Recent content by freelancermaria

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  1. freelancermaria

    YouTube shorts

    I like watching YouTube shorts at times, too, especially when I want to pass the time. It can be a good way to ease boredom.
  2. freelancermaria

    Do you like to check movie reviews before going for a movie?

    Although not always but I love to check movie reviews before watching them to avoid wasting my time.
  3. freelancermaria

    What advantages do robotic robots have for businesses?

    Companies that use robots can benefit from their ability to work quickly without needing sick leave. Hehe
  4. freelancermaria

    Sales of gift basket for the festive season

    Christmas is fast approaching and selling gift baskets is a good idea. You can get ideas online.
  5. freelancermaria

    Do you normally pay yourself?

    Consider paying or treating yourself if you are earning well. It does not have to be extravagant; a simple treat, like a massage, might be enough. It depends how much you are earning.
  6. freelancermaria

    Toxic Customers

    Toxic customers will always exist. The best approach is to ignore them and not let them ruin our day.
  7. freelancermaria

    Would you like it when customers return goods?

    It would be saddening if my customers returned the goods. It would make me feel like I am not providing them value. I will strive to improve in hopes that it won’t happen again.
  8. freelancermaria

    Book or Podcast Club which one do you prefer?

    I enjoy both, but I prefer listening to podcasts more. I read sometimes, especially when I feel like it.
  9. freelancermaria

    Why are you excited when Christmas is near?

    I am excited because it is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also enjoy giving simple gifts during Christmas.
  10. freelancermaria

    It is not how much money you have but...

    Money is essential for a relationship to survive; both partners need financial stability. However, trust and respect are equally important.
  11. freelancermaria

    Which do you prefer making money or being gifted money?

    While receiving money is great, I still prefer earning my own. It is a rewarding feeling to make your own money.
  12. freelancermaria

    Do you have meatless meals?

    We need to take care of our health as we age. Let us focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, and fish.
  13. freelancermaria

    How to survive in this present conditions

    Life is challenging these days, and we need to adapt. In addition to our main jobs, we can explore side hustles to increase our income.
  14. freelancermaria

    Leggings or Shorts -For women

    I like them both. However, I usually wear shorts because it is always hot and humid here.
  15. freelancermaria

    What’s your happiest memory?

    One of my happiest memories is traveling overseas with my wonderful grandparents. I was over the moon!
  16. freelancermaria


    Today's weather is beautiful, but I have heard there is a typhoon heading towards the Philippines in the next few days. I am hoping it won't be as powerful as the last one.
  17. freelancermaria

    Scam calls

    Yes, I received a call about a credit card, even though I had not applied for one. He just wanted to get my information and probably scam me. I hung up immediately.
  18. freelancermaria

    How do you spend your weekends

    I usually spend most of my time at home. I work, and after work, I relax by watching Netflix.
  19. freelancermaria

    Can you work on weekends?

    Yes, I can work on weekends. I do not mind it since all days feel the same to me. In addition, I need to hustle.
  20. freelancermaria

    How do you deal with one with huge ego

    I no longer associate with such people. I learned this the hard way. I'd prefer peace and being alone over the wrong company.
  21. freelancermaria

    Campus life?

    I experienced a stressful campus life as a transferee. Being introverted, I did not make many friends, which is quite fine with me.
  22. freelancermaria

    How can you rate your hard working level

    Same here. I am below average. I feel like I am not that hardworking enough. I need to push myself more.
  23. freelancermaria

    How can parents encourage sharing in their kids?

    Motivate kindness in children from a young age. Be a good role model by sharing with others, as this increases the chance that they will emulate such behavior.
  24. freelancermaria

    Do you engage in street fights?

    I do not engage in any street fights. I am not that kind of person. Hehehe
  25. freelancermaria

    What matters is, it does not matter

    That is correct. Do not mind what others say. Do not let them dictate your life. Your life, your rules.
  26. freelancermaria

    How to prevent online scam

    Yes, conduct thorough research before joining any platform or investment. Forum websites often provide honest reviews that can be helpful.
  27. freelancermaria

    Should there be age restriction in paid to post?

