Recent content by Mayor

  1. M

    What is bonds?

    Ohhh, I actually do not know how Government bonds work. But I have heard always refer to it as a less risky venture or investment. But Is the return on investment very big? I am not sure of that.
  2. M

    How to invest in chickens

    Investing in chicken are actually a good way to make a decent amount of money I believe. For me I would prefer to invest in Layers instead of broilers. I don't know, but I believe there is more money to be made from rearing layers than when you rear broilers.
  3. M

    Investing in Digital Gold

    Digital gold is the digitalised version of Gold, same way Crypto currency is the digitalised version of paper money. For me, I think investing in digital gold is cool especially for those who do not have very big capital to invest in the real gold.
  4. M

    What is bonds?

    Compared to other investment out here, I think investing in bond is actually less risky. And it has proven to be a trusted investment over the years. Before investing in Bonds, It is best to ensure you are covered with the necessary information needed to guide you through.
  5. M

    Three Rules of Investment

    For me, The 3 rules for investment are; Firstly Do not invest more than what you can afford to lose. Take this first rule very seriously. Rule 2: Ensure you make money from your investment. And Rule 3, last but not the least, Adequate Research should be your watch word.
  6. M

    Have your Investment in crypto yielded any profits?

    I have experienced both losses and wins while trading the Crypto market. It is not a win or loss yet until you sell of the asset. Some of my crypto holdings have yielded profit for me in the past, especially, When the bull season was still on. And I have also experience losses also severally.
  7. M

    Online investment or offline investment? and Why?

    Both online and offline investment has their own advantages and disadvantages. Both of them have different types of risks. For me, I would prefer Online investment to Offline investment. I find Online investment more fun and thrilling than Offline investment. Most younger people prefer Online...
  8. M

    How to detect a good investment?

    Detecting a good investment means you would have to dedicate your time and energy to making Adequate research about the company. Also ensure, You check out for reviews on the company you intend to invest in. Check what they are promising you in return and if it is too good to be true, Avoid it!!
  9. M

    Your good and bad investment online so far

    When it comes to Investing, I have experienced the good and the bad. With investment, One of the two outcomes is certain either the bad or the good. One thing I have come to realise is that Adequate Research is highly important if you intend to make better investment.
  10. M

    Investing in a specific stock

    This is actually a good tip for any one looking forward to investing in stocks. With Stocks I believe you might need a mentor to make things easier for you. Getting a good stock broker would ease you a lot of stress in the stock market.
  11. M

    Fixed income vs equities

    For me, If it is quite possible, Then I would not hesitate in dividing my portfolio to two. One part of it would be invested in a fixed income which has proven to be safer. Then the remaining part can be invested into an investment with higher rewards.
  12. M

    Investing Energy and Time

    When it comes to business, online or offline job. Most people think only money is required for investing. But they are wrong, because the time and energy spent in making sure that you succeed in a business or work is not small at all.
  13. M

    What's your experience investing in stocks

    Yes, I personally find stocks trading stressful. Like you have rightly said, I would prefer to choose a Lower risk investment over stock trading.
  14. M

    When Should We Sell Stock?

    Yes, That is true also. The 10 per cent I gave is only a scenario, as to what each person might target. For me, I personally would not target making 10 per cent when trading stocks. I would be targeting above 20 per cent.
  15. M

    Getting rich through gambling: dream or reality?

    Yes, That is true. Gambling is addictive and it brings a thrilling feeling. With each loss experienced, You would want to cover it up with a win. This goes on continuously like that.
  16. M

    I am new here

    Yes, I believe I would find this Forum enjoyable. I have been active since yesterday and It has been fun all through. Thanks for the warm welcome. 1684750802 Ohh, That is great. Yes, I noticed that too that every one is lovely and friendly here, Always willing to offer assistance. Lol, I...
  17. M

    What was the most amount you lost in gambling?

    I don't Gamble, so I don't it is possible to have lost any amount from Gambling since I don't Gamble. Gambling is just too risky for me, And I honestly do not think it is worth the stress. It is a game of luck, You either win or loss.
  18. M

    What's your experience investing in stocks

    I have not invested in stocks before, so I do not have any experience with it. I have seen a lot of people recorded success from Investing in stocks. But I just personally think it is too risky and might not be worth the stress.
  19. M

    What is needed for long term Investment

    The most important thing needed in Long term investment is Patience. If you can be patient enough while Investing then you can be assured of making profits off your investment. When it comes to Long term investment, Just invest and forget about it.
  20. M

    What was the biggest investment you made?

