Recent content by Stardom22

  1. S

    For me l have been engaged in that kind of online work. However l think you could have found some more information before you joined
  2. S Overview

    I have never developed any interests in the cold wallets for that reason l must say.
  3. S Discover Travel eSIM Data Packages

    I think that SIM cards are best ideally for the travellers and emigrants for that matter
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    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    I think would not be in the position to buy such kind of products because of their higher prices.
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    Do you just buy discounted products

    For me l wouldn't wait for the discount and offers for me to make the purchases as they come very seasonally here.
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    Working In a different country

    Working abroad is something that l really have wished. The most good thing l like while being abroad is the exposure and better lives
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    Using cashback sites to save money

    I have realized that most of those programs are very fake in my country for sure.
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    Do you watch movies on youtube?

    I can say that the YouTube has really helped me in learning different things through the video tutorials.
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    How Easy is it to Create and Sell Digital Products

    That process is deemed not easy as many people would think of for that matter.
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    Do you find it easy to compromise when working with the team?

    I hate the fact that some members of the team like to sit back while the others are working for sure
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    do you find it easy to manage people in your line of work?

    Although it may seem so difficult in the beginning, one becomes perfect with the daily practices.
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    Is it easy to find a Yoga teacher in your city?

    That is something that l can assure any. That because l have never found them in good numbers.
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    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    It actually depends on the level of your relationship in terms of how much depth did you dig while being together.
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    How easy is it to exchange your forum promotion cash?

    Nowadays its very impossible to make any transaction with the $forum promotion currency. I had mine stuck over there.
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    Do you think you should promote your website on forum promotion?

    For me l have never found that site as useful as for the public because majority of those that benefit are the website owner's and the package posters.
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    Master card or Visa card?

    In my country the favourite bank of mine provides both of the cards but l took the visa card.
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    Using Earning Platforms That Are Not Popular

    The Online money earning world is very funny. The most famous and popular earning sites seems paying than the others.
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    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    I can say that investing with huge amounts is a better approach but the strategy matters alot on the guaranteeing of the end result.
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    How much does your customer feedback influence your work?

    As a business manager l would work on the customer's reviews and ensuring the customer satisfaction.
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    How much does Youtube pay

    YouTube can pay you after spending like five years investing your time to do that you prepare the journey to working with it.
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    Does any one roll the highest limit on the faucet sites?

    Although l am not into the faucet claiming websites but l have never heard of something like that.
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    What is your highest earning website?

    For now l can say that it's the discussion bucks that stands out as the best for me.
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    Which earning website do you enjoy using most

    I really like the earning websites that l would be enjoying it while making money at the same time.
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    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    In my country it's very complicated. That's why we are experiencing some rains here by now
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    How many percent of your goods can you sell on credit?

    For me l would sell on Strickly cash basis policy as selling on credit brings the business down
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    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    Being a parent is not an easy thing. Most of my money goes to the welfare of the children and wife.
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    How many income sources do you have?

    In my country it's very difficult for one to get employed unless they have connections and upfront money for bribe
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    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    It sounds so cool for the companies to be involved in the training and providing education on the workers.
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    Do you still drink milk?

    I really like taking the milked tea and l can't seriously miss out that for sure
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    Do you still wear a watch?

    In fact l have thought about wearing of the watches again and l would like to purchase some for that matter.
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    Do you still watch TV?

    I mostly watch the evening news on the TV. I really don't have some time for TV nowadays.
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    Do you still watch black and white movies?

    No indeed. I am no longer watching that movies for the truth of the matter. They seems very toxic to me
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    Do you watch movies on Telegram?

    As of me l can confidently say that l have never familiarised with the telegram app before.
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    Do you like Movies with sad ending?