    There should be an age restriction because there are some websites that are not suitable for children.
  28. freelancermaria

    Everyone wants to make money online

    If they want a stable online job, they should update their skill set first. Depending only on forum websites and surveys are not enough to survive.
  29. freelancermaria

    How can I make money as a musician online?

    As a musician, you can earn money online by creating a YouTube channel to showcase your talent. You can also teach students online.
  30. freelancermaria

    What drive you to make money online?

    I hit rock bottom once, and it was difficult. I realized that no one could help me but myself.
  31. freelancermaria

    soccer game on PC

    Yes, I believe it is a fun game, though I have never tried it before. Those who play it will certainly have a great time.
  32. freelancermaria

    Do you know about Sony brand?

    Yes, I do. Our Sony TV has been with us for nearly a decade, and it is still working perfectly fine.
  33. freelancermaria

    Do you have a smartphone

    Yes, I have a smartphone. I believe it will turn 3 or 4 years old this coming December.
  34. freelancermaria

    Do you like Baseball game?

    I am not a fan of baseball. I prefer to play bandminton and bowling. I learned the latter during college.
  35. freelancermaria

    Education loan

    No, I did not take out any loans during college. My dad paid for my education, and I also worked to help finance it.
  36. freelancermaria

    Is it better to get finance for your business from loan?

    Some people do this, but it is risky. You cannot predict potential results, and if things go poorly, you must still repay your loan, which can complicate your situation.
  37. freelancermaria

    How to become good at managing money?

    The best way to manage your money is to learn how. There are free online resources you can take advantage of.
  38. freelancermaria

    Console Gaming VS PC Gaming

    When I had a PC, I preferred it over consoles. However, now I only play using a gaming console.
  39. freelancermaria

    online games

    I have a few games on my list, including Clash Royale, The Sims, Crash Bandicoot, and Super Mario.
  40. freelancermaria

    Do you like to watch back to back movies?

    Yes, it is one of the things I do when I am not busy. It makes me feel happy and relaxed.
  41. freelancermaria

    Starting a catering service from home

    Yes, that is correct. My neighbor provides catering services from home, catering to schools, offices, and more.
  42. freelancermaria

    Starting a Catering business

    The catering business is a profitable venture. Having culinary experience is beneficial, but you can hire skilled cooks if you lack it. hehe
  43. freelancermaria

    Catering Service

    Catering services are popular here and they seem to be doing well. They cater to birthdays, weddings, corporate events, etc.
  44. freelancermaria

    What do you think of a personal shopping business

    It can be a profitable business idea if you have a large network. You can ask your friends to recommend your service to others, especially to those who are well-off.
  45. freelancermaria

    Clothing boutique in a small town

    You can have a small clothing boutique in a small town. There is one here and it seems to be doing fine.
  46. freelancermaria

    Home made bread to sell.

    If you know how to bake, you can sell bread both online and offline. I enjoy eating bread and usually buy it from my neighbor.
  47. freelancermaria

    Home made cashew apple wine

    I have never tried cashew wine before; it sounds interesting, though. I might give it a try if it is available here.
  48. freelancermaria

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    That is right. Do not turn your back on them; otherwise, they might be reluctant to return for future purchases. If you help them, they will appreciate it a lot.
  49. freelancermaria

    What do you think of electric car

    If I have the money, I will buy an electric car, but they are pretty expensive, and I can't afford one now. I hope prices will decrease in the future. Furthermore, I hope there will be more charging infrastructure available. And, I want an electric car because it is better for the environment.
  50. freelancermaria

    Playstation VS Xbox

    I have never owned an Xbox, so I think I will choose a PlayStation. The only one I had before was the PlayStation 1. Hehehe
  51. freelancermaria

    What phone accessories do you have?

    I have a charger, earbuds, phone case, and power bank. I use the power bank during power interruptions and when I am not at home and need to work. Hehehe.
  52. freelancermaria

    Android or Iphone

    I use an iPhone. I have been an iPhone user for quite a long time now. I love that it is fool-proof. Hehe
  53. freelancermaria

    Do you think water purifier machines are safe

    I believe they are safe. We used to have one before, but it got broken. Now we order mineral water since tap water is not safe to drink.
  54. freelancermaria

    How do you rate the work of repairing generators?

