earned.
  133. S

    High school kids, to work as a gasoline boy, good or bad?

    I think that they can work on that kind of jobs so that they can get their own money.
  134. S

    Do ladies really like men that are assertive and in control?

    I am sure that most ladies are not. Thats why most kind of that men never marry here.
  135. S

    Ladies how often you buy Lingerie?

    I think that my wife is not that kind of person using the jewelleries. She always like it being very natural.
  136. S

    Ladies, how often do you buy new clothes?

    For as much as l am not a fashionist l don't buy clothes as frequently as other people does
  137. S

    Do you choose your friends or your friends chose you?

    I can say that both happens on me. I can either do the same or otherwise.
  138. S

    Is there divorce in your country?

    It's very much available in my country. Divorce is presently in areas where there are settlements.
  139. S

    How do I choose the right affiliate program for my business?

    I am oftenly saying that the affliate marketing is no longer working in most of the companies and engaging on that is like a suicide.
  140. S

    Do you write your own content

    I prefer to see the work on my hands for sure. That is why l would write down my content
  141. S

    Is it effective to advertise your online business offline?

    I bet that the offline audience is the one becomes online audience when they go and purchase online.
  142. S

    Where To Advertise a Business Offline

    Provided you have known where the targeted audience are located it's very simple to do that.
  143. S

    What normally motivates you?

    For me when l see the list of the daily to do tasks unattended that peases me off.
  144. S

    Do you normally pay yourself?

    I normally congratulate myself when l am being successful in the most profitable deals for sure.
  145. S

    interfering in parent's conflict

    Of course one can. Especially if you are very sure of what you are saying about.
  146. S

    How do you naturally relieved your pains?

    I mostly use the natural remedies to get rid of the body pains at times.
  147. S

    Kanye west and kim finalize divorce

    It's very disheartening to find a divorce for couples that have been United for long
  148. S

    Have You Sold Clothes Before?

    For me l really don't have that tendency for selling clothing. I usually donate my used clothing to people
  149. S

    Benefits of establishing business in the rural areas

    I bet that businesses that are set up in the rural areas ought to be very profitable for sure.
  150. S

    What do you think of divorce?

    Divorce is not something good and l urge the couples to sort out their issues without filing divorces. 1728382915 I think that divorce should be abolished and prohibited in all over the world because it's very evil
  151. S

    Is there divorce in your country?

    I think that divorce is found everywhere in the world. Most couples nowadays get divorced for that matter.
  152. S

    Re-marrying after a divorce

    It's a very bad idea for sure. One should not be remarrying and remarrying for that matter
  153. S

    Marrying from a different country

    I think the idea of marrying from another country is not crossing on my mind
  154. S

    What are the different payment gateways integrated into the Kucoin clone script?

    For me l have not never used that kind of an exchange before and that l have no information about it
  155. S

    What are the different Ways to get paid?

    The web is indeed full of a plathera ways to earning online. I hope that depends on the ways that seems to work best for you.
  156. S

    Have you ever tried run a business that you are not knowledgeable about?

    For me l don't really believe in doing what l don't know about. I can comfortably work only on the things that l know of
  157. S

    Have you ever tried online dating?

    For me l don't believe in the online dating. However l have seen other people that have been beneficiaries for that.
  158. S

    Have you tried working as a transcriptionist?

    I had tried out that before and l failed to get that kind of jobs for sure.
  159. S

    Have You tried Threads?

    I think that threads had no difference to the X. In fact l heard that it was exactly the same.
  160. S

    Have you tried Threads Already?

    I heard about that a very long time ago. However l didn't shown any interests in joining that site for sure.
  161. S

    Is hiring new employees fair in your location?

    Leave alone in my location, the hiring process in all over the country is not fair at all.
  162. S

    Is it fair not to hire an over qualified applicant?

    The most important thing to consider when hiring is the ability of the candidate to work competently on their designation.
  163. S

    Cant access Beermoneyforum

    The site is very accessible but the earning rates have really been lowered over there.
  164. S

    Do you work on Beermoneyforum ?