    Such kind of movies seems very interesting but ends in sad tone for the truth of the matter
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    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner 😞

    I hope all goes well with you for sure. You have been such a very good owner.
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    One sad moment you can't forget

    Surely l wouldn't forget on the days that my parents passed away for that matter. It was such a very sad moment l must say
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    I am so sad this day

    For me l always feel sad when l wake up very broke and the kids need to be provided for.
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    Why did you stop gambling or don't gamble at all?

    For me l have never stopped the gambling venture for sure. It's a quick means of getting some money. 1726635953 I have realized that most people have been addicted by that and being trapped on that.
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    How did you succeed in your business?

    I can say that l am still struggling so much with my business that seems not progressing at all.
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    How did you managed the operation of the kiosk business?

    I found the operation for the kiosk business very challenging as most customers would request to buy in credit basis which tend to run away with the business money without paying
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    Did your business stop during the pandemic?

    For me my business really collapsed during the Corona virus pandemic and l have never revamped it back
  42. S

    How did you build business funds?

    This is something that most businesses are overwhelmed about. It's very tricky when it comes to the matters with funds regards
  43. S

    How did you build your financial knowledge?

    The government sometimes sends some experts that provides education to the public on the financial matters
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    How much did you earn here?

    I can remember that when this site was first being created had no earning limit and we earned like $0.02 for both replies and threads. I remember earning $3 on a single day.
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    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    For me if can remember that one very well is that l used it on my personal expenses
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    I'm so relaxed, I consider folding laundry a form of artistic expression

    For me l really hate some household chores like the washing of dishes among others for sure.
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    Have you ever been food addicted?

    When l was in the high school l was somehow addicted to some foods that we used to be fed on
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    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    For me l have never been very successful with that venture for taking loans. Loans would deprive you for progress.
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    Have you ever been babtised?

    Baptism is very mandatory for anyone to step at the kingdom of God for sure.
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    Have you ever been accused wrongly by your boss before?

    For me that is a thing that l have never thought about it for that matter.
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    Have you ever used ATM machines to make cash deposits?

    In most cases l don't use the ATMs to make deposits as l deposit through the mobile wallets.
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    Have you ever used the finances management apps?

    I had just used one that seemed very complicated to use and l uninstalled it for sure.
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    Have ever used the portable WiFi gadgets?

    I have never used them but l have heard that they use just a sim card as mobile devices so the consumption is just the same.
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    What is the toughest password you have ever used?

    For me l have been using the same types of passwords across all of my online platforms.
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    Have you ever used walkie talkie?

    For me l have never used the walk talkie before. However l had worked with the people that really used those devices.
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    Do you earn passive income using cashback apps?

    For me this is the very time that l am hearing about the passive way of income through the cash apps.
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    Best way to earn Passive Income

    For me the starting and running of the blogs is my all time favourite way for passive income.
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    Advertise on your car to earn passive income

    I think that is very limited type of business promotion. It can reach only a few people.
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    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    When you own cars one can easily run a car hire business for that matter.
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    How to Find the Right Buyer for Your Website

    I think you can promote your business in the social media platforms where you can find some potential buyers.
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    How Can I Find the Right Affiliate Programs?

    That means of the online business and or gig is never reliable and very difficult to do for sure.
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    How to find the right location for your small business

    It's high time for the small business owners to check for the market in the places they aspire to run businesses.
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    Is there a difference between how you started and where you are now?

    For one to achieve any progress in life there should existing change with the starting time till now for sure.
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    Do you think kids should have an hour break in school to watch cartoons?

    I think that the kids should have very little time with the on screen time. Physical exercises is very ideally instead.
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    Using the same browser across multiple devices

    Recently l have come to realise that the Firefox browser works so best in my devices for sure.
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    Keeping money in house

    I can't advise anyone to save their money in Banks especially if they have limited amount of funds.
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    Keeping money

    Money is mostly preferably saved in the banks for sure. I have realized that's the only safe place to keep money on.
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    How are you keeping fit aside exercising

    I have learned that keeping oneself is not only done through exercising, one can also practice healthy eating.
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    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    Owning the cars is a very great thing for sure. The Car owners couldn't sleep hungry for sure.
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    What phone do you use right now?