    I am unsure if this job is lucrative here, as most areas have stable electricity. It may be more profitable in areas where power interruptions are common and there is a need for generators.
  55. freelancermaria

    Is repairing electronics profitable?

    Yes, it is a profitable business. Nearly everyone owns a device, and at some point, the device will become faulty.
  56. freelancermaria

    Repairing a laptop

    I had to have my old Asus laptop repaired because it suddenly stopped working, so I took it to a reliable computer repair shop.
  57. freelancermaria

    What brand of laptop is the best

    I am currently using MAC but I am not sure if it is the best brand of laptop out there.
  58. freelancermaria

    Do you replace or repair malfunctioning computers?

    I do not have the skills to fix a broken computer. I prefer to bring it to a professional for repairs.
  59. freelancermaria

    What are the downsides of computers?

    When you become addicted to using computers, you may find it challenging to take breaks, which can adversely affect your health and well-being.
  60. freelancermaria

    Online dating consultant

    Working as an online dating consultant is not common here. Most people who want to date create their profiles without expert help.
  61. freelancermaria

    Are all online dating sites legit?

    I have not used any dating sites and I am unsure about their legitimacy. It is essential to be cautious when using them.
  62. freelancermaria

    Washing clothes manually or with a Washing Machine?

    Here in my apartment, I hand wash the clothes and only visit the laundry shop for washing bedsheets since I do not have a washing machine here.
  63. freelancermaria

    Man purse

    It is perfectly fine for men to carry a purse if they choose to. We all have our own preferences.
  64. freelancermaria

    Going out your way to be nice to?

    I am a nice person because I believe in treating others with kindness. However, I cannot be nice to people who have wronged me. In such circumstances, I prefer to keep my distance from them. LOL. I usually show my kindness by sharing food and grocery items, giving some money, giving advice when...
  65. freelancermaria

    Do you throw your leftovers?

    I do not throw away my leftovers because I do not like wasting food. I usually reheat them, and if I do not eat them, I give them to stray cats or dogs.
  66. freelancermaria

    Do you live in an appartment or a house?

    I now reside in a small apartment in the province. I moved out of our own house. I love it here. However, if I were to buy my own space, I want a small house.
  67. freelancermaria

    Which goals have you achieved so far this year?

    I was able to save with digital banks, as I planned to do last year. I like the fact that I earn interest daily.
  68. freelancermaria

    Do you like raw mangoes?

    I enjoy eating raw mangoes. During my vacation in a province known for growing one of the best mangoes in the country, I ate them almost daily. Hehehe.
  69. freelancermaria


    A few years back, I was asked to participate in a simple photo shoot. It was for her portfolio. Hehe
  70. freelancermaria

    Do you watch your diet?

    People should be mindful of their diet to avoid future health issues, especially chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
  71. freelancermaria

    Time is gold

    Yes, time is gold, and how we use it determines our success. It is vital to use our time wisely to accomplish our goals. Do not forget to make time for ourselves, or we will experience burnout.
  72. freelancermaria

    Do you have a nickname!

    Yes, I have a nickname. I use it on my social media platforms because I do not like people to know my real name. LOL
  73. freelancermaria


    Yes, it is one of the best forms of medicine, without a doubt. Whenever I feel stressed and need a good laugh, I watch a comedy TV series or play with my dogs. Hehehe.
  74. freelancermaria

    Acceptance is the way to go

    Yes, acceptance is essential for moving on peacefully. Let’s just accept the things we can’t change.
  75. freelancermaria

    How much are you close with your sibling(s)?

    I am close to my younger sister. I share some of my problems with her and she does the same thing with me.
  76. freelancermaria

    Are You Good At Baking

    No, I am not good at baking. I only do it for fun using my air fryer. I usually make banana bread.
  77. freelancermaria

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    I do not think it will be possible, especially because I work full-time online. It will be a real challenge for me.
  78. freelancermaria

    Ever fought for love?

