Recent content by freelancermaria

  1. freelancermaria

    Large packs or small packs?

    I usually prefer to buy large packs because it helps me save money and time by reducing the number of trips to the grocery store. However, there are times when I opt for small packs, especially when I am low on funds or do not consume the product very often.
  2. freelancermaria

    Are you interested in the helping of the needy?

    My ultimate dream is to attain wealth to provide support to my family, extend assistance to others in need, and offer help to stray animals. I am dedicated to making a positive impact on their lives in the best way possible.
  3. freelancermaria

    Do you feel Irritated because of season change?

    No, I do not get irritated by the changing seasons. We only experience summer and the rainy season in our country. However, I can get annoyed when the weather is scorching hot.
  4. freelancermaria

    Do you think life is better with the usage of the Internet?

    In my case, my life has improved significantly with the use of the internet. Without it, I would not have a job, as I can't work offline. I am grateful for its invention.
  5. freelancermaria

    Do you think life is better with the usage of the Internet?

    Accessing the internet comes with both advantages and disadvantages. For me, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. The internet provides me with opportunities to earn income, which is indispensable for my livelihood.
  6. freelancermaria

    Are You Quick at chopping veggies?

    No, I am not quick at chopping vegetables. I am careful when chopping vegetables because I might chop or slice my fingers. LOL
  7. freelancermaria

    Can you be friends with a lousy person?

    Maybe I can be friends with that kind of person, but I won't share personal information that could be damaging.
  8. freelancermaria

    Qualities of a wife material

    I believe a good partner should possess nurturing and caring qualities, have the ability to respect and listen, be good in doing household chores, and more.
  9. freelancermaria

    What qualities do you value the most in your friends and the people you surround yourself with?

    I prefer friendships with individuals who truly care, remain loyal, and display intelligence, rather than those who engage for personal gain.
  10. freelancermaria

    Transferring of bad luck

    I do not believe bad luck can be passed from one person to another. This is the first time I have heard about it.
  11. freelancermaria

    Do you believe that people can find happiness through singing?

    Yes, undoubtedly. People can find joy in the simple things in life, such as singing. Singing karaoke songs brings them happiness.
  12. freelancermaria

    Find Happiness

    If you always complain, it will be hard to find happiness. We must learn how to be content with what we have.
  13. freelancermaria

    What one incident you don't ever want to remember

    I remember the time when I thought I was having a heart attack. My heart was racing, and I did not know why. I had to calm myself down and make my mind stronger than my body. I drank a cup of warm lemon water and splashed some cold water on my face, and the palpitations went away.
  14. freelancermaria


    Unfortunately, we do not have a winter season, but I have heard it is the best time to stay indoors and be productive.
  15. freelancermaria

    Trekking to work to save money

    Yes, you can do it not only to save money but also to improve your health. Some people do it to achieve both.
  16. freelancermaria

    Would you like to get an Ex back

    I have a personal policy of never rekindling a relationship with an ex. The past is the past for a reason, and I firmly believe in moving forward rather than revisiting old connections.
  17. freelancermaria

    Are happy at your current job?

    I am feeling quite unhappy because my freelance work is inconsistent. I am taking on extra side jobs to make up for it. I am struggling to find new online work due to intense competition.
  18. freelancermaria


    When I feel upset, I usually alleviate my feelings by sleeping or watching a movie to uplift my mood. Hehehe. Sometimes, I eat my favorite comfort food.
  19. freelancermaria

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    Despite not inheriting any assets or properties from my parents, I did inherit their illnesses. It is an ironic inheritance if you ask me. LOL
  20. freelancermaria

    Conquer your dream whatever it is

    I have many dreams that I wish to achieve. I want to own an offline business that can help me supplement my income. I also dream of becoming a millionaire so I can help my family and others.
  21. freelancermaria

    Delayed delivery

    To prevent such issues, contact the customer if there's a delivery delay. Consider searching for improved delivery services that offer better assistance.
  22. freelancermaria

    Cash on delivery

    Opting for cash on delivery (COD) is preferable to steer clear of potential scams and other unfavorable occurrences.
  23. freelancermaria

    Do you use budgeting app?