    I have been using the Nokia G20 since 2021 up to now. lt had really given me some services
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    What is the right way for the profit utilisation on the business?

    Profit utilisation is a very crucial subject for that matter. One should be very keen on dealing with that
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    Is it right for a man to cheat?

    For me l really know that it's not even right for the man to cheat because relationship or marriage requires Faithfullness
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    How to find the right location for your small business

    The business managers would seamlessly identify the business location in place where the market for the business is very available.
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    The right location requires the right strategy

    I think that the location for the business is very ideally and the strategy with that can do that best.
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    Do you use the location features on your phone to locate the actual places that you visit?

    For me l am not interested in using those features to locate the places that l go for that reason.
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    Do you like crowded places?

    I don't like crowded places especially when l am the one to address the whole multitude of people.
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    Do you know any haunted places in your country?

    There are so many such places in my country and l am really very afraid going there.
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    Is there a difference between how you started and where you are now?

    Of course yes. When l started l was really earning very little because l had very few earning sites for sure.
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    Investing in meme coins

    I too have realized that meme Coins are not very ideally for investments for that matter.
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    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    I think for me l wouldn't have any interest with the adm so long as they pay on time.
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    Investing For Your Kids

    I am still on the process of making things together so that l can start the investing journey.
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    How would you teach value of money to your kids?

    I have realized that most parents don't recognise the need to teach the kids on the value of money earlier enough
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    Be the best friends of your kids

    There are so many benefits that comes with being friends to the kids for sure.
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    Do you think kids should have an hour break in school to watch cartoons?

    I think if at all they should have that break time, they should use that to play in stead of sitting back and watch.
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    The Opinion World survey site is legit.

    For me l have never heard about that kind of survey site for that matter
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    What, in your opinion, is the most irritating thing about Facebook?

    Facebook is indeed very great in some way and very bad at the same time depending on the context.
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    Opinion on babies ears being pierced while they are still months old?

    I think that is not good as they feel too much pains while still very young
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    Does anyone else have access to your account at writing Sites?

    I really trust none in my life. Therefore l don't have any person that l can trust for sure.
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    Do you have the access to the electricity power supply?

    For me l can say that l really have the access to the electricity here.
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    How do you consider a failure in your life?

    Fail is something that is very unpleasant for one to experience. It's very devastating for one to fail either.
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    Sharing an office with a colleague

    One can save more money with the sharing of the business space for that matter.
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    How Can I Become A Successful Affiliate?

    Becoming a super affliate is really something very difficult to make because the venture is so tricky for that matter
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    How to become good at managing money?

    You should really plan yourself well and organise your finances in a very good manner.
  94. S make money writing articles

    I think you are very right on that. One should really dislike the fact of paying for sign ups for that matter.
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    Road trip or direct flight?

    As far l am concerned l would go for the direct flight for that matter
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    Fishing or kayaking?

    Obviously l would go for the fishing for that matter and l must say that for that
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    Do you really enjoy the cold seasons?

    Most colds seasons comes with flu among other airborne diseases for the truth of the matter.
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    Do you really like swimming?

    For me l really like the swimming but then l am very easily frightened by the water
  99. S

    Legit 👍 Riveiw: Scam or Legit?

    The Trendri paid to post forum has been so legit and trusted paid to post forums on the web
  100. S

    New 🚩 Is Trendri site paying ?

    I think that is the most higher paying paid to post sites for sure.
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    $PEPE & $RUG are the reigning meme coins.

    For me l have seen the DOGS performance made some people very rich just the last month.
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    Investing in meme coins

    I have discovered that the memecoins are not that reliable and if you invest on them invest what you can afford to loose
  103. S

    Why Meme Coins are so Popular?