    When I was younger, I used to fight for love even if I was the one who got hurt. However, I now know my worth and do not fight for love that is not worth it.
  79. freelancermaria

    Do you like to shop online or offline?

    I prefer both options, but I tend to shop online more often as it is more convenient. In addition, I can save money when buying in bulk.
  80. freelancermaria

    From Whom You learned cooking?

    I learned it on my own when I moved out of our house. I started by frying eggs and hotdogs, LOL. Then, my skills improved over the years.
  81. freelancermaria

    Can a 10 years old child make money online?

    A 10-year-old can earn some money online. He or she can try online selling, playing games that pay, and so on.
  82. freelancermaria

    Can a 6 years old boy learn programming

    I believe a 6-year-old boy can learn to program, especially if he is smart or a genius. In fact, there are some people who graduated from college before the age of 15. Hehehe.
  83. freelancermaria

    Have you courted a boy?

    No, I have never courted a boy. I only had crushes before but I did not court them.
  84. freelancermaria

    Do you like to have a muscular body?

    I do not have a muscular body, but I wish I did! LOL. It would look nice, but I would not say I like to look like those who participate in bodybuilding competitions. Hehehee
  85. freelancermaria

    Which device do you use for working online ?

    I prefer using my laptop over my smartphone to earn money online because it allows me to multitask more easily.
  86. freelancermaria

    What do you think about the smart watch

    It is good to own a smartwatch, although not essential. I use mine to monitor my heart rate.
  87. freelancermaria

    What do you think about having an ewallet online

    I have some digital wallets that I use to save money. It is good to have one since it allows me to earn some interest daily.
  88. freelancermaria

    What do you think about smart refrigerator

    I believe that would be nice to have one. If I will become wealthy someday, I will buy one for our house. Hehe.
  89. freelancermaria

    How are you using your phone to make money

    I use my smartphone to work and participate in some side hustles, such as completing surveys and participating in some forum websites.
  90. freelancermaria

    Smartphone or Dumbphone?

    Smartphone for me since I can do nearly anything I need to do, for instance, working online, entertaining myself, doing online banking, and so on.
  91. freelancermaria

    Social Media News

    I do not believe everything I see on social media as it is full of fake news. I usually read the latest news using other sources.
  92. freelancermaria

    Do you like posting on your favorite forums wit Mobile or Laptop/Computer?

    I prefer using my smartphone these days as I can participate in forum websites while relaxing, although I like using both.
  93. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer a Laptop or desktop computer?

    I do not use a desktop anymore. I only use a laptop since it is more convenient to use. I can carry it with me wherever I go, without a hitch.
  94. freelancermaria

    How do you recharge a mobile sim?

    I usually use a digital wallet to recharge my mobile phone, but I rarely do so now because there is free wifi in my apartment.
  95. freelancermaria

    Do You Use Payeer?

    I previously created an account but never used it. I still prefer using PayPal. I have been using it for over a decade.
  96. freelancermaria

    How Often Do You Use Your PayPal Account?

    I have been using PayPal for over a decade and I utilize it to receive payments from my client and some PTP websites.
  97. freelancermaria

    Which sim card do you use

    I use SIM cards from major telecom companies such as Globe and Smart. However, I prefer the latter because of its stronger coverage.
  98. freelancermaria

    Unsubscribe Unnecessary Notifications

    Yes, we must disable notifications, especially when it comes to shopping apps. I do it to avoid temptations. Hehehe.
  99. freelancermaria

    Technology and games

    Yes, the gaming industry is evolving over time. I can't wait to see what the future holds for the gaming industry.
  100. freelancermaria

    The real effect of technology

    The use of technology has its advantages and disadvantages. It allows us to work online, enjoy entertainment, and more. However, excessive use, such as on social media, can lead to negative effects like comparison with others and fear of missing out.
  101. freelancermaria

    What is your current favourite phone?

    My favorite phone is the iPhone. I have been using the iPhone for over a decade now.
  102. freelancermaria

    Are you Planning to Buy a New Phone?