    I am not currently using a budgeting app. I used to use one before, but now I just rely on Excel.
  24. freelancermaria

    Piggy bank is not just for kids

    I have been using a mason jar and envelopes instead of a piggy bank to save money for the past few years, and it's been really effective for me.
  25. freelancermaria

    What’s a good money saving idea?

    I always try to put some money into savings, but the amount I can save varies because my income is not consistent.
  26. freelancermaria

    Who financed your college education?

    My dad backed my education, and I also pitched in by working an online job to afford my school expenses.
  27. freelancermaria

    How Much Money Do You Need to Create a Simple Blog

    I invested more than $30 in my domain website previously. It paid off as I managed to generate some income from it.
  28. freelancermaria

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    I do the same. I cook meals at home nearly every day, make sure to switch off unused appliances, use eco-friendly appliances, opt for generic brands, and so on.
  29. freelancermaria

    How Much Interest Do You Pay For Your Car Loan?

    I do have a car, so I have not taken out any loans for it. If I ever decide to purchase a car, I'd prefer to pay for it in cash to avoid paying interest.
  30. freelancermaria

    Passive Income Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

    Starting an Airbnb business is a great option for stay-at-home mothers. If they have extra space, they can rent it out for short—or long-term stays.
  31. freelancermaria

    How do you describe yourself

    Likewise. Typically, I share my background and profession, but I refrain from disclosing other significant information.
  32. freelancermaria

    Describe your crush when you were in high school,LOL

    I had a few crushes in high school. Most of them were tall and fair-skinned. LOL.
  33. freelancermaria

    Were you bullied in high school?

    I was bullied nearly throughout my high school years, from the second year to the fourth year. I was targeted by my male classmates who insulted me because of my weight.
  34. freelancermaria

    One high school subject you would love to teach others

    I feel the same way. Back in high school, I loved accounting. It was one of my favorite subjects; my accounting teacher was excellent. Sadly, he passed away from cancer a few years later.
  35. freelancermaria

    How would you teach value of money to your kids?

    If I decide to have children, I plan to teach them about the value of saving. I intend to give them piggy banks to encourage them to save money. It is essential to me that they learn to manage their finances from a young age.
  36. freelancermaria

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    I would not ask my wife for the change if I were a man. I'd let her keep it.
  37. freelancermaria

    When do you do your shopping?

    I only go grocery shopping when I get paid. I have stopped buying unnecessary things because life is more challenging these days.
  38. freelancermaria

    Who are you financing this time?

    I support my parents financially, and it is really challenging. Sometimes, I feel lost and do not know what to do, but I won't give up.
  39. freelancermaria

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    I like to keep myself updated on financial matters by reading articles online. I find that forum websites also provide valuable information in this matter.
  40. freelancermaria

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    I saved some money during the pandemic, which makes me really happy. It is not a huge amount, but it is a significant improvement from before when I did not have any savings at all. I am still saving up to this day.
  41. freelancermaria

    What is last earning site you joined?

    I recently signed up for a survey website. I am unsure if it is a paying site, but I learned about it here, and she said it pays. So, I am pretty confident that it really is.
  42. freelancermaria

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Earning money online is not easy. As a freelancer, you will encounter periods when online work is scarce.
  43. freelancermaria

    Leg cramps

    I used to suffer from it, especially at night and in cold weather. However, I seldom have it anymore, probably because I am taking some vitamins to help with it.
  44. freelancermaria

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    I am interested in volunteering at an animal shelter, but unfortunately, there are not any in my local area. I might have to consider traveling to another province to do it.
  45. freelancermaria

    How did you fare this month

    This month has been challening. Dealing with financial issues is exhausting, especially when unexpected expenses keep popping up.
  46. freelancermaria

    What's your experience with marriage

    I am not married yet, so I can't share any experiences about being a married woman. Hehehe!
  47. freelancermaria

    A day you can't forget In your life

    One of the most unforgettable days of my life was when I made the decision to live independently. It was an incredibly freeing experience that will always stay with me.
  48. freelancermaria

    What are you doing after work?

    After I finish my online work, I plan to keep watching "Marry My Husband" on Amazon Prime. I am currently on episode 6, and it's been really good so far!
  49. freelancermaria

    Are you doing anything special today?

    I am not planning on doing anything special today. I will just stay at home, work, and engage in some online forum discussions.
  50. freelancermaria

    What is the worst flavor of ice cream that you have tasted?

