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Info Some Changes to RIF

Hi Everyone :)

Transaction Logs
Transactions relating to posting on the forums will no longer show in your alerts tab. Instead, head on over to the transaction log page to see your transaction history. I know seeing the alerts for every post can be useful in some ways, but it also makes the user "numb" to alerts. With new changes coming, we want the alerts to be useful information that you want to check.

You are still getting credited for your posts, it just won't show up under the alerts anymore. We were sending out over 100,000 alerts a month, and this will drastically reduce that!

Withdraw Dates
Previously I have been processing member withdrawals as frequently as possible, thus ensuring a quick turnaround rate for our members. It was what made RIF one of the unique forums in our niche. As of now, withdrawals will be paid on a new monthly schedule. More specifically the 15th of every month.

Now I understand that this may be upsetting to members who relied on the daily payments. This change is due to a few factors

1) By paying all the withdrawals once a month, I can allocate more resources and time into improvements, custom development, and other new features that I have planned for our community. I want to assure you that I am still committed to providing you with a better user experience, more opportunities for growth, and looking forward to releasing some new and exciting features for you to explore.

2) I also have upcoming work commitments that will require my attention, and prevent me from paying on a daily basis anyways. So instead of having people wait for me over the next couple months, I figured it best to just do one payment to everyone once a month. This will help me manage my responsibilities more effectively. I do understand the important of having good timely payouts, and by switching to a monthly payout schedule, I can have a more streamlined and efficient process. Allowing me to focus on other tasks at hand.

3) It will also help prevent scams from being getting away with. There will now be a longer wait for withdrawal, so more time to investigate claims prior to someone doing a quick washout and bailing.

I value all of you, and I remain dedicated to creating a thriving and rewarding community for you all. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please feel free to reach out to me.

With winter gone, it doesn't really make much sense to continue calling our secondary currency "Snowflakes". So, I am open to suggestions on what to call the currency going forward. I am currently thinking of simply calling it the basic coins, credits, or tokens. Let me know what you think! (New features are coming that will utilise this currency more)

Daily Login Bonus = Daily Activity Bonus
Unfortunately, due to abuse, the daily login bonus will now be discontinued. Instead, in its place, we are introducing the Daily Activity Bonus. You will now get $0.05 after posting your first 15 messages in the forums. This is in addition to your payment for making the posts. Currently, these posts can be posted anywhere in the forums.

This is to try and help prevent users from signing up multiple accounts just to get the daily login bonus, and then transferring it to their main accounts. Therefore, some effort will be required to get the $0.05 bonus.

Inactive Accounts
Accounts that stay inactive for long periods of time (Thinking 1 month+) is at risk of losing RIF.Cash with an inactive account tax. This will start to be applied on the 15th of June. This is so we can start to send out emails and warn users prior to this taking effect. If you know you will be absent for a period of time, you may reach out so your account doesn't get hit with the inactive tax.

What is Business Marketing?

You might have ventured into business marketing. There are businesses that are risky to operate. It is not only risky but the environment where you plan to set up your business might be surrounded by toxic people. They might play havoc on your business. In relation to business marketing, it is all about a business like a clothing store that sells new fashion, or new styles on the go for everyone young and old. This business marketing store also displays garments that customers can buy right away. What the community wants was already prepared by the business marketing owner.

Other examples of business marketing are grocery stores online and offline, and cosmetics. What business marketing do you plan to start this year or in the coming years?

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How to Overcome Crypto Trading Addiction?

Many people/traders do not realize that they are addicted to crypto trading, even though the influence of crypto trading addiction is initially very thin, but if allowed to continue it will become thick and difficult to overcome. They do not have a trading schedule but sit in front of a computer/laptop most of the day almost every day analyzing charts, market research, technical analysis, fundamentals and sentiment. of course it will be very dangerous for their health both physically and psychologically, especially they often eat late and lack sleep. they also become more isolated from the environment. besides that financially they also often lose, because their common sense does not work as it should.Some other signs that someone is addicted to crypto trading are that they often enter the world of trading without a plan and strategy, monitoring crypto prices indefinitely, not interested in other activities. In my opinion, even though crypto trading is basically not gambling, if a trader trades without a strategy, a plan and is only based on speculation then it is no different from gambling. Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT? is among the top ranking exchange platforms on coinmarketcap. This exchange platform has been in existence for a very long time with high reputation and trade volume.
If you decide to use this exchange platform you will have access to trade different coins as they are listed on coinmarketcap.