    No, I do not plan to buy a new smartphone. My current smartphone is still working perfectly fine.
  103. freelancermaria

    Do you have a smartphone

    Yes, I have a smartphone. I use it for work, entertainment, and online banking. My current smartphone is nearly 4 years old if I am not mistaken.
  104. freelancermaria

    Do you play Games daily?

    I do not play games daily because I prefer to work online and do side hustles. I only play when I have free time.
  105. freelancermaria

    What do you often do with the internet?

    I typically use the internet for earning money, enjoying Netflix, and conducting thorough research. I also use it to play some games.
  106. freelancermaria

    Do you have any Favorite Games?

    My all-time favorite games are Clash Royale, The Sims, Crash Bandicoot, Super Marios, and Subway Surfers. hehe
  107. freelancermaria

    Do you make use of the Grammarly extension?

    Yes, Grammarly is one of the best tools you can use. It is best for those writers out there.
  108. freelancermaria

    Do you have Android Mobile or iOS?

    I have been using iOS for over a decade. I love it because it is fool-proof.
  109. freelancermaria

    Have you tried the telegram App?

    Yes, I recently loved this app because I found out that you can watch movies on it. I have a channel that I follow where I watch some of the latest movies.
  110. freelancermaria

    Favorite Netflix Movies or Series?

    I have a lot on my list, especially when it comes to TV series, such as Crash Landing on You, Uncanny Counter, Behind Her Eyes, Squid Game, The 100, and Queens Gambit.
  111. freelancermaria

    Netflix or Hulu?

    I prefer Netflix over Hulu. However, I hope they will add more new movies and TV series in the future.
  112. freelancermaria

    Do you have Netflix Subscription?

    Yes, I have a Netflix subscription. I share it with my younger sister. I also use LokLok.
  113. freelancermaria

    Do you own a Power Bank?

    Yes, I own a power bank and use it whenever I am out or during power interruptions.
  114. freelancermaria

    Limit screen time

    I usually limit my screen time during the weekend so I can rest my mind and body. Hehe
  115. freelancermaria

    what is your screen time?

    I spend several hours on screens each day due to working from home, engaging in side gigs, and watching TV series and movies.
  116. freelancermaria

    Do you get haircuts often?

    I do not like getting haircuts often. I am growing my hair longer so I can put it in a ponytail or try different hairstyles.
  117. freelancermaria

    What's your thought about starting up a video game center?

    I am unsure if it is still lucrative here, since people can now play games online and can afford to buy gaming consoles that are more affordable today.
  118. freelancermaria

    What video game you play right now?

    I enjoy playing classic games from the 90s and 2000s, such as Crash Bandicoot, The Sims, and Super Mario, as well as newer games like Clash Royale and Clash of Clans.
  119. freelancermaria

    A Video Game Shop as a Business

    People can play online games so I do not think it is as popular as before. Maybe it is, especially for avid video gamers.
  120. freelancermaria

    do you have video game addiction?

    No, I do not play video games much anymore because I prefer to be productive by working online.
  121. freelancermaria

    do you wach TV often?

    I no longer watch TV; I prefer using my smartphone or laptop to watch Netflix. Hehe
  122. freelancermaria

    do you like to wach movies with friends or alone?

    When I was in high school and college, I used to watch movies with friends. However, now, I prefer to watch them alone or with loved ones.
  123. freelancermaria

    Can you develop an App?

    It never crossed my mind. I do not know anything about it but maybe with the help of AI I can make a simple app. Hehehe
  124. freelancermaria

    Do you own a Microwave Oven?

    We no longer have a microwave oven at home since the last one broke. We decided not to replace it because using a microwave oven is not suitable for health.
  125. freelancermaria

    Do you have an Xbox?

    That is unfortunate that slavery and financial fraud are common in your country. However, do you play on your smartphone?
  126. freelancermaria

    Do you use Google authenticator to protect your site?

    I only used one in one or two websites. I find it quite complicated to use. Hehehe.
  127. freelancermaria

    Trivia Games, or Board games?