    I enjoyed most of the ice cream flavors I sampled, but I am not really into mango-flavored ice cream.
  51. freelancermaria

    Worst day ever?

    The most difficult day of my life was when my beloved dog passed away last year. He was my best friend, and I still feel heartbroken to this day.
  52. freelancermaria

    Do You Buy Canned Food?

    Yes, I keep some canned goods at home for emergencies. If I can't go out to buy food when it is raining, I can just open a can and have something to eat. I have canned sardines and corned beef stocked at home.
  53. freelancermaria

    Forgetting an important event

    Many years ago, I forgot my aunt's birthday. I apologized and made it up to her by ordering food for delivery.
  54. freelancermaria

    Do you really enjoy for staying single?

    At the moment, I am not single; I am in a relationship. Some people prefer to remain single by choice.
  55. freelancermaria

    Rough and Tough

    Making money feels like a real challenge. My online job is not very stable, and I have a lot of bills to pay. I also need to support my family.
  56. freelancermaria

    Do you look at brands before buying an Electrical appliance?

    Choosing a reliable brand for your electric appliances is a smart decision as they are known for their durability, especially when well-maintained. They also typically come with reliable warranties.
  57. freelancermaria

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    Although I do not always buy branded items when I am shopping, I tend to be more practical these days.
  58. freelancermaria

    The last time you put in effort?

    I typically make an effort every day, even if I do not feel well and have to get up early.
  59. freelancermaria

    When last had you had the malaria?

    I am grateful that I have not had to go through that experience, and I hope I never have to, mainly because I already have a chronic illness. It is heartbreaking to think about those who have gone through or are currently going through it.
  60. freelancermaria

    What's the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

    I recently watched a movie that had me laughing so hard. It is always great to have a good laugh now and then. LOL.
  61. freelancermaria

    Do you laugh aloud when you are happy or excited?

    Whenever I am feeling happy and excited, there are moments when I just burst out laughing. It is a good thing that I live alone most of the time. LOL
  62. freelancermaria

    How did you managed to overcome the hard and humiliated life in the past?

    My life was tough before. I felt isolated because I did not have anyone to confide in, and I felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells. However, I chose to remove myself from that toxic environment by living independently.
  63. freelancermaria

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    I believe it is achievable if one's faith outweighs their desires. There are undoubtedly many people who can accomplish this.
  64. freelancermaria


    I avoid drinking rainwater as I do not consider it safe for consumption. Using it for household cleaning is more advisable when there is a temporary water shortage at home.
  65. freelancermaria

    Do you like to drink water with bottle or in glass?

    I use my insulated water bottle to keep my water hot or cold for hours. It is really convenient and practical.
  66. freelancermaria

    If given a chance would you like to shift to any other country and why?

    I intend to make New Zealand my home as my aunt resides there, and I find the place peaceful and quiet. It is ideal for someone who, like me, is introverted.
  67. freelancermaria


    I always compare prices to save money. Being practical is important, especially nowadays. Nearly everything is expensive because of inflation.
  68. freelancermaria

    Don't Have bananas late in the day

    I do not eat bananas that much since it is rich in potassium. Too much potassium can be bad for kidneys.
  69. freelancermaria

    Make Use of your available resources first

    Yes, that is my usual routine. I always make sure to go through the fridge and pantry to see what I have got and what I need. I use up what I have before buying more, especially the perishable ones.
  70. freelancermaria

    What are you worried over?

    I am quite concerned about my financial situation. My income is quite unpredictable, and I am afraid that I won't be able to provide for my family.
  71. freelancermaria

    Do you like Kite flying?

    I liked kite flying when I was a child. I used to play it with my older brother. Now, I do not do it anymore.
  72. freelancermaria

    Sharing bills at home

    I contribute some money to help my parents with the bills, but it is not a lot because my income is unstable.
  73. freelancermaria

    What’s your proudest story?