    For me l have seen that recently, the most trending memecoin can be the DOGS for sure.
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    What is some popular street food from where you live?

    I have really find out that most recently to be the cassava and potato chips for sure.
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    Do we need to spend a lot of money to relax?

    I think there is no need for spending a dime for one to relax for sure.
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    Need for reception area for a business

    I think that most bigger scale businesses would comfortable need a reception business for sure
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    What you need to know about business insurance?

    I have heard about the news regarding the insurance matters on the business for sure.
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    Trendri seems to have removed earning limits for comments.

    This is very good news. Trendri really takes the paid posting services a very lucrative venture.
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    Legit 👍 Riveiw: Scam or Legit?

    The site really pays for its users. I have received a recent payment proof and you can as well request a joining link.
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    Let's never judge the income of the fish vendors

    For instance we have a shortage of fish here in my country. Therefore the fish vendors are really making a killing for the same
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    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    I have never run a business that requires the services of the accountants for sure
  112. S

    Do you leverage on the discounts and offers given on the shopping malls?

    I really don't embrace those handouts given as discounts and offers in shopping malls because they are very minimal and unreliable
  113. S

    How to leverage on the school uniforms business?

    That business is very much lucrative because the demand for school uniforms is very high allover the world.
  114. S

    Making money through social media sites

    I have realized that most people nowadays are making online through the social media platforms.
  115. S


    For me l really dislike failure. In fact l am very afraid for the failure in a matter of fact.
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    New 🚩 Why do Sites still exist but stop functioning?

    For me that is the main reasons as to why l hesitate to starting the blogging business.
  117. S

    How are you keeping fit aside exercising

    I make sure that l do the balanced diet in the consumption of food for my body
  118. S

    Teaching Online Vs. Selling Digital Courses

    There is indeed some benefits in the rendering of services than provision of goods for that matter.
  119. S

    Do you like wearing High Heels?

    Some ladies stands out very well in the high heels for that matter while others don't.
  120. S

    The simple difference between investing and saving

    According to me, savings couldn't guarantee one some interests while the investments comes with return in Investments
  121. S

    Wish you had more of?

    For me l would like to have more of the money. That because money is very important in one's life
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    How to fall in love again after being heartbroken so many times.

    After giving yourself enough time for yourself to heal one can really move on with their lives for sure.
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    How many income sources do you have?

    Right now as we talk, l am struggling to have like means of income sources for sure.
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    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    In my country there is no constant type weather patterns as they keep on changing every now and then.
  125. S

    How many cups of tea or coffee daily?

    For me l really don't like to get used to these types of beverages because they are all addictive for sure
  126. S

    Coffee Vs. Tea: Which One is Good

    I think that depends on the person on the context. For me l rarely use any of them nowadays.
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    For me l have never known that. So l have been using that for a very long time without experiencing any hitches
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    8 Effective Ways to Monetize Your Blog

    It's however very ideally to start investing in the blog industry because it's worth trying for sure.
  129. S

    Are you investing in the bank?

    For me l am really not yet started with the investing in the banks for sure. It's something that l have never thought about.
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    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    Due to the adversely environmental effects on the usage for the wood it's better to use the gas as fuel.
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    Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating out?

    I really like the fact of testing out of new recipes for that matter l must say
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    Do you prefer the plastic or the wooden chairs?

    The plastic chairs are never reliable. They can break so easily for that matter. I have broken like so many of them in one year.
  133. S

    Do you like wearing a hat?

    For me l can say that wearing of the hat is something that l really dislike so much for that matter.
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    What is your favorite crypto investment platform?

    I too have developed interests in the stocks investment platforms that l can invest in the cryptocurrency.
  135. S

    Favorite Peanut Butter brand?

    I have realized that the most peanut butter brand that has been leading here is the Zesta a Tru foods product.
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    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    I can say that it's being in the cryptocurrency investments where l like investing in the bitcoin.
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    What are the best managing tips for your business to prosper?