    Investment is risky. The only investment I have made was in Crypto currency. I invested $150 in Crypto currency. I think $150 was the biggest investment I ever made in Crypto currency. Though, I was not successful with the investment, because the coins I invested in got dipped later.
  21. M

    When Should We Sell Stock?

    Selling stocks largely depends on your choice and what your target was. Some people can target to get 10 per cent of what they have invested, and once that 10 per cent is achieved, They would sell of their stocks. So, I believe you can sell your stocks for whatever reason you deem it. There is...
  22. M

    Does investing always have to involve money?

    For most people Investment means money. And the reward for investment is Money either through crypto currency or other means. You can invest your time or effort into a venture. If you are to be rewarded for your time or effort invested, It would definitely comes with a monetary attached.
  23. M

    Why investing in gambling is a crime in some countries?

    I actually do not why the Government would prohibit Gambling. Since Gambling is a personal choice just like investment. Gamblers should be allowed to gamble as they wish, Though with caution. But I also do not know the reason why a Government could prohibit Gambling.
  24. M

    Is car wash a good investment?

    I think car wash business is highly profitable. But its profitability is highly dependent on the location of your car wash. If you offer great cleaning services then you would definitely get customers plenty. But I also think Location is a great factor for it.
  25. M

    Did you know about instant-naire

    No, This is my first time of hearing such name, Instant-naire. What exactly do they do? Maybe you can check Trust pilot or Google for reviews about it. Or is it also a paid to post websites? Or a survey website?
  26. M

    Do you still invest in hyip?

    No, I no longer invest in HYIP. HYIP websites are pure scam, No matter how any one intends to paint or hype it. It is all scam, and I would no longer invest in such scheme. I have learnt my lesson from Investing in it previously and That is enough.
  27. M

    Gold investments

    Yes, Gold is a good investment and you can be assured of making a lot of money from it. You can decide to invest in Gold asset virtually instead of Investing physically. A rise in its would bring you much profit. Gold has been in existence since time immemorial and it has proven to be a good asset.
  28. M

    Did You Ever Invest in HYIP?

    Yes, I have invested in HYIP before, and after my first experience, I promised myself not to invest in such venture again. I was new to the online space back then when I invested, So I do not realise how risky it was to invest in something of such.
  29. M

    Is it good to invest in a parking space?

    But, Don't you think starting a parking space would be capital intensive? Though, Your explanation has given an insight to how you can invest in parking space and make money off it comfortably. I reside in a big city, usually known for its Traffic congestion, so I feel if it is not too Capital...
  30. M

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    The aim of investment or starting your business is to make more money actually. So, For me I think if the investment would give me higher returns than starting a business, Then I would not hesitate to invest. And also investment comes with less effort from you, Just that you need to do enough...
  31. M

    I am new here

    Okay then, Thanks
  32. M

    The Advantages of Investing in Cryptocurrencies

    It is worthy to note that Crypto currency has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages of Investing in Crypto currency is the high returns you can get while Investing in it. With Cryptocurrency you can get rich overnight.
  33. M

    Every time I took a risk I failed in investing, why?

    I don't think it is wise to take risks in investing. Investment generally comes with its own risk, And for me I strongly believe that as an Investor you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Do not invest more than that. And also ensure you conduct adequate research before investing.
  34. M

    I am new here

    Wow, That is great and interesting to hear, Hopefully I would be able to earn also.
  35. M

    Can I give someone money to invest for me?

    If you feel your friend can be trusted, Then there is no harm in giving it a trial. But for me, I don't think I can give anyone money to invest for me. I would rather invest the money by myself and understand how it works. I like to get things done myself.
  36. M

    I am new here

    You have been here for a while? How has the experience been so far for you?
  37. M

    Getting rich through gambling: dream or reality?

    I have not seen or heard of anyone who got rich through Gambling. gambling itself is addictive, so I believe when you start, You would not want to end. And when you win big, You would always want to continue playing Just like Oliver twist, You would always want more.
  38. M

    If you lose in gambling, do you try to win back money that has been lost?

    Though I am not a Gambler. But I understand that Gambling is full of risks. Most times, When you play a game and a loss happens, as a Human, we try to ensure that we win the next game we are going to play. Losses comes with emotions. To be able to win emotions need to be set aside.
  39. M

    I am new here

    LoL, Thanks for the warm welcome.
  40. M

    How to Make Passive Income as a Writer

    Yes, As a writer, The number one way to make money with your skill is through creating blogs. I use medium as an avenue to post my writing skills.But I don't how to monetise my medium content yet.
  41. M

    I am new here

    Hi, My name is Mayor, And I am new to the community.