    I take pride in even the smallest accomplishments because I never thought I would be able to achieve them.
  74. freelancermaria

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    It is essential to avoid investing all of your money at once. Set aside some savings for the future. Investing comes with risks, so it is wise not to allocate all of your funds to investments and to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.
  75. freelancermaria

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    Yes, you can invest in your talent or skills to generate income. For instance, if you excel in painting, you can leverage your artistic skills to sell your work online and in physical galleries. This is what my friend does. She already has the materials she received as gifts from family and friends.
  76. freelancermaria

    Zero tolerance

    Some people are only friends with you because they can benefit from the relationship. Once their situation improves, they may start to ignore and deny knowing you. The best course of action is to cut off contact with that person.
  77. freelancermaria

    What side hustle opportunities are available for stay at home parents?

    They can start a website and start blogging. They can also do online selling, drop shipping, and affiliate marketing.
  78. freelancermaria

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    I am not married. If I get married, I think it would be best to have my place. Living together with parents can sometimes lead to disagreements.
  79. freelancermaria

    Do you follow baseball?

    I do not follow baseball games. I'd much rather catch basketball and volleyball games either in person or on TV.
  80. freelancermaria

    The most organized person?

    I am pretty organized at home and can't stand a mess. If I make a mess, I always try to clean it up right away.
  81. freelancermaria

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    In my apartment, I rely on an electric stove because the use of LPG is prohibited here. However, at my parents' house, we use LPG for cooking.
  82. freelancermaria

    Have you ever been to a military parade?

    I have never been to a military parade. I only see it online or on TV.
  83. freelancermaria

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    Yes, I remember collecting rainwater once when we had no water supply for two days. We ended up using it to flush the toilet.
  84. freelancermaria

    Selling herbs for money

    No, I do not sell herbs for profit. I grow them to cut costs and avoid frequent trips to the grocery store.
  85. freelancermaria


    I have never experimented with herbal roots before. I usually stick to drinking herbal teas for my health and overall well-being.
  86. freelancermaria

    Do You like movies based on sports?

    Yes, I have seen a few sports-based movies because I used to be really into sports, especially basketball.
  87. freelancermaria

    Do you like movies based on Politicians?

    No, I am not a big fan of movies based on politicians. Most of them are corrupt.
  88. freelancermaria

    Do you like to watch all movies of your favorite actor?

    I do not always watch movies with my favorite actor without reading the synopsis first. I usually read the synopsis to avoid wasting my time.
  89. freelancermaria

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    Yes, I have done that a lot before. I usually rent movies to watch at home, especially on weekends.
  90. freelancermaria

    Have you watched any comedy movies recently?

    Yes, I watched a comedy movie, “A Family Affair.” It was a rom-com movie that I enjoyed a lot. hehehe
  91. freelancermaria

    Do you remember the Car racing game?

    Yes, I used to be into a car racing game. I still enjoy playing it to this day because it is so much fun.
  92. freelancermaria

    Do you think it is easy to direct a movie?

    If you have the knowledge, skills, capital, and others, you can easily direct a movie. Hehe
  93. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy watching television sports programs?

    I find myself inclined to watch them occasionally. During those times, I tend to opt for dramas and other TV series.
  94. freelancermaria

    Are you following any Turkish shows?

    I do not watch Turkish shows. I typically prefer to watch local, Korean, American, and European TV shows.
  95. freelancermaria

    Are you following any Youtube channels to be aware of the latest gadgets?

    In the past, I used to keep up with a few YouTube channels that showcased the newest gadgets. However, I do not really tune in to them much these days.
  96. freelancermaria

    Are You Following Any Reality TV Shows?

    I used to watch reality shows, but I have stopped because I think some of them are scripted.
  97. freelancermaria

    Are reality shows real?

    I often find that some shows seem scripted, and because of this, I no longer watch them. It can be both real and scripted.
  98. freelancermaria

    Re-marrying after a divorce

    If a couple is divorced, I do not see anything wrong with getting married again and giving love a second chance.
  99. freelancermaria

    Marrying from a different country

    It is completely okay to marry someone from another country as long as you have mutual understanding, love, care, and respect.
  100. freelancermaria

    Why does barbing salon business boom on Saturdays and Sundays.