    That site was a very nice earning site by then. However nowadays it has reduced it's rewards and the way of earning there is not clearly known.
  165. S

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    I think that people shouldn't be relying on the loans to develop themselves for sure.
  166. S

    Earn $5 in Amazon Associates' Worldwide Bonus Promotion

    I have realized that most earning programs are very difficult to understand how they operate and where they get the money to pay you from.
  167. S

    Do you like the field of finance?

    Finance is really a very great topic for one to get engaged in because it covers most aspects in life.
  168. S

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    I have realized that most people in the world think like that nowadays for the truth of the matter
  169. S

    Have You Tried ACX

    For me l can say that l am not ready yet on joining that site for the truth of the matter.
  170. S

    Have you tried Threads Already?

    For me l really don't have any information about that website on how it goes
  171. S

    Is threads worth it?

    Fol didn't even tried out creating any account with that website for the truth of the matter.
  172. S

    Get crypto in your faucetpay account immediately

    Most similar programs do pay very Iittle and it sounds so negligible for that matter.
  173. S

    Faucetpay transaction fees

    I think that that depends on the exchanges used to transaction for that matter l must say.
  174. S

    How to create and sell e-books?

    I think one must learn some of the basic skills for making of the ebooks for sure.
  175. S

    Do you use the location features on your phone to locate the actual places that you visit?

    For me l have never used such programs to earn anything out of it for sure.
  176. S

    How do you normally spend the money for earned from your side hustles?

    I mostly use my side hustle money on the payment for the bills and among other immediate purposes.
  177. S

    Legit 👍

    I wish that earning platform would resume to be very lucrative just like the past days.
  178. S

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    Taking loans is something that is very useful when handled so well. However one should really be very careful when handling the loans.
  179. S

    How do you normally spend the money for earned from your side hustles?

    The money from my side hustles really help me to sort up some expenses in the household. 1728157520 I am very lazy to reading books anymore. Like last year l read none of the books.
  180. S

    What normally motivates you?

    For me l have a family to look after and l don't really want them to be disappointed that is why l am working hard.
  181. S

    Do you work on Beermoneyforum ?

    As of me l can say that l quit on working on the site as l saw it very hard earning on that site for sure.
  182. S

    Why do people gamble?

    Most people do gambling as a means of investment ventures. That's most of them commit suicide when they loose
  183. S

    Is threads worth it?

    For me l really heard about that site but l have never tried out it before.
  184. S

    How many social sites are you actually using?

    For me l can say that l am very active on Facebook and the X accounts for sure.
  185. S

    Bad effects of worrying

    I think that worrying is something that is very seriously and should be avoided at all costs.
  186. S

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    With that being said l have deduced that the best way to store some information is through writing.
  187. S

    Do you like to prepare noodles at home?

    Most people in my household don't prefer the modules that is why it's not being cooked oftenly.
  188. S

    Do you Prefer PayPal payments or Crypto Payments?

    PayPal payments are only meant for personal uses while the cryptocurrency payments are for investments purposes only.
  189. S

    Do you use crypto to make payments

    I can say that my government has never intergerated the payment through crypto currency venture.
  190. S

    Payments in Crypto or Payments in Cash

    For me l have preferred the payment in cash for long. However l am into the cryptocurrency industry for sure
  191. S

    Which skill is the highest paid?

    I can say that the graphics and videos editing skills are very highly paid nowadays.
  192. S

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    I have realized that it's very risky taking on the loans to finance your business as most loans come with higher interest rates.
  193. S

    Have you been to the Himalayas

    As much l really like the place, the Himalaya's seems like a heaven to me.
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    How many job are you doing?

    For me l can say that l am currently jobless. I really don't have any Job and l submit my applications to various companies.
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    How can I prepare a profitable business idea?

    Nowadays the profitable business ideas remains to be the problem solving tactics for that matter.
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    Can you invest all your money into something?

    For me l can only invest all my money one investment portfolio after ensuring that it's very legit.
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    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    I have realized that most cryocurrency games have very little rewards that it's not worthy at all for sure.
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    Do you leverage on the discounts and offers given on the shopping malls?

    Sometimes l may investigate the discounts and offers before l can go for them because sometimes they can be used to push some dead stocks.
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    Do you Eat gluten free foods?

    For me l have no interests in the mentioned kind of foods for sure for that matter.
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    Legit 👍

    I have even visited the site in the morning and my earnings are still very intact.