    I used to enjoy board games more when I was younger, but now I lean towards trivia games. Playing trivia games is fun. Hehe
  128. freelancermaria

    Do you choose your friends or your friends chose you?

    I usually choose my friends. I do not like spending time with people who will backstab you eventually.
  129. freelancermaria

    How do you choose your friends?

    I am selective when it comes to choosing friends. I do not like loud people that much. I also do not like people who are nosy, liars, or users. LOL
  130. freelancermaria

    What streams of income are available for a doctor?

    Doctors can have their own clinics or provide consultations online. They can also work as medical transcriptionists. My college classmate set up a pharmacy in our subdivision and offered free consultations during her free time.
  131. freelancermaria

    Do you go to a doctor when you have cough?

    If a cough lasts for nearly two weeks, I will visit a doctor. Usually, I depend on natural remedies, which are effective.
  132. freelancermaria

    Pains of love

    Yes, it was my second love. I begged that person to stay, but I realized I should respect myself and not beg anyone to stay. He cheated on me, and it was the first time I had experienced being cheated on.
  133. freelancermaria

    Do you take pills even for the small ailments?

    No, I do not. For instance, whenever I have a headache, I just apply some ointment and sleep. I do not take any pills for it. It is bad for the kidneys.
  134. freelancermaria

    What are the problem of workaholism

    You will experience burnout if you overwork and fail to take regular breaks, which can also lead to illness. Therefore, it is vital to prioritize maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  135. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer to work at night or day?

    When I was new to my online job, I used to work at night until the early hours of the morning. However, I decided to stop doing that because it is bad for my health. Now, I work during the day. Good thing, my online job is flexible.
  136. freelancermaria

    Have You tried Threads?

    I have an account on Threads but I am inactive. I do not spend much time on different social media platforms anymore.
  137. freelancermaria

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    We should always check reviews before joining any PTP website. Reliable forums are a good place to confirm the legitimacy of a PTP site.
  138. freelancermaria

    Online Teaching is Best For Online Earners?

    Online teaching has become one of the most in-demand online jobs today. Applicants are needed to pass certain examinations or provide specific certifications, depending on the company's requirementents.
  139. freelancermaria

    Living long on earth

    I want to live a meaningful life, even if it is not that long. I do not want a long life full of suffering.
  140. freelancermaria

    Terminating a child due to rape

    I hope no one will have to experience it, but unfortunately, some have. It is their choice whether to abort the baby or not. We are not in a position to stop them, especially if it is something that can help the r4pe victim move on from that traumatic event.
  141. freelancermaria

    Have You Sold Clothes Before?

    Yes, I used to sell clothes before. I sold them on eBay and Carousell. I made a good amount of money from doing it.
  142. freelancermaria

    Do you think we can find a suitable match online?

    It is possible to find a suitable partner online. My aunt found her true love online. Now, she lives in New Zealand with her husband. Hehehe
  143. freelancermaria

    Selling Budget Meals

    Selling budget meals is popular in my area, where many people prefer buying budget-friendly options over cooking at home because of time constraints.
  144. freelancermaria

    Do you have meatless meals?

    What kind of meat do you usually have? I do not eat red meat that much since it is not good for the kidneys.
  145. freelancermaria

    Best mode of transport

    I enjoy traveling by bus, especially when visiting other provinces. It is convenient, and I get to relax and enjoy the view. Hehe.
  146. freelancermaria

    Do you have meatless meals?

    There are days when I choose not to eat meat because it has become expensive, especially nowadays. It is beneficial to have meatless days, particularly if you have hypertension or any chronic disease. It can also help you save money.
  147. freelancermaria

    Income from Farms

    You can earn passive income from your farm by selling tree-bearing fruits and other fresh produce.
  148. freelancermaria

    Is it possible to operate a business without giving credit to customers?

    There are many successful businesses that do not offer credit. It is essential to provide receipts to your customers.
  149. freelancermaria

    How much does it cost to buy a Yacht?