    It could be because it is the weekend, and most people have time off from work. They often use this free time to visit the barbershop or salon.
  101. freelancermaria

    Sundays are different

    I typically spend Sundays at home, watching Netflix and hanging out with my pets. Sunday is like any other day since I spend most of my time at home.
  102. freelancermaria

    These days most shows are ladies based

    I have not noticed that. The TV shows here cover many topics, often focusing on both men and women discussing relationships and other matters.
  103. freelancermaria

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    I think I have dabbled in crypto games before, but I quickly lost interest. I prefer engaging in discussions on different forum websites and participating in surveys.
  104. freelancermaria

    Do you play crypto casino

    I am not a fan of casino games. I have played with them a few times just for fun. Luckily, I have self-control and did not get hooked.
  105. freelancermaria

    Do you play any musical instruments?

    I am not currently playing any instruments, but I used to play the piano when I was younger. I am hoping to learn to play the drums in the future.
  106. freelancermaria

    Why house helps are becoming scarce.

    We do not have a housekeeper for safety reasons. We used to have one, but he ended up stealing some of my mom's jewelry.
  107. freelancermaria

    One seasonal fruit you missed when out of season

    Lanzones are my absolute favorite fruit. I really miss it when it is out of season. I will buy one next month or on September.
  108. freelancermaria


    I love surprises and appreciate people who remember my birthday. To celebrate, I would like to give food to stray animals.
  109. freelancermaria

    Is smart watch allowed in the schools at your place?

    It is completely fine here in our country. My friend's daughter wears one to school, and there is no rule against it.
  110. freelancermaria

    How do you like your catfish?

    I tried it once, and we grilled it. It was okay, but I prefer other kinds of fish.
  111. freelancermaria

    Which brand of perfume do you like?

    I like Estee Lauder and JoMalone. My aunt gave me JoMalone perfume last time and I liked it.
  112. freelancermaria

    Which is better walking or jogging

    I believe both have health benefits. However, I prefer to go walking since it is better for my health condition.
  113. freelancermaria

    Do you have any pet?

    I have two dogs at home right now. I took in one of them from my younger sister because she already has a lot of dogs.
  114. freelancermaria

    What pet do you have?

    I have two dogs at home. My OG dog died last year because of pancreatitis and old age.
  115. freelancermaria

    How do you know your pet loves you?

    I am sure my dogs love me because they follow me everywhere, especially my pure toy poodle. Even when I just go to the restroom, he whines, especially if I close the door. LOL
  116. freelancermaria

    Black cat as pet?

    I am okay with having a black cat. There are those who believe it is not an excellent choice to look after a black cat, but I disagree with them.
  117. freelancermaria

    Can you keep the snake as you the pet?

    I don't like having a snake as a pet because I fear them. At home, I have two dogs I love caring for.
  118. freelancermaria

    Are you a pet lover?

    I absolutely love pets, especially dogs and cats. I currently care for two dogs at home. Whenever I come across stray cats or dogs and have extra dog or cat food, I make sure to give it to them. My ultimate goal is to build an animal shelter someday.
  119. freelancermaria

    Do you own a smart watch?

    I have one and it was a gift. I use it to monitor my heart rate when I am outside.
  120. freelancermaria

    Are you a smart type of person?

    I am not sure if I am a smart person, but I can tell that I am not easily fooled. I have a good sense of whether someone is trying to take advantage of me or not.
  121. freelancermaria

    Computer shut down and did not restart

    I do not have any idea. It is best to go to a dependable computer technician in your area to have it checked.
  122. freelancermaria

    Would you restart a business if it fails once?

    I will assess the situation first. If I can breathe new life into that business, I will relaunch it. I am not one to give up easily.
  123. freelancermaria

    Once a woman realizes she can be fine without you, it's game over for you

    That is correct. It happened to me during my last breakup. I thought I would struggle to live without my ex, but when I spent a few months alone, I realized he was not worth it. He reached out after a year, but I did not reply.
  124. freelancermaria

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    It is difficult to sleep without one. I feel like I am suffocating when I do not have it on my head.
  125. freelancermaria

    What's your favorite car?

    I have a preference for Toyota and Honda cars, but I am currently inclined towards Toyota because we have been driving our Toyota Vios for many years.
  126. freelancermaria

    How you feel relaxed?

    I feel relaxed when I watch a feel-good movie or go to the beach which is 15 minutes away from here.
  127. freelancermaria

    Dinner time

    I usually have an early dinner - around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. I have been doing this for some time now.
  128. freelancermaria

    What skills do you use to save money

    Same here. My cooking skills have improved over the years so I use them to prepare meals at home to save some money.
  129. freelancermaria

    Present and future

    I have become a person who enjoys the moment. I do not worry about the future that much anymore.
  130. freelancermaria

    Do You LIke Tree house?

