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  1. U

    Stuck in hospital lift.

    This is very tragic. Should he not have gone to the hospital? I hope that the man is alive. I am wondering about how he survived.
  2. U

    Is it proper to hand over a business to your offsprings?

    There is nothing wrong with handing over your business to your kids if you know that they are responsible.
  3. U

    What is the proper age for a man to get married?

    A man above 35 who is not married would really have a hard time rasing kids because he might not have strength to monitor their activities when they need him most.
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    Would you Like to Get married in a different religion?

    I can't marry someone from a different religion. It would likely cause chaos in the house because of difference in beliefs.
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    Reasons you can't be in a polygamous marriage

    I need all the attention to myself. You would get to suffer all forms of neglect in a polygamous marriage because everything has to go round the co wives.
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    Who do you love most, mother or father?

    My dad passed on some 6 years ago. I really loved him. But now, all the love is poured on mom who is still alive and there for us.
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    When last do you take a road trip

    The last time that I went on a road trip was five years ago when I traveled to the northern part of my country.
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    Do you have any interest in Politics?

    Politics is a deadly and dirty game. I don't have any interest in it. And I won't let anyone that I know venture into it.
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    What's the best in you?

    The best in me is that I am a very caring and gentle person. As a lady, I am very homely too.
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    Pears has been a relatively popular fruit in my country. And it goes well when eaten with corn. But it is seasonal.
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    Do you like being with someone who talks a lot?

    I don't like people that talk too much. I always have a feeling that lousy people don't have much sense.
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    Is English your 1st Language?

    English is the official language of my country. It is my third language after my local language which is called Ibibio.
  13. U

    How often do you go to saloon?

    Every two weeks because my hair get bad after one week of making so every two week I make my hair .
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    When you can't sleep, what keeps you up at night?

    Watching movies at night I do pick up my books to read too then I press my phone at night .
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    Factors to consider before starting a family

    The factor to be considered before starting a family include checking the size of your pocket first ,then keep available material in place
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    What's that one food you want to try out

    There is this local food at my place I want to try out is very nice and nutritious.
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    Happy birthday to me šŸ˜

    Although am just seeing this now better late than never happy bleated birthday to you and age gracefully.
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    Must I give my contact to every guy?

    That is so wrong giving your number to every guy you see to me it doesn't command any respect.
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    A dance you're good at

    When it comes to dancing am very hurriable at it I don't know how to move from left to right .
  20. U

    Your last snack?

    My last snacks would have chips and some chilled coke but no more to buy them .