    It is expensive to buy a yacht in our country, and I assume it is the same in other countries. It costs millions here.
  150. freelancermaria

    Don't forget to register your business

    If you are a new business owner, it is essential to register your business. It is vital to register your business here in our country or else you will be fined.
  151. freelancermaria

    Halloween sales deal

    You can take advantage of the Halloween event by selling products related to Halloween. Ensure that you differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  152. freelancermaria


    You should be knowledgeable about laptops, including specs and features, and be able to address customer inquiries.
  153. freelancermaria

    What Online Business Do You Want to Try?

    There are some online businesses I want to try. One of these is by selling digital products. Hehe
  154. freelancermaria

    How much does it cost to set up a gas retail outlet in your country?

    Operating a gasoline station requires a huge amount of capital. Here in our country, it costs millions.
  155. freelancermaria

    How much does it cost to Set up a Call Center?

    Establishing a call center company requires significant capital - millions of dollars - and, like any other business, you must acquire the necessary licenses and permits.
  156. freelancermaria

    How much will it cost to set up a hair dressing salon?

    Here in our country, it can cost around $10,000 or more to build one, which is approximately Php 500,000.
  157. freelancermaria

    Importance of Sending a Welcome Email to New Employee

    A welcome email can help new employees feel like a part of the company and show that they are valued, even if they are new.
  158. freelancermaria

    How can you start a business with no support

    You do not have to listen to them. You do not need them as they are just envious of you. Just do what you must do.
  159. freelancermaria

    Do you believe that online loan is good for business?

    Online loans may not be a smart choice for starting a business, as they can be risky and the high interest rates can lead to stress and other negative things.
  160. freelancermaria

    Multitasking and it's Effects

    I am not good at multitasking, but I have improved over the years. I usually focus on one task at a time, but now I can do another thing.
  161. freelancermaria

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    That is correct. Without love, respect, trust, and loyalty, a relationship is bound to fail. Hehe
  162. freelancermaria

    What will you do with $1 million dollars?

    $1 million is a big amount of money. I plan to use it to start businesses and make investments, as well as to help others.
  163. freelancermaria

    Would you do business with someone you dont trust?

    I have trust issues and will never do business with someone I do not trust. I stay away from them.
  164. freelancermaria

    Dont look like a fool if you are out of control

    I do not blame God for times when I did not have money; it was my fault.
  165. freelancermaria

    Do you like Telegram and what is the thing you like about it?

    I heard that you can watch movies on Telegram, so I downloaded it and used it to watch some new movies. Hehe.
  166. freelancermaria

    Cash out proofs motivates new comers.

    That is correct. If a potential member sees payment proofs, they will not hesitate to join the website. Hehe
  167. freelancermaria


    We do not have Thanksgiving celebration here in our country unless they used to live in the United States.
  168. freelancermaria

    Do you crave for products on offers or discounts?

    Yes, I enjoy buying discounted items, especially the essential items, including food, medicines, and dog food. Hehe
  169. freelancermaria

    Senior Discounts

    It is 60 years old here. I am not sure if they have lowered the age minimum to acquire discounts.
  170. freelancermaria

    How best can you reprimand your friend

    I usually talk nicely despite my friend has messed up. Listen to him or her to know his or her side of the story before reacting.
  171. freelancermaria

    Do you think that companies need to stop producing plastic?

    I believe they need to stop or limit producing plastic. They should find alternatives that are better for the environment.
  172. freelancermaria

    Do you like the plastic made kind of utensils?

    We do not using plastic utensils. We usually use wooden or aluminum utensils at home. Hehe
  173. freelancermaria

    Are you aware of your Credit score?

    I do not have any idea what credit score is. I have yet to find out. Here in our country, checking the credit score is not that common. Hehe
  174. freelancermaria

    Refurbishing old clothes.

    I sold some old branded clothes online when I was in college. It helped me supplement my income. Hehe
  175. freelancermaria

    What do you do with your old clothes?

    I usually give my old clothes to my younger sister. There are times when I donate them as well.
  176. freelancermaria

    Saving money on transportation

    I usually use the public transportation to save money on gas. I also walk at times to save. It depends on the distance
  177. freelancermaria

    Do you do water fast for good health

    I can't do it anymore due to my health condition. I need to eat something or I might faint.
  178. freelancermaria

    Temptation, you are...