    I have never visited a tree house, but I have always wanted to experience being in one.
  131. freelancermaria

    Tree lover?

    We need to stand up against the deforestation of our planet. I am totally against it because it is so harmful to the environment.
  132. freelancermaria

    True happiness

    Genuine happiness means being free from toxic influences, living in comfort, having peace of mind, being content, supporting my family and others, caring for stray animals, staying healthy, and so much more.
  133. freelancermaria

    Favorite color

    I like black and white as they are classic colors that never go out of style. Most of my clothes come in such colors.
  134. freelancermaria

    Which is your favorite color and why?

    I have always been drawn to black and white because they are timeless, classic colors that never go out of style or trend.
  135. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite local dish?

    I have got quite a few dishes on my mind. I am fond of cooking caldereta, adobo, sinigang, tinola, and menudo at home.
  136. freelancermaria

    Brands and labels

    I have stopped buying expensive items. When it comes to clothes, I only purchase affordable items. However, I am pretty conscious about my skincare products since I will apply them to my skin. Same with @Springtime. Hehe
  137. freelancermaria

    To do List

    I generally maintain a to-do list, particularly when I have a lot to accomplish in a day. This helps me remember all the tasks that need to be done.
  138. freelancermaria

    What do you like To Eat With your Stuffed Bread?

    I do not eat anything with stuffed bread. I just pair it with green tea or matcha green tea beverage.
  139. freelancermaria

    Do you like to eat bread with sauce?

    I do not like bread with sauces; I prefer spreads like sugar-free peanut butter or herb and spice spreads.
  140. freelancermaria

    French fries sauce

    I enjoy using ketchup as a dipping sauce for my French fries. However, I sometimes prefer having them plain instead, as condiments tend to be salty.
  141. freelancermaria

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    I am a big fan of Apple products, mainly iPhones. They are user-friendly, which is why I am entirely drawn to them. In my experience, they are easy to use. Everyone has their preferences, though.
  142. freelancermaria

    Do you have the habit of checking the weather forecast?

    I do not do it often since I spend most of my time at home. I usually check the weather forecast when I have to travel to another province or visit my family, especially during the rainy or wet season. I was traumatized when we drove during a typhoon last year – our car turned into a submarine. LOL
  143. freelancermaria

    Is giving up a habit?

    It is essential not to give up on your first try, as giving up too soon can be detrimental. Persistence is indispensable, but it may be time to consider moving on if you find yourself unsuccessful after multiple attempts.
  144. freelancermaria

    Telling a partner about the other's cheating habit

    I generally do not put up with these kinds of things. I will talk to my friend and show some evidence. Then, it is her call. She can do more investigations to prove the cheating issue.
  145. freelancermaria

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    I am having trouble cutting down on phone usage, especially before bedtime. I need to break this bad habit.
  146. freelancermaria

    Where you are neglected

    It is best to move on if you feel ignored or neglected. Do not remain in a situation where you do not feel valued or appreciated. It is tough, but it is the most important thing you can do for yourself.
  147. freelancermaria

    Do you have your own home?

    I do not have a place of my own; I am just renting an apartment in the province, which is 6 hours away from my parents' house.
  148. freelancermaria

    Do you sleep early?

    Lately, I have been going to bed early. Typically, I am asleep by 9 in the evening. The good thing is that I do not have to struggle to fall asleep because I usually get sleepy around 8.
  149. freelancermaria

    Your favorite social networking website?

    My favorite social networking platform is TikTok. I enjoy the entertainment it provides and also use it to learn new things and earn some money through affiliate marketing.
  150. freelancermaria

    Time and Freedom

    I used to have difficulty enjoying free time and freedom. However, things changed when I decided to live independently. I now have the time to get to know myself better and do things I have never done before.
  151. freelancermaria

    What’s your best high school memory or story?

    I did not have many good memories from high school. I was bullied nearly every day because of my weight and acne.
  152. freelancermaria

    Who live happily?