    The business managers should exercise the higher quality customer care services and the best team building skills to take the business to higher limits.
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    What are the best strategies for boosting the sales on the business?

    On that juncture, the businessmen should really exercise some courtesy and talking to the customers in a very politely language.
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    What are the best strategies for marketing my business?

    Business marketing should really be handled in a very good way that are affordable and most effective.
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    What are the best strategies for ecommerce success?

    The e- commerce success can be calminated by the promotion on the social media platforms and other paid advertising for sure.
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    What are the best strategies for managing my business’s growth?

    For the business to attain it's sustainability on its growth, the businessmen should really apply the best promotional and marketing strategies on the market.
  142. S

    What are the best managing tips for your business to prosper?

    For me l have always believed in the team work spirit for the successfulness of many businesses for that matter.
  143. S

    Are you good at managing funds?

    I have realized that most people nowadays are very poor at managing of their funds for sure.
  144. S

    Managing a toxic relationship

    For me, almost all the toxic relationships that l have seen they ended up in a messy.
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    Managing business looses

    I can say that losses is the most bad thing for the entrepreneurs to experience on the businesses.
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    How to become good at managing money?

    I think everyone that would need a great money management skills should embrace the billionaire mindset.
  147. S

    Managing a manicure-pedicure near the vicinity of the campus

    I have seen that most women do like that and it can make a great business for sure.
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    For me the manicure thing is something that l really don't like engaging myself with for sure.
  149. S make money writing articles

    So this is the first time l am hearing about that before. I am yet to make a due diligence before l can proceed with it
  150. S

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    For me l can say that the taking of multiple loans is very risky for sure.
  151. S

    What is your favorite niche

    Nowadays there are hardly profitable niches. There is nothing that hasn't been published yet.
  152. S

    Do you watch movies on OTT platforms or you download it illegally?

    It's very affordable to download and store movies on the phones than watching directly online.
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    How to Start Blogging as a Side Hustle

    One should be equipped with more hard work, efforts and even upfront money on the dealing with the management of the blogs.
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    How To start Blogging And Start Earning?

    Nowadays l have realized that the running of the blogs really requires more time and resources to become substance.
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    Selling Products or Services in Crypto

    For me l have never planned to sell or buy anything through the cryptocurrency means for sure.
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    What are the circumstances for you to increase the selling prices?

    Selling prices is the main determinant factor for any business to get sales that directly affects the sales and performance of the business. Therefore one should be very keen especially when increasing it's value.
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    selling this forum at low cost

    I am wondering why couldn't sell such a higher earning website with that higher traffic for sure.
  158. S

    Teaching Online Vs. Selling Digital Courses

    Obviously l can go to the teaching online for that matter. It's pretty conveniently for me.
  159. S

    Selling Services Vs. selling Products to Make Money Online

    The selling of services is deemed very profitable compared to the dealing with products that requires transportation and logistics. 1726220262 One would incur so much costs in dealing with the selling of the products compared to services.
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    Do you prefer eating the salty water fish?

    Salty water fish are most likely to be tastier than fresh water fish for the truth of the matter.
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    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    In short l really like the grilled fish and or chicken for that matter. I have a very good liking for them too.
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    do you like eating exotic fruits?

    In my country it's very difficult to find some exotic foods for sure. I really crave for them.
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    Of course yes most fruits are very rich in the nutrients that are in charged for the body immunity system boosting.
  164. S

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    Companies that do the staff and worker training has got positive reputation with it's clients for that matter.
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    Why is Real Estate Still the Best Investment in 2023?

    Not only the real estate investments was the best thing in the 2023 but it still has some potential in the coming years for that matter.
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    Do you still have your best friend?

    Of course l still have some of my best friends with me intact. However maintaining them had not been an easy thing for sure.
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    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    For me both of my grand parents have died very long time ago for the truth of the matter
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    Do you still invest in the bitcoin?