    A lot of people struggle to resist temptations and are often tempted to do immoral or negative behavior. It is essential to make an effort to avoid these temptations and choose to do good things instead.
  179. freelancermaria

    Finally,rain came

    It rained a couple of days ago, and I enjoy the relaxing effect of light rain. Hehe
  180. freelancermaria

    How costly is beauty services in your country?

    It depends on the beauty service you will avail yourself of, and some salons here offer affordable services.
  181. freelancermaria


    I have not seen this comedy movie before. The most recent comedy movie I watched was the latest Bad Boys movie, and I really enjoyed it.
  182. freelancermaria

    Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?

    I was a fan of both before but I prefer Christina Aguilera in terms of the vocals. Hehe
  183. freelancermaria

    A great Chinese drama.

    I am not sure if I have ever watched a Chinese drama before. I am really into Kdrama and some Western TV series. Hehe
  184. freelancermaria

    Is anyone using the Brave browser for making some money?

    To be honest, it is my first time hearing about it. I only use Bing to earn some points.
  185. freelancermaria

    Microjobs Vs. Freelancing: Why You Should Ditch Low Paying Jobs

    I do not mind having both jobs as long as they are legitimate and pay well. A lower-paying job can help supplement my income. However, if the freelancing job pays well, I will have that to avoid burnout.
  186. freelancermaria

    Beermoneyforum how long does the withdrawal take?

    I usually request my payment around the 22nd or the 23rd, and then I receive the payment after a day or two.
  187. freelancermaria

    Do you work on Beermoneyforum ?

    I am a member of Beer Money Forum, and I can confirm that it is a legitimate website. However, make sure not to overdo it daily as there is a high chance of getting banned.
  188. freelancermaria

    Maverick Movie

    Maverick is a good movie. I enjoyed it. I only watched it two months ago, if I am not mistaken.
  189. freelancermaria

    Which one is better: money or happiness?

    It is good to have both, but if I really have to choose one, I will go for happiness. It is something I have wanted to have ever since.
  190. freelancermaria

    Do you have maid or you do household works yourself?

    I do not have a house helper; I do all the household chores by myself and enjoy it.
  191. freelancermaria

    Do you dye your hair or beard?

    I used to dye my own hair. However, I stopped colouring it to prevent dryness and minimize chemical use.
  192. freelancermaria

    Do you believe the earth will end one day

    Yes, it will end. This is mentioned in the Bible. It is a scary thought, to be honest, so we must strive to do good deeds while we are still here.
  193. freelancermaria

    Have you been to the Himalayas

    I have never been to the Himalayas, but if I had the opportunity, I would go.
  194. freelancermaria

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Yes, it cannot be erased. The best thing to do is move on and do your best to succeed.
  195. freelancermaria

    What can you say about the Apple iPhone 16?

    That is great! Have you already received your new iPhone 16? I am not sure whether it is available now here or not. 1727916292 I am not sure if it is worth the hype. Other buyers have not been satisfied with it. 1727916364 It is okay if not everyone likes Apple iPhones; some prefer Android...
  196. freelancermaria

    How do you work on your phone for a long time?

    To ease eye pain, I take regular breaks and use Rohto eye drops to reduce strain.
  197. freelancermaria

    Which of your past teacher do you want to appreciate?

    In my experience, I was really grateful for my Accounting teacher; he was exceptional. Sadly, he passed away due to cancer.
  198. freelancermaria

    When can you say that you are successful?

    I can say that I am successful when I can buy whatever I need without checking the price tag, help my family and others, have my own home, and build animal shelters, among other things.
  199. freelancermaria

    Do you have stray monkeys at your place?

    No, I live with no stray monkeys here, only stray cats and dogs. There is a province here where monkeys can roam around freely.
  200. freelancermaria

    Have you given up on love?

    No, I have never given up on love. Pain or hurting is part of loving. When you get hurt, take the time to heal before loving someone again.