    You can live happily if you do not associate yourself with toxic people who try to ruin your mental health. Also, if you care less about what others say about you, just live the life you want, as long as you are not hurting others.
  153. freelancermaria


    I prefer listening to individuals with extensive experience rather than those who pretend to know it all.
  154. freelancermaria


    When I was in college, I attended a workshop. Last year, I attended an online workshop about freelancing.
  155. freelancermaria

    What was your breakfast today?

    I only had brunch; I usually cook early so I can have an early lunch. Today, I made air-fried fish with mixed vegetables.
  156. freelancermaria

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    Yes, I do, especially regarding online stores, where you can easily compare prices. It helps me get the best deal that is within my budget.
  157. freelancermaria

    How to overcome introvert in business settings?

    Yes, introverted individuals can successfully conduct business using social media platforms. Nevertheless, in order for an introvert like myself to thrive, it is essential to learn how to effectively collaborate with others in person.
  158. freelancermaria

    Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

    I am an introvert, but I can also be quite extroverted with the right crowd, meaning people with whom I can relate.
  159. freelancermaria

    How to be outgoing as an introvert

    I prefer not to change because I value my peace as an introvert. I can also be quite ambivert at times.
  160. freelancermaria

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I have been introverted ever since. I value my peace and quiet when I am alone. However, I can be ambivert at times, especially with the right people.
  161. freelancermaria

    What do you think about moving in with a fiance before marriage

    A lot of people do it now, but I still prefer to get married first before moving in together.
  162. freelancermaria

    Time is moving so fast!

    Yes, time really is moving so fast. It is already July, and a few months from now, it will be Christmas again.
  163. freelancermaria

    Stressed Out

    I do not like being disrespected because I do not disrespect people for no reason. Someone disrespected me, and I reacted the same way, which made her extremely mad at me. I believe in the principle that "respect begets respect."
  164. freelancermaria

    Moan or complain

    It is important to communicate your feelings and concerns rather than keeping them to yourself and risking an emotional outburst.
  165. freelancermaria

    What is that one thing that can steal your peace

    There are certain things that can disturb my peace, such as toxic individuals and stressful circumstances. Both can undoubtedly disrupt my peace.
  166. freelancermaria

    Mental stress is draining

    I often experience mental stress from overthinking, and I feel mentally drained trying to financially support my parents as their only source of help.
  167. freelancermaria

    Mental illness

    Yes, the increased use of technology can lead to mental illness, including the use of social media platforms. It is essential to exercise self-discipline when using technological advancements and seek professional help when needed.
  168. freelancermaria

    Can you date someone online

    There is no harm in finding love online. One can find true love online, especially if you have a deep connection.
  169. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite smartphone?

    I prefer the iPhone as well. I have been a loyal iPhone user for more than ten years because it is cool-proof. I also really appreciate the camera feature of my current iPhone.
  170. freelancermaria

    To be Content

    Those not in perfect health can still lead happy and fulfilling lives. It is all about maintaining a positive mindset. I can't say I'm entirely content because I have been dealing with illness for quite a while. There are times that I feel tired.
  171. freelancermaria

    To Build a better life

    I am working toward creating a brighter future by securing a higher-paying job and establishing a business that will pave the way for better days ahead. I am determined to make this happen because I am exhausted from barely making ends meet.
  172. freelancermaria

    Are still searching for it jobs?

    I currently have an online job but am actively seeking a better-paying one. Hopefully, I will come across one soon.
  173. freelancermaria

    Searching for online employment

    Finding a job online is challenging these days due to intense competition. You might have some luck on freelancing platforms, but upgrading your skill set is essential. Another option is to search for online opportunities on Facebook and LinkedIn.
  174. freelancermaria

    Do you believe in soulmates?

    I am not sure if it is true. I have not found my soulmate yet. Hehe
  175. freelancermaria

    Favourite Mayo Brand

    I enjoy Lady's Choice, but I try to avoid mayo because it is high in fat, and my doctor advised me against consuming it frequently.
  176. freelancermaria

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    I do not have instant noodles very often because they are packed with sodium and other preservatives, but "Lucky Me" is a popular brand of instant noodles here.
  177. freelancermaria

    Importance of starting a business in area where you have enough connection

    That is true. When you are too close to someone and they ask for a discount or freebies, it is quite hard to say no.
  178. freelancermaria

    Is there enough demand for the business of towing trucks?