    I have recently recently realised that the bitcoin investments is very a great Idea for people to do for long term.
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    Do you still drink milk?

    Why not. Milk is such a very nutrient food that is very important for that matter.
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    Are still searching for it jobs?

    For me l gave up with the searching of the jobs for that matter. Reasons being it's a wastage of time
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    When searching for a business, what factors do you think are crucial?

    For me l would go for the the businesses that l am very knowledgeable and experienced about.
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    What are the factors that contribute to success apart from hard work?

    As far as l am concerned, the hard-working is the main crucial factor in succeeding on most ventures in the world.
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    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    I have realized that there are no financial help that most people nowadays give to others.
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    Where you learn new food recipes

    I always learn about the new recipes on the live streaming platforms like the tiktok for sure.
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    Where do you get short term loans?

    For me l can get the short term loans on the micro finances that are always available on my country.
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    Where are you planning your next vacation?

    For sure l would have been planning to visit my favourite vacation destination if l would have been financial abled.
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    Describe the strangest person you ever meet

    For me l have no experience of meeting strange people in my life that may seem so daring.
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    Do you like to meet your friends online or offline?

    I like meeting most of my friends offline for sure l must say that for sure.
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    How many hours do you spend watching social media videos

    Although l don't have enough time watching the online videos on the social media, l like being online every time doing online work.
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    How many hours of sleep?

    For me l can say that l really don't have enough time to sleep that's why l am so tired every now and then.
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    Do you like to prepare noodles at home?

    Of course yes. I do like preparing them and l am fond of them for sure.
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    Do you really have to create your own online store?

    Making sales online is not a very hard thing for sure. Most people doesn't know how to do that
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    Have you ever tried monetizing any of your talents?

    Most talents are really rewarding when they are being handed in the most good way.
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    Have you ever tried run a business that you are not knowledgeable about?

    I have seen so many people that have been operating their businesses that are not knowledgeable about failing flat.
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    What are your top five tips to save money?

    My number one tip for saving money is by living in frugallity life to be able to save money.
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    Can money save someone's life?

    For me l can say that money is almost everything nowadays. I have seen so many people's lives being saved by their money.
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    Save money reusing materials for home renovation

    The renovation is meant to solve the problems of the leaking roofs for instance for all.
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    Save money using natural air than using electric fan

    In my location there time comes when the natural air could not help out according to the higher temperatures
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    Save money by using the bicycle

    The most good thing with the bicycle usage is that is saves on the environment in terms of being environmental friend
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    Save money using mostly shopping app version

    For me l am not being interested in that kind of shopping apps because l like doing things on my own.
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    Save money using shopping list

    I have realized that most people use the shopping lists for optimising their savings for sure.
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    What are the circumstances for you to increase the selling prices?

    It also depends on the types of the products being delt with for sure. I think that cheaper prices attract more sales
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    Are your prices fixed?

    Most businesses tend to make a lot of profits when selling on the fixed prices for sure.
  194. S

    Does Binance's actions have any effect on BNB

    For me l think that the Binance has a very high hand it's native coin BNG
  195. S

    How does Binance compare with other crypto wallets?

    We only in the position to compare the Binance app with the other exchanges like the bitget, Nexo or the
  196. S

    Can you compare content creators earnings on facebook,youtube,tiktok ,twitter and instagram monetization to those on paid to post forums?

    For me I can say that the creators on the YouTubes, tiktok and so on are being paid generously for that matter.
  197. S

    How do you compare your financial life to the past five years?

    For me l can say that my past financial life is not as good as l at now.
  198. S

    Don't compare yourself to others

    I think that when one compares themselves to others they are likely to trigger the sense of competition for sure.
  199. S

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    For me that is the first thing that l must do before l make my shopping.
  200. S

    what are the psychological aspects of money making?

    By having a good attitude towards wealthy is indeed a very great Idea for that matter