It has provisions for both spot, futures trading and margin trading. Check it out today and share your experience.

Should We Do Analysis Before Buying Stock?

Now that we have made a choice of stocks to buy/invest, should we do an analysis to evaluate and assess a stock and what its future prospects are. So stock analysis is the process of evaluating a stock based on historical data and current data and projecting the movement of the stock price, which in the end the results of this analysis will influence us to buy stocks or not.

Basically there are two basic analyzes that are often used by investors, namely fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Both are often the basis for projecting the movement of the stock price index.

Is working with this shift system effective?

Many companies implement a work schedule with a shift system, some divide the schedule into 2 or 3 shifts. I myself actually don't like working in a shift system, because when I'm changing shift schedules, I will feel very tired. For example, from the night shift, you immediately switch to the morning shift.

What do you think, is implementing a work schedule in a shift system effective, or implementing a fixed shift schedule without taking turns with other employees. Or just apply normal working hours, leaving early in the morning and returning in the evening for all employees?

The role of content marketing in building brand awareness

Content marketing plays a pivotal role in building brand awareness. By creating and distributing engaging content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Valuable articles, blog posts, videos, and infographics not only provide useful information to consumers but also position the brand as a reliable source of knowledge. Content marketing can also allow businesses to forge a deeper connection with their audience. By addressing their pain points, offering solutions, and fostering meaningful conversations, brands can develop a loyal community around their content. This not only enhances brand recall but also generates word-of-mouth recommendations, expanding the brand's reach.

If you want to resign from a company for reasons of low salary, then suddenly the boss offers a raise, what decision do you choose to stay or quit?

I have experienced working in a company, where my salary can be considered quite low. However, because I am a fresh graduate and have no experience, I still accept it just to gain experience.

However, after all this time, the salary has not increased, even though there are more and more tasks and they are not in accordance with the initial agreement. Until when I asked permission to resign, suddenly the boss offered a raise. But I still refused and still decided to resign, worried that I would not be sincere in raising my salary or being given a lot of additional assignments. What do you think?

Watching This Thai Romcom, Last Nite

Hello, it's been a while that I never write new thread but I am okay, just busy with my shop every day. Maybe some of you know that I open my shop every day and I do not have much time doing another things when I have a lot of orders.

Last night, I watch Thailand Movie called "OMG, OH My Girl", I watched this because I asked my wife that I want to watched cheesy movie and she recommended this movie.

Well, it's typical romantic comedy movie but I like the movie, I enjoy watching it. So, if you want to watch it, you can watch it on Netflix


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Do you give up on investing after failure or learn lessons and invest again?

There is a difference between winners and losers which is in how they handle defeat. Some people after the first attempt at investing in any business or project, they tend to give up the idea of ever running a business or investing in one that is being run by someone else which shows that they are losers but winners would take lessons from the failure and go again.

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What is your highest earning website?

I make money through multiple websites, including my own websites. I have multiple blogs and forums where I make money through ads, as well as selling products and services. I also work on a lot of earnings websites, including but not limited to Amazon, Etsy, Redbubble, etc. My highest earning website is Etsy where I mostly sell print on demand products. What is your highest earning website?

Free SignUp Tokens

What's is a crypto project whose goal is to have at least one million email subscribers. The Signuptoken project plans to create a SignUp Token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20) and will be launched on Uniswap (UNI).

SignUp Token is a utility token to authorize and authenticate users when surfing or visiting websites or mobile apps.

Uniquely the SignUp Token token project does not require presale, or upfront deposit, nothing has to be purchased, so users only need to register/join with a valid email, and then you only need to follow the progress of the project via the email received and they will get a SignUp Token reward

What do you think, will SignUp Token be profitable or a scam. If you think is worth considering and legit, you need ref code 6322