    I am not sure if starting a towing truck business would be rewarding, especially in rural areas where I rarely see any towing trucks. It might be a more viable venture in urban areas.
  179. freelancermaria

    Cooking just enough

    I am okay with leftovers since I usually reheat them the next day or even a few days later. It is a great way to save time, energy, and money.
  180. freelancermaria

    Do you have enough green areas in the city?

    The abundance of green areas here makes it challenging to contemplate leaving. It is incredibly peaceful and relaxing, and I will miss it if I have to go.
  181. freelancermaria

    What Are Your Views on Abortion

    It is a complex issue. Certain women, particularly those who have been victims of r*p*, may feel the need to terminate their pregnancy. In such cases, it is quite understandable why they might choose to have an abortion. Who are we to judge, right?
  182. freelancermaria

    Did you believe in Santa clause when you where little?

    Yes, I used to buy into the whole Santa Claus thing when I was a kid. I'd eagerly wait for him every Christmas, but he never showed. LOL
  183. freelancermaria

    Where did you first use a computer or laptop?

    We used to have a desktop computer. I mainly used it for school assignments and to play games like The Sims.
  184. freelancermaria

    Where did Big Brother TV Show start and what is it's real aim?

    I used to watch it when I was younger, but I eventually became disinterested because I felt it was too scripted.
  185. freelancermaria

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    At my parents' house, I have a simple mirror. It has always been my childhood dream to have a big mirror in my bedroom.
  186. freelancermaria

    Big fancy wedding trends are dying out

    I have observed the same thing. Lavish weddings seem to be losing their appeal. Even people who are capable of having extravagant wedding ceremonies choose to keep it simple.
  187. freelancermaria

    Would you like to be a pastor

    I have never considered becoming a pastor. It is just not the right fit for me. I'd much rather be a follower of Christ.
  188. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer Stairs or elevators?

    It depends on the situation. If I need to go up to a higher floor, like the sixth floor, then taking the elevator is better because I get tired quickly.
  189. freelancermaria

    Do you think politics should be governed by religion?

    Yes, I agree. I think it is essential for the church and state to be separate. It is best for the church to stay out of politics to prevent any potential conflicts.
  190. freelancermaria

    What do you think about other religion?

    I believe in respecting other religions, and it is essential to value our differences. I have dated people who were Born Again Christians, and their religious beliefs did not bother me at all.
  191. freelancermaria

    Have you experienced a perfect moment?

    I have striking memories of it when my grandparents were still alive. We traveled overseas when I was in elementary school. It was a truly special moment for me.
  192. freelancermaria

    How perfect are online food recipes

    I always remember that not all online recipes are flawless and may not suit my taste. That is why I make it a habit to taste the food before serving and make any necessary adjustments, especially when it comes to salt. I avoid adding too much salt to my dishes.
  193. freelancermaria

    When is your side hustle pay you?

    I am content with my side hustle as it pays me monthly. It is nice to have additional income coming in each month.
  194. freelancermaria

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    I currently do not have any outstanding loans. I previously had credit card debt, but I managed to clear it. Additionally, I borrowed money from my sister for my college thesis several years ago and have already repaid her.
  195. freelancermaria

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    I do not follow a consistent monthly savings plan because my income differs from month to month.
  196. freelancermaria

    What's the best money saving purchases?

    I do not always opt for free shipping when shopping online because it can tempt me to acquire unnecessary items. On top of that, I make use of eco-friendly home appliances.
  197. freelancermaria

    What have you always wanted to do in the rain?

    I do not go out in the rain because I get sick easily. My immune system is weak. I just want to listen to the sound of the rain, nothing else.
  198. freelancermaria

    Do You Always Pay Your Credit Card Bills on Time?

    Back when I used to have a credit card years ago, there were occasions when I did not manage to pay my credit bills on time. That is actually why I made the decision to stop using credit cards.
  199. freelancermaria

    Do you earn passive income using cashback apps?

    I am not making any money from cashback apps at the moment. I still need to figure out which cashback apps are useful here.
  200. freelancermaria

    How to Earn Passive Income with Artificial Intelligence?

    I am not sure about the potential for generating passive income using AI. It might be useful for content creation, but I am not aware of its applications